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We don't tolerate swearing, and reserve the right to remove any posts which we feel may offend others... let's keep it friendly!
The noise continued only much louder and was waking me up too. I went round my neighbours house and asked what was going on, he came up with the sticking door excuse again and said he would do something about it. Two weeks later still having the slamming doors so my daughter and I went and knocked on his door. The mother, who is a music teacher at a local school answered, when I told her the problem she said she didn't know anything about it and seemed embarrassed and wanting to get away. We left it at that. As it was getting even worse I went round a third time. This time Richie (not real name) eventually answered after speaking to me through the intercom to find out who was calling. He looked fed up and also like he had just got out of bed (It was past 01:00pm in the afternoon). I said that I'd come about the slamming, he said "What slamming?" I felt like I was being gaslighted and knew he was trying to wind me up so I just told him there was no point in speaking to him as he was playing games and went into my house. After that we stopped speaking to him. The slamming has now gone on for months. I complained to my Environmental Officer, who told me to keep a diary, though he said it would be almost impossible to prove but he would write a letter to my neighbour telling him I had lodged a complaint.
The day Richie received the letter he came to my door, but started out politely saying he had a letter from the Council about the banging, practically admitting it. I said, "So you admit it then". He then started getting angry and said he'd report my daughter. So I said OK fine. My daughter hasn't actually done anything other to get extremely distressed and angry after having her sleep wrecked on a nightly basis. I gently shut the door on him, I have inner and outer porch doors but I keep the outer door unlocked for the odd parcel delivery, as I was walking down my passageway I heard two tremendous slams of my front door. I now keep it locked most of the time. After that the slamming went away for about two weeks, then he probably thought I had decided not to pursue the case. The slamming got to a level no-one could possibly imagine or live with, not only that the family played their music very loudly in the evenings and slammed doors all day, though not so loudly until they thought we were in bed round about 11:30pm through to around 5:30am. The wife works, though unfortunately teachers have long holidays and plenty of them but at least she's out of the way some of the time and his sons go to school, so we have some respite if he goes down the cafe for a couple of hours. I have called the police recently but they say unless he is violent and shouts they can't do anything. It seems people can be tortured and kept awake on a daily/nightly basis and there is no one to turn to. We are by ourselves a 71 year old and a 42 year old, both vulnerable. I recently suffered a CRVO (eye stroke) which could have been brought on by a TIA. I have had an MRI head scan but have been told that I may have to wait a further four weeks to get the results, I have already waited five weeks. I honestly believe that the slamming has given me a TIA.
Believe it or not I am usually an optimistic person with a bit of a wicked sense of humour. I like meeting up for coffee and meals with my friends and sister. I am lucky because my friends are very supportive trying to come up with ways I might be able to sleep through the noise. Unfortunately, it is so loud even earplugs can't help, or any other method I've tried. One friend who also suffered at the hands of disruptive neighbours suggested I move but I have only been in my home three years and the process of buying and selling a house, plus packing everything up and moving is exhausting, and I love my house, just not that neighbour. The neighbour the other side couldn't be more different, a nice, kind, hardworking young man who makes hardly any noise and always pleasant and polite.
I would be really grateful if anyone else has, or has had this inflicted on them by their neighbours and how they dealt with it or managed to get them to stop.
So you are the victims. If you can't take a joke, you shouldn't have joined. So there.
I'll start. Recently I have changed my network provider after being with BT for twenty odd years and as all my emails are with BT I have decided to change to generic e mail addresses in case I decide not to stay.
In the course of changing e mails I have oft. needed to contact companies by phone. Invariably I am met with recorded messages and automated assistants? who can only answer the simplest of topics.
In many cases the call starts off by asking us to, 'Be considerate to our staff' Now I am always considerate, they, poor devils are not responsible for the stress their company system is putting on me. But it's sometimes hard.
Many companies seem to have an aversion to have human beings at the end of the phone, actually speaking. Their web sites give out wonderful 'Most popular questions and other titbits but no telephone number. I go round and round trying to find a chink in their armour which will let me dash through and talk to some one until finally give up for another day.
One particular company promises, 'It's simple to contact us if you have a problem' then sends you round their web site with pre loaded questions which don't apply to the problem you are facing until I am incandescent
When I finally manage to obtain a telephone number we reach another hurdle.
Ring. automated reply if you want ??? press one. if - - -press two, and so on and Lord help you if you fail to press a button, it repeats ad infinitum . When you finally reach the department you desire, an automaton asks 'Say what you are ringing about in a few words' 'Pay my bill' Anything else, no chance. You persevere and finally reach the promised land where humans reside and, hopefully, manage to get some satisfaction.
My final rant.
Make a telephone call which is answered immediately with canned music!!
Now I have catholic tastes in music. something I think divides the generations quite markedly My tastes are to the end of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century, with a few exceptions scattered about through the decades and most modern music leaves me cold. Particularly raucous noise that some consider to be tuneful which is so often blasted through my ear drums. Here I must note that, being deaf I wear hearing aides and they receive telephone calls through blue tooth so I cannot avoid the noise.
By the time the human being has made the connection I am ready to reach out and strangle, him, her. I don't
. I speak politely, as I should. but there is murder in my heart.
There was one telephone call engraved in my memory, a telephone call to DVLA. a pleasure to wait for a connection. But after all DVLA is in Wales.
Rant over.
It is no surprise that a person in Sir Edward Troup's position hasn't got a clue about the life pensioners lead in this country, its certainly not champaign all round, steak in the fridge, roaring fires, and house temperatures up in the high 20's. He is a person who enjoys a financial worth 0f £3m + and I can just imagine him saying " If they can't afford bread let them eat brioche".
The Labour Party may say they are looking after the interests of workers in the UK but they certainly not looking after the best interests of pensioners.
I am a researcher, working scientifically on a new project to attempt to take 'evidence' of an afterlife, into 'proof' and whilst this is a bit of a hot subject, with moral issues, especially within religious circles, I believe it does need to be discussed and researched. As such I would like the Speaker's Corner audience to put forward their thinking, experiences with any 'paranormal' events together with their own beliefs, sceptical or otherwise.
I have studied at length, the five year study carried out by those involved in the Scole Experiment and had long discussions with scientific researcher Montague Keen (SPR), who took part in this, before his own death a few years ago. The research can be seen in a docu-film at
The 'Houdini Experiment' where he gave only his wife a 'password' that he promised to communicate from the other side after his death, was seen as proof that such communication was not possible, but in other cases, such communications have appeared to have been successful.
I would be really interested to hear people's thoughts. I am 67 myself, and a long-time researcher of anomalous phenomena and have myself, set up a 'password' with my ex wife. Has anyone else done the same?
Ross Hemsworth
BA (Hons) Open (Law & Social Sciences)
The Hate speech tool is being used to not only monitor the population. but has become a criminal offence.
What exactly is hate speech and who decides what is hateful?
Recently, a woman standing across the road from an abortion clinic, was arrested for praying in her mind,
You can be arrested for not thinking "right."
The Met Police give guidelines as to what they deem to be hate speech, but the very guidelines are somewhat nebulous.
Hate content may include:
Messages calling for violence against a specific person or group
Web pages that show pictures, videos or descriptions of violence against anyone due to their perceived differences
Chat forums where people ask other people to commit hate crimes against a specific person or group
Do we have the right to offend?
Since the introduction of various social media platforms, there has been a disturbing rise in such hateful content, that it has driven many
people to suicide, sadly young people seem to be the most vulnerable.
One of the most alarming aspects of having the wrong opinions on social media, is the cancelling of bank accounts and your social score downgraded.
By using the hate speech tool, will people become more guarded in what they say, thus leading to a kinder and more compassionate population, or will the tool become the very thing we all fear, silencing free speech?
Personally, I hate brussel sprouts!
Any loss of freedom of expression or freedom of the press should fill us with fear.
Leaving party politics aside, we should hold the feet of all government, national and local to the fire to maintain our basic democratic freedoms.
When I was young, I read the book The Water Babies numerous times. a moral tale which stuck with me until today.
Mrs Doasyouwouldbedoneby impressed me and was a true teacher of proper conduct.
I am shocked by the outpourings of pure venom in social media platforms such as Tiktok. in my estimation, it should be banned.
What is more concerning, is that so many millions of people are expressing such vile hatred behind an anonymous wall.
I often wonder if they would express those same feelings in a face-to-face encounter? If such behaviour was expressed on a street,
it would lead to arrest. Hooligans or yahoo's we would have called them in the "old" days.
But, there is a fine line between free speech and hateful comments, where do we draw the line?
With all the recent arrests for hateful speech, are we being guided by government to be kinder?
Ms Rayner great love of the unions, once in power she will abolish the current union laws which will cost us billions and result in inflation busting wage increases. Did Labour cost in the wage increases? Don't forget Ms Rayner calls some people scum, does that makes her any better,
Sir Starmer does not appear to have an original thought about immigration, so like Blair and Brown, will fling open the immigration door allowing the UK to become the immigration dustbin of the world. The UK's heritage and culture will be virtually destroyed and will cost us billions. Did Labour cost in the inevitable financial consequences. Once in office the public will not really be in Labour's thoughts, its all for them retaining power.
Labour can't spell the words 'triple lock', so that will be consigned to the rubbish bin and our taxes will go up yet again.
I can visualise a few months or so, perhaps a bit longer, with Labour being in office, it will be a case of 'et tu Brute' for Sir Starmer. The Left will pile in and rip the country apart.
The Tories have dropped many clangers whilst in office and made many monumental mistakes, BUT they did fast track vaccines in the war against Covid, they did pay for the furlough scheme to assist people whilst not at work. They fought the global inflation war and it seems their actions may be paying dividends. If the Tories could only stop infighting, but I believe it is too late to avert the consequences.
As Silver Surfers we have a powerful vote, may I ask all Sliver Surfers to dent the onslaught of Labour so an overall majority is not achieved by using their vote wisely.
To all Silver Surfers, thank you for your time.
Title Mainstream media continues to act as the marketing arm of Big Pharm
Conclusion ' The fact is that we have been here before: a new wonder drug is claimed – by many who are in receipt of funding from the manufacturer – to have all sorts of benefits, it is announced in mainstream media accompanied with heady excitement; very little supportive data is available for proper scrutiny, and what studies are made public barely support the claims and are compatible with the opposite conclusions.'
Full paper
I joined up hoping to be able to have a chat with, anyone really about, anything really. However, I have looked on various sections and posted a couple of comments with no feedback
I scroll down the comments which others have made and invariably there are no replies attached and I can't help feeling that I'm in a empty room all alone.
Unless everybody is busy chatting away in private chats there doesn't seem to be any interaction, don't think I shall be on here much longer.
Feel free to comment on anything I post, I have a very thick skin and welcome opposing views. I promise to reply.
Please believe that many people skim through the site and "cherry pick" subjects to react to. Some times, not knowing the sex/gender? of the person online makes some reluctant to comment. It's a pity that the current state of society hinders honest dialect between men and women for fear of offending. Goodness knows how users manage on dating sites.
Stick with it, Silversurfers are nice people.
Smoking’s a disgusting bore and costly to distraction
My smoke-stained fingers smoke-filled lungs necessitate some action
My yellowed walls - no longer white….disgusting ashtrays grey
All lead me to conclusion clear - I’ll push the things away
The pleadings from my daughter and the stench upon my clothes
If I don’t kick the habit I could soon be in repose
The banishment from corners dim in restaurants so grand
Outcast me as an alien from dark and smoggy land
If I could save the money spent on those disgusting weeds
I’d choose by far a brand new car (or other menial needs)
I swear I’ll kick the habit soon - those harmful weeds I’ll bin
And enter soon the smoke-free zone
My new prop? Mermaid’s gin!!
Val Anne Lee
My son kicked his smoking habit with hypnosis. Never touched a "fag" since.
My Ode To Parkinson’s….
Parkinson’s is the most terrible disease,
My legs want to move but my feet…..they just freeze.
My shoes they don’t fit ‘cos my feet are so fat,
Parkinson’s and I don’t get on, and that’s that!!
Is this all I’ve got for the rest of my days?
The shuffling, the tremors, my brain in a haze?
All that I wanted was to quietly retire,….
Walk, the dog, read the paper, relax by the fire.
My cocktail of tablets keep my tremors at bay,
As long as I take them at the same time each day.
Forget at my peril and I’ll soon feel so ill,
All because of that one little Madopar pill..
So, I waddle along in my own little way,
With my wiring mixed up and my satnav astray.
My life was mapped out but not anymore,
‘Cos I seem to be permanently stuck to the floor!!!
Will this increase in cost really help Royal Mail, or is it meant to discourage us from sending letters, birthday cards, payment of bills. Christmas Card sales last year were especially hit hard, much to the detriment of charities, disappointment o many people, waiting to hear from distant friends and relatives, and presumably Royal Mail didn't sell as many stamps.
Could we have special stamps available at a cheaper price and valid, for, say, 4 weeks around Christmas. This might help everyone.
I sell Christmas Cards in aid of a hospital charity and this year so many people have told me that they cannot afford to send Christmas Cards now. Would it not be a kind gesture to have a reduced rate stamp for Christmas which could only be used for, say, 3 weeks. Many elderly people and those with family and friends far away look forward to snippets of news and know that they are remembered. Everyone would benefit.
Isn't it time Government and all Political Parties recognised and advised the population of the United Kingdom that you can't carry on having and demanding something for nothing..
If you want proper Public Services they have to be paid for, and that means Taxes, it doesn,t mean a Nanny State
Why do people require Tax Credits etc. ,if they are working? Why can people no longer recognise that you only buy what you can afford, which means ,what you have earned..
It.s time the UK got a backbone again and pulled together instead of tearing itself apart
The next Government should be a Coalition from the best brains within all Parties, but who would lead it is the big question
Going to the coffee giants usually it's a choice of three, big, large and by eck I could swim in that!
Go to a cafe and it's usually an indeterminate size I beaker.
But do you know what size a cup of coffee is before you buy it?
Just asking
It is child’s play. The concept requires gender diversity.
I also read out a response to a Freedom of Information request (FOI) by HM Treasury, asking where 'excess funds' are placed from this fund. The response is an eye-opener!
Listen via the link below and then have your say here.
Many people do not fully understand the devestating effects of banks and credit card companies, lending so easily to people with declared bipolar disorder.
I was diagnosed with bipolar back in 2009/10 and have always had an 'entrepreneurial flair. I have run my own businesses and have been both wealthy and poor throughout my life. However, now at 65 with my 66th later this month, I find myself staring insolvency in the face on an £800 a month pension, with no job. So why did this happen?
