Cessna's latest comments
6th Jul 2022Cessna commented on:
New memberHi John - I'm also a retired flyer. Just an ordinary ppl with some 500 hours. Last flew in 82 so very rusty now. I was widowed in 2016 and live at home with just the one son. Dont get around these days so just filling in time. - Regards, Brian.ViewDate:
4th Jul 2022Cessna commented on:
What are your views on TV Charity Begging Adverts?Surely the ads for cancer research should be directed to the British Govt., and the one for water to african villages directed to the water companies that are making huge profits. ipe lines to African villages.. These should be directed toViewDate:
2nd Sep 2021Cessna commented on:
Last of the Summer Wine, or, How I learned to Love Top Gear.Yes - I can only add that for me with the sad loss of foggy and compo the prog has lost much of its former attraction.ViewDate:
18th Aug 2021Cessna commented on:
SoapsYes - Makes me cringe and switch to another channel when this comes up on the screen. But each to his own.ViewDate:
18th Aug 2021Cessna commented on:
Repeats on TVSame can be said for many of the old Dads Army repeats . Also regarding the remakes of Dads Army, from what I've seen of them so far then I wont be rushing home to switch them on.ViewDate:
18th Aug 2021Cessna commented on:
Motoring: Dashboard Cameras on private vehiclesHope this is in the appropriate forum. Some time ago I read that should a motorist be involved in damaging a street lamp then he/she could be faced with paying the price of TWO lamp posts on the basis that the local council were charging for having to order another lamp post to make up their stock. Does this still applyViewDate:
30th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
Playing Classical MusicI always regretted I could never learn to read music and play the piano. As a youngster I lived through the Big Band era of the 40's and 50's when in the middle of a number the piano bass drums and guitar would often take over for a few bars. I Just loved that sound. I only got as far as playing amateur on trumpet.ViewDate:
30th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
I love to laugh life's to short to be taken seriouslyIn the '40s after school my self and pals would rush down to the local Odeon to watch the latest Abbot and Costello movie, and come away with ribs aching with laughter. Of course they wouldn't be popular these days as times and standards have changed.so much.ViewDate:
30th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
So Whose in a Band?Having lived throughout the golden years of the Big Bands in the 40's and 50's, whenever the term 'bands' is used these days brings to mind crazy looking jumping and gyrating performers. Resulting in one big turn off for me. Just my opinion of course.ViewDate:
30th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
Capital PunishmentI am inclined to agree that some killers such as those in the Lee Rigby case deserve to die - but in general I am against Capital Punishment..ViewDate:
30th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
Over 75 TV licence - what are your views?My views are that the TV licence should be free for those whose only income is the State pension, but not free for those, myself included who are financially comfortable and well able to afford to pay..ViewDate:
30th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
Chatting but as of yet no contactsI'm also nearly new to Surfers having posted in several forums here. but so far lack of results have been disappointing.ViewDate:
30th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat withHi Linda - I'm guessing you are in the States. Was previously on Dig Spy but they are closing down their chat board so here I am.ViewDate:
29th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
The BeardNot only beards - Tony Curtis is believed to have said That kissing Marilyn Monroe was like Kissing Hitler.ViewDate:
29th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
The BeardFrom Brian. On the subject of beards - Yes I agree that there must be more than a few ladies who are not keen making lip contact with bearded men.ViewDate:
29th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
Do tailgaters bother you?If tailgaters bother me or become pests then I just stay within the legal limit and take extra time and care at junctions.ViewDate:
29th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
Motor bikersToo old now but always wanted a Harley. Just after the war US army surplus Harley's and Indians were in the Exchange and Mart in the UK for around £55 but I could only raise £5 so never obtained my ambition. I did however buy my first Cessna 172 in 1972 for £9000 . There's a photo of my former plane on the web if you google Cessna 172 G -BBKH. Picture taken at Biggin Hill.ViewDate:
29th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
MotorbikesI got into m/cycles in '48 when I paid £10 for a New Imperial 350cc that was in bits. Did lots of work on it but had a problem with the oil pump so never got it running properly. In my time Ive had a Triumph 3T twin, Sunbeam S8 and a 98cc Excelsior Later I became a salesman with Pride and Clarks who used to be one of the biggest m/cycle dealers in the business.ViewDate:
29th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
Cycling on pavements and in parksThe problem I have with those that ride their vehicles on pavements, are what I call 'The silent menace'.. In which e-scooters and cyclists silently approach and overtake pedestrians from behind at some speed. This can be especially alarming walkers, Especially the elderly.ViewDate:
29th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
Repeats on TVI look out for old black and white movies, especially as shown on Freeview channels 81, 8 and others. but not keen on Westerns. Problem now is that many of the same repeats are coming around far too often. I suppose there has to come a time when the stock of old films available have already been screened many times over.ViewDate:
29th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat withHi - My name is Brian living near Bromley Kent semi retired last 10 years with plenty of time on my hands. Left school aged 14 to work with an airline at Croydon airport. Served N/S Signal Corps Catterick and Singapore, sold motorcycles, office machines, Took up flying. now living almost alone.ViewDate:
26th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
Just joined so I'm introducing myself.Formerly DS and now a recent joiner to the forums but have to say I'm not getting on to well with the methods of lay out or posting. Probably my fault as not entirely computer literate.ViewDate:
26th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
EvacueesIn June '44 I had been awoken about 6 am while sleeping in the Anderson shelter in our garden. Although I hadn't heard any explosion a V1 Flying bomb had landed onto nearby houses. They flew very low and sounded like a motorcycle. without an exhaust. Our doors and windows had been blown out or damaged and some ceilings were down. Soon we received notification that children were to assemble in Wallington town hall car park for evacuation, where we boarded LT buses that took us to London where we boarded trains for Billesly Common at Sth Birmikngham. We were there for several months, billeted with a very pleasant Mrs Fox and her son who took us on visits to Birmingham city. and Dudley. . We played on the common where German POWs were helping on a farm and where I learnt to scrump apples. . We were at Billesley for about 4 months and eventually returned home to Wallington, and back to normal life.ViewDate:
26th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
The Great Depression - my memories of the 30sI was born in 1932. My father was a milk roundsman and we lived above the Express Dairy in Wallington with my sister and 3 brothers where we could watch the milk being loaded onto the carts and see the horses taken to their stables each evening. Although poor we were happy and in 1935 moved to a house rented for 10/- weekly which would be a family residence for the next 60 years.. The only heating and cooking was with what was called a kitchen range, being a fire place and oven in the living room which also heated water for the bath upstairs but which never worked properly as evidenced by the portable bath we kept on a hook on the wall outside. I remember on our initial arrival at the house the lilac trees in bloom with several apple and cherry trees that later and each summer would yield many baskets full of ripe apples and cherries in abundance. In 1937 i went to the infant school at the other end of our road. . A small building next to the church, of the corrugated iron variety. where we wrote on slates. In the winter we had small bottle of milk which through being placed to thaw on the radiator was rather sickly.. By 1939 on the eve or war we had all been issued with gas masks that folded to fit into a small cardboard box we had to carry with us at all times. We now lived close to the boundary of Croydon airport and witnessed the initial arrival of the RAF who flew in to land in ancient Bi-Planes. Later the airmen were billeted in nearby houses. At school the small playing field was dug up for deep long air raid shelters to be built which lat er we would use several times a week as we listened to our own gun barrages and the drone of enemy aircraft over head with their distinctive rise and fall drone. . But thats another story for the 40's forum. - Signed CessnaViewDate:
24th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
How we lived in the FiftiesSent this earlier but seems to have gone astray. 1950's for me started with meeting my first real love of a lifetime. In 51 I had to enlist for N/S into the Signal Corps. Arriving to a freezing cold Catterick Camp. After 4 weeks we were allowed 36 hours leave which for me involved hours of coach and train travel each way (Wallington - Yorks). leaving just a few short hours to meet up again with my girl and some pals, Then back to Catterick to be on parade by 8 am. Pay was 25/- but after stoppages for insurance/tax and barrack room damages - otherwise known as robbery - we ended up with about 19/- Not leaving a lot for coach train and Naafi breaks. After 6 months many of us were embarked on a troopship and a 4 weeks cruise to Singapore to take us via the Suez canal, Aden and Colombo. Singapore proved to be one of the best postings for servicemen. It was a tropical paradise, plus our pay rocketed to £5. After 18 months it was time to return to the UK, which in those days was still dull grey and austere. By the end of the 50's things had improved and I was one of the first in our street to own a car. As we entered the 60's I would fall into lucrative employment that would take me into the aviation world. and also marriage to a stunningly attractive girl .ViewDate:
24th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
1950s & 60s Dancehalls/BallroomsHi Neil. My memories of the Guards at Caterham. go back to the late 40's and 50's when at weekends small groups of Welsh Guards would be seen wandering along North End Croydon. They were probably new recruits out on their first weekend pass. All very tall with boy like well scrubbed faces and smartly pressed uniforms.. For some years now the old barracks has long since been rebuilt into housing and office block units.ViewDate:
24th Mar 2021Cessna commented on:
Dance halls in the 1950s - can you help me?The Orchid Ballroom at Purley nr Croydon Friday and Saturday nights in the 50's was the place to be. Entrance fee was about 6/6d This was the era of the big bands with smart highly professional musicians performing all the popular melodies and tunes of the day until sadly (for me) the guitar twanging rock brigade arrived to result in the final demise of the big bands. . The Locarno at Streatham Sth London was similar but never equaled the atmosphere of the Orchid Purley. -Brian Phillips 24/3/21 .