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The 60s ... What did like best about the 60s?

The 60s were deemed to be some of the best times ever! What did you like best about the 60s? Share your memories here...

Created By on 24/02/2014

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7th May 2016 19:05:12 (Last activity: 1st Jun 2016 15:42:19)
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Hearing my Mum say "You're not going out wearing that skirt, my girl, it's no bigger than a belt!" Now I look at some of the fashions today and I think "OMG they're never going to town wearing that" ....... full circle methinks!!
Response from supersarah made on 1st Jun 2016 12:37:32
I used to put my stilettos in my h/bag along with my 5 woodbine. !!!
Response from T4bsF made on 1st Jun 2016 13:26:25
I wasn't brave enough to go straight for the Woodbines, I broke myself in gently with Consulate!
Response from georgesmum made on 1st Jun 2016 15:42:19
I remember buying a packet of Consulate....thinking I'd look sophisticated! After attempting to smoke ONE I promptly "gave up " and passed the packet on to my father, who was a seasoned smoker....... I recall his comment to this day..... "Like smoking a packet of polo mints" I noticed he didn't waste them though.........and me.....well I never touched another cigarette again!
1st Jun 2016 04:07:52
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As a child of the 60s it was all about the good people around me.Families,friends and school friends,etc. Then it was the fun times.There was a lot of great toys too.We always had things we could do and technology didnt exist.We had fun.
28th Apr 2016 10:27:47
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My early 60's were secondary school years: new music, Seeing the Beatles live in Sheffield. Swooning over Paul McCartney singing 'Yesterday'. All the Mersey music. crotcheted stockings - I had some in shocking pink! Radio Caroline. Reading Mum's copy of Lady Chatterley in secret at lunchtime! Later 60's discovering Soul Music, discos, mini skirts, Radio 1. First holiday with the girls in Scarborough in 1969 wonderful times. I'm backing Britain campaign - (What we should be doing now - not the EU) A really chaning world, but happy times .
Joan Fraser
27th Mar 2016 14:42:47
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Yes, 60s music was (and is) the BEST. Loved the fashions too (although my 'puppy fat' maybe precluded me from suiting hot pants 🙂 Youth Club dances, Saturday Record Nights in friends houses, New heart throbs every week.....blushing and stuttering in the latest one stopped to talk 🙂
Still had my Grandparents then, and loved holiday times with them, and other Aunts & Uncles -I loved them, and just knew they loved me too....sinking into Grandma's big soft bed in her 'polished to death' spare room was the best feeling 🙂 and no wee sister sharing and kicking all night 🙂
Of course there were downs too.... Curfews, frustrations of living in a small village-and not Carnaby Street or Detroit, Mum and Dad commenting all the way thru' Top of The Tops (can't understand a word, Look at the state of him, What a racket 🙂 ), Never having enough money to buy a complete rigout at one time........ But heyho - they were minor issues and all overcome thru' time x
4th Mar 2016 21:35:20
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The end of my school days, leaving home, learning how to be a man.

Discovering girls.

Seeing the Rolling Stones, Beatles, Animals and many others perform live.

At the end of the sixties, moving out of my comfort zone, and proving to myself that yes, I could achieve what I aspired to.
1st Feb 2016 13:01:44
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Being at University during the 60s!! What a ball!! The Beatles, the Stones, mini-skirts, flares..... The list goes on. The kids today don't know what they've missed.
My first job, fresh behind the ears as a Graduate Engineer. A massive pay check of £1020 per year. My mother's Mini Traveller (one of those with wood on the sides) which I bought from her as my first car. The great thing about cars then is that one could do all the servicing oneself. No onboard computers and the engine compartment large enough to leave gaps for hands and arms.
The excitement of forming a band and wondering what to call ourselves.
Going to see Jimi Hendrix but with Pink Floyd, Amen Corner, The Move and Dave Berry also on the show. Going to see Booker T and MGs and seeing Otis Redding, Arthur Conley, Same & Dave and the Barkeys also on the Stax Roadshow. And many more........
9th Jan 2016 16:56:06
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Ahh,the 60s,remember it so fondly. I was a mod. Scooters,soul and motown music,the Walton Hop. I joined the navy. Those were the days
6th Dec 2015 00:16:23
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Everyone has a decade that they call their own; mine spanned the late 50's, early 60's; Merseyside music, Carnaby street fashion, real sense of family, and respect of the law. Growing up in the 50's seemed carefree and eternally summer, reaching adulthood in the early 60's brought a sense of responsibility and expectation for the future.
We all have our memories, whatever decade we tend to relate to, those memories can be happy, sad, exciting or seemingly ordinary, but they are "our" memories and as such are part of our lives.
Memories are there for the making and I recall part of a quote attributed to the late Robin Williams which ended with these words:- "Life is fleeting, and if you are ever distressed, cast your eyes to the summer sky where the stars are strung across the velvety night, and when a shooting star streaks through the blackness turning night into day, make a wish, think of me and make your life spectacular, I know I did"
That's how memories are made.
16th Nov 2015 00:46:16
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Listening to Radio Caroline on my transistor radio next to the pipes in the house trying to receive a better signal and mother telling me that it was illegal to listen to that. At night it was Radio Luxemburg time. Favoured the Rolling Stones, the Kinks especially on the radio in my dad's company jag because the sound was deep and amazing; first heard the Stones' record Satisfaction at a garage filling station and was 'blown away' by music which had a more spontaneous edge to it . Not keen on the Beatles although slightly more interested as they entered an experimental period prior to going separate ways. Having 'enviable' long naturally straight hair and wishing was older into my teenage years and wanted more freedom from parental wing clipping. 🙂
27th Sep 2015 20:38:13 (Last activity: 14th Nov 2015 00:13:25)
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My friend and I were recently reminiscing about the 'good old days' which were the sixties for us, being born in 1950. The skirts with the 'sticky out' net underneath, our first pair of heels (be it 1" lol!), first pair of stockings/suspenders... Dad wasn't too pleased about that but Mum was my ally, Adam Faith, Billy Fury, Elvis, Cliff, Throat Sweets, Bon Bons, toffee with the hammer supplied, white mice complete with cotton tails... I won't bore you any further, but what we also agreed was that we think that we had the best days back in the fifties/sixties and feel sorry for the kids now, they have too many stresses and strains... who's got the best ipad/iphone/Wi/Xbox! One Christmas I got, apart from the obligatory orange and silver coin, a ballerina doll, the equivalent of a Barbie doll these days and I was SO grateful... I had that doll for years. Can you imagine their faces now if that was all they got lol!
Response from JohnHerb made on 6th Nov 2015 12:47:05
My brother and I had a football between us for Christmas one year in the late 60s. Best time ever and I remember how excited we were. Hours of fun in the garden and parks
Response from lindz64 made on 7th Nov 2015 00:29:42
You can't imagine it now can you John? The difference as far as I can see is that we were happy!! Best wishes x
Response from lizzybop made on 10th Nov 2015 20:11:33
My best friend and I met at our first job in the sixties and have grown old together, we often reminisce about the fun times we had. Living in the North East it was not easy to get the latest fashions but undetterred we got the sewing machine out and made our own copies of Biba and Mary Quant clothes and very trendy we looked. We were mods and would meet up in the city centre with our friends, the boys with their parkers and scooters girls in their mini skirts and knee hight twiggy boots. We had amazing times and although we had the odd drink alcohol was not as important to a good night out as it seems to be for the youngsters today. The sixties were vibrant, exciting and, for me anyway, the best decade ever.
Response from lindz64 made on 14th Nov 2015 00:13:25
I couldn't agree more lizzybop and no, alcohol wasn't important in those heady days lol! Best wishes x
12th Sep 2015 09:54:14 (Last activity: 6th Nov 2015 12:48:02)
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loved the 60 carefree days the music liverpool fc hippies flower power haha oh to be back there
Response from JohnHerb made on 6th Nov 2015 12:48:02
Yes great days. I remember the music in the late 60s and early 70s. Wonderful creative days and good times
26th Oct 2015 23:04:39
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Loved the sixties great music and clothes,loved the hot pants and mini skirts, they were better times by far.
18th Oct 2015 14:13:44
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Oh my the memories of the 60s are wonderful, dancing every Saturday night having to run for the last train home was unbelievable the guys on the station got to know me and very often held the train while I ran with shoes under my arm down the steps and up the other side a finger would be wagged at me with a shake of the head & the door would be slammed behind me.
The competition with other girls to have the most layers of net petticoats.
I had my hair done every Saturday & had a coloured water rinse on my bottle blonde hair my poor mother never knew what colour I would be when I came home. I am reminded of the 60s every day because I ruined my feet with the high heeled winkle pickers how on earth I danced in them I shall never know.
The music was great & there were so many groups around then that played at dance halls that would have knocked the socks off some of the groups of today. I didn't have much money but I would buy good plain dresses ect then dress them up with other things.
I remember when the first all night motorway services opened the motorcycle boys would take us there after the dance & I would arrive home about 3am ,of course my mother thought I was up to no good but we just loved staying & having a laugh it was innocent fun. Those were the days ahhhhhh.
12th Oct 2015 14:32:59
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16th Sep 2015 17:54:48
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I used to go to Highfield rd (Cov city ground) with 50000 others. Now we can't even get 10000 at the games!
16th Sep 2015 17:52:41
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I remember when I was 11 yrs old catching the midland red bus from Coventry to Warwickshire without my parents in sight! A 12 mile journey every day on my own. Are kids too molly cuddled today with all the lifts to school?
12th Sep 2015 09:52:33
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21st Oct 2014 13:32:32 (Last activity: 30th Aug 2015 20:05:31)
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To start off with I liked the prices, everything was cheaper. Do you remember the days when 5 bob in your pocket made feel like a wealthy man, an icecream was 6d and for 9d you could watch a movie with popcorn and orange squash thrown in 😀 Then there was the Goon Show on radio and that(( dirty old man)) Septoe and Son on TV. I left the UK in 65 to come to South Africa but it was just not the same. I was 16 at the time and in the UK we had just plucked up the courage to sneak into Pubs and enjoy an ale now and then. In SA there were no pubs just fancy bars in the hotels. there were a few down by the docks in Durban but no place for a 16 year old. It was a pretty boring time but then we moved up to Rhodesia and the social scene there was much better. We had just arrived when the 11th of November came around and we declared UDI. That was 1965 and nobody seemed to give a dam. Life went on as normal. it was only towards the end of the 60's and the beginning of the 70's that we started to feel the pinch.
Response from Wilf made on 7th Aug 2015 14:04:23
I used to get £1 a week for my paper round for 6 days work and it seemed like a lot of money. I saved up for a bike but in those days nobody seemed to have any money and people didn't borrow like they do today
Response from JohnHerb made on 30th Aug 2015 20:05:31
Yes it was a new age of freedom. I was only a teenager but really enjoyed those days and life seemed a lot simpler
29th Aug 2015 20:30:02
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The sixties were fantastic. Fashion and the Beatles and the sense of freedom!
7th Feb 2015 13:51:35 (Last activity: 7th Aug 2015 14:02:53)
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Response from Wilf made on 7th Aug 2015 14:02:53
I thought the 60's where fantastic. I was born in the 50s so was a teenager by late 60s. I loved the music most of all and felt in the UK there was a real feeling of optimism. I suspect if we could go back to the 60's it would seem much more tranquil than 2015!!
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