Bipolar disorder is not just about serious depression, it forms two parts of a person. The first is someone who when on the 'up', can often do the work of ten people at once! They can achieve what many believe unachievable things and can be very successful sales, businessmen/women and creatives. They often enter creative industries as I did, such as music, songwriting, radio and even presenting TV shows. The second part however, is where the rot sets in.
The downside of bipolar can include serious suicidal thoughts (and often actions to match) and of course, DEBT. A bipolar will often borrow well above their means, because they truly believe they will always find ways to clear those debts. I have always believed that one day I would win the National Lottery jackpot! Of course that has never happened, in fact I have probably spent thousands of pounds over the years buying tickets 🙁 I guess however, it's not just bipolars that have that particular dream though.
This week I lost my job and as most of you reading this will know, it really isn't easy finding another well-paid job at my age, especially within industries that are still rife with ageism. So I now find myself with nearly £20,000 of debt, the creditors closing in and now out of work. Yes, suicide did cross my mind last week, but I am very lucky in that my wife is a mental health counsellor and spotted the signals early and most certainly, saved my life.
Before you ask, yes I am trying to work things out myself and have entered the StepChange debt programme which basically leaves me 'pleading' with the creditors not to make me bankrupt and to allow me more time to pay. But realistically, at almost 66 with no job, a short break from payments isn't going to be enough.
However, I had to close my own business earlier this year because of the devestating effects of the government's IR35 tax policy. I had run the business successfully for six years, but whilst the only debts at the point of closure were the 'government guaranteed' bounce-back loan together with the business Barclaycard, Barclays Bank are still even now, trying to pursue me personally for the bounce-back loan even though it was a limited liability company and they knew my financial circumstances. Remember, this loan was guaranteed by the government, so doe I now also become a 'drain on the taxpayer' as a result? Many would accuse me of that I guess, because they all love a good government catchphrase don't they 🙁
So what can be done to challenge the obstacle of 'offered' debt, suffered by so many other disabled people with mental health issues who are falling into the debt trap?
Firstly, banks and credit card companies should be forced to do more to help and assist people in this position, and whilst many bipolars would not necessarily admit to their illness when applying for loans or cards, perhaps there should be a question in the application that forces them to decalre this, or would that be unfair if the outcome stopped them borrowing money they may well be able to afford? Let's debate that one! (Did you know that 'debt' creates new money for the banks? i featured a bit about that one in my last podcast!)
One particular credit card company, offered me a £10,000 facility even though I live in rented accommodation approaching retirement age with no savings. Of course, I accepted it with open arms and for some years, kept up my repayments and even managed to get it to under £5000 and reduced my own credit limit accordingly, but yes you guessed it, I now can't pay that either 🙁
I shall be doing a podcast on this issue soon, but for now, I would like to hear stories from others suffering with bipolar and other depressive illnesses, as to how the debt trap has caught you. (By all means anonymously if you wish) Remember, people die every year through suicide because of debt and the largest percentage of those deaths are people with depressive illnesses.
Ross Hemsworth
Yes, a 25p increase is insulting, but so is a government who want to see an even later pensionable age and are asking all older people to return to the workplace and work until they die. I remember at 16 I was sold a dream (which was actually a lie)..... "Work hard all your life and pay your taxes and NI and then when you are 65, you can retire and travel the world and do all the things you never had the chance to do when you were working". Now we are told that if we draw a state pension, we are a "drain on the taxpayer" and that we should continue working until we die.
I have no answers, but do believe as pensioners who only have a basic state pension, we are regarded as little more than society's cast-offs!
Ross Hemsworth
Quality over quantity every time.
In UK we don't have the same options as you in Holland, but we do have advance directives eg Do Not Resuscitate - to my mind you will only be worse after resuscitation and probably considerably worse.. Personally, we also have a advance directive that says if we loose mental capacity permanently then cease all medications except for pain and comfort.
I am a 'newbie' to Silversurfers, but I would like to speak out about ageism in broadcasting and related media.
I am a former journalist, radio and television presenter who like so many, was abandoned when I passed a 'certain age'! I spent time as a BBC freelancer but also presented television chat shows, various music and talk radio programmes and wrote a few articles for local magazines and newspapers. I was also the lead investigator in the Ghost Detectives series with former Dr Who, Tom Baker.
Having seen so many other excellent radio presenters leaving the likes of BBC Radio 2 of late, I just wondered what the opinions are of others on this subject?
I myself, find I spend a lot of time listening to Boom Radio these days, where the real radio personalities of the past, still offer great programmes and entertaining listening.
However, these days, I run a mobility showroom helping other people with their day to day issues and find it both satisfying and educational.
Ross Hemsworth
If I want music I usually find it on Sky Arts - pop - or via Andre Rieu, ...or turn on Classic FM when volunteering in the NT Bookshop!
Mobility Showroom sounds interesting - does that mean you sell Trampers or Mobility Scooters? We actually buy these for our visitors to use at the tourist site where I volunteer - with the money we make from the second hand Book sales! A big site to get around and opens it up to many more people with mobility problems,
Thanks for the response and yes, you are so right.
Boom Radio is on DAB but you can also listen online via their website I think.
I worked on radio on and off for many years and my inspirations came from the pirate DJ's so it's so good to hear some of those names on Boom these days and still going strong.
Yes, I sell mobility scooters, wheelchairs, specialised beds, rise and recline chairs etc. Sometimes we get some bargains from part exchange available secondhand with guarantee too.
The CEO really wants to get a reality check on himself and his organisation rather than come out with such stupid 'guidelines'. Has he ensured the sex scandals within Oxfam has been totally eradicated?
Also ,to add insult to injury , my State Pension has been underpaid for over 20 years ,which the DWP are well aware of ,but do nothing ,which means that I miss out on the annual pension increase ,which of course is less than it should be , I did try for one benefit ,but was told it had been
discontinued ,just like me !!!!!!!!
We are conceived and born on this Earth, and to become married to it, and mature on it, we must engage with it and all that is on it, with all of our senses ?
To engage with and marry only a artificial intelligence and its algorithms, one only matures as an apparition.?
If brains were apps, would we use them more ?
Any thoughts ??
As a trans woman, I find it very worrying. The atmosphere in some areas of society is threatening to my very existence, especially with the threat of removing transgender recognition from the Equalities Act.
“My dear, it’s always been a problem. 2,000 years ago Moses came down the mountain with the Tablets to sell to people, and the world has had headaches ever since !”
Thinking differently and engaging in Conversations(the most charitable word in the English language)
Based on Respect : for oneself, all other people, The Earth and it’s elements.
Understanding: through “Listening”(with All senses), Learning, Thinking, and taking into account what has been Learned.
In order to combine Politics, Religion and Culture,
by Communicating through the Educational STREAM of Life.
In order to Love Life, and ALL that is in it.
Philip Noble BEd(Hons)
You have taken me back to a memory of when my son was a toddler. We had a gas fire and he was going to put his finger in it so I told him not to, but he began to realise that he could tease me with this action. There was this mischievous sparkle in his eyes as he started to put his finger towards the fire so doing the not smacking I picked him up and put him in the front room and told him he can stay in there for a while so when I went to get him he had up turned my pot with the rubber plant and the dirt was everywhere. So maybe I would have been better off with giving a quick smack but would that be the start of him being frightened of me.
Madness still reigns it would seem 🙁
I thought that market forces were the cause for the rise in gas and oil but then the oil companies revealed these huge profits. So in honesty i don't know who to blame for this.
But yes energy prices are going up. They've told us that. I'm a pensioner so I receive 'winter allowance' of £200 and that help's a lot with my energy bills. I have not notice any rise in my energy bills this year.
Make sure you have insulation. I have it in my walls and roof.
I spoke to one lady and I asked one lady why they had left their country. She said because the British Government were far more supportive of people with children i.e. child allowance ,nursey schools, another man said he had the opportunity to carry on learning with evening schools. So it's about what they can get out off British society.
Personally I don't like someone in another country telling me what to do. Especially when I don't know their names and in some cases can't say their names.
Whether We'll survive on our own is purely up to the British people. It seems to me that people have become lazy in their life and they expect too much to be done for them. When I was young and even now my philosophy is if you want something you work for it.
Tune to Talk TV or GBNews to get to the truth of it all...Tice on this morning - worth a listen...Neil Oliver Sat at 6pm...Freeview 237 and 236.
Don’t forget your friends, and don’t rely on “faceless authorities” to do it for you.
Take a few photos, favourite sweets, a joke or two, encourage them to reminisce, and always leave them smiling. You will be welcome by managers. Give it a go, you’ll enjoy it
Another aspect that is causing me some concern, are the areas that should be governed by a government body, because the subject matter is clouded in mystery to most of us, but which is so difficult to decipher, that we have to spend our dwindling saving hiring a solicitor. Things like factoring, or who deal with the problems caused by builders on new sites. There is also an increasing number of us plagued by a variety of problems, caused by Utility Companies, just to name one, who make things so difficult for you to contact them or to understand some of the jargon they use to confuse. All of this is unacceptable, as it makes retirement miserable, instead of enjoyable, and those in charge do not seem to care. Rant over, but I'm sure a lot of you feel the same.
Is it just me or am I the only one who thinks pensioners are being left out of the equation of the higher prices of energy, we are getting around 2% rise and yet they are talking about 12%x15% first rise and then there will be a second rise, the government has taken the triple cap off meaning we will get even less money, how are we supposed to survive, where is our voice nobody is talking for us.
why are the major Muslim countries turning their backs on the Afghans, refusing them entry? A few of the EU countries have come forward too, but there is a deafening silence from the others.
The UK is a small country that is struggling on so many fronts, hospital waiting lists, education and housing to name but a few. High numbers of migrants are crossing the Channel daily, already a record number this year. People from so many other countries are arriving here to have a better life, and now the Afghans.
All over the country Councils are struggling to find accommodation for the new arrivals. They are still struggling to find places for the previously arrived migrants, 3, 4 and 5 bed houses are being sought for the Afghans. Hotels are being taken over. The needs of our own nationals are being pushed aside.
When are we going to halt the tsunami of people into our country and give ourselves a better chance of sorting out our own considerable problems? Given the size of our country we have done more than our fair share.
Slavery does go on all over the world to this day. Why not fight for the abolishment of this instead of toppling a statue to someone whose bequests they have benefited from.
Breaking Covid rules does not make you an urban warrior or free spirit. It makes you a thoughtless risk to others health and lives. Restrictions will not end while there are morons ignoring responsibility for others.
I risk repeating that Wokery, Political correctness, Cancel culture and No platforming are the biggest threats to our freedoms and culture. Hence the attempt to censor discussion of religious images. We must NOT allow these people to control and spoil others lives.
i have just found your visual, totally not what I expected !!!! . Long ,scraggy hair ,T shirt of indeterminate vintage .many pocketed
gilet and hanging down pants., not as far as your ankles,but hanging off nothing ,,,due to you having no arse. ,
You are all clean and tidy ,,,,,, straight off of a coat hanger.
I would first make a plea to support some sort of memorial for Captain Sir Tom. Perhaps not a statue but: a hospital ward? a military barracks? a marine vessel? an award for charity fund raising?
The I would ask for the vilification of the "so called" man of God curate Robinson-Brown. His disgusting comments about Sir Tom should earn him the sack and national derision. Is he stupid? Or is he blind to the fact that he is inciting racial tension? These sort of comments result in the hardening of attitudes and delay integration and equality. They also bring the church further into disrepute.
He has the absolute right to express his personal opinion but not to appear to represent these as religious views. He must also be prepared to accept the criticism and revulsion of people with more charitable outlooks. It is the worst possible advert for Black Lives Matter.
I requested a telephone call from a female GP at my practice this morning only to be told I will have to wait until the 17th February.
There are 4 female doctors at the practice but only one in on any given day? Why?
Several of my friends have had similar problems with their GP practices and feel badly let down too.
Does anyone know why certain practices are working two weeks on and two weeks off?
Boris would have us believe that GPs are working as normal - they definitely are not.
who is waiting for the Sign board to summons them in .
My Favourite is Classical especially the Tchaikovsky Symphonies number Five in my opinion being the best
You must relax and let the music wash over you in some parts you can really feel the Angst and Pathos in the composer and some parts are so emotional it brings tears to the eyes
If you like me are a real Pink Floyd fan then you must in the index key in Britflloyd they are sensational when I accidently first heard them I thought it was the real group
Good Luck to you all and keep smiling
sounds as though you live above the great Watford Gap divide. I do have a buccaneer on my used to be's . the owner of a ,glorious mane of curly hair .I always thought that it would be safer if pirates had little or no hair.Have you been watching the T V ad on
Yorkshire tea? I'm just about to have a coffee, Come back soon ..
there is/was .an excellent chippy there. You obviously had no strings ,and no knots, and reluctant to let it all go for a reason that is not really acceptable ,if you have lost your travel buddies, you just have to collect some more ,there is a vast arena of like minded people out there .who just need a warm hand to grasp. ,and off you go. time is of no consequence ,or importance, just ope eyes ,and an open heart . and an attitude like a bouncing ball. and a genuine longing to hug a horse . nothing nicer than a horse who will hug me back ,
to coin a phrase """ get on your bike "!!! roll your pants up ,and tread water ,or something
You are coming across as DESPERATE ...
No ,I haven't had a jab, and have no intention of having one or two .My body is highly sensitive to prescription drugs and injections ,and make me incredibly ill, ,I have never had a flu jab ,and never had the flu. I do take vitamins and minerals which do take good care of me ,
I do think it's mental attitude as well ,that keeps my engine running . Desperate to get to the coast for some fresh air .I used to live on the
edge of the Atlantic . I do miss that. . Taste buds not in action yet ,so .dinner is still on hold .
Don't disappear x
Especially if you know you need a hands on .press and a squeeze around ,,which is really difficult to
explain exactly where the pain is . Has your Health centre totally shelved face to face
appointments ?with A&E being the last place that you want to visit
Through all this lockdown I feel the GP service has let us down miserably.
We have no time to stand and stare,
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep and cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time time to turn at Beauty`s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait until her mouth can
Enrich the smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
William Henry Davies
a really good New Year's resolution,,,
Live Your Life ,The Way It Makes You Happy,
I am going to do this ,,as soon as I can dig the car out . !
As for men with tattoos, rings and studs; they have psychological issues.
What qualifications and compelling evidence can you produce to quantify that men with tattoos have psychological issues?
Nothing wrong with a little body art, although I am not a fan of facial tattoos as " the face is the mirror of the soul" and should be left that way.
I was due to have a shoulder operation , which has been cancelled ,because .I have no one to stay with me overnight after the operation .
in my home . I have had two previous ops ,on the same shoulder ,and was kept in the hospital overnight .Have the rules changed ?
