Gilldee's latest comments
28th Feb 2020Gilldee commented on:
Speakers Corner Commentsdon't come to Poole in Dorset then the council has closed every public toiletViewDate:
6th Dec 2018Gilldee commented on:
Brexit - what happens next?I would actually tell them where to go .we're leaving job done ,we cannot have a second referendum that is not democracy we voted out get us out.....ViewDate:
8th Nov 2018Gilldee commented on:
Should women join the SAS?They will have to pass any test a man will, they won't get away with anything, or they will not be allowed to join...... not all women want to stay at home and have babies and play house..ViewDate:
22nd Jun 2018Gilldee commented on:
What goes on first - the jam or the cream?Each To Their Own as long as it goes in my mouth and taste yummi I do not careViewDate:
22nd Jun 2018Gilldee commented on:
Do you buy free range eggs?Think back to the war that used to keep eggs for months and what would better standards that we keep them now I'm quite sure half a dozen eggs will keep for a monthViewDate:
22nd Jun 2018Gilldee commented on:
Do you buy free range eggs?Try and get somebody to kill the mink it's classed as verminViewDate:
22nd Jun 2018Gilldee commented on:
Do you buy free range eggs?I buy mine from the local farm they still have chicken poo on them and quite a lot of them are double yolkers from The Young bullets I love my Farm eggs that are free range and you can see the chickens and the yolks are as bright as a daffodilViewDate:
22nd Jun 2018Gilldee commented on:
Will the new 'sugar tax' make a difference?I always buy sugar-free so it makes no oddsViewDate:
22nd Jun 2018Gilldee commented on:
Will the new 'sugar tax' make a difference?I don't think the company's will make a contribution but every penny made on the new Sugar Tax should go directly to the NHSViewDate:
22nd Jun 2018Gilldee commented on:
Do you still consider overseas travel a good use of your money?Of course it's worth every penny we get the sunshine we get the service I travel to Asia every year for maybe 3 weeks for rest and recuperation that I would never find in this country....... memories are made that you will remember till the day you dieViewDate:
22nd Jun 2018Gilldee commented on:
Would you move into a retirement home?Yes of course I would I would much prefer to be in a retirement home than burden my family..... if I couldn't cope in my own home why should they have to nip round every day if I couldn't do things for myself.ViewDate:
22nd Jun 2018Gilldee commented on:
Should Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stick to tradition?They should be left alone to do exactly what they want what a very beautiful couple they makeViewDate:
22nd Jun 2018Gilldee commented on:
Do you think Heinz should change the name of their Salad Cream?No matter what they put on the front of it it will always be salad cream. If paint change this to Sandwich cream I will buy shops own salad cream all changes are not for the better.......ViewDate:
13th Apr 2018Gilldee commented on:
Win a GoPro HERO6 camera courtesy of Worldwide Motorhoming HolidaysUsed to friends recently in Thailand on holiday absolutely brilliant bit of kitViewDate:
1st Dec 2017Gilldee commented on:
Quiz: Could you pass a UK citizenship test?Oooo well I passed some absolutely ridiculous questions inViewDate:
26th May 2017Gilldee commented on:
Should National Service be reintroduced in the UK?I do believe that every 17 to 23 year old should be doing something ,nobody should be allowed to stay in bed all day or stay at home and watch TV, a form of national service where they were landbased learning general day to day life. And a trade for the rest of their lives. I do not believe that they should ever be armed and less they choose the forces as their career.......ViewDate:
20th Sep 2016Gilldee commented on:
Should smoking be brought back into pubs?Definitely not I enjoy going home and smelling like me not a dirty ashtray