simbadog's bio
Live in Balearics.Ex Royal Air Force keen sports woman more about spectating these days but an avid walker. Love animals voluntary dog walker at local dog shelter. Avid Spurs supporter -
simbadog's latest comments
26th May 2023simbadog commented on:
Do you let your pet sleep in your bedroom at night?I have a large Spanish mastin and a much smaller French bulldog x staffy. They have beds downstairs and also upstairs on the landing where they sleep at night. I feel safe with them just outside the bedroom and they automatically go upstairs when we do! Unfortunately Coco, the staffy cross, snores very loudly and does have unsociable wind!!!!ViewDate:
23rd May 2023simbadog commented on:
Was leaving the EU a mistake?Absolutely!!! I am an expat living in the EU and believe it was a huge misguided mistake. The UK is now regarded as the outcast and our European neighbours could never understand how Brexit came about.ViewDate:
26th Jan 2023simbadog commented on:
The best of Top Of The PopsTop of the Pops what great memories! Watching it was a ritual in our house when I was a teenager, as I'm sure it was for so many. Lots of memorable acts but 2 that certainly stick in my mind were Queen's Killer Queen (1974) and Kate Bush Wuthering Heights (1978). Superb........ViewDate:
1st Nov 2022simbadog commented on:
How to Deal with the Loss of a PetI also lost my beloved 13 year old dog Simba (hence my username) last year. It was his time but the house was empty and we were so sad. I am a volunteer at a shelter where I walk dogs and help with the fostering and adoption group.. 3 months after we lost Simba I bought a 2 month old puppy home to foster and she is still here 14 months later and 40kgs heavier. Life is complete with animals I am a keen walker and having another dog makes the walks and life so much more enjoyable.ViewDate:
10th Jul 2021simbadog commented on:
Step back in time: to 1977What a year! I was 16 and I remember being allowed to watch Virginia Wade win Wimbledon during one of our school classes because Ladies final was on a Friday back then. Great year for music 2 of my favourites being David Soul - Don't give up on us and ELO - Telephone LineViewDate:
23rd May 2021simbadog commented on:
Eurovision: do we have a chance this year?Well surprise! surprise! United Kingdom NIL POINTS!! Not because the song was dreadful or anything it was a nice song and having seen much of the opposition it was certainly not the worst performance by any stretch. As always, its political and now after Brexit the UK haven't stood a chance.ViewDate:
8th May 2021simbadog commented on:
Would you be happy to visit Europe this summer?For me it's not a case of having some sun! I live in the sun and I have 2 daughters living in the UK that I haven't seen for a year so for holidays no I think it's too soon but to see separated families, as long as the rules are followed, I think it's a mustViewDate:
25th Apr 2021simbadog commented on:
Should historical statues remain in place?How will we ever attempt to 'build a better future' if we cannot learn from what has happened in the past! Of course beliefs and attitudes are so different today than they were for our ancestors but you cannot erase our history all we can do is ensure the future is different. Apologising for what happened in the past and pulling down statues is not the answer just a reflection of the Snowflake society of todayViewDate:
11th Apr 2021simbadog commented on:
Just joined so I'm introducing myself.Hi Yatesy We have had no where near the infection rate as the Spanish Peninsula. Went into a nationwide strict lock down March last year for a couple of months and then went through the summer with relaxed restrictions to enable something of a tourist season. We are still on restrictions, nothing as strict as the UK are now emerging from though. The UK are definitely ahead of the game with the vaccine the roll out here and around Europe has been much slower. Stay safeViewDate:
8th Apr 2021simbadog commented on:
Just joined so I'm introducing myself.Hi and welcome to the site Countrygirlblues. I'm married and semi retired living in Menorca. Been here for some 17 years and love life in the Mediterranean. Have 2 daughters living in the UK but unfortunately like so many haven't seen them for many months but hope that a light will be at the end of the tunnel soon. Keep active, love walking and volunteer at the local animal shelter a few times a week walking dogs, visiting cats etc. Have a dog and 2 stray cats that turned up on my on my doorstep. I am ex Royal Air Force so have travelled a fair amount and also lived all over the UK before moving to Spain. Please get in touch if you fancy a chat. Regards SimbadogViewDate:
26th Mar 2021simbadog commented on:
