What are your views on TV Charity Begging Adverts?
Watch this postOver a number of years there has and even more lately been endless adverts asking for money, from children through to animals and onto water and so on. Of course there are many reasons to give money but are we the only ones in England constantly being asked to give money even for other countries through out the world , even in disasters, I too willingly send money to the British Red Cross who do a marvellous job, where I know my donation will get to the most needy of people. But my main concern is why doesn't the governments of some of these countries try and help their own people instead of people here in England constantly being bombarded with begging adverts, what are your views regarding TV begging adverts, and at tea time too?
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Yes I give to my local charities in the form of unwanted items.
If I were to give to some of the vast number of TV charity’s, I would be asking for charity for myself.
It is not pence that they are asking for. Some are £20 plus.
Yes I agree, why don’t the leaders of these countries help their people?
I also wonder if the donations that are given, do they get to the needy?
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Combine them with, 24/7 rolling news channels, no wonder people's mental health is suffering. It
I also make a point of never giving any money to charity’s that advertise on T.V.
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It is not a problem that is directed only at England, Here in the states it is on all our TV channels - dogs, elephants, water, food for Holocaust survivors, cancer, all kinds of things. As you called them, begging adverts. Many are also for other countries. And here it is always $19 a month they want. What is it with that particular number anyway? I don't get it.
FCDO’s development budget to India will rise to £55.3million in 2021/22.
Why are we giving money to a country with nuclear power and a space industry?
All charity money in aid of children should be spent on sterilisation and contraception, that would put an end to the begging.
I give voluntary donations to the RNLI and the Poppy Appeal.
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Their CEO earns £230,104 pa and 386 other staff earn £60,000+ pa.
Just the CEO's salary alone could treat 76,701 children.
Their annual income is £981.9 million.
With that amount of money coming in each year, why are children still suffering and why do they still need us to ante up more cash all the time.
Truth is, the majority of money goes on salaries and admin. The proportion that actually reaches children is small by comparison.
Much better to give money to local charities, like foodbanks, as I do. (The fact that we need foodbanks in this country is another scandal by itself.)
Understand that the advertising is national but like you say is the top hierachy that get the benefit. Is so much money that goes on 'admin' or 'ceo' costs. Charity is exactly that 'Charity' I feel that the people who do run the charities should do that job for 'half the price of their salary/wage'.
Other thing that bugs me is there is NEVER EVER any update on what has been done in what country etc; how much raised, How much needed. But for the general joe bloggs we are expected to just blindly 'GIVE GIVE GIVE'.
Also the fact that once you start giving to a charity ie: £3 a month the next month it's give £5 and so on and so forth. If I was to give £3 to every charity that asked I'd be 6ft under!
£3 this year will be £30 in 20 years time, spend the money on contraception and sterilisation, problem solved.
Look at the MILLIONS of dollars/pounds they spend on advertisements, actors, commercials, speakers, billboards, news ad's, etc..... WHY aren't they putting all that money into their charity.......IF it really is a charity.
The fundamental fact of charities is, 95% of the money they take in goes for "administration costs". This money is governed by the executive level, and THEY are the ones that dole out the money for projects and such, while stuffing most of this money into their private bank accounts. The other 5% goes for paid employees, offices, and less that 1% goes to the actual people, places, or causes they advertise for.
If you want to give to a charity, make SURE you investigate it fully before handing over any money to it.
As for their adverts being saturated in the media.........this should tell you EXACTLY where the money is going to.
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The elderly day care users were charged a fortune for these services and I was disgusted to find out how much the office staff at both local and and head office level were paid. The people who actually worked at the centres were not paid very much at all. If this happened in the charity I worked for what happens in all the others?
I now work as a volunteer in a charity shop which is great fun for me and does good for others too.
Before the advert the should be forced to display the Pay of the chief executives of the Chairty concerned and how much of peoples donations actually reach the people concerned .
I now prefer to help local charities staffed by volunteers.
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