Living alone can cause us problems ,this one is a disaster , I can see no way around it. Has anyone a suggestion to overcome this .?
haven't passed my test on finding my way around this site ..
I have been trying to solve this maze, for about sis -ish years ,If nothing else ,you have to admit ,I'm a trier. .and,
Sally, is .very trying . How did you find me ? I know ,,,, by pure chance
something .and , voila ,,, wrong bit . I think Sylvania is the worst one but hey .no matter .
Regards to you Sally
To the moderator and staff, thank you and best wishes.
a film you had seen umpteen times before..?
More food left than we had planned, it was meant for six for a few days. Never mind, we have frozen lots of two portion meals, turkey soup, veg soup and even bubble and squeak. Not much goes to waste in our house, use it, freeze it or give it away. I'd pushed the boat out on good wine and now we will be able to enjoy it for weeks instead of days.
As you say, TV was rubbish, even the so called block-busters. Treated ourselves to a DVD that may not be to everyones taste, the recording of the Andre Rieux concert at Mastricht. Three hours of sheer entertainment. Not what you might expect and all the better for that.
The future is looking better. Vaccinations continue apace, the new Oxford Vaccine is set to join the others. Even Brexit has a result. It can only get better from here.
I was pleased and touched by your enquiry, it was almost like a letter from a family member. Please stay safe and well along with your family and friends.
Only one bummer. Won't be dusting off the DJ to spend a night or two at a hotel for New Year.
I never write on the bags what's inside. .Sometimes good ,other times ,a bin job !! It will be another surprise dinner tonight .Since we are obliged to not eat out ,and cooking is of no interest at the moment ,and ,there is only me, .I tend to lean towice of you to ards sandwiches.The only blessing of this second...I don't know why they insist it's the Second , we hadn't really got over the first one. I Digress !!! my favourite chippy was not closed, this time ,He makes fish cakes to die for,, Might make a good New Year's resolution ,to have a fishcake everyday,.at least it would get me out of the house, get some slap on and non sloppy gear,.Stretch the car's legs as well. Used to walk on the beach every new years day , edge of the Atlantic
Need to stop now ,before you "drop off " nice of you to talk back ,not many people do ,Tell me more ,and I will drown you in words
Read my poems ,and give me your opinion . This is NOT compulsory .,
Personally, I don't have a problem talking to people, but you have to admit that social media and chat sites are ideal for those who are uncomfortable with face to face with strangers and like the anonymity.
You indicated that you miss eating out. Really miss it, along with theatre, cinema and gazing at the sea from the Cornish coast. We were supposed to see Madame Butterfly in April, it has been rebooked for April 2021 so we live in hopes.
My car complained this morning at the lack of mileage and needed two turns of the key to start. Poor thing does not get run as it used to. At first lockdown I registered for online shopping for the first time. In the brief respite at the start of September, we managed to get to St. Ives. As it had taken us 13 hours to get home last year we took the train; all in all a pleasant experience but reducing the car mileage.
Nice to hear that your intellect is in top gear as it is difficult to exercise the body fully especially today as it is snowing.
Keep well,
Go shopping , ! On line will be the death of communicating with each other. I found it quite interesting watching supermarket
assistants throwing products into boxes for the On Lline shoppers , everything was just put into the boxes without being checked over
for faults..
I dare say that my car is less able in the snow than your horse.
During the first lockdown, shielding meant arranging online shopping for the first time. Sainsbury serves us well. Have been shopping since but hoards of people, ignoring mask rules and social distancing is off-putting.
I am a Lidl girl,, .have been since it was a dirty word. . Sainsbury's has never been my cup of tea ,or anything else they sell.
Snow gone ,sunshine ,abounds ,Tomorrow is the start of my ,"get more oxygen " era, but fresh type only. I don't know which bit of the U K
you live in ,but there is none of that nonsense here.Even the mall was loosely filled with humans. all keeping to the Boris rules.
Keep safe
You say you don't joke but some of the things you say really amuse me. Describing yourself as a "Lidl Girl" had me laughing out loud.
So you feel beholden to Sainsbury's ,,suppose they are on your Xmas list now ? a T.V documentary I was on ,.the crew were falling about with
my "one liners ",which needless to say,,did not make the show .. A chunk of this "note ", has just done a runner. I said, twice now ,,,,,that I could do with someone making me laugh ,,or even smile at this point . Are you , or anyone else up for it ? Daily job until the 9th.. Probable explanation , on the 9th., and you will all be treated favourably ---------------By the way ,Lidl cannot be faulted on anything . Meat fish and fresh Produce in particular. ,, German people will NOT eat rubbish.. Don't suppose you have ever been inside one ?
I don't think I feel beholden to Sainsbury, just feel more satisfied with their service than with the usual companies who chose to ignore online orders, emails, phone calls and messages. This was despite having all my details on a loyalty card, strange that as soon as things last eased, they sent an email coupon offering money off a large shop.
There must be a Lidl near you now.!!! As it's your anniversary of your visit to Lidl, Save you lot of money ... Was going to do them today, but
been busy on the phone ,and emails , can't be asked. now Is there a particular reason why you don't answer questions???? I have a friend who does it to me ,purely because she knows it winds me up . I had a laugh at myself prior to finding you ,why is it sooooooooooooo
difficult I scrolled through my bits,, on here ,,so many ,i didn't realise how many times I have been ignored I am probably regarded . .as a
boring old fart .. The word OLD ...... is to be ignored ..One day I did go into Sainsbury's .i just wanted some eggs ..and could n't find them , I always dress ""Exceedingly Well " when I go out ....A shop assistant was obviously watching me going up and down every aisle ,and asked if she could help .. Big smile from me and i said "Yes ,where are your F eggs , her face was a picture ,and she said ."I never expected you to say that "" then we both laughed. ,you look such a lady ,
The quote that you dress "Exceedingly Well", makes you sound like a "Kipling Girl".
I had thought of buying a battery charger to keep it topped up. Unfortunately, though not new, my car is a modern design and has "stop/start" technology. This means that chargers are very expensive, as are batteries; so I will see how it goes.
However, having had a nightmare drive back from Cornwall in 2019, when we got an opportunity to revisit in September last year, we went by rail. Catching a lucky break between lockdowns, it was a very enjoyable and stress-free experience. The rules were strict for face coverings and social distancing but that made you feel safe. It was much less expensive than I thought, the fuel cost alone would be more than the rail fare.
I suspect that if I tried to throw my leg over a horse, I would split in two; the nearest I got to a horse was shovelling the droppings to put on dads rhubarb when I was a child. It was bad enough splitting the backside of my jeans getting on my motorbike as a teenager.
I save a really significant amount of money by keeping at least one spare item of every day items, such as bleach and other cleaners, tea, coffee, sugar cooking oil, and so much other stuff.
When I run out of an item I get the spare out of the cupboard (which I got for a bargain price at the time of purchase), and put in my 'Shop Ahead' list which I keep with me when I go out.
It can be quite fun trawling around the shops looking for items on my list, and quite a lifting experience when bargains are snapped up, to be placed in my reserved cupboard.
It is not an exageration to say that I reckon I save around 25% on all relevant items with my 'Shop Ahead' strategy.
Shooping around is for when we NEED something, then we have to pay the piper's price.
Get listing all the stuff you have not much of and go on the hunt!
and the speed of the population going down with this awful disease. , instant access .to bodies with a cuppa , I have emailed the government about this ,to no avail ,, At least The House of Lords do reply ,more or less sending a reason why they can't deal with it .
Did anyone see the Simon Reeve programme on Sunday. It is so refreshing to see a journalist show the world how inequality is shown. Everyone sees the beauty and holiday spots of a community but Simon showed what it is all bout. I lived in Camborne for nearly 30 years but I was upset to see it as it now because all trade has gone elsewhere or closed. I worked in one of the factories in the 60s and I enjoyed it. Thank you Simon for showing the real life. .
Would you vote for a fairer set annual budget for them?
Is this Corruption?
There is plenty of evidence that the royals deliberately and routinely abuse their positions for personal gain.
They spend taxpayers’ money like it’s going out of fashion, on private travel, palatial homes, round- the-clock security and personal staff. Their misuse of public funds is a bigger scandal than the £345m annual bill
We do know that secret deals have been done between the palace and the government, to allow them to avoid as much tax as they can. The Duchy of Cornwall, a large business enterprise run by Prince Charles, refuses to pay its taxes, despite MPs saying they should.
The royals have extensive access to public money, government ministers and every opportunity to interfere – all covered up by Freedom of Information laws and Royal Archive secrecy.
It’s highly likely that the secrecy is there for one good reason: if we could also see what the royals were up to we wouldn’t like what we see. Is the monarchy corrupt? How can we say it isn’t?
"The Duchy of Cornwall, a large business enterprise run by Prince Charles, refuses to pay its taxes"
I used to live close to area for some years, and their stuff was supposed and purported to be 'the finest, all green, free range and all that sort of stuff. I think Mrs Bouchet from the TV series used to shop with them, if you get my drift...
The estates were grand and pompous, all mouth and trousers, prices for goods exhorbitant, and at the time I reckond all quite a rip off and a farce.
Well, after Diana Charlie must have spent a FORTUNE on the awful person, and ugly C.
What on earth did, does he see in her when Diana was so beautiful, inside as well as out.
Now C has a royal title, all an inside job and all so totally disgusting!!!
Charlie is a fraud, he may resemble his uncle Lord Mountbatten, but in character he is the opposite.
Lazy, pompous, vain, over spoilt, naive, and not much more than a taker...Oh and a real wimp.
Hope the MIBS don't read this ;-((
And because we can’t hold the Queen and her family to account at the ballot box, there’s nothing to stop them abusing their privilege, misusing their influence or simply wasting our money.
Meanwhile, the monarchy gives vast arbitrary power to the government, shutting voters out from major decisions affecting the national interest. The Queen can only ever act in the interests of the government of the day and does not represent ordinary voters.
The monarchy is a broken institution. A head of state that’s chosen by us could really represent our hopes and aspirations – and help us keep politicians in check.
And this from a young Australian guy his opinion on why we should abolish the monarchy
And my opinion I hope Australia get their own Head of State after Queen goes
or excuses from anyone .Can you imagine all the cars at Highgrove with wheel clamps ha ha .
He said that he did not recall the photo and of knowing the young lady in the photos, shame on you!
And as for his stupid lame of a brother, well that is another story...
kept back,
Just realised that my husbands 3 monthly checks for Chronic Kidney Disease, asthma ,& high blood pressure have not been done since January this year. His symptoms have deteriorated this past week or so & he will try to get a doctors appointment, but surely most GP services should be more available now?
I've been waiting 4 weeks so far fof a heart scan after i was diagnosed with irregular heart beat. I also have problems walking & was told that i may need foot surgery. A telephone appointment with the hospital left me with a recommendation to buy a foot insert which I did as well as orthopedic shoes but my condition is deteriorating & I am worried that I will soon not be able to walk.
So....I dont think we are the only ones with these problems- what are others experiencing?
patients who need attention.. A powerful place to be . The route now seems to be ,you phone the surgery ,the receptionists asks why, you may then be given a Phone back ,,meaning you have to stay in all day waiting for said phone call. The doctor listens whilst you explain ,then comes one of the now standard suggestions ,,, "See how it goes " "keep your eye on it ". "I'm not too concerned that
there is anything sinister going on " ,and the best one is ,,,"If it gets any worse ,make an appointment to see me " If you have an appointment with a hospital department ,I find that ringing them ,and asking how far down the list you are.,.or ,if in fact you are on it .
I now use H&B as my G P Herbs and Vitamins , and you don't need an appointment . Apparently a good percentage of us humans
are now Taking care of ourselves. It works for me .
Can you buy Diabetes checkers from a good chemist ?? I now work on the principle that ,,,,,, If I am vertical ,,I'm O.K
who needs a word or two ,,to give a helping hand ,,or mouth
Take care ,
and, give" time ", sadly lacking with GP's .I think my G.P has a clock placed somewhere behind the patient's back ,so he can watch for the
ten minute deadline.
Means tested, maybe, coz the fat cats should not be given the same, that would be totally unfair.
Reminds me of the Poll Tax, the downfall of Mrs. T.
Are you an alien ambassador ,or ,a sleeping human,?
reduce the dose .
The UK's unfair, unequal, discriminatory pension policy has been strongly criticized by the quality UK media, viz;- & , &
Furthermore, if the Government had the courage and common sense, to increase all its pensions fairly to all those who wish to leave the UK, possibly thousands more would emigrate, saving the UK National Health and various social services, many thousands of pounds sterling.
Moreover, to uprate all State age pensions fairly and equally could be easily achieved by a very small increase in NI contributions of no more than 40pence/week, i.e. the cost of just one cigarette from the average pay-packet and not "food on the table"; then £600million could be made available to provide the required £600Million and Britain could more honestly bask and promote itself as being a fair-minded, moral, ethical and non discriminatory nation.
The U K government is particularly adept at relieving pensioners of their pensions by enforcing means that have to be obeyed. purely because they can ,without much opposition from them ,and accompanied by a mountain of forms that have to be filled, Laughable but seemingly true ,,when pensioners reach 80, they do receive an extra 25 pence a week.
Aging Women
Aging People of Color
Mental Health and Aging
The BBC IS ABOUT TO SPEND £38 MILLION to chase up pensioners for the new TV licence as from august 2020. !!!???
programmes, . It's pointless chopping my nose off to spite my face , .so I very reluctantly " coughed up " and wrote a large THANK YOU
on the document. . Sad old country we live in ..The Americans use a very appropriate saying ,,,, YOU CAN' T BEAT CITY HALL ""
waiting for the day when the pension is withdrawn ,and are given Pocket money
Apologies for droning on ...
and start governing if you can't throw the towel and give the job to someone else.ENOUGH ENOUGH ENOUGH.
Some charities are very rich. Because blindness is so emotive, The Royal National Institute for the Blind is incredibly wealthy but blindness is not very common now. My wife was a teacher of the blind and she was very well paid. We were both volunteers for our local blind school in Harrogate. The only shortage we had was blind children !
worst state are in the first paddock at the sanctuary ,which brings out the "OH poor things " .A collecting box ,in the wall suggests that we put our donations in it. This place is obviously run as a business . with a gift shop,and a coffee shop. I support one charity ,,,The Air
Ambulance for Children . All above board .with no "executives " to run it .
It’s been suggested that people over 70 years old (who are classed as vulnerable should wear a ribbon to identify themselves.
My opinion is that we should all fight this.