Speakers Corner CommentsYes it seems that all too often there are those who like to jump on the bandwagon and muscle in on a protest no matter what the cause. From bedding down in a tunnel near Euston protesting against the HS2 railway to desecrating statues and even protesting against Covid 19 a lot of these individuals will go to any lengths to to have their voices heard and faces seen. Do they not realise we are in the middle of a pandemic and the police have enough to do without dealing with mobsViewDate:
26th Mar 2021simbadog commented on:
Speakers Corner CommentsAbsolutely, as you say love him or loathe him, just because he voiced an opinion that many agreed with but few publicly aired he was criticised. I have to say GMB is not the same without him, it's rather bland now and I know viewing figures have plummeted. His no nonsense approach and challenging discussions are sorely missed.ViewDate:
23rd Mar 2021simbadog commented on:
Jed Mercurio: Killing off Line Of Duty trio is never far from my thoughtsGreat series but I think season 1 to 3 were the best, I was captivated!ViewDate:
21st Mar 2021simbadog commented on:
Will you watch the Sussexes' Oprah interview?Yes but that King and his woman didn't sell their souls to the likes of Oprah and bad mouth the Royal Family!!!ViewDate:
7th Mar 2021simbadog commented on:
School dinners – did you love them or hate them?Most of our generation would have had school dinners as popping home wasn't always possible and packed lunche option didn't exist back then. Mostly they were awful and I still shudder thinking back to the dreadful milk puddings and lumpy custard which has put me off for life!! There were a few occasional treats introduction of fish fingers was one and the cottage pie was acceptable.ViewDate:
2nd Mar 2021simbadog commented on:
A decade of the Duchess: 10 looks that show how Kate’s royal style has evolvedWell whatever your views are! she has always behaved impeccably in keeping with her position. Unlike other members of the Royal clan or ex members which I don't need to nameViewDate:
26th Feb 2021simbadog commented on:
Just joined so I'm introducing myself.Hi Tommo88 Welcome to the site hope you make some great contacts. I'm an ex pat ex. military living in Spain. I note your sporting interests and I'm a sport loving lass big fan of Spurs and watched Gloucester RFC ( the Cherry and Whites) on a regular basis when I lived in Gloucestershire.ViewDate:
18th Feb 2021simbadog commented on:
Speakers Corner CommentsAbsolutely not!! As long as they are qualified to undertake these professions and they are decent members of the human race, let us not judge a book by it's cover. After all, " It's not the wolf who looks like wolf who is the most dangerous, it is the wolf who looks most like a sheep" Nothing wrong with a little body art, although I am not a fan of facial tattoos as " the face is the mirror of the soul" and should be left that way.ViewDate:
10th Feb 2021simbadog commented on:
Women In MusicLoved Yazoo at the height of their fame and have to say Alison Moyet has one of those unmistakable voices. One of my favourites is her versions of Windmills of your Mind https://youtu.be/-vfAi9HS4BQ and Whispering your Name https://youtu.be/LowFgeQxbhkViewDate:
7th Feb 2021simbadog commented on:
Just joined so I'm introducing myself.Hi all the new members. Welcome to each and everyone and hope you find some stimulating conversations on this site.ViewDate:
29th Jan 2021simbadog commented on:
Speakers Corner CommentsOh really!! Bit of a sweeping statement I'd say. What qualifications and compelling evidence can you produce to quantify that men with tattoos have psychological issues?ViewDate:
18th Jan 2021simbadog commented on:
Just joined so I'm introducing myself.Hi Eliza50 I have sent you a private message RegardsViewDate:
12th Jan 2021simbadog commented on:
Just joined so I'm introducing myself.Hi Eliza50 welcome to the site hope you will enjoy joining in with the many topics and chatting with the friendly members. I too live on a beautiful island, Menorca in the Balearics. Been to the Channel Islands several times but a few years ago now when I was serving in the RAF it must be a lovely place to live. Hope to hear from you. RegardsViewDate:
26th Dec 2020simbadog commented on:
The best of George MichaelSuch a talent left us all too soon. I adored him and he was probably my favourite artist. Saw him in concert at Wembley in 2007 with a stunning performance. Loved all his music but my favourite is Praying for timeViewDate:
13th Dec 2020simbadog commented on:
What’s the naughtiest thing your pet has done at Christmas?I remember as a child my family had a dog who decided to eat half a box of Turkish Delight and then promptly regurgitating it in my Dad's garden pond which was his pride and joy!ViewDate:
11th Dec 2020simbadog commented on:
Iconic Album Covers of the 1970sGot a few of the above in a box in my garage somewhere! Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds album cover is pretty spectacular tooViewDate:
8th Dec 2020simbadog commented on:
10 of the best tear jerking filmsI'm going back a bit but Love Story (1970) with Ryan O'Neil and Ali Mcgraw is a tear jerker and who could possibly forget the theme tune ❤️ https://youtu.be/ncl91E3Ourw love story - Francis LaiViewDate:
6th Dec 2020simbadog commented on:
The best of Whitney Houston playlistWhat a stunning voice she had! Remember seeing her in concert in 1988 at the NEC Birmingham and my skin tingling as she belted out all the great songs. I loved them all but I have nothing is probably my favouriteViewDate:
29th Nov 2020simbadog commented on:
Which is your favourite Frank Sinatra Song?My Mother adored Frank Sinatra and I remember there always being one of his records on the player as a child so I was familiar with all of his songs from an early age and Strangers in the Night and It was a very good year were among my favourites. For her birthday I got tickets for my mum and dad to see Frank at the Royal Albert Hall in 1985, she was like a child in a sweet shop and said it was one of the best presents ever! When she sadly passed away in 2013 it seemed so fitting to play My Way at her funeral. What an icon!ViewDate:
29th Nov 2020simbadog commented on:
In Pictures: Des O’Connor from Palladium to prime-timeWatching Morecambe and Wise was a must in our house when I was a child as my Dad adored them. I fondly remember Des O'connor as a regular guest on the show and the continuous banter between them all. It was good ole wholesome, humorous entertainment which has left a memorable mark.ViewDate:
17th Nov 2020ViewDate:
17th Nov 2020simbadog commented on:
Will you take the Covid-19 vaccine when you are offered it?You are absolutely right Jeanmark! The introduction of the child vaccination programme in the 1950s helped to cut child mortality rates significantly. More recently the World Health Organisation estimates that at least 10 million deaths were prevented between 2020 and 2015 thanks to vaccinations delivered around the worldViewDate:
12th Nov 2020simbadog commented on:
Will you take the Covid-19 vaccine when you are offered it?You are absolutely right to be concerned as what happened with thalidomide was horrendous and around 10,000 were affected by its use. But it was removed from the European market 59 years ago and as a result of greater drug regulations now and far stricter safety monitoring systems I would like to think that a covid vaccine will not be just thrown at us as a rushed job! As Benjamin Franklin once said " An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"ViewDate:
11th Nov 2020simbadog commented on:
Will you take the Covid-19 vaccine when you are offered it?Absolutely! It's what we have been waiting for to enable us to get on with life. Firstly protect those who expose themselves to the virus everyday with their vital work and then those who are most vulnerable. The rest of us, hopefully it will allow us to live as we did pre covid and get the economy back on it's feetViewDate:
7th Nov 2020simbadog commented on:
Three must have toys of the late 60’sYes had many bruises on my wrist from fast moving Klackers. Fondly remember a peach coloured pair! My Brother and I and all the kids in the steeet had a plimsoll bag with marbles. Big and small multi coloured being rolled on the ground in competition filled many hoursViewDate:
6th Nov 2020simbadog commented on:
Five British female pop singers of the 1970sLoved the music from the 70s such a varied decade with the likes of Glam Rock, Punk and the start of the New Romantics. Karen Carpenter left us too soon but gave us some great songs during this decade, what an extraordinary voice . Donna Summer was always a favourite of mine she was the Disco Queen with songs such as Last Dance, I feel Love and Hot Stuff to name but a few.ViewDate:
29th Oct 2020simbadog commented on:
Does turning the heating on lead to conflict in your house?Yes always! I'm always hot and a fresh air freak so he turns the heating up and closes the windows and I nudge the dial down and crack the windows ajar. Lighting the wood burner is normally late November over here but I try and delay it for as long as possibleViewDate:
26th Oct 2020simbadog commented on:
Are you a big tea drinker?A mug of Tetleys first thing in the morning starts my day I also like a fruit tea in the evening.. A fresh strong coffee is a must for mid morningViewDate:
25th Oct 2020simbadog commented on:
Do you wear a reusable face mask or a disposable one?I have a selection of both in my house and car as I live in Spain and their use is compulsory at all times with few exceptions -
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