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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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25th Jul 2016 02:49:50 (Last activity: 30th Jul 2016 22:43:10)
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Hi this is my first time on this sight. I am 67 years old and have been a widow for 5 years. I am looking for someone to have fun with. I am lonely.
Response from hils 1234 made on 27th Jul 2016 20:27:07
hello, where about in the uk do you live. im in shropshire.
Response from Mollflanders made on 30th Jul 2016 13:31:18
Hi Babs, not been on the site myself for a while. By fun I suppose you mean going out and about do you? It all depends on where you live of course. I am in Lancs. Where are you from?
Response from greenpea made on 30th Jul 2016 22:43:10
New to this site myself. Still trying to work it out. I'm 66 and live in Cheshire so we are spread about. Fun sounds nice Babbs. I think like many life iis somewhat dull though of course this is merely ones perception. I did once watch a play where a refugee said " boring is nice" and there's something to be said for that. Just swirling thoughts.
Daisy dog
1st May 2016 14:39:03 (Last activity: 28th Jul 2016 23:12:56)
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Hello. I've just joined today. I'm married, taking early retirement at the end of May (will be 58 in June) and my husband can't finish until he's 60 next February. So I'm keen to have some new friends. I do plan to take some temporary work after a few months but through the summer will be helping to care for my grand daughter (who's 4). I will have the company of my one year old little dog (called Daisy, hence my user name). I still have a 19 year old at home. My son (35) and daughter (32) are married.

Would be nice to have a chat and exchange news and views.
Response from donnie_58 made on 4th May 2016 14:34:18
Hi Daisy Dog just joined myself and finding my way around.

I've been raising my Granddaughter since she was 8 months old myself and she's 5 in July hard work but worth it even at my age (58). I've still got a 27 year old son living at home (can't afford to move out) and a 38 & 35 year old stepsons, a 30 year old adopted son, a 32 year old son and a 30 year old daughter ( no wonder I've always been skint 🙂 ).

Maybe we can catch up from time to time and exchange Granddaughter news or just news in general, bye for now.
Response from blader712 made on 12th Jun 2016 23:07:51
Welcome daisy dog!
Response from Wamba made on 28th Jul 2016 23:12:56
Hi Daisy Dog.
I have a Daisy Dog, she is half pug and lasaapso.
My last little dog was called Wamba, we acquired him when we lived in Spain.
That's a long story.
New to Silver Surfers.
28th Jul 2016 13:43:27 (Last activity: 28th Jul 2016 19:03:34)
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1st time on here and by mistake I reply to a post from a year ago
I think that totally sums me up
Would love to chat to male/female any age just to make friends
So if anyone wants to chat please reply
Thanks everyone
Response from anf1408 made on 28th Jul 2016 19:03:34
Happy to chat. What are your interests?
28th Jul 2016 13:39:46
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You still have loads to offer so don't go thinking you are isolated
I know sometimes I can get a bit like that & sometimes it seems too much effort to get out there and socialise but honestly it is worth it
Just my 1st time on any of these sites so if you need to talk I am here
Off work for a few days so will be checking in regularly
Take care
27th Jul 2016 15:47:48
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Only joined recently but I don't know how to find out if anyone wants to chat to me?
27th Jul 2016 09:19:04
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Also i cant work out how to put my own topic comments without just tagging onto someeles by repkying. Can anyone help.anyone in NI
27th Jul 2016 09:17:17
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I've just joined im tired of sitting in..any women my age living in the Lisburn area Northern Ireland who need someone for the odd night out
25th Jul 2016 15:00:47
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Hello celtwitch. I've justjoinned and yours is the first comment I've read. I also did various jobs and graduated from university at age 50 ( I'm now 66). Did start a career but life happened and wasn't able to finish. Did other things till I was made redundant . I volunteer here and there and am busy but this stage of life can be difficult. I also have spondilitis but it doesn't bother me much except for looking right and behind when I'm driving. I have sons but they are busy and only one lives nearby. I live in Cheshire so no hills nearby but a couple of national trust parks to walk in when I get it together to do so.
4th Jul 2016 19:07:26 (Last activity: 24th Jul 2016 20:36:23)
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Hello, I just stumbled upon this site and thought I would introduce myself.

I am a widow of 7 years, 55 years old, have two children, grown and almost off my hands, I have jacked in work so life is getting a little quiet....
Response from georgesmum made on 4th Jul 2016 20:18:35
Welcome putzfrau hope you enjoy finding your feet on the site!
Response from swallows made on 24th Jul 2016 20:36:23
Hi, I thought I had it rough living with a partner with cancer, but seven years a widow at such a young age must be hard. Best of luck in finding what you are looking for! Sam
4th Jul 2016 15:50:03 (Last activity: 23rd Jul 2016 11:02:46)
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I am from Lancashire but now live in beautiful Somerset. Hope this forum will help to ease your lack of friends and that maybe you will realise life is good no matter what age!
Response from georgesmum made on 4th Jul 2016 20:21:10
Hi Rammygirl,
Welcome to the site... I'm not too far from beautiful Somerset....just up the M5 and over the Severn Bridge so welcome to our part of the world too!
Response from ThatManViv made on 23rd Jul 2016 11:02:46
Hiya RammysGirl .... somerset here too ..... I suppose our chat must sound a little weird to that lancashire chat eh ... all the bestest
21st Jul 2016 01:45:49 (Last activity: 21st Jul 2016 17:04:06)
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I just joined. Hoping to get better at this. I am from chilliwack BC Canada. I live in the valley with beautiful mountains all around. You have to love the outdoors.
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 21st Jul 2016 08:22:05
Hello Waltzy and a very warm welcome to Silversurfers! -If you are new to Silversurfers then once you have joined you can enjoy the forums (which you are doing) and chat. When you receive a new reply you will receive an email which takes you back to the Forum or Chat page you were on. You are also able to post up pictures, short stories and poems on the Showcase area of Silversurfers. I hope you enjoy Silversurfers! Kind regards, Sally
Response from georgesmum made on 21st Jul 2016 17:04:06
Hi Waltzy and welcome to the site. Sounds as if you live in a beautiful part of Canada! Enjoy finding your feet on takes a while to work it out!
17th Jul 2016 13:39:18 (Last activity: 21st Jul 2016 01:46:57)
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Well celtwitch you'll certainly encourage at least one or two people to say Hello if you have a profile page they can access.

I'm just one year older at 68 and live at the other end of the country in Somerset. Having been living alone for years I guess some will describe me as reclusive but Im not really.

Sincerest respect to you in pursuing a degree, my brain won't even allow me to imagine doing such a thing.

OH, I just noticed the date you posted your entry ... maybe you won't even see this. There's something amiss with the programming of this site.
Best Wishes celtwitch
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 19th Jul 2016 17:49:57
Chat with me on the chat page.
Response from Waltzy made on 21st Jul 2016 01:46:57
Hello from canada
20th Jul 2016 05:57:33 (Last activity: 20th Jul 2016 11:51:56)
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Hello everyone! I'm in New Mexico, and I'm looking forward to making friends from all over the place. I'm 56, my only child is 32, and I'm really into making art and volunteering at my church. I do homeless outreach, and have a great circle of friends. I hope to get to know people on here, and learn about life in other places. My family is from Ireland (our roots). Take care!
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 20th Jul 2016 11:51:56
Hello, and welcome to Silversurfers, I hope you make some friends.
1st Jul 2016 15:45:24 (Last activity: 15th Jul 2016 17:21:16)
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Hi everyone. I turned 50 a few months ago and life has never been better. Found the courage to leave an awful job which has led me to make all kinds of other positive changes. Family, travel and food are my priorities in life. Looking forward to getting to know other like minded over fifties.
Response from Pam1960 made on 1st Jul 2016 19:36:31
I decided to stop working last December. I never thought I would succumb to stress but there I was coming home from work every evening with a headache. Then one day I just started crying and couldn't stop. I made the decision that working in an environment that was making me ill wasn't worth it. Since leaving I exercise more, I'm a lot fitter, no more headaches. I spend more time with the family and I've been on one cruise earlier this year with two more booked in the next couple of months. We are only on thus earth once and I am going to make the most of it
Response from Vix made on 15th Jul 2016 16:58:28
Hi Pam and Ford Focus,

I can really relate to both of you. I suffered with headaches and spent most of my free time either dreading work or plotting ways to replace my income. When I became 50 I just left, feeling that life's too short to live like that any longer. Since then, all kinds of good things have happened and I have replaced my income. Me and my family are now planning on travelling the world and making up for lost time.

Good for both of you for taking control and escaping!
Response from Vix made on 15th Jul 2016 17:21:16
I have to disagree. It was accepting circumstances and allowing myself to be controlled by money that led me to stay in a miserable job for over 20 years. There is always another way. We just have to find it. It's been hard work and scary but I have made my life what it is and couldn't be happier despite the financial risks.
18th Jun 2016 22:16:58 (Last activity: 15th Jul 2016 09:50:21)
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Ive just joined as well so its blind leading the blind
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 15th Jul 2016 09:50:21
Have you found your Homepage yet? This is the best place to track all your conversations .. here is a link to help you:

Best wishes, Sally 🙂
15th Jun 2016 17:52:09 (Last activity: 15th Jul 2016 09:49:26)
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Response from georgesmum made on 16th Jun 2016 16:31:49
Hi catch, hope you have more luck navigating round the site than I do. So sorry to hear about your beloved cat dying recently, it is so hard isn't it but like you I always dive in straight away and get another dog because I can't bear being without a pet! I have a 16 year old yorkie so I'm sure he'll be leaving before too long but meanwhile we cherish the time we have.
You must be quite excited to be getting a let us see a picture of him or her when you can.
Response from georgesmum made on 16th Jun 2016 16:33:39
Sorry xcatx for the spelling in my earlier post.....didn't notice that predictive text creeping up on me!
Response from georgesmum made on 16th Jun 2016 22:41:34
Great...looking forward to seeing pictures of little Jessie!
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 15th Jul 2016 09:49:26
Just a little note for anyone finding difficulty navigating the Forum ... Have you found your Homepage yet? This is the best place to track all your conversations .. here is a link to help you:

Best wishes, Sally 🙂
15th Jul 2016 08:25:13 (Last activity: 15th Jul 2016 09:47:43)
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I don't find this site all that easy to keep track of conversations but I suppose it's just because I'm not used to it yet. I've been spending time trying to revamp a tiny garden so haven't been spending much time on here. All the work but I still won't end up with a prize for garden of the year!
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 15th Jul 2016 09:47:43
Have you found your Homepage yet? This is the best place to track all your conversations .. here is a link to help you:

Best wishes, Sally 🙂
10th Jul 2016 14:21:55 (Last activity: 10th Jul 2016 14:57:40)
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I've also just joined this site. I'm 57, live in a small village in Devon with my best friend (who also acts as my carer) and 7 cats. Yes, 7. All dearly loved. I have spent many years living abroad, either working or bringing up my family, but am now settled in the UK. I get about in my whizzy wheelchair, but when I am not terrorising the locals, I love reading, painting, writing and talking to people.
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 10th Jul 2016 14:57:40
Hello dynamo and a very warm welcome to Silversurfers! -If you are new to Silversurfers then once you have joined you can enjoy the forums (which you are doing) and chat. When you receive a new reply you will receive an email which takes you back to the Forum or Chat page you were on. You are also able to post up pictures, short stories and poems on the Showcase area of Silversurfers. In addition you have access to over 100 great discounts with leading companies with Silvercard+ I hope you enjoy Silversurfers! Kind regards, Sally
5th Jul 2016 19:26:12 (Last activity: 5th Jul 2016 21:18:53)
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I think I have been here before ? ex Saga Zone, and also on Gransnet usually do the "Good Morning ***Day slots on those
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 5th Jul 2016 21:18:53
Hello 12michael and a very warm welcome to Silversurfers! -We are a lot different to sagazone and Gransnet with thousands of friendly members.If you are new to Silversurfers then once you have joined you can enjoy the forums (which you are doing) and chat. When you receive a new reply you will receive an email which takes you back to the Forum or Chat page you were on. You are also able to post up pictures, short stories and poems on the Showcase area of Silversurfers. In addition you have access to over 100 great discounts with leading companies with Silvercard+ I hope you enjoy Silversurfers! Kind regards, Sally
29th May 2016 13:42:14 (Last activity: 5th Jul 2016 03:57:54)
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Hello everyone! Tired of the many hours I spend alone. Just joined today. Would love to chat to others about life, love, gardening, grandchildren, cheating husbands, rediscovering one's self.
Response from supersarah made on 29th May 2016 20:05:00
hello Colleen58
I too have just joined. so come on lets chat.
my passion is gardening; ancestry; musicals; diy; internet.
Response from Phoenix122 made on 29th May 2016 21:25:49
Hi Colleen58, I have just joined but missing out the grandchildren bit (I don't have any) I should have got you to write my introduction for me LOL
Response from ian blair made on 5th Jul 2016 03:57:54
Hi Colleen
Sadly it's not just husbands who cheat and ruin families.
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