This was not a new idea; since medieval times many other societies had forced their Jewish citizens to wear badges to identify themselves.
with one slight difference ,,,,, prisoners were allowed out. .
his feet wet ,You obviously do not live in the U.K because of your odd spellings. We , are not being forced to have the vaccine ,;we are invited to do so .
The strain changes so rapidly , the vaccines will be useless. for any of them .
it will be impossible to have a totally cash free society, far too many people rely, and need cash ,not having bank accounts or credit /debit cards .
It's on a par with all electric everything .I can see this Island becoming totally isolated .Boris J is dreaming ,if he expects the whole of Europe and
beyond to "Go Electric ." We are being distracted by Children's food parcels, a ploy to get us away from the virus disaster ,we here in the U.K
are desperately short of strong men, who are capable of sorting ALL these messes out. I won't hold my breathe !!!!!
The zoos are in trouble financially and some maybe forced to close if they are not allowed to open. I know not everyone agrees with zoos and I respect that. As an animal lover though my worry is that with zoos closed throughout the world if they cannot take them what will happen to these animals.? The possibility is they may just destroy the animals and it's not their fault.
How can you help? Donate to your local zoo and/ or signing a petition online to let zoos open they have the space it's good for mental Health and the zoos need the takings to stay afloat and feed the animals.
Sorry, I'm not normally this irritable. Put it down to a lack of G&T (1.50pm is just a tiny bit too early for me)...
I would like to invite everyone to get a bit of cheer by joining in the International Otter Survival Fund's WORLD OTTER DAY.
This is a day to spread the word about otters and how important these wonderful animals are to our environment. They use both the water and land and both have to be healthy which is so important for all species, including our own.
Normally we have events such as coffee mornings, etc, but clearly this is not going to be possible this year. So we are asking people to spread the word through social media.
We are also having the 13 challenge - there are 13 species of otter in the world and they are all in the Red List of endangered species with declining populations. So we are asking people to help us to create more awareness by taking up the challenge - you could contact 13 friends for an online drink and a chat, go for a sponsored 13 km or 13 mile run, bake 13 cakes to share or spend 13 hours dancing!! It's up to you.
You can find more about IOSF and WORLD OTTER DAY at
I work in otter conservation and so obviously I want the environment to be protected. But I don't believe that they should be used to stop things for the sake of it. We are often asked to support people campaigning against a development even though there is no threat to otters.
We all have to be balanced and protect our environment. If otters are present it means the water and land are in great condition, which is important for all species, including ourselves.
Northern Ireland, Wales & Scotland! Reason for this being I have two or maybe three Military Memorials all at the Arboretum in Staffordshire, at my age and health conditions, I have know way to visit. This is an unprecedented civilian NHS and others that have taken on this fight, I feel all areas of the UK should support their own as well as a Nation Memorial. Bob Scott.
I don't know how they live with themselves. Or maybe they have no common sense.
Or maybe local councils could allow them to plant up local parks and road islands to cheer folks up and pay at least cost price.
It's very difficult in these times of lock down.
Just been told that the vet will not be coming tomorrow, or at all at present, to give the protective booster injection which is due to our ponies for Equine Flu. fatal to horses. Orders from above. As lambing all around us has started, the vet passes by all the time and could easily call in with little or no risk.
We cannot obtain the vaccine ourselves though my daughter is competent to do the vaccinations herself in current circumstances.
Blanket bans are necessary for the idiots, but what about common sense?
Equine Flu can be a terrible death, we lost a much loved Shetland pony that way some years ago. I know we put humans before animals, but isn't there some allowance for them as well?
Welcome to Silversurfers interestingly I have heard quite a few people say that about Aldi and Lidl.
A good tip on how to get involved on our site is to take a look at Current Topics in our Forum and feel free to engage in anything that takes your interest. We also have a very active Speakers Corner section where you may find something that interests you. and if you would like to join the discussion on the challenges of self-isolation then here’s where to go:
Keep safe
and Lidl. And,, smiley faces from staff ,,and ,,,no empty shelves.
If you couldn't speak for yourself, would you want to be put on a ventilator? Would you want to be resuscitated? Would you prefer simply to have treatment that makes you comfortable?
I think we need to talk about this now, and make some decisions; then get them written down.
My ipad is my best friend, along with my dog, It looks like I’m probably going to be home alone for the best part of totally 9months when I can’t just shop online spending unnecessary money just to make up a basket of goods. Perhaps £25-30 is more realistic. Would welcome others views. Thank you.
Plus which is the most painful length of time to die f boredom or the coronas virus, just another government policy not thought though.
Then there is the illusion somebody will seek you out to see if you need help, don't make me laugh this is not W.W.2. when every ne muck in and I mean every one, always caring and looking out for one another.
Today I went to my local Tesco store to do the weekly shop, I though it was a Mammoth sale day when people were being told to grab as much as possible, then whilst queuing at the end of one of the isles, people whilst waiting making ever excuse under the sun as to why their trollies were so over loaded to other's in the queue, I had nothing to say as I was not on a guilt trip just a regular shop of which I could not complete due to out of stock items. Bob Scott.
I am 73 at the moment. I have banked with HSBC since I was 18 years old, or as some of our silver surfers would know it used to be The Midland Bank. I am wondering if anybody has used HSBC holiday insurance? As some of you may know the cover ends when you get to 70 years of age.
I remember at the time I was very cross as I felt this was Ageism that was being applied. When I got in touch with HSBC the response was it was nothing to do with the as they were only acting as agents for a Insurance company. Basically I was brushed off with a standard replies. I am afraid I left it at that but now feel I should not have and should have carried on.
I am wondering if the Silver Surfers site fancy taking this on and for the following reasons.
1 I am still convinced it is against the law to enforce ageism.
2 The HSBC although is offering a free service to customers should not be dealing with any company that operates a age qualifying discrimination.
3. Attacking this problem from a group prospective stands a better chance than from any individual trying to deal with corporate issue.
Many thanks.
Richard Sutton Costock South Nottinghamshire.
Question to ask is how many public toilets have you closed in the last five years ???
My suggestion is that there are Council Tax discounts for businesses that open their toilets for public use.
There could be official notices replacing the usual "customer use only" ones. I am confident that the increased footfall would offset increased cleaning & consumables costs.
In many European countries cafes etc have a duty to make their facility available to the public.
Is it right for our children to do the toilet on the street.?
is it right for the elderly to worry about going out in case caught short.
is it right for the in between's with health problems to be confined to their home in case of urgency.
Surely in the 21st century we have right to have clean pleasant toilets in all out town and city centres.
Most of the younger TV types like to spout outrageous comment to try to attract attention [ favourably ] of the heads of departments to better their careers.
But are they afraid to tackle the worst form of animal cruelty ie., Halal method of killing animals.
It would appear they do not want to enter into debate with the religious extremists.
Perhaps some of vegan mantra can be directed towards the outlawing of this savage practice.
Is it not time real people that change the world or Britain for the better to be Honoured? Those lock away in labourites seeking out medical breakthroughs, technicians working behind the scenes to try to eradicate plastic and finding alternatives. So many ordinary people doing kindly things ! without looking for a thank you, public service personnel. such as police fire and rescue, the plumber who gives a service for free service to older people. The list is endless these are good people not looking for reward but doing something just for humane kindness. What are you thoughts?
Bob Scott.
I planned to retire at 60yrs ..but found out in 2016 from the News...2yrs before my huge retirement bash !!! that I would have to work until I was 65 yrs ..... ( which will change again to 66yrs shortly)..Im fully paid up on the National Insurance Contribution front even though I raised two children .. ..
So I wondered much notice were other women in my situation given... and if you the reader, are a man ...what would you think if your pension age was raised by 6yrs ,2 yrs before you thought you would retire
Right I have to get ready for "anither day at the office "
I get the impression many people still do not know how to use Private Chat. I scroll down and respond with a message in the hope it gets back ie Hello you want to chat? but it seems to vanish into the ether!
Do the elected government intend to do anything..
It was rumoured that the E.U. Were about to discuss a standardisation of pensions, by which the British pension would rise in line with a European standard. I cannot see anybody in Europe taking a lower pension. As we are the lowest paid pensioners In Europe we would greatly benefit from this.
But alas those with much will make more, and those with less get even less
and further into the poverty trap. No wonder politicians want us out of Europe
So let’s come out of Brexit with the elected clapping their hands, and within three months give themselves a pay rise, therefore snubbing their noses at the man in the street and ignoring promises made because there is not enough monies in the coffers. That is why Mr Cameron decided that this was the way to go.
Totally disillusioned
I am sure that most voters select a candidate based on the manifestos of the party these people say they are standing for, so surely have a right to choose again when the individuals swap hats.
Could the fact that MPs and MEPs get a very generous pension settlement as long as they complete the terms of the government session they have been elected to have anything to do with it?
As the elected leader of the USA and as such, the most powerful man in the western hemisphere, the man deserves a little respect from those who would be the first to beg for his help should their countries come under attack. None of the NATO members have contributes as much as the USA either financially or in manpower.
Ironically, one day after the event, Blackface Trudeau is back in the limelight as leader of one of the countries with the worst records on Climate change controls; Macron is faced with hundreds of thousands of pension protesters on top of the Gilets Jaunes (you can bet his own pension won't be included in the reforms), while our very own Fat Controller Johnson continues with yet another election campaign full of obfuscation, half truths and unrealistic promises that equal those of Jeremy Corbyn.
I wish I could emigrate to the US!
Is it an age thing that nobody wishes to engage with said person? Response seams negative although I cannot walk to far I have very good communication skills due to my past. I have friends in Australia Canada a number of them also Spain, what is the point if nobody is willing to take a chance, or is that their is an age limit bit like the traffic lights Go: Caution or Full Stop! Then it repeats itself. What was that song called take a chance on me.
So I will be waiting in anticipation! Some Body Some Where will say welcome and remember age is just a number. Kind Wishes To All. Bob.
Pleased that you have become a member, like what is often said age it is only a number it is how you feel about yourself, make an effort to keep yourself looking good , which keeps everyone guessing, I have great fun in listening to people comments about myself so the last age that is guessed is what I am so wrong but I have a giggle x
God help blighty if he ever darkens the door of number 10.
I am pleased to say, mine are all free style. being called once again perhaps somebody would like to pick at some point and see what interest we can raise. Best wishes. Bob.
You sound to be coping well with all that life throws. Getting old is not for wimps is it!?
Have you travelled much in the Middle East or do you enjoy it from reading?
I have a yen to go to Israel and think I should do it before too long.
Apart from a holiday in Tunisia yonks ago, I have only travelled in Europe. I too like history...I like to read about human evolution and the Middle East is important in this respect.
Write if you are of a mind,
it is hard being a carer I was in same position, I also was so grateful of Internet to help with distractions from my daily stress , Silversurfers is a good distraction such good topics..
Any support will go a long way to encourage the Health Secretary to respond.
While everyone is mesmerised by Brexit, two items in the news brought me to boiling point:
1) Many of us donate happily to the RNLI "for those in peril on the sea", no boundaries, no selection. no favouritism, absolutely inclusive. We do NOT donate to supply a tiny minority with burkinis, they are NOT safety gear. With the loss of many good men recently and now this, virtue signalling has replaced altruism and public service.
2) 6 year olds to get lessons in masturbation??? What the hell are they thinking? I hope I don't live to see the repercussions of stealing a generations childhood and innocence, bad enough we have brought up a generation with only a sense of entitlement and no respect.
How ridiculous, is this in this day and age, to condemn someone for just dressing up in pantomime costume, for a party!
If I was asked to a party where Eastern Promise was the theme, I’d dress for the event. So why condemn someone who did this in 2001?
I believe it is the turn of voters to express their support in a Prime Minister who is trying to uphold the results of a democratic vote. Come on you 17.4 million voters, put pen to paper and support the vote, end the disgraceful actions of the politicians who want to remain in the EU.
I’m 54 and grew up in South Wales, we ate a lot in our local chip shop, I can first remember eating curry sauce in 1977, and at the time it felt extremely exotic. That’s my first memory of it, but it could have been there for decades, I know for example British troops ate tinned curry in WW1.
Anyone out there know anymore about curry sauce in chippies, or have any memories of eating it in 50s or 60s?
Their gun laws need major reform.
I am a 85 year old single resident living alone in a First Class Assisted Living & Memory Care Facility in California
I have been here two years and have found that I Phones, I Pads, Laptops have made the transition to this new LIFE STYLE much easier and more comfortable. I would be pleased to answer any questions from members about my experience.
I am a New Kid with Silver Surfers and look forward to participating.
Please do view this petition. It is regarding having a free TV licence applied to all people on Pension Credit and not those just over 75 years old, as proposed. Pension Credit is means tested, so only the needy of pensioners receive it.
Is it just me ? or has this country of mine gone completely off kilter ?
What's this old guy ranting on about ?
I grew up and lived in my formative years with the arrival of good music ( athe Beatles ) Mersey sound,Flower power ! heavy Rock Glam Rock and above all,despite all of that, as little respect ( yes through in part by punishment at home sometimes,at school,even once stoped and told to push my bike home without lights on a dark 60's night )
BUT a I cared about the world I was living in !
Theses days is seems to this one old guy,carer to his long time disabled wife,retired in name only,my days filled ( always 18 hour ones ) though my local SS say if we gave them all of our income she could have two half hours a day !
That no one out there in our society gives a damn ! They are looking after number one,from the MP,s shafting the voters,down to the out for whatever they can get individual,s calling at your door,ringing your phone,scamming you online,plus worse just plain mugging you on street corners,as the top fat cats have removed half the bloody police to line their own pockets !
Right,rant over,it itjust me ? Or is this really the world that boy growing up in the 60,s imagined it would be ?
Man living on the moon and beyond,diseases ereadicated,everyone looked after in their ill health and old age !
Or the couldn't care ,put me first attitude that SEEMS to excite in my once bright future.
A tired carer,now behind with his caring role,with not much hope for his or anyone of his age and generation!
Now I am waiting for the half of his small pension to be allocated to will take at least 8 weeks to sort out they said. I am on a state pension myself and was told it is below what the Government deems to be a livable rate....I was advised to apply for benefits. However, being children born just after the War we grew up saving for whatever we needed (not wanted!)...managed to buy our own house and have never owed any money all our lives. So there is a few bob waiting for probate in order to come to me just now...therefore I am not eligible for any assistance at all. We managed this despite my not working when bringing up 3 children...we counted our husband worked a lot of was all earned through a life time of hard work. the hour of many people are being let down.
