Seeking penpal & Chat
Watch this postHello, I am 55 year old retired woman with lots of free time on my hands. I have lived alone for the past two years.
I would love to have penpals and possibly someone to chat with.
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Would also like to be penpals. Write anytime.
Mark (the guinea pig tickler)
can be a bit confusing I found that when I joined.
I am male 76 years young haha and live in Hampshire, was up in the North
West last year, but moved back here in the summer.
Am here most days, as am chatting to others in the chat room. So feel free
to chat, all best wishes, Terry.
from you, am now in the South nearer to siblings.
You can open a chat by just scrolling down to chat room, then you can chat to people on a one to one basis without other’s viewing it.
Hope you find it, yes wrap up warm, and take care, Terry.
here in August, after spending one year in Wigan, Lancs.
Have never been to Anglesey, my father was born just outside of Swansea,
so am half Welsh haha.
My retirement flat is on the Winchester Road, so your daughter will know
the area probably. The Christmas market is on until the 5th January so you
will have a chance to see it, ( bring plenty of money, things there are not
cheap ) so enjoy the rest of your evening, and have a wonderful Xmas with
your daughter, all best wishes, Terry. PS I was born in Reading Berkshire, so
did not visit the venues you mentioned, spent most of the sixties in the
Army, mostly abroad.
I’ve just returned from a cruise round the Canaries. Lovely to escape the UK in January! It’s the ideal way to travel as a solo with others to meet up with in the same position. I flew from Manchester to Tenerife to join the ship. However, I have also sailed from Southampton to the Fiords. Ideal for me as my daughter can drop me at the port.
I note you were in the Army, I was in the Air Force 1969-1973 and trained as a nurse. Spent some of my time in Germany at RAF Wegberg.
Hope you’re keeping well and also had a good Xmas
Regards Vanessa
that you have also had a winter cruise in the Mediterranean, I would like
to go on my first cruise, but find the single supplement a bit of a bind.
It seems that you traveled on your cruise as a solo passenger, maybe you
could give me some advice as regards cruise lines? Hope that you have
settled back into life at home in Anglesey. I had a quiet Christmas, had a
couple of days at my sisