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What book are you currently reading?

Thought this would be a good place to share your taste in literature! What books have you read recently, what are you reading now and how would rate them? Would you recommend anything to a fellow Silverhairs friend?

Do you use a Kindle or similar or do you prefer a real book to hold?

I have just finished reading the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, which my youngest daughter is studying for ‘A’ Level. It is a devastating, masterful and painfully honest story … it tells the gripping account of a boyhood friendship destroyed by jealousy, fear, and ruthless evil.

The Kite Runner is an astonishing, powerful book that had me riveted from the first to the last page. It is a story of fierce cruelty and yet redeeming love, as well as of an intimate account of family and friendship.

I found it compelling and disturbing and opened my eyes to how evil reigns in the Middle East. Next on my list is A Thousand Splendid Suns written by the same author.

How about you?

Created By on 04/10/2012

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25th Jul 2017 16:23:56
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viv1947 I've read Sue Graftons books , so far A to V. I also read James Pattersons 1 to 14. Enjoyed both authors . Rebbecca Topes is another , she sets her mysteries in the Cotwolds. Evelyn Hood is another author I enjoy ,her setting are in Scotland. If you want mysteries and a little bit of light reading that's the ones for me. At the moment I'm reading Jo Nesbo Nemesis. Red quite a few of his. They are a bit more darker. My reading is more according to what mood I'm in.
28th Jun 2017 01:28:36
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At the moment I'm reading Wilbur Smith's War Cry, it's one of his Courtney's of Africa series and I'm enjoying it.
25th Jun 2017 19:31:52
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I am currently reading A New Map of Love by Abi Oliver, different and interesting, not quite finished it yet. Anyone else read this one?
26th May 2017 19:52:11 (Last activity: 26th May 2017 22:11:58)
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I've just finished "Four Waifs on our Doorstep" by Trisha Merry. It is about her experience of raising her last four foster children (siblings) that arrived on her doorstep in 1997. Sombre reading for the modern age.
Response from Treehugger1 made on 26th May 2017 22:11:58
What a coincidence Jeanmark, I have just finished the same book. Somber reading indeed but I have so much respect for people who can do that work.
23rd May 2017 23:37:18
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Almost a week since I last posted here, since then I've finished The ice Princess as well as I Robot by Isaac Asimov and am now best part way through A Guilty Thing Surprised (Inspector Wexford #5) by Ruth Rendell.
Not sure what will be next.
27th Mar 2017 20:13:35 (Last activity: 19th May 2017 20:32:57)
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Response from Treehugger1 made on 12th Apr 2017 21:46:33
This sounded so interesting that i've just been over to Amazon to have a look, but it's only available on paper and you're not able to have a look at the text. Shame 🙁
Response from Treehugger1 made on 19th May 2017 20:32:57
Yes I believe that, thoughts are as real and potent as actions Imo and have the power to create actual changes within the body. I would go further and say that I believe they also create reactions and life events outside the body vibrating out into the world.
17th May 2017 12:41:20
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Hi all, recently joined and am still finding my way around but I checked out any reading/book topics first 🙂
I'm currently reading The Ice Princess (Fjällbacka #1)by Camilla Läckberg, Steven T. Murray (Translator) on the Overdrive app on my tablet.
I've recently read:
Red Dwarf Omnibus: Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers & Better Than Life (Red Dwarf #1-2) by Grant Naylor in paperback
Coyote by Allen Steele in paperback
Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey on Kindle.

I enjoy reading in both electronic and hard copy formats. I have no preference other than cost of the book.
10th Apr 2017 18:40:31
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10th Mar 2017 07:18:21 (Last activity: 10th Mar 2017 18:59:52)
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SS-GB - len Deighton. Having read the comments in the media about 'mumblers RUs' and this series, I thought it time to reread this excellent and fast moving tome. It helps that the characters in the TV series can assist in visualisng the book which is pacy, quite believable and well written. Am I right in thinking that there was a previous serialisation of the book on TV - can find no reference to it.
Response from Fruitcake13 made on 10th Mar 2017 18:56:14
'Empress Orchid' by Anchee Min, a historical novel based on the life of the real Empress Dowager Cixi who ruled the Chinese Qing dynasty for almost 50 years. Not my usual type of book, but I like trying something different sometimes, and I like a strong female lead character in a book.
Response from Fruitcake13 made on 10th Mar 2017 18:59:52
I used to read Len Deighton books back in the day, unclehefty, so am also watching SS-GB. Looks great and well acted.
27th Jan 2017 10:13:25
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I am reading The Bookshop by Penelope Fitzgerald as our local book club has chosen this for January - haven't got far enough to be able to "critique" yet. Tend to have several books on the go at once to be honest 🙂
Joy james
8th Jan 2017 02:00:40
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I never wrote a word until I reached 69 and then I wrote a book Yo'd Mek a Parson Swear!
The title coming from my mam who often threw this phrase at me, only with the added embellishment of a really meaty swear word tucked neatly in the middle! The book tells the story of my impoverished life through WW2 and the following decades. Its done really well and is on sale in Waterstone's or Gardners Books online. On the strength of it, I now write regularly for the Nottingham Post newspaper and had an account only yesterday of my first kiss! Ahh, so THAT'S where the noses go!
10th Dec 2016 23:21:19 (Last activity: 11th Dec 2016 19:14:10)
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Response from Pam1960 made on 11th Dec 2016 19:14:10
We had the Sir Francis Chichester Round the World game when we were kids. Loved it. Wonder if you can still get it. I was sways bring caught in the Doldrums
10th Dec 2016 20:07:08
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Just been out and got a couple of books to keep me going. The Widow by Fiona Burton and The Christmas Promise by Sue Moorcroft hope they are both good reads
10th Dec 2016 19:40:08
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Just finished reading Trevor Noah's book Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood. Interesting read written from the perspective of a mixed face individual who identifies as black just as Apartheid was coming to an end. Made me think.
3rd Nov 2016 10:53:16 (Last activity: 10th Dec 2016 14:31:29)
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''State Of fear'', by Michael Crichton. I`m translating from the American English, to the English English as i go along. It`s an intriguing idea, though, that, with the climate change debacle, it isn`t so much about global global cooling. Does anyone else have any takes on this issue...?
Response from Linda Sallie Guest made on 9th Dec 2016 11:13:42
I've not read this Crichton. I will give it a go after reading this though. thank you for the recommendation
Response from Pam1960 made on 9th Dec 2016 15:56:14
Just finished Dan Brown's Inferno. I find his books hard to get into but from about half way in difficult to put down. On the plus side his descriptions of Florence and Venice brought back many memories. Girl on a Train is probably my favourite read of the year. Can't wait to see what books I'll get for Christmas
Response from Fruitcake13 made on 9th Dec 2016 19:56:34
I get really cross with Dan Brown as he rips off other writers, 'The Da Vinci Code' being the worst example of that. It's just a badly written rehash of all the 'theories' presented in 'The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail' written in the early 1980s by Baigent, Lee and Lincoln. Baigent, Lee and Lincoln came under all sorts of legal fire for writing their book, and yet Dan Brown is hailed for his very inferior fictional version. Baigent, Lee and Lincoln's book may well be just a collection of conspiracy theories, but it's infinitely more readable than Dan Brown's pathetic effort.
Response from Fruitcake13 made on 9th Dec 2016 20:11:26
Sorry, Pam1960, not criticising your choice of book, just letting off some steam about Dan Brown himself. 🙂
Response from Pam1960 made on 9th Dec 2016 20:44:29
No problem Fruitcake13. I don't really have a particular author that I always read. I read pretty much anything. As soon as I finish one book I just buy another, usually whatever is available in the supermarket. I will read any genre and I either like it or I don't. I don't profess to know what is classed as good literature I just like what I like. I am exactly the same with art.
Response from Fruitcake13 made on 9th Dec 2016 21:17:39
Nothing wrong with being a voracious reader, Pam1960, it's good for the mind, heart and soul. It's good to read whatever takes your fancy, whatever that may be. There are no rules, just personal choice.
Response from jeanmark made on 10th Dec 2016 14:31:29
I'm like you Pam1960, I read what takes my fancy. I have to have books in the house so that when I finish one I can start another. I trawl Charity shops for books and prefer crime thrillers but will read what I think will entertain me.
9th Dec 2016 18:52:33
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Mine at the moment is "The Book Thief " by Markus Zusak.
I'm only halfway through, but it is extraordinary !!!
Linda Sallie Guest
9th Dec 2016 11:12:25
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Recently read The Girl On the Train. It's a brilliant book and I changed my mind about what the ending might be several times. I was still surprised when it was revealed. Well worth a read even if you do not usually like crime/thriller novels as it's so much more than that
9th Dec 2016 08:44:27
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My reading choices are not as high brow as some of the people on this forum i'm afraid. Currently reading "The Assassin" by Clive Cussler, big fan of him.
23rd Sep 2016 08:56:49 (Last activity: 8th Nov 2016 19:08:18)
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I worry about my choice of books, it's very eclectic and not very high brow, but I do love a well written book, mainly fiction although I have just downloaded The Yorkshire Shepherdess for a bit of bucolic charm. I have recently discovered the author Kate Atkinson and have read Left Early Took the Dog, Time after a Time and Night in the Museum. I have thoroughly enjoyed these books. I also quite enjoy the Phil Rickman books, especially the Merrily Watkins series, which has a female Deliverance vicar as the main character. Right now, though, I am at the wonderful (sometimes) moment of embarking on a new book, decisions, decisions, think I am going to choose 11.22.63 by Stephen King! Bit out of my comfort zone but here goes!
Response from Fruitcake13 made on 8th Nov 2016 19:08:18
Joybirch, never ever worry about your choice of books, it's your choice and there are no rules! I read a lot of non-fiction, usually history books, but I love fiction as well, especially good crime novels. Just read what you like and enjoy, eclectic is good! 🙂
8th Nov 2016 18:35:21
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Currently reading 'The Visit of the Royal Physician' by Per Olov Enquist, a Swedish writer. It's a historical novel, which is not my usual sort of reading at all, but it's quite intriguing. Set in the 1760s at the height of the Enlightenment, the story takes place in the Royal Court of Christian VII, the young King of Denmark who was mentally ill. I've no idea how it will end, but it's very readable.
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