Poverty these days means not being able to have everything as well as the latest phone, DVD, TV abroad once or twice a year. Even their children are being fed for them some of the time! Their expectations have run amok...and the Nanny state takes more each day from those who work hard for every penny to give it to those who don't - for whatever reason....and hand out thousands each year to those coming in from abroad for a better life! The sick and disabled members of our society have to fight for everything they get....this cannot be right. Something very dark and sinister has happened over the last few decades...and it will come home to roost when the younger generation reaches retirement age and they find out everything will not be provided for them then. I would not be able to afford to rent a house to live in now....due to inflation in rents and every other monthly bill....we could have rested on our laurels and rented when young but thank goodness we didn't. I am now busy trying to keep up with the garden - just for a start! So much sorting out to many things left over the last three years...other priorities having to take their place.
Our village has started a *Good Neighbour Scheme recently....with volunteers offering to help out others when in doing a bit of shopping,..sitting with an elderly/disabled person for a couple of hours to let the carer have a break...picking up prescriptions from the Surgery...looking after pets if someone taken into hospital at short's bringing out the best in people again. This is going to be increasingly important over the coming years and something every village needs to consider. Fortunately we still have a no public transport into our local town...and I rely on online shopping once a fortnight...I don't know what I would have done without Tesco this last few years! Lovely delivery drivers...a credit to them,
Yes...everything is off kilter today...hopefully the next few years will see a rapid improvement.
Hang on in there...and try and take time for yourself for a couple of hours at least once a week.
Check out for Good Neighbour Schemes locally - perhaps suggest one is set up if you can.
Best Wishes to you both.
(Says she of course who never did!)
*A Good Neighbour Scheme is a voluntary initiative run by a group of local residents who want to help their people in their locality to enjoy a better quality of life by offering them support with every day tasks.
It is Lottery funded.
We have been very unlucky, have lived a very quiet peaceful life for 17 years here, I was also born in the village, but have had the neighbour from hell move in next door. Will keep it short, he works, is 64 ish, drinks heavy and plays what we call "teenage" music, or whatever they call it these days. The longest we have had to put up with it is 18 hours non stop, have had 2 plus years of this, called 101 who came out twice but he takes no notice of anyone.
I am registered disabled and my poor husband of 37 years who is also my carer, has had a breakdown over it, the constant noise is horrendous. You just can't tell or ask this person anything as he will just swear back.
The problem is kind of in hand but am finding it very stressful dealing with all the correspondence etc., have been fighting to get him removed for 2 years over, and am getting very tired of being told rubbish from our housing association who always appear to be on the perpetrators side.
I apologise for "going on", but this is just 1 type of ASB.
The papers also have an obligation to those soldiers. Not to use defamatory or emotive language in their copies that would lead to ‘unrest’.
I believe in a free press and democracy but I feel the press go too far sometimes.
What do others think?
Paddy goes into a pharmacy, reaches into his pocket and takes out a small bottle and a teaspoon.
He pours from the bottle onto the teaspoon and offers it to the chemist.
"Could you taste this for me, please?"
The chemist takes the teaspoon, puts it in his mouth, swills the liquid around and swallows it.
"Does that taste sweet to you?" He asks.
"No, not at all," says the chemist.
"Oh that's a relief," Paddy says.
"The doctor told me to come here and get my urine tested for sugar!!
"Good Neighbour Schemes are local voluntary groups which offer a service in their community for those in need of help and support. The people who may need support may be the elderly, disabled, single parents and young mothers, those temporarily in need through illness or anyone who may be isolated within the community."
Just a little can help such a lot in times of need.
I would hate to classed as anything else even as unstable . my problems are brought about, by many years of loneliness , caused by me being on my own and living with deteriorating health issues prior to and since my lovely wife passed away from cancer and also the loss of other loved ones in my family over the last few years.
I am working hard to get my life back to some kind of routine and conquer my low moods and feelings and get back to being able to be a happy and positive person
I am considering joining U3A in September...there are so many activities available via this exams going to give it a try! Keep your chin up....and as someone said to me "Ask for help when you need it"....not something I have ever felt able to do...always told to stand on my own two am not full of confidence and find it difficult to pop in to the local Clubs on my own. If only there could be a policy of being "Welcoming" when a new face is seen - I found it to be like that up in Yorkshire many years ago...a new face was approached and welcomed makes all the difference! Those who look at you and say "Are you local?" do nothing to encourage a return! Probably don't mean to be off-putting but somehow it is! Take care of yourself...every step is forward. Stay positive.
The Court case will be heard on 5th and 6th June at the Divisional Court in London where we have a Substantive Hearing, having won a Judicial Review in Nov last year.
Michael Mansfield QC and his team are representing us.
We are currently Crowdfunding to pay the legal expenses and are already 82% of the way there.
I would like to invite you over to join our group, I think it would be of interest to all of you.
Whatever, I hope you enjoy this site as much as I and others do.
What part of the country are you is your day?
The solution is to get an independent report, and make sure of the qualifications these technicians have,
they are not inpartial, as they have contracts with the high street retailors to get rid of the client at the first visit
For all info get in touch
Just in case I fall under a bus, and my wife has to manage the domestic affairs, I auto-renew key insurances, for her protection.
The providers have to notify in advance that they are going to collect the new premium payment, advise how much it is, compared with last time, and recommend that we shop around.
Well, the RAC didn't do that bit, and I spotted a charge on my credit card from them that looked exorbitant - on checking alternatives, it turned out to be a laughably large increase, hugely uncompetitive, and considerably more than I could have achieved with them, if I had cancelled and bought a new policy online.
They were completely unable to explain why they had done that to me, succeeding only in advising me that I should consider theirs to be a luxury product, compared with cheaper alternatives!!
Membership cancelled, money refunded under the 14-day rule, new provider sourced - you have been warned!
I won't let that one slip past again.
However surely we could reach a better solution that simply cutting services at a stroke.
I for one would be happy to pay a nominal amount for each journey along with my bus pass, perhaps 50p or even £1 depending on the length of the trip and, having chatted with fellow travellers, have gleaned that they feel the same. Better that than be without a service altogether.
I would be interested to know how others feel
A bare bones essay on the possibilities of a digital, meritocratic democracy, which looks at a radical new approach towards changing our entire political structure.
We are living at a time when more and more people are becoming alienated, and disaffected by the whole subject of politics in general, and politicians in particular.
These are a few thoughts on perhaps one solution to this sad and inherently undemocratic situation, arguing for a much more meritocratic system in its place.
Our adversarial, “Yah boo!” simple majority political system, leaves most people feeling unrepresented, and entirely left out of the process.
Nearly forty years ago, at the time when cable television was rolling out across America, a Professor of Politics decided to conduct a political experiment.
Realizing that cable TV provided, for the first time, an opportunity for people to be ‘interactive’ with something that they had seen on their screens, he proposed a real debate, albeit on a highly localized level.
People in a borough of Chicago were informed that on a certain night, there would be a debate on one of their cable channels, as to whether or not to resurface the roads, in their part of town. The work needed doing, but had been overlooked because of other priorities. They were told that local people and Councillors would put arguments for and against the proposal, at the end of which there would be an opportunity for those who were watching to vote directly on the issue, by pressing a button, from the comfort of their homes.
This was a real vote and people were informed that if they voted ‘Yes’, when prompted, it would mean a certain percentage increase in their rates to cover the cost of the work. The debate unsurprisingly attracted a lot of prior interest. People who had felt disengaged from local politics, considered themselves included in the democratic process. The result was overwhelmingly in favour for the work to be carried out.
To my knowledge, this experiment in local democracy was not only the first of its kind, but has remained the only time this kind of ‘Power to the People’ politics has surfaced.
Perhaps now is the time for us to consider its return.
It would call for a very different kind of political system.
Imagine, if you would, doing away with politicians and civil servants.
In their place, we could have a system of government which would be essentially run by the people.
Imagine giving eligible voters and others in their families, the opportunity to watch debates on local, national and international issues, from the comfort of their homes. Once balanced arguments for and against had been presented, a consensus could be reached by people voting directly. The topics and content of these regular referendums could be decided by consensus.
Obviously, checks and balances would need to be included to make the whole process not only free and fair, but could include bio-metric identification safeguards to make sure the people who were pressing the buttons, were who they said they were.
Who would present the arguments and policies, and just who would replace the politicians and civil servants, I hear you ask?
The answer, it seems to me, is simple and straightforward.
They would be people who had risen to the very top of their respective professions, who were well respected, greatly experienced, and who were encouraged to realise that there would be no better thing to do with all this wealth of knowledge, than to help run the country, with the very regular input of the desires of the electorate, whose views would be represented by the way they voted.
For example, imagine our education system being run, not by remote politicians and civil servants who might have very little working knowledge of education, but by our very best Teachers, Head Teachers, Classroom Assistants, Parents, Senior Students and Educationalists. Our National Health Service could be run by our very best Nurses, Doctors, Hospital Managers, G.P Surgery Managers, Expert Patients and other Health Professionals.
These principles could be applied to all the other main areas of the entire political process, including the management of our Defence Forces.
It is, from my experience, in business and working within the charitable sector, that those at the coal face who are committed to doing not just a good job, but are pro-actively working towards improving their chosen field from within, by utilizing best practice both nationally and internationally, are almost always aware of others in the same profession who are doing the same thing. These folk tend to stand out not because they're bullying or shouting the loudest, but because they are successful in ways that are real, recognized and tangible. It's perhaps through this kind of peer to peer recognition, that the digital democratic revolution could effectively select its leaders.
Also, it seems to me, if the angles of the 'power pyramid' were shallow instead of steep, as in this proposed system, the whole process of achieving effective consensus politics, no matter what the current views on this are, would be made much more straightforward.
Should such a system come to fruition, I think there would be a massive improvement and change, in the way people feel about politics.
They would go from feeling alienated from, and disaffected by, a current system which seems to perpetuate unfairness and inequality, to a system that they felt was fully inclusive, and truly representative.
We are surrounded by Voice Activated Machines and this good. Well it maybe but a difficulty I have encountered means that I (and I suspect many others) cannot find a way to communicate with these machines, such as Alexa, Cortana and Google assistant. This is very annoying because I am condemned to a world of mechanical silence through no fault of my own. I have a disability which distorts my voice so much I cannot talk to the machines that are becoming a more prominent part of our lives. I am not a technophobe and would like a chance to participate in the future. Enough of this Whinging but you'd think that those who make things happen would've thought of this.
All my children are grown up now , with good partners , in their lives , all got good jobs . I’m so proud of them all .. We are all very close and supportive of each other .
I’d like to discuss and hear the views and ideas of the elderly retired folks on low incomes , How do you spend your leisure time ? There are many hour we just sit around in the winter months , watching tele . I’m sure I and my husband could be doing something useful from home . My husband Arthur is 77 also active xx
TERF stands for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist.
I can just about get my old head around this and, in short, it seems to mean a feminist who excludes transgender people.
I would have to question whether a 14 year old really understands either what a feminist truly is or what a genuine (and rare) transgender person is really all about.
Feminism, a movement that exploded decades ago with the likes of women of my age seeking equality has become a vehicle for all sorts of awful opinions that have no relation to the original movement and the current explosion in so called trans genderism has become almost de rigour amongst many young.
As someone who has witnessed first hand just what is involved in seeing a someone go through the whole gender reassignment process I think our kids need to learn just how traumatic the experience is - maybe they would think twice before jumping on the fashion bandwagon.
Forget TERF - I prefer the term COSMO - COmmon Sense MOvement
After over forty years of looking after family, finding yourself alone for the first time in your life is hard! I am starting to make friends, but still come home to an empty house.
Anyone out there feel the same, maybe we should all talk to each other?
Pluck up the courage to go and join - best of luck.
Many thanks & hope to hear from you soon.
There is increasing evidence of basic changes to our climate system as a result of human activities. Left unchecked, the rate of change will accelerate, bringing significant consequences for our environment, economy and society.
In Scotland, climate change is evident from observed changes in temperature, rainfall and snow cover. These changes are causing significant shifts in the growing, breeding and migration seasons, as well as species abundance and diversity. Higher river flows are leading to flood risks and sea level rise risks coastal flooding.
With Scotland having adopted world-leading legislation to address climate change, we are fortunate to have sound Scottish Government support .
Am I right to object to being lectured to or am I just a grumpy old b'#@~r uncomfortable in the modern era.
Won't stop watching quality drama on the box or visiting the cinema once or twice a week.
The acclaimed "THE ART AND TECHNIQUE OF PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT" a super mental and physical health course is now being offered once again by the author, entirely without charge, on the internet. For full information just drop an email to and ask for the details. You'll certainly never regret it.
Here are a few comments from previous members =
"I loved every minute of this course and was so eager to receive each lesson. I enjoyed the "hands on" approach and the fact that if I had a question or concern, it was addressed immediately.”
"i also want to tell you that i have taken MANY pay courses for psychic development, remote viewing, obe, healing, etc, and yours is the only one that produced results. i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart."
"I am actually so sorry that the Course has come to an end. However, I plan to go over all the lessons again and I would like to thank you for your time and effort which you have put into the lessons, for always being there to listen and always giving your much valued advice."
I am a journalist with the Daily Telegraph and I am writing a piece about the difference between today's young and the 65 and overs' approach to technology. It is based on Ofcom data which shows 18% of 16-24 year olds spend more than seven hours a day online compared with 1% of over 65s. I would be interested if anyone would be happy to talk to me who has enjoyed becoming tech savvy, and their attitudes to the ups (and downs) of their experience with technology (smartphones, tablets, ipads etc). I can be reached via my email or on my mobile 07836 273690. Fyi, I am 57 myself and a former head of news at The Sunday Times, where I was also an education correspondent. I am now a freelance journalist and have been running the Daily Telegraph's campaign for a duty of care to be imposed on social media companies to better protect children from online harms. I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
So I fill out endless application forms on line and fire of my C v s if I'm lucky some employers will get back to me with a no can do . What hurts most is that if only bigot to the interview stage employers would soon realise that I with my skill set would be an asset to the firm.
So I keep scanning indeed and other job sites still wishing and hoping for that illusive interview, and here's the the thing I have evenlowered my sights to include Mc Donalds, Betfred e t c .
Thank you and feel free to comment.
I was in a similar position, but kept on applying. Have you thought of approaching care agencies? Some pay quite well, and they are always needing good staff.
Knock backs can dent your confidence, but I always looked at them as just not being the right place for me.
Now I have been working for some time, keeps me occupied, feel huge job satisfaction, and get paid too!
I still have enough memory cells to remember back to the time when we first joined the then Common Market. Before we joined though, I remember President General De Gaulle vetoing our application and refusing us to join. When finally Prime Minister Ted Heath took us in to the Common Market, there was no referendum from the British people, so our entry could even now be deemed as being illegal, as this was done without the will of the people.
