PurpleHat's bio
Likes - gardening, wildlife. photography and painting, member of local Art group and Active life. -
PurpleHat's latest comments
3rd Jan 2025PurpleHat commented on:
Winter fuel allowanceWe all had money one way or another to keep us going during Covid years. Remember? I have been hit by a double whammy since I had a little more income from a small Insurance pension I saved for while I was working, No employers pension scheme in those days. I had seen my parents struggle on the basic pension. This takes me just over the border for any Pension credit or Benefits, I have to pay for everything, and the freeze on personal tax allowance has just dragged me into losing least a third of any State Pension "Cost of Living" increase to Income tax in this year .as well, which upsets me as much as anyone else. But when it comes down to it, I can get by. The money the country borrowed has to be paid back, and none of the Super-Rich Multi-Billionaires or Businesses are going to fork up for us, that is evident .Top-Down does not work, It only goes up! After World War 2 I had my first job, Yes I am that old. At that time I had to pay a third of my wages to the Government to help rebuild the country. To those who can get by, like me, Get on with it. To those that really need help, make sure you get that to which you are entitled. Rant Over for now!.ViewDate:
3rd Jan 2025PurpleHat commented on:
Marginal rate taxThe FIRST time you withdraw money from your SIPP you are allowed 25% of the total tax-free as I understand it. Any amount above and after this is added to your pension and any other income and treated as your total annual income, Your Personal tax allowance is set against this total annual income amount and tax charged on any remaining excess at the basic rate. I am not certain if that goes up to the higher rate once you have exceeded your basic rate allowance. You could find out on the H M Govt site in Taxes and tax rates.. I hope this helps a little. Your SIPP provider will take the tax if they have a tax code for you. Otherwise you will get a tax demand from your Tax Office in due course.ViewDate:
21st Dec 2024PurpleHat commented on:
Just looking for someone to chat about dogsLionel Glad to see you still around. I have two collies, one is a Merle from a N.Wales farm, allergic to animal protein of any kind, so she is a vegetarian. Increasing problem I'm told probably due to the way animals in the food chain have been fed supplements. The other has a dash of Spaniel, so she is red and white, not working but very wise. I love the Collie brain. She works out her own solutions to any problems in her life!ViewDate:
31st Oct 2023PurpleHat commented on:
Independent Financial advisorsIt depends whether your Pension pot is full enough to seriously interest an Advisor. Mine was not extensive enough to warrant the expense of paying for advice which is usually based on the amount of the funds involved usually a percentage. There is an excellent and informative Pension advice booklet published free from HM Gov .which outlines your options and may help you decide your best Course. I, personally went down the course of a SIPP ( self-invested Personal Pension) managed by one of the well-known and respected Financial Management platforms, such as Fidelity, Hargreaves Lansdown etc .where you can retain some control over your finances, taking a variable monthly income from Dividend earnings paid into your bank, but not a set amount. withdrawing some Capital if necessary and easing inflationary consequences. These people charge management fees, but publish a great deal of helpful information on investing sensibly for your circumstances which is free if you have the time and patience to study it. Look out for the financial articles in newspapers and magazines. for what is on trend. Just do your research and do not put your eggs in one basket or sector.ViewDate:
12th Feb 2023PurpleHat commented on:
Pension question, any help/advice very gratefully received - thank youcris1117. Good advice. But professional advice for people with small Pension savings, I found, cannot easily afford the fees, usually a percentage of the funds that they have. They are not interested in small fry, that was the case with me. So that made me set out to do my own research from Money Magazines, Financial newspapers etc.etc. Any honest sources I could find. Any of the large long-established platforms like Fidelity, Hargreaves Lansdown and similar have plans that will not make you a fortune, but where your money is reasonably safe and giving you a fair return and even some growth for the long term. I have been retired now for 30 years and more,, just an ordinary person who used to work in Accounts, telling how it is.ViewDate:
11th Feb 2023PurpleHat commented on:
Who am IHI Ariadne The Red KIte sanctuary is a bit further over, passed it several times, but not visited there yet. We usually have Red Kites sailing over us, hunting the moor. I can remember when they were a rarity, now well established again thanks to some good work. No, we never found the sheep killers, we suspect it was teenagers trespassing, there is no path through our land, but higher up. I guess their dogs were loose and went for the sheep out of control probably scared the youngsters and they high-tailed it, leaving carnage behind. The lambs were just a week old. Don't get me started on War stories. We were Walking my Gran to the bus stop when a flight of German fighter-Bombers back from London flew low back over us across the coast, and they let fly with machine guns and anything they had left at anything that moved, We ran down under some some steps as the bullets flew and a bomb hit the next road and killed the Vicars baby upstairs asleep. I had delayed shock for weeks and could not stand up or walk. I was very young then, but you do not forget. After that my Mum and I were pea-picking on the Rye marshes when the Normandy invasion happened and all the planes were going over us and across to France all day,.Enough of that! Back when my daughter was Showing, we had a New Forest pony from when she was a foal just weaned. When she grew up she was brilliant in her cart, knew just what to do. I acted as groom and had to stand in place, looking the part, while she did her show, and when she was done and came back into line she used to come round, line herself up and come straight in to stop where I stood, all neat and tidy.! Dog wants to go out! Bye.ViewDate:
8th Feb 2023PurpleHat commented on:
Pension question, any help/advice very gratefully received - thank youThere is a booklet from" Pensionwise," an official booklet which explains all your Pension options. Well worth studying. All investments lost money last year, your money is invested in Stocks and Shares, in Pension funds, Sit tight just now until the Stock Market settles again. You are in it for the long term, it will go up and down and you will never hit it on the nose! Don't panic. My choice was to put the money in a Self-Invested pension with a REPUTABLE stockbroker platform with reasonable management charges, invested in some good solid income funds, there are some that pay out Monthly, and just take the income it generates to top-up your Retirement income. That way you stay in control of your capital and can withdraw some if needed. Make sure there are no penalties for transferring out of your current plans. PS. I am not a professional, just sensible I hope, it's worked for me.ViewDate:
6th Feb 2023PurpleHat commented on:
Who am ICongratulations on finding me again! I spent most of yesterday in the garden, in the rare blue sky and sunshine, clearing space for planting next month, we moved house recently. so it is a new beginning this year! Only 3 miles or so down the road, but downsized and nearer town. Still in close reach of my daughter's patch of Welsh hillside and woodland where the ponies live, officially a smallholding, but we have given up the sheep and chickens. We have had pigs, goats, ducks and a llama in the past, looking for a quieter life, just the ponies now, the three young ones in training,two working and the old man. Sadly we suffered an uncontrolled dog attack last year and lost twin lambs and the mother ewe. Some young folk where they were not supposed to be, we think.. As for my little car, it has been used to go up to the land for three weeks while my daughter's truck has been off the road, and after two very muddy dogs have travelled home in the boot, hay bits and her gumboots in the front it desperately needs a complete clean-up! There is a large strech of moorland just up the road, where there are still wild Welsh ponies free=ranging as well as sheep and a few cattle on trial for mixed grazing to preserve the moorland Which is beautiful with the background of the Welsh hills. I love it, no Townie - me!!! Cheers for now.ViewDate:
5th Feb 2023PurpleHat commented on:
Who am IHI Ariadne, Good to see you!. Cruse, our quarter horse is a very laid-back character. Nothing seems to phase him. When my daughter was riding him back from Summer grazing, and leading another pony, she came across traffic lights at a bridge with all sorts of roadworks going on,queues of cars etc, but when the lights went green he just had a good look and walked over like a good'un. no bother. He is not a jumper, no more than a couple of feet, over a log or so. But when he suddenly realised he was on the way home, his ears pricked up and he stepped out real fast!! I was following in the car in case of a problem, but no worries!! We used to go Orienteering in the forest with the cart and Bounce, Icelandic. He was better at following the trail than we were, He used to pick up the piles of sawdust that marked the track before we did, and head off that way. Too much rain and mud just now. Praise be for a fine day today and getting out for a bit of Garden time. Best wishes.ViewDate:
17th Jan 2023PurpleHat commented on:
Who am IHi Ariadne. I am a bit slow replying, but have been visiting family in the town of my birth, long time no see, and sadly for a funeral it seemed like another world, with lots of childhood memories re-awakened. You asked for more information of our ponies, Mostly Icelandic, hardy ponies, which ride and drive and were home-bred., not too big but strong. The mare,Olde, came from Iceland, many years ago and is now retired to a happy home, Her son is charcoal black with a blond mane, she gave us two more boys, Kappi and Blikki, we also have Zena, a Welsh mare with her son Kai, who is a palamino. and Cruse' an American quarterhorse, who is 17, and also leads a quiet life now. The Icelandics are longer lived, and take longer to grow up but have a smoother gait and do not bump you up and down in a cart!. Good to ride too, but no Showjumpers!! I hope you find this, if you do, try looking up the box "I'm on" at top right and it will show you which subjects you have been visiting Best wishes.ViewDate:
10th Jan 2023PurpleHat commented on:
Has Harry finally gone too far?To see a woman of colour accepted and even welcomed into the Royal Family could have given an enormous boost to the fight against Racism in this country, and given us another Princess to love. It seems her friends warned her of the sort of treatment she would most likely receive from the "Gutter" Press and it seems from the Establishment., The same Elements that hounded Diana without mercy. Megan had to find the hard way what it was like to be paraded by the press in front of the nation. She was not given a mentor that she could relate to to ease her into the life of a Royal Princess, totally unlike the life of a self-made and reasonably successful independant American woman. No, she wasn't ready for it. Personally I have always been interested in the differences between Nations and Races, and celebrate, not denigrate them. we could learn a lot from them. By instincts of Natural Selection I would not have been completely happy if my daughter had chosen to marry a man of colour, mainly because of foreseeing the problems that their children might have in future, but I would have accepted her choice for the best outcome. I am truly ashamed of some of the horrid and vitriolic comments displayed on this subject from my countrymen, I am English - back to the 16th Century and beyond. I have never met her to be able to make my own judgement, nor have you!. Harry has some justification in sounding off, but I don,t think it was advisable and does more harm than good to all concerned.ViewDate:
7th Jan 2023PurpleHat commented on:
Who am IHi Ariadne and Kincaid. I like to join in conversations too without too much involvement, just general interest. I am in Wales, but English, a Mother-in-law now living with my family, fortunately rubbing along pretty well. Daughter has loved horses since she could walk,and has had one or more all her life. I have painted a bit, photographed and gardened a lot and still do, but the constant rain is driving me to distraction. I like cats, but my Collie doesn't She is a thinking dog, very bright a great timekeeper and likes things to happen at their proper times, like breakfast, lunch, walks etc and comes and gives me a nudge if I am running a bit late. She is Auntie to my daughter's Collie who is a couple of years younger, and understands more words than you realise!. Best Wishes to all!ViewDate:
7th Jan 2023PurpleHat commented on:
LonelinessI am the mother of a Bipolar daughter and have seen the highs and the very depths of it, when she shuts herself away. The only way to cure your loneliness is to go out and do something. I don't know if you work,or your circumstances, but sit down and think what do you like to do? whether it is books,films knitting, photos picking up a paint brush, growing things, or just walking, there is a club out there with people that feel the same and share their skills. Go and look for them, volunteer at a Charity shop or Food hub, just do not drown in empty apartness!!! It is up to you to make it happen.ViewDate:
7th Jan 2023PurpleHat commented on:
Has Harry finally gone too far?Sibling jealousy, most people grow out of it when they wake up to adulthood. It seems not in the case of Harry and William. Such a shame as both had so much to give. Megan was a real gift for the battle against racism, but was totally mishandled, by Palace and Press alike. Is this the only way Harry and Megan can earn the money to live their lives? Surely the Royal Estates could have supported them more? This should all be sorted now and put aside, it is going from bad to worse and losing all sympathy, certainly mine!.ViewDate:
1st Jan 2023PurpleHat commented on:
Wet WeekendWet Weekend!!! More like a wet week! First dry day in about 10 days. I fear it's going to be a long wet winter here in Wales. No chance in the garden, Daffs and tulip bullbs still not in the earth. I lost a lot of plants in the greenhouse due to the Big Freeze, so will have to make a clean sweep and start again - but that's life if you garden! There is always "Better luck next year!"ViewDate:
13th Sep 2022PurpleHat commented on:
Sisters cut offThere are many people who feel as you do, joined clubs etc I don't think you have given that enough time, you have to work at it, take the teacups back to the kitchen, tidy up before leaving - small helpful things that will please the ones who always do the work, the ones keeping the clubs and classes going, and getting people's attention. Try volunteering at the local charity shop or similar, meet the others who help, keep busy and watch the people who come in and what they do. Look outside yourself to find the people who will be friends of the future.- It takes work!!! but it can be satisfying too.ViewDate:
10th Sep 2022PurpleHat commented on:
Hello to you allHi Sarah, I used to do the same thing and take loads of local photos as I paint a bit and use them for my subjects. I made some into cards of local interest and our museum shop displayed and sold them to visitors for a commission. I did not make a fortune, but it was very rewarding to do. I also framed some of the best and sold at local craft markets and table sales, and met many people in the process. I had to stop duringthe pandemic and I have not started again yet. Best Wishes.ViewDate:
2nd Sep 2022PurpleHat commented on:
Do you mainly use cash or cards?Sorry, wrong vote. Slip of the finger(Arthritic) I agree with you, there are still ocasions for the use of cash.ViewDate:
2nd Sep 2022PurpleHat commented on:
Next generation’ Covid booster jab to be offered to adults over 50 - will you take up the offer?I have had the others as well and intend to have the Autumn booster next week too. I live in the same house as my daughter and son-in-law who both tested positive and had symptoms a few months ago. Me? negative,- nada- nothing! I am 90, it works for me!!ViewDate:
30th Aug 2022PurpleHat commented on:
Anyone interested in paranormal experiences?I do believe that there are more things in Heaven and Earth than any one dreams of, and I keep an open mind. My daughter played with Tarot for a while and frightened herself with what she experienced and now leaves well alone. I know from experience, like one of the previous commenters that the recently Departed still stay with us for a while until they have to pass on, but I still feel my late Husband's presence with me from time to time after many years, usually out in the country in the car sometimes in the quiet places I still feel a familiar presence beside me, just for an instant. But I also know there are Charlatans out there to prey on peoples' beliefs, I had to rescue my mother from a group who entrapped her, and to me were obviously fake with seances etc. So be aware, but also wary. Above all believe in your own instincts.ViewDate:
5th Jul 2022PurpleHat commented on:
New Member saying hello - [DELETED_MEMBER]Try clicking on Latest comments, from there you can track back to the posts they replied to and find your own Clicking on Latest Posts you may also find something interesting to reply to. I hope this helps as that is how I began to find my way.ViewDate:
9th Jun 2022PurpleHat commented on:
Do you think Camilla should be crowned queen?Jeanmark, I agree with you. People should look at the whole picture before they make such unpleasant comments. If Charles had been a stronger man and not obeyed the wishes of his seniors because they considered her not to be a suitable royal beauty, he would have married Camilla in the first place, and the tragedy of Princess Diana need never have taken place. As for Camilla herself she has been immensely good for Charles, the love of her life, and watching William's children on various public occasion you can see she is good with them too and they are happy with her , so give her some respect please. She keeps herself in the background and behaves quietly and with dignity as far as I can see. If and when Charles becomes King she will be his rock in hard times. PS. With all their faults, Heaven preserve us from having a President such as many other countries have.ViewDate:
13th May 2022PurpleHat commented on:
MPs - Can you be too rich to be a serving Member of Parliament?I am with SilverButterfly and Lionel, two obviously sensible people, among the many on this site. I wish our politicians could listen more to ordinary folk and take heed, and that the System would allow them to vote freely with their consciences and not just by Party command issued by the Whips!, It seems much of our recent laws are badly framed and rushed through without being properly thought out, so causing more problems than they solve in many instances.ViewDate:
19th Apr 2022PurpleHat commented on:
MPs - Can you be too rich to be a serving Member of Parliament?My pet hate among aspiring politicians are the "Degree" people who went to University and aquired a Degree in Political and Social structures and then in due course stand for Parliament as a career, with little or no Commercial or Life experiences in the outside world, and certainly not knowing what day to day life is for the majority of us, and seemingly not caring. just flowing with the system. Modern society does not seem to produce the outstanding figures that worked their way through life and really wanted to give back, nor does it have the stairways there used to be for young people from all backgrounds to climb the ladder of life through an education system that does not anchor them with life long debts. Upward mobility is rarely achievable these days. It seems to me that our society is broken and I do not know how it can be mended.ViewDate:
31st Mar 2022PurpleHat commented on:
New Member saying hello - [DELETED_MEMBER]Hi WHT WE chatted a bit, but suddenly it disappeared. I don't know why. Do you still want to chat?ViewDate:
26th Mar 2022PurpleHat commented on:
Moving to a new areaIf you have a Public Library near by, they will have a list of clubs and organisations, and maybe even have meetings or classes in the library. Possibly a good place to start?ViewDate:
26th Mar 2022PurpleHat commented on:
Pension AmountsHi Lionel, I'ts good to see you still active,as am I. I missed out on an Employers' pension as I was not allowed to join the scheme as I was a Part-time and female, though Monthly-paid Salaried staff, just missed by a 12month by the EEU directive changing that, as I had been made redundant and the firm closed by then, after 19 years of service. I saved the equivalent of my contributions while working and saved myself just out of any State Benefits. I wonder if I should have bothered.....ViewDate:
31st Dec 2021PurpleHat commented on:
How do I deal with this difficult friend?I am wondering how she communicates with you, by phone, computer, or visit? Can you shorten or cut down on the frequency of these? So that she does not have the opportunity to make the hurtful remarks you speak of, I am not suggesting you cut her off completely as you have known her for so long, but try to do it kindly but firmly for your own sake. In current Covid regulations it might be acceptable to explain to her that you are not buying gifts for anyone at present and would not expect or want her to risk journeys out to do so, and if she did it would not be possible for you to accept it. That is all I can think of which might be of help, otherwise it will only lead to harsher words in the end.ViewDate:
31st Dec 2021PurpleHat commented on:
I’m all by myselfIt sounds as if she is on a "Low" period. My daughter is a long term bipolar and I have been there for her through good times and bad when she could not get out of bed. I feel that you should talk to your GP and some how get her on to Mood- stabilising medication to lift her out of herself. My daughter has to take medication for the rest of her life, but most of the time she can have a life!!! then so can you.! Help is out there, and there is a lot of information on Bipolar to be found which may help with understanding and dealing with the condition. You may find there is a support group near you, which may have someone on Outreach who understands to come and talk with her, and with you. Nagging is the worst possible thing to do and only breeds resentment. I hope this helps. You are not alone!!ViewDate:
31st Dec 2021ViewDate:
31st Dec 2021PurpleHat commented on:
New to this - [DELETED_MEMBER]We need to know a little more about what interests you and where you are, country, region etc. It is a little confusing at first, but hopefully someone will pick up with you. Best wishes.ViewDate:
6th Dec 2021PurpleHat commented on:
Did the punishment fit the crime?All my life I have remembered the injustice of being very painfully hit on the hand with a ruler for talking in class when it was not me, but the teacher would not listen. I was about 6 years old, and up to then very law abiding!ViewDate:
6th Dec 2021PurpleHat commented on:
Cataract One eye surgery but 2 eyes neededThey will not do both eyes at the same times because there is always a risk with any operation, in this case that you could lose youtr sight altogether.. I now have 20/20 vision in the badly clouded eye that was done. The other eye has a slight cataract in the outer corner, but with prescription glasses it is enough to give me good vision and I have no problem with driving. I doubt the other one will be done unless it deteriorates seriously. My NHS Surgeon and his team were absolutely brilliant All thanks to them.ViewDate:
6th Dec 2021PurpleHat commented on:
What are your views on TV Charity Begging Adverts?I totally agree, fund-raising tactics such as this are counter-productive. I have cancelled Direct Debits for the same reason, asking for more and more, or unreasonable amounts beyond ones purse.ViewDate:
24th Nov 2021PurpleHat commented on:
When is a hobby not a hobby? - [DELETED_MEMBER]I think a hobby stops being a hobby when you make money from it, and when you stop practising your hobby it becomes an interest. Over the years I have had many interests and a few of them have become hobbies, such as photography, rocks and fossils painting, bird watching etc, but my lasting hobby has been gardeing,and now I am not so nimble, in pots and containers and my small greenhouse. LIke you now I am happy to sit and watch, nature, people, sundown etc, or just sit and enjoy being. I finally got over the must do something thing to just appreciate what I have done and what I have had in my life! Have a Happy retirement PS I am still busy!!!!ViewDate:
30th Sep 2021PurpleHat commented on:
What are your views on TV Charity Begging Adverts?I , too, have hardened myself ,and grown to disregard almost all of the begging ads now, in fact I have had to write to some organisations and tell them to stop mailing me as it is getting too much. My purse is limited . I will not be made to feel guilty all the time I have worked for what I have, and give what I can. I have my chosen Charities which I regularly support, but I do not want unsolicited packs of Christmas cards, Fluffy toys, more literature and Photographs I would rather the money this costs is used for the purposes I gave it. This will not make me give more, rather it will stop me from giving as it seems wasteful. A small thankyou letter once a year is plenty.ViewDate:
28th Sep 2021PurpleHat commented on:
Day tripsI used to go on day trips regularly, and even on solo holidays. If you are pleasant, well mannered and friendly without being pushy you will get a friendly response. try a few comments to your nearest passengers especially others on their own, and gauge their response. I find you can usually make friends if only for the day find someone to walk with,,and keep a pack of peppermints in your pocket. They are a great intro when offered to your fellow passengers. Go travel. I did!.ViewDate:
28th Sep 2021PurpleHat commented on:
Just for chatsHello Swinger, I hope you find this post. Your story is very similar to mine, except that it happened about 17 years ago, and thankfullydue to a skilful NHS doctor I have full sight in one eye after a cataract op, and fair sight in the other.. I am probably at least a decade older than you, and there is still life and people beyond the end of the drive. It is good that you reached out. Have a l;ook round the site and add your own comments on things that interest you and I am sure you will get some response. Personally I love gardening and I have a small greenhouse and some raised beds which make it easy to continue. Do you still knit for your grandchildren, I have found some easy toy patterns and my gt grand Daughter loves the results. I also joined the local branch of the Pensioners association which has just started meeting again, I used to take a neighbour and friend who is also poor sighted. It is worth asking around your neighbourhood. Take heart and persevere!!!ViewDate:
22nd Sep 2021PurpleHat commented on:
Chelsea Flower Show set for first ever autumn editionIt will be lovely to see the Autumn colours in the gardens and Displays in the Floral marquee. Hats off to the Exhibitors who have had to work so hard in a short time to make this happen!!ViewDate:
22nd Sep 2021PurpleHat commented on:
Would you buy plants from eBay?I have bought from Specialist growers and small Nurseries and have not been disappointed so far, evreything has been as advertised and of good quality. Just be careful who you buy from. I do not sell on Ebay. I can't be bothered with the packing and postage etc. Most unwanteds go to the Charity Shops in the end. -
PurpleHat's latest showcase activity
Approved1 Comments09/07/2020 18:00:13Gallery SubmissionThis year I have not been so tidy in the garden. I have brought wild flowers into odd corners, and... -
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View subject Posts: 10PurpleHat, 01/02/2021 13:11:49 started a new subject:
Unwanted facebook friend requestsView subject Posts: 5PurpleHat, 13/04/2020 07:27:19 started a new subject:
Do our modern Hi-Tech children miss out on learning basic life skills? -
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