What should also be remembered is that today's European Union is nothing like the old Common Market. And, once again, no British person has ever been asked if we should join the European Union. This too happened without the will of the people.
If what I am saying is true, then why should we have to seek permission to leave, and why do me have to pay any divorce payments?
I believe that repeated governments have sold Britain out time and time again. I shall never trust a politician again, I have no faith in any of the parties. (I'm glad I got that off my chest, I feel a lot better)
Let’s hope that there is a second referendum now that people realise the true facts!
Maybe Silversurfers could sort this out - it is hardly a difficult problem to solve in this day and age and it would so help the communications they say they are trying to promote.
Otters are also being traded as pets, particularly in south-east Asia - there are over 800 pet otters in Jakarta alone and demand is also increasing in Japan where they now have otter cafes where people can go and interact with young otters. Most of the otters are Asian small-clawed otters and they are mostly taken from the wild. The mother is often killed as she tries to protect her cubs and they are being smuggled in suitcases.
Please help the International Otter Survival Fund stop the trade in otters (
Since losing my partner, very suddenly, in March, I have been very lucky to have had visits from concerned and caring friends and neighbours. However I should like to list my top ten things NOT to say: In no particular order, all these have been said to me.
1) You are still young. You'll meet someone else and start a new life. (This was said 3 days after Cliff died).
2) Do you want me to clear his stuff away, it's everywhere.
3)You need to start clearing his clothes and things out.
4)You're not still ranting on about him are you?
5) I don't know why you don't like being on your own.
6)It's no good sitting there going over and over it. Why don't you read a book or something?
7) Once you're out and about again, you'll think differently.
8)You'll just have to come to terms with it.
9) Why aren't you sleeping? Are you worrying about something?
10) Oh! for goodness sake! (accompanied by rolling eyes, because I talk to Cliff)
I know it's hard to find the right thing to say and I am grateful that people care and are trying to "cheer me up" but please talk about normal things. Auntie Flo's bunions, Mrs Blogg's cat. Anything but tactless advice. End of rant. Thank-you for reading/listening.
If you feel it might benefit there could well be a Cruse group near to you - if so then it might help as they provide a sensitive ear to the situation you are in as well as being happy to talk about anything and everything. The contact number is 0808 808 1677
I am in a similar situation as I lost my husband in April.
Thankfully I haven't had anyone say anything along these lines to me.
I am lucky to have a few good supportive friends.
What has annoyed me though is the phrase... 'We are here for you anytime you need us' by people who I haven't seen since the funeral !
Another one is ' you are not alone' .... Well yes actually I am !
I agree it's difficult knowing what to say , particularly if you haven't been in that situation yourself
... Fancy a coffee would just be great though and would mean such a lot
There is much to be gained by meeting up with those who are travelling the same road as yourself, as you will find that there are many shared experiences. The most frequently heard phrase is "I think I'm going mad". Bereavement can bring on odd behaviour patterns. In fact it is the one time in life when the abnormal is, in its way, sort of normal. I get asked if hearing and seeing the dead person is normal - yes it is. I get asked if physical as well as mental pain is normal - yes , it is. I have seen eating disorders, drinking disorders, lack of concentration, bursts of aggression - the list of reactions is very long. It is a very stressful time both physically and mentally and although we are each different in our experience and reaction you will find that there are commonalities. That in itself is comforting as it then makes you realise you are not alone in the dark world of bereavement.
Let me know how you get on. All the best
I'm been told you should go away somewhere, why don't you start to go out and enjoy yourself. It's only been 5 weeks and truth be told I still can't stop crying, I'm not sleeping and when I do I wake up and for a few seconds I forgotten she gone, and the pain starts all over again.
Like you I would like a normal conversation or just be able to say how I am truly feeling instead of having to say Yes I'm ok getting there.
I won't go into detail but I think I may need some specialists help but it's not easy to find in face , I will just say the thoughts I have are not good and the nightmares stop me from wantting to go to sleep. Yes I've been told to man up and I know I should. It is difficult to talk to my children or grandchildren as it only up sets them.
Sorry I should not go on as you know what it's like and are going through the same thing.
I hope for everyone who is going through this, that there is a time when there is some peace. I wish my brain would just start working properly.
Take care.
It's somehow easy to talk to someone I don't know, but do not want to upset and make things harder for anyone going through the same.
It's is good to be able to say how I feel and not what I think I should say.
I am new to Silversurfers but I am glad I found you and read your sorry tale. I haven`t got many words of comfort but I`ll tell you how I am feeling now after 5 months of losing my darling husband of 42 years. He died suddenly and I felt then as if my life too ended on that day.
I went through all the emotions and feelings you are probably experiencing now. I wanted to rant and rave, scream at people who were only asking me how I felt. I found it hard to sleep and like you would wake up and bang it would hit me all over again. I still only go out when I feel able to face people. I have told family that if it takes a year before I might feel able to join a group then so be it. You will start to come to terms with your tragedy in the future. I can`t tell you when but just try and get through each day as it comes. Don`t plan anything just go with the flow and accept all the help you are offered. I have come to understand that when people say we are here for you if you need us, they often don`t contact you as they do not know what to say. But I know just to sit with you and have a normal conversation or listen to you when all you want to talk about is what you`re going through would be a big help. I have good days and horrendous days and yes sometimes I cannot seem to stop crying, but when this happens I always think of my friend saying "breathe deep a few times, just breathe" and this does help. So please just breathe.
All the best for now
I totally agree with what you are saying. I too lost my wife some 20-years ago and can concur with everything you say. I used to hate it when people would try and comfort you with words and phrases like:
1. Don't worry deary, times a great healer, you'll soon get over it.
2. I know just what your going through, I lost my mother many years ago.
3. Throw yourself into your work so you don't dwell on the past too much.
4. Oh and there was always, "Come on mate, she's been dead now for over a year, time to move on and climb back up on the horse".
Looking back at this time I came to realise that grief and bereavement are very private and personal feelings and emotions. I my case it was a terrible time as my wife took her own life. I think at this time I had endured every conceivable emotion. Bitterness, anger, emptiness, loneliness etc. So, when ever people use to say, I lost my mother, I know just what your going through, They would get a very sharp retort. No you haven't got a Bl**dy clue what I'm going through, you've not got the faintest idea. I also remember feeling that I had failed somehow, and believed that these emotions were mine, I owned them.
So, all I can say is go on and rant away. I'd never say that I know just what your going through as these feelings and emotions are yours and yours alone. No body can understand, only you.
This is all very much in the past, and is now very much apart of the chapters of my life's rich tapestry.
Good Luck to you Poppiexx
| have made up my mind to try and join U3A in September...they have so many activities to take part in and no exams or anything like that! Everything from walking groups to Theatre or Reading groups. I am going to their Annual Meeting when I can have "a taster" of what is I am hoping they are friendly and will make all the difference as to whether I go back again! A friend in the north joined and she is so busy these days,..and sits on 4 committees too! It is a good way to meet others who are likely in similar situations to always helps! So I will give it a go! In case of interest to any SS reader!
I'm Bushead, I have only just joined in the hope to meet people. I live in NW London, single and 60. I would like to meet people who are interested in travelling, days out, dinners, etc. Email:
1 - What do YOU want from a retirement village or complex - or whatever name you would like to give it?
2 - What sort of home/house would you like to have? Feel free to say how many bedrooms and bathrooms etc. Garden'? Pets?
3 - Are you addicted to bricks and mortar or would you consider other options? If so - what? Are you aware of that build and construction options are available?
4 - What would you feel to be a fair price to pay for a retirement home?
5 - What do you feel is a fair price to pay for full care?
By the way - I am 68 and my husband is 80 - we are not part of any retirement business. I am just really fed up with seeing what is on offer, plus the costs and would like to make waves - very BIG waves. Are you up for helping me? If so then please let me know your thoughts.
1. independence with a community feeling.
2. I think park homes are a good way forward or low level apartments with a balcony. 2 beds as we do have visitors, and not having the kitchen in with the living space, a small outdoor space would be good, even if its a courtyard of some sorts. It is nice to have an area to yourself even if there is a community garden. 1 pet per unit would be reasonable.
3. I would be open to other construction but not really sure of what is available apart from the park homes.
4. Tricky to discuss price as it would depend where you are. But the idea is to keep the cost down, maybe £150 - £200. The problem is the fees that come with a lot of these properties. It is ok to buy them but is it an affordable option with site fees/ground rent etc.
5. I would imagine if you need full care then these sort of properties may not be the best choice.
good luck with your investigations.
Good fun! Goodies to win? For some perhaps. My experience was not such fun. I was delighted to hear I had won two tickets for the Holiday and Travel Show, Olympia, February 2nd to 4th 2018, and that the tickets would be posted to me shortly. So pleased was I that I wrote and thanked the organisers of the competition, then went ahead and booked a hotel in London for two for the weekend. With only a week to go the tickets had not arrived so I wrote to Silver surfers admin explaining and - again - gave my address. No reply then, and no reply to date. Worst of all ...... no tickets.
Will I enter Silver Surfers competitions again? Only if I want to experience disappointment again.
Having seen both my parents ( luckily at 88 and 91 ) have long and artificially extended deaths with more suffering than was necessary, I've long been a supporter of Assisted dying, where if you are terminally ill you can choose when and how you die if it is really all too much for you.
Yes there should be safeguards to avoid exploitation of the vulnerable, but right now pets have a better chance of a dignified death than we do! I'm a supporter through but would love to get other people's views on this crucial subject.
Howard Kendall
One brave girl!
I'm 69 and widowed 18 months ago. I have a good life with great friends but as they're either married/working full time it's not always easy to get to visit places as often as I'd like and when I do it's not much fun doing it alone. If anyone's interested in getting out and about - sharing costs then please contact me. I live in the East Riding of Yorkshire. Close to the sea.
because I trip over on them and have such trouble getting round them to cross the road. What really makes me mad is the government going on about elderly people getting more exercise but when something goes wrong they do their upmost kick you in the teeth.
I can't find a chat room or email address for members to contact one another. Am I missing something ?
Just have to comment on your travel arrangements Since when has a mini -van been comfortable.???
A couple more have emerged in the last week or so:
It seems, that far from protecting their pension fund, managers/investors of Toys R Us transferred a huge amount of money to the British Virgin Isles when their financial position became apparent. It was called a ''loan'' but repayment was waived. Will anyone be held accountable?
Southern Hospital Trust has been fined 2 million pounds for preventable deaths. Is that the board? No. Is that the incompetent managers? No. Is it the uncaring who allowed it to occur? No. Is anyone held accountable? No. Who picks up the bill for the fine? We do through the NHS.
I fear I shall die from industrial thrombosis, that is clots in management.
I understand that Brexit is the priority at the moment, but the government must, at the earliest opportunity, address the issues of accountability.
Why ???- When an MP sitting possibly in the inner sanctum is thrown out of office either through election or conduct unbecoming the old boy net work amongst this fraternity sets to work, and then hey presto !! A seat on the board of .......yes you have guessed correctly. With the proviso of couse that they have been "nice" to bankers in the past and are regarded as a "good egg".
If anyone is interested in exploring the voluntary role of Community First Responder, for their local Ambulance Service, I'll be most happy to discuss.
Such a rewarding role, if you're happy to be on call (at times to suit you), and to be ready to be the first resource from the Ambulance Service, on scene, to support people who have fallen ill and called 999.
In my area, these are 'non-trauma' calls, so typically I'm supporting people with heart attacks, strokes, breathing difficulties, asthma, diabetic collapses, allergic reactions, or at worst, cardiac arrests, until the nearest Ambulance arrives on scene (no accidents, no alcohol or drugs related calls, no domestic violence incidents, etc).
Equipped with the training, and the kit provided, using my own car, I love making a difference to folks in the area, 89 of them so far, in these first few minutes when re-assurance and urgent support can make the difference between life or death.
If you're interested, search for your local Ambulance Service's scheme online - it will always be called Community First Responder - and ask me if you would like any insights.
Thank you for taking the time to read this
I have only just joined the Silversurfers community and would really like to make new friends and have a good old fashioned chinwag sometime.
I’m going to Rome for my big 60 this summer with my husband and I’m looking for recommendations for a nice restaurant for the evening of my birthday, I want it to be nice but not over the top extocinate if you know what I mean, I don’t want a cafe but neither do I want the Ritz.
I would be grateful for any personal recommendations.
1, Top tips for elderly care at home
2. How we can take help of homecare services for elderly
Please let me know your views. I would like to share the content.
The majority of the users of this Site ,have their backs firmly against your suggestions. regarding the Back Door.
Reading between Your lines ,it sounds as though you are looking for customers for a Care Home.
My view is------ you should get a life ,whilst you still can ,,
On a recent visit to a major teaching hospital in Cardiff, there was a WALK of at least 500 yards from the 'Disabled Car Park' to the nearest clinic or ward, yet ambulant badge holders strolled leisurely in.
Far too many blue badges are still being issued - they should be far more strictly controlled.
bit of sour grapes???? You seem quite knowledgeable on this issue, AND ,,what is an ambulance badge holder? These people obviously don't hold one of each !!
The real problem that the UK faces is old age not immigration.
With low saving rates and higher inflation
Many older people are finding it harder to fund their goals and ambitions.
Over 55's are increasingley using Lifetime Mortgages,to safely unlock the money tied up in their homes.
These are attractive for a number of reasons no monthly repayments,no upper age or income restrictions.
If you think that you would benefit please visit for more details
That you,,, are on here ,,,,touting for business...
Have you tried SilverTravelAdvisor? There are lots of reviews from ''experienced'' people (our age) and other info.
at all. Give it a go. I'm sure you don't need surrounding with people you don't know ,and have every hour of your holiday pre-organised.
Thanks for answering but I posted some time ago and in the meantime we have been on the organised tour of Sicily. It was just what I needed and we had the best time ever. Everything just fell in to place: weather was good, there were two other English couples on the tour who we really got on with (all the other people were Italian and very pleasant but my Italian is poor and they could not speak English) and our guide was outstanding. It was perfect!
It was the first time we had gone on a organised holiday as we have always done as you say - book flights and do our own thing. That was why I was asking if anyone had been - needed a bit of feed back/reassurance. Last year my life was very challenging and I actually wanted to get away from everything/one and not have to think about anything or make any decisions whatsoever. I desperately needed a distraction but the thought of just sitting on a beach or around a pool was not an option. I so needed not think of anything. As it happens the touring and places we visited were very interesting and we did things we would never have done on our own. The guide was so knowledgeable about everything especially the politics, the buildings and the restoration processes. If I was to moan about anything it would be one of the hotels we stayed at was not one I would have chosen but for two nights it was not a problem
It was just the right thing at the right time.
I went to Russia with my daughter for a short holiday recently which was totally not organised and we had an amazing time, so I do agree with you, but sometimes we have to do the unexpected.
But now 90yrs of age. Considering Flights & Airlines alongside these Increased Fares past the 31st October when the busy season sets in. Whether to leave on an EARLY Flight or Much Later in the Day as sleeping can become most welcome to pass the time away. If only we weren't required to spend an Extra 2-hours inside those Airports for Security Reasons. Not feeling too co-operative at this moment. Any Suggestions for an 90yr Old Travel Weary Great Gr-mother.???
Husband has always been really aggressive to-wards me even while pregnant & I reported him ot the Local Police Sergeant who was at his desk. But this was never acted upon. In 1963 Women under their Husbands Control was everywhere.
With Two Older Children of Four & Two there weren't many opportunities available allowing Women to actually leave their Torment. Public Opinion then. (Family's were kept out of those pictures) Plus I grew up in a very religeous Family. (Men Ruled).
Always staunchly believing in placing our Children First I never wished to place them into a Situation of Choice.
Taking Sides was also against my personal belief. Two Parents bring those children into this world-!!
Nothing available for women then in Contraception that I knew of either.
Sexual demands back then were 'Husbands Rights' now I shake my head in disbelief.
Presently realising that at 90yrs of age I have been a b it too late in deciding I HAVE to leave while I can still recall how to write.
Biggest problem is where to go & how can I re-invent my life all over again.?? Not sleeping properly being deeply depressed I approaching the Dr' has resulted in a Stalemate. Wondering if it is worthwhile getting myself out of bed. I am even giving up on dressing & showering which was always my best part of each day.
Perhaps you could suggest taking your grandchildren to a show or visit something that they are interested in. Explain to them that you would like to enjoy their company.
I usually try and book a show for a birthday present for my granddaughters and myself. I am fortunate that I have a supportive family, but I try not to encroach on their time, as I know when one works time is precious.
Do you have any hobbies? I realise because of your age you might have difficulty getting about. I am 83 and try to keep busy. I am fortunate that I can still drive. Perhaps you could join a local friendship group. I do hope things get better for you.
Unfortunately Emmigrating to Australia in 1964 was another downturn in every way possible.
Must have ripped the very roots of security out from under their--OUR Feet.
But sticking it out to finish raising the 5 Children. Working /full time/worn out by the time I-'we' returned just as a Couple.
With that Size of this Continent of Australia Distances were a HUGE problem when attempting ot Travel Interstate even. Ended up with 42yrs there while raising each of them successfully--apart from built-up anger with separated siblings.
Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness & do take care//we never know for how long. I always drove myself around everywhere both in Ozz & here. Now loss of confidence has taken it's toll. Lack of Mobility causes Isolation Depression Etc. Cheery Bye for now.
Asking myself did I place their well being & expectations above my own daily needs.
When you go thru' those years not being supported emotionally I was always running on empty & even resentful for my situation.
Not having enough confidence in my own importance or how to voice these emotional requirements that children have a Father as well as this Mother to provide stability within the Family. Instead of battling all of those difficulties involved with growing healthy children--4-daughter's & 1-Son while holding down a Job.
Is there something in the Male Physci' that brings out a selfish self survival mode of behaviour.
Those Children are now grown Adults & Gr-parents.
I made a foolish sacrifice in 1964 when the future prospect for Jobs in Scotland were very bleak.
Also thinking or wishing for some alteration in their Dad's selfish activities that by emigrating 12.000 miles away from his Booze Buddies that he would realise the importance of his young Family.
Sadly this never happened. Verbal angry abuse became his normal attitude to myself.
Always wishing to place our Children first who deserved to have both parents--why did I even think 'BOTH' when he wasn't there to help with homework or encouraging after school activities.
Now that I am nearing 90yrs & wishing to rejoin with some of our Adult Family's (having returned to my native Land some 10yrs ago from Australia) on raising my hopes & expecting positive response's I have been left Sad & heart broken even mentally depressed. Should I just accept this defeat after always being a determined person. As I just have this need to be held close to my own flesh & blood. I throw this declaration out into the sight of your Members.
I became a stage magician at the age of ten - hence magician.
I moved on to become a real magician!
Have a great life.
Best wishes.
Recently retired from NHS mental health at age 72. I decided to give a few of my thoughts and experiences.
Everyone experiences mental health difficulties at some stage/s of life. It is part of being human.
For myself my wife died at age 35 when our children were aged 5 and 1 with all of the difficulties that entailed!
I have been very close to death myself a number of times. At times I have been rich and at times I have had nothing in material terms.
I consider that I have been through hell and came out the other side.
NOW - I wake up happy everyday.
I have been lucky enough to be able to help other people come through difficult times, we all experience them.
I am positive, enthusiastic, and still good looking. A very modest person as well as you can tell!
I live on the basis that you should do what you enjoy doing and life will fall into place.
I love the old saying - when you feel that life is falling apart it is actually falling into place.
Life is what YOU make it at any age.
Best Wishes.
I just wanted to say I was saddened to learn of the passing of Bruce Forsyth this afternoon.
He was such a huge part of Saturday evening television when I was younger From ''Nice to see you to see you Nice'', the Generation Game, Play Your Cards Right, all the way to Keep Dancing, he entertained the UK for decades.
One celebrity to never have his great name tarnished or slurred. You were and always will be a national television treasure.
RIP Bruce Forsyth.
I grew up watching him and the British entertainment industry has lost a leading light.
an the chat site well no one has bin in since i joined last sat i think..
.so please remove me from this site.
will say the home page looks very good but not much i can say about anything else..
I hope you find this very helpful.
There are hundreds of Forum topics that you are welcome to join in with, or you can begin a new topic of your own too.
The Chat section is for people to have private conversations, which is why you wouldn't see the conversations, apart from the ones you are engaged with.
Hope this helps ... glad you like our homepage 🙂
cant find any proper forum an where is the chat site ???
To counteract this I would like as many people as possible to send thoughts of LOVE to all the children who are dying or suffering, because of this Evil.
Maybe I am feeling this way because most of what has been familiar to me throughout my life, not only produce but also a way of life, is gone. I count myself lucky the be at my stage of the life cycle as I doubt I could cope with all the uncertainty which seems to surround us today. It will be a long haul back to regain 'Pride In Britain' - maybe this could be the title of the documentary, which is sorely needed by some.
I agree that we need to get back to producing more goods in this country, which would probably cost more. Our society has got used to cheap products manufactured in countries where labour is very cheap. I never buy goods from a famous store, who can sell a man's shirt for 2.00. I used to work in the textile trade and the companies that we bought for were always wanting cheaper and cheaper goods produced.
I hope you don't mind me saying this , shame on you !!!! Almost half the population of this world would give anything to change places with you.
I really didn't mean to cause offence, but I do think we are lucky to call ourselves British, Unfortunately the drop in standards as you have noticed is universal except for South Korea and maybe Switzerland and a very few other countries. I think the world financiers would have most of us working for slave wages if they could get away with it and they care naught for the consequences.
Buy British and remember the sixties.
There are so many older people who spend so much time on their own and don't see anybody from one day to the other. It makes me feel sad that nobody seems to wants to give up there spare time to even go and see a lot of these people. i know there are different organisations out there but it seems to take forever to get the help they need. Surely they would be happier if they new they were going to spend sometime with people and not be alone. Just my view .What do other people think.?
You are obviously a caring person. I live alone and I am lonely but what's to be done, I don't know? Sue
I miss my grandparents so much.
In the absence of my mother they made me the person I am today and I will be eternally grateful for that much.
The older generation have so much to give and the gifts of knowledge and experience, they have to bestow upon my generation, are essentially being squandered.
I hope I make as many new and interesting friends on here as possible & if they get anything back from our interactions then I'll feel I have made some small contribution to this problem.
The world will be a poorer place without your contribution.
I have volunteers who work for an organisation I run and they get so much out of it themselves, it becomes rewarding on two levels.
Rewarding for those we are helping and rewarding for those who make a difference and spend their time engaging with new people.
I wish all the very best in life for everyone and hope you find that outlet for your talents x
Still, you sound like a jolly nice chap and I'm sure you do a lot of good to others in their lives, just having contact and being able to write is helpful.
chats either.
Never any contact for too many years. Don;t even know where they could be living or even if they still are.
I was sleeping easy thinking my husband and i would be comfortable but not well off in retirement both even though I have been a housewife working very part time for just a few years. We are just managing at present on Paul’s private pension as we both are still under 65 without state pensions. Not getting my pension and bus pass was a blow but we calculated we could manage if we are careful. Now i am unable to sleep after the announcement concerning elderly care and paying with proceeds of ones home or homes?
My first question is has the government considered what happens to anyone else left living in the house after death and care expenses? Whether it be a partner, spouse, son, daughter, sister, brother unemployed, disabled, mental health patient etc what rights would they have to retain the house ?
The second question is relates to our own second property housing my son now over 40 and still single and struggling on minimum wages and paying us a below market rent for maintenance and bills to be paid . If this is taken in process of paying care fees for us later he will be homeless again . We have only just managed to stabilise his life and get him some security? Not only that we may one day consider taking in my own mother now 83 and the same situation could apply to her if we both died before her. My brother has all ready died. If she moved in with us she would need to invest her house sale money in ours to make her room to live -how would this be claimed back by the state if she lives to 100 and i get too old to care for her?
My third question is about the £100000 cap - is this after the pension pot is spent too ? I have no pension of my own above a reduced state pension so if my husband needs for instance dementia 24 hour care for many years will the pension he planned for us/me still be set aside untouched?
I am very worried.
Best wishes,
Being over 80 and my housekeeper being 77, both of us with "conditions" try these;-
Staysure , Good to go and Paying too much. All of these will cater for wrinklies.
Introduction: There has never been such an occurrence where the ideology of groupthink has been more misconstrued than the supply of Domestic Energy. Girthed in mystery, it has become a law onto itself, alienating the very person it relies on; the Consumer, who, with lack of plausible information, is often driven into the pens of Switchers’. Does gas supplied by EDF give more warmth than SSE, or the Cooperative’s electricity heats a pan faster than British Gas no’ in reality they are two products, each of a standard consistency distributed direct to the end user, so why the problem?
My Experience: Advised by my local Council I agreed to purchase energy from their recommended Supplier, a worthwhile twelve month contract. On completion I was offered a less lucrative one, of which, if not taken they would transfer my account to their basic Standard Variable Tariff. I realised I had been spoofed, so I changed my supplier. Unfortunately many of my fellow consumers. Who experienced similar problems, took no action retreating into a culture of can’t be bothered constantly moaning about the cost of energy and the problems of switching……………To identify the cheapest Twelve Month Tariff for gas and electricity, either in single or dual, I use a self-adjusting League Table which mathematically combine together my annual kWh usage and individual supplier’s Standing and Unit charges. This useful tool brushes away the dogma, allowing me to make informative decisions on my energy supply.
Previous Events: Throughout the existence of Privatisation, the UK energy market has been manipulated to maintain ambiguity. From the onset the Government and Suppliers knew the original concept of privatisation was flawed. Complete clarity would devalue tariffs until all become equal, resulting in cheap energy vulnerable to abuse, creating a catastrophic demand, unachievable by the Suppliers. So what is the answer? State Ownership’ [previously tried and failed]. Those of us who are old enough to have experienced the torrid years of ‘Winters of Discontent and a three day working week’ would never wish it upon present times. Sadly the whole episode was created by weak management and the power of the Unions, the total period was a complete disaster.
Comment: As a Consumer I am deeply concerned about the vague and disruptive way Suppliers and the Regulator 'Ofgem’ handle my energy account, both with an attitude of “I hide you seek”. Therefore to conclude, through their unhelpfulness these organisations have encouraged me into the thoughts of mistrust, mistrust that must be replaced by reassurance; Why should I grovel through the informational malaise provided by Suppliers or, even indirectly pay others to do the work? Time is long overdue to correct the situation; in my mind I have one thought. Tear up the Rulebook and reconstruct the UK, s Domestic Energy Supply to accommodate the Consumer.
Organisations that trumpet their virtues of being conscious of, and helpful to, the aged person, fall short of their ideology highlighted in my quest for sustaining mental agility in my final years. The problem I have, Dyslexia also known as Word Blindness, I prefer the latter or even a lesser pronunciation, Parallel Thinking. This infliction can often be stimulating; by forcing the individual to be less insular which in my case may be true. I come from a rare breed, not necessary living life to the full, (although, I admit I did a bit in the past) but to try with all that’s within me, to live and enjoy life to the end.
A lifetime of experience, can amass a shedload of ideas, some worthy some less worthy, often I consider, pressing my inner delete button and get rid of them, or stand the embarrassment and reveal all? Well, for my sins I chose the latter, but unfortunately with no success. You may conclude that I have employed little effort in my quest for recognition, but believe me I have. Many doors I have tried, but lacking the combinations, I have failed every time. Is it wrong for a man of my years to be snuffed out, when just trying to aspire to life’s aspirations and fill the crock of time with what I have gathered along the way?
A “Swinging Chain” means-Warm Seat; The legendary connotation of foreseeing a situation.
Look at the number of empty drink cans laying around these days, and one can see why it is now called the throw away age.
.quite a few times i have seen someone nearly walking into a lamp post or crossing the road without looking and nearly getting run down.
people dont talk to each other any more in person .they would rather text or face time or each other or use skype
i must be getting old much prefer the way things were before.
A tip for the cash strapped Government of to-day, why not copy Henry VIII and Peter the Great and put a tax on beards ???
Which university found there were more germs in a typical beard than around a toilet basin ??
Can I post here that I am outraged and concerned about the past week in politics. I'm hesitant to write anything political, but I just want to see what people might say here!!
I mean, seriously, banning people based on religion- on Holocaust Remembrance Day!!!- America wouldn't except Anne Frank and her family- and they were murdered by nazis!! I know this might seem like I want to start a fight, but I don't.
To me, most politicians would be better employed as extras in the looney tunes cartoon films, as they are natural born comedians.
I have only voted in one general election in my whole life ( and I know some people will say that I should therefore keep quiet and just accept what happens). I also voted for brexit and there are politicians, both elected and unelected who are trying to overturn the majority result just to safeguard their own interests.
So, yes, Sweetheart 61, post whatever you want because whatever else is wrong with this country we still have the absolute right to free speech.
There you go, that's my rant over.
The Department for Work and Pensions has confirmed that it did not write to women affected by the 1995 Act until 14 years later, in 2009. However, these letters were halted in 2011 because the Government was planning to make further increases. So only women born up to 5 April 1953 were written to in that round of letters. DWP started writing to women born after 6.4.53 in 2012 and I received my letter in 2015 aged 60yrs and 2mths that my SPA would be 2020 at age 66 years . There are approximately 2.6million women in the country affected by these reforms and many are suffering severe financial hardship.
There is cross party support for the call for transitional arrangements and an All Party Parliamentary Group was established in May to consider options. Bindmans Solicitors have been instructed to take the DWP to court over Maladminsitraion, following a very successful Crowdfunding appeal
I believe that the significant loss of income to women who were expecting their pensions at 60 will have an adverse effect on our local areas and the country as a whole. There will be less disposable income and there are many women having to sell their homes, claiming housing support and/or finding they need to claim ESA or JSA in their 60s to survive. Not all women are able to continue working due to ill health, caring responsibilities for parents and/or grandchildren, redundancy, etc.
If you are affected by this most cruel injustice please visit and join your local group.
I have been left with a time share since 1991 now no longer want it and need to get rid of it but how..??
Cohousing is such a great way to live in later life, so it's a shame not enough people know about it. Everyone has their own, independent home just like anywhere else, but you all share a community house where you can socialise as much or as little as you like, and it's all owned and run by the community members themselves. There are lots of other groups setting up around the country, some aimed at the 'silver' generation and others multi-generational, all open to both men and women (except OWCH, which is just for women).
My group is called Cannock Mill Cohousing. We're building 23 houses and flats in Colchester, all built to Passive House standards, which means we'll have negligible heating bills. I don't live anywhere near Colchester at the moment, so It'll be a completely new start for me when we move in next year - very exciting at my time of life!
Wishing one and all a very happy New Year, Bring it on.
friends, do things with go out for dinner that kind of thing, am I in the right place.
As you can see you are the first person to reply to the comment I put on the site in Dec 2016.
Just to give you a few details of myself, I am 70 years old, retired and now live in Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland. I live in an old farmhouse with my rough collie dog and enjoy walking, clay pigeon shooting, and city break and short term (7days) holidays around Europe and the Med.
It would be good to hear a bit more about you and maybe keep in touch if we find that we have similar interests
I hope you enjoy this site and make many new friends on it.
I have tried, and been answered by the claims department. Their employee claims to have no knowledge of Silver Surfers holiday insurance via Allianz, and are unable to put me through to someone who can.
Help please, even if it's to say that I am being "technically challenged"
I would like to see The Lion King at the Lyceum theatre in London. I was pleased to see it included in the offers.
However, the ticket I was looking at was £69.50 + £14 booking fee. The same agent (love theatre) are only charging £8.50 booking fee for the same ticket when bought NOT via Silver Surfers! Why is this?
It is one of my bugbears. I have had to wear glasses since I was 11, and have paid £1,000 over the years for the “privilege” of being short sighted.
I classify myself as being disabled, as I cannot function without my glasses. But do any of us in this position get Any sort of allowances of discounts or vouchers????
I have taken up this with any MP who cares to listen. and all I get back in response is a bland letter, and several leaflets outlining all the conditions I have to satisfy to get any sort of discount.
Of course, Not One applies to me ~ (an “ordinary person”) ~ who has worked hard, paid taxes, etc etc all her life and as a result, does Not qualify for Anything!!!! So many other folks seem to be able to get All sorts of benefits and vouchers.
Nearly everytime i am in a shop, clinic, dentist or optician,
I seem to be the only one who actually pays!!!!
Rant over!
what does anyone else think?
I know its time consuming and a pain in the rear, but to save £170 surely is worth it. That saving can buy you quite a bit.
keep smiling
I will be interested to hear what you find out...
Thought my sister was one born 1963 - so is she too?
Anyone got the definitive definition please?
problems in their own countries
if anyone else is concerned about the immigration crisis at the moment ! How come we could protect our borders from the Germans during world war 2 surely something can be done to sort out this crisis before it escalates any further or is it just me !
We also have a chat room, which we will be updateing over the next couple of months :
Hope you enjoy Silversurfers 🙂
Be the first to comment and also vote in our poll! Many thanks for your suggestion 🙂
I agree with you too that it would be great to have a chat site rather than a dating site. A friend of mine wanted to meet more friends and the only option was to go on a dating site. This led to her meeting a very nice man but after meeting a few times, even though he knew she didn't want a relationship, he finished with her because he did want a relationship.
Bring on a chat site!
This may sound a bit negative, but it is how I find things from my own perspective~
I do not use buses, so no chance to interact there. (We have to drive to most places, as there are limited shops/facilities nearby).
I do not have a dog anymore, so no chance of chatting to the owners of the frequently- walked dogs on our road, apart from nodding as they pass by if I happen to be in the front garden.
I Have joined the local U3A, but they are not what I regard as “friends”, merely folks who are at the same meeting /monthly talk, etc. The interest groups are more of an opportunity to chat casually on the subject within the particular group, but no more than that. At the end of each session, it’s “goodbye, see you next time”, and everyone scoots off. I Was invited back once to one lady’s house, but all she could talk about was her grandchildren, and how awful her last job had been, so that didn’t go any further, I am sad to say.
Other ladies at these groups seem to come in a pre-formed clique of neighbours or having met at different groups that I am not a member of, or do not have the time or the interest in those particular spheres; and don’t seem to want to include you ~(as a perceived outsider)~ in their conversations, which appear to continue from week to week on topics unknown to me, so I am unable to join in with them.
I Do have a small circle of friends, from various times of my life, but some them are still at work, and have families; so Their time is very limited and precious, so I hardly ever get to see them either. As for trying to actually Phone ~(as opposed to texting)~it’s nigh on impossible, as they are multi-tasking whenever they Do pick up the phone, and are obviously not able to fully concentrate on a proper chat. Others have also retired, but are just So Very Busy doing all the lovely things the have always wanted to do,~ good luck to them, but Again they are Far too busy to see me, who I imagined to be a true friend . I see one pal 3 times a year, If I’m lucky!
Another pal of over 25 years moved to Cornwall, so I now never see her, despite being godmother to her 2 sons. It’s just far too far to go on many visits, and a bit stressful the one time I did, as I don’t especially like her new partner, so couldn’t have a proper natter with her.
I do not speak to anyone for days at a time, as my “other half” prefers silence, and is not much of conversationalist at the best of times!
I have tried a bit of volunteering, but that just fills the time, as you are meant to be “on task” and are not there to make friends as such, so no joy there, either!
Oh dear, I sound like a Very Grumpy Old woman, but I hope I am not, just would like to be able ~(like you~) to find a “real, true” friend to last for many years to come.
Answers on a postcard, please!
How about all you other folks out there giving your take on this issue?
I did think I had found someone on the same wavelength a little while ago, but she has had a big bust up with another in our group, so I don’t think Either of them will be coming any more, and I feel a little unsure of being seen to “side” with either of them; so I think I may have inadvertently lost both of these fledgling “friendships”.
Such is life, so back to the drawing board.
Nice to hear from you daydreams, ta ta for now.
I have asked other people and they all agree with me, both males and females think it is disgusting .
It does a diservice to all Gay men
I do not know any Gay men who act like that
And to think the ad company who made it charged £thousands for it
Am I right in thinking that millions like us (great film) pensioners are now the largest block voting group in the UK? That being the case why do I constantly hear or read some jumped up twerp of a politico banging on about how the 'Boomers' have all had it so good and that we should give up bus passes, tv licences, winter fuel allowances or anything else that has been grudgingly meted out to us by our lords and masters over the years. I wonder if they would be so quick to target us if they thought it would affect the political climate and their jobs and careers? Pensioners have been around the block a few times, Pensioners have time to get to grips with issues and Pensioners are more likely to vote than any other group. So why am I not being inundated with offers of goodies from the political parties to secure my vote? Has the penny not dropped with them yet? Are they so far removed from what we think and want so as never to consider us?
Now here comes the rub. I suspect some MPs think about us when they are voting themselves a nice fat increase in their gold plated pensions and cross their fingers in the hope that we will do nothing because...... we probably wont. They then send a silent prayer up the the God of expenses and ask that we NEVER get our act together and vote against them if they upset us. Can you imagine the panic in the corridors of power when they realise that Pensioners hold sway over which party gets in because we have got organised and become a voracious and active group. If we did they would probably pass a law and make voting illegal. Does all this make me sound a bit selfish when it comes to the increased welfare of pensioners? Damn right it does!
..HERES my Show Replays to give you a flavour of my SOUL/MOTOWN Radio Show >>>
The 'war' stoked mostly, I believe, by the media between the young and old (baby boomer) generations regarding how today's pensioners have 'never had it so good' and that the young will never be able to aspire to 'our' level of financial and occupational security viz a viz jobs, pensions, property, spending power etc etc. I agree that this is almost certainly the case, but have read that this situation has/will lead to strong resentment by the 'young' towards the 'old' which in the future (now?) could cause real problems with 'us' being pitched against 'them'.
Whilst broadly financial security and a good place to live may be true for a percentage of pensioners, there are nevertheless large numbers of senior citizens who are indeed poor and who struggle both financially and with poor health and so we are not all in the same boat. I am sorry that I do not have statistics, but the basic state pension is hardly a 'living' wage for no doubt millions of people. At this point I should like to declare myself as (at present) a reasonably financially secure pensioner who is lucky enough to have an occupational pension and my own house.
What really does annoy me however is the suggestion that the older generation (me) is in some way to 'blame' for this state of affairs. Personally, (I don't know about you), all I ever did from the age of 16 until 65 was to get up each morning and go to work. The fact that property was more accessible and cheaper, the fact that I was to eventually receive an occupational pension and all the other things which may have been beneficial to me throughout my working life (as compared to the situation today), were mere coincidences which just happened to happen in the period during which I went to work. A bit like winning the lottery (what good fortune the baby boomers had, its as if they won the lottery). I did not engineer what, with hindsight, just turns out to be good fortune, other than by getting up each day and going to work. I, like any generation, just got on with my life, took advantage of the time in which I found myself (due to my birth date - don't blame me) - borrowed money, bought a car, borrowed money, bought a house, saved some money, went on holiday, had children etc., etc. I do not wish to be 'blamed' for the situation in which large numbers of the younger generation find themselves today.
If being born, going to school, going to work for 49 years and then being fairly secure in retirement is a crime against today's young students and workers - then I am guilty as charged.
PS. Sorry to go on, but as Harry Worth once said "My name is Harry Worth, I don't know why, but there it is!"
Can we please have the correct spelling for "inappropriate" as in "flag as inappropriate"- thank you
Fireworks should be restricted only to certain night ie Bonfire night.
But they should be out of town, away from residential areas, pets, anyone with a nervous disposition.
Where I live we are close to a residential college behind us. and the local town in front.
So we get it for a week and a half. Worst 2 days before and after 11th.
They should be restricted to organised firework displays. Only.
If anything else, they should have to pay for a license. I appreciate that fireworks are used to celebrate religious events. But again should be out of town.
My dog was absolutely frightened to death the whole time. Me too. The horrendous explosions were worthy of coming from a War zone. You could feel the explosions through the floor frightening.
They need to be licensed. Who agrees?
I have emailed network rail twice, hoping for a reply, but not a thing. Also lost my reading glasses in the process of changing trains, still no reply.....Would like an explanation from someone, anyone know what step I should take next ?.....thank you.
My state pension has been moved from 60 to 66. (Between us we have paid 70 years of national insurance).
Where is the safety net we were lead to believe we paid contributions for.
I have a blue badge. I stayed just 30 mins and was pleased with prices and decided I would return again.
Nine days later I received a ParkEye parking demand for £40 if played within two weeks or £70 after that and if not paid at all the Debt Collectors will call for payment. Shock horror. In this demand for payment it mentioned that numerous signs are located in the car park.
I went along again today and found that upon entering the car park a notice probably two feet square had in large letters FREE PARKING FOR CUSTOMERS, and underneath in smaller print Aldi shoppers register in store. To park in the Disabled section there were no signs at all, about restrictions.
Has anyone had problems with ParkEye, or Aldi?
I have paid and am challenging through Aldi offices. Aldi have been helpful but I feel bad judgement has been used in employing ParkEye to look after their parking. This is more likely to put new shoppers off shopping at Aldi.
Anyone else had problems
4 billion years ago it is believed that comets first brought water and organic compounds to a barren Earth. The conditions here allowed the first crude and simple life forms to take hold and evolution started its long pathway to the present day.
"Rosetta" the European Space Agency's 10 year long space mission is about to find out by landing the first craft on a moving comet 500 million miles from Earth. Touchdown is Wednesday.
The comet we are landing on, 67P, is expected to contain frozen water and organic compounds. Already readings by Rosetta have detected unusual smells like cats urine in the comets trail. What secrets are about to be revealed?
Is this not the most exciting mission since Man first landed on the Moon?
Are other readers as fascinated by this as I am?
Further info can be found at
"We are the cosmos made conscious and life is the means by which the universe understands itself."
-Brian Cox
As such, we are the universe experiencing itself.
I don't know whether the water and single celled organisms where delivered to earth by a comet, or if they developed on Earth, but the fact that WE have developed from these organisms and are now exploring space on a mission of discovery to find an answer is truly breathtaking.
As such, we are not only the universe experiencing itself, but the universe beginning to try and understand itself.
I feel absolutely honoured to be living through such a wonderful period of discovery which seems to be accelerating all the time.
There is of course another perhaps more practical importance of Rosetta's mission. It is a technological piece of genius that has enabled Rosetta to travel for 10 years and several times around our solar system passing our sun no less than 5 times before arriving at its target of comet 67P.
One of the probable dangers to continuation of life on Earth, assuming Man doesn't destroy it and himself beforehand, is a major asteroid hit. It is believed that Life Extinction Events such as this have happened at least 5 times since Earth was created some 4.48 billion years ago.
Life started on our planet 4 billion years ago and has evolved continually with Man appearing 200,000 years ago. Up until this point life has largely only been able to react to the circumstances it finds itself in, but now for the first time we can say we have some control over our own destiny.
We have now developed the technology to reach out to distant objects so if the need ever arose to nudge a major Earth threatening asteroid away from a collision course there is hope that it could be done.
Remember Rosetta took over 10 years to develop before being launched 10 years ago and technology has developed hugely even in that 20 year time-scale.
We are standing on the edge of a massive leap in knowledge.
What a feat of human ingenuity.
Now we await with baited breath what the comet can tell us about our origins.
I'd love to hear people opinions leaving or staying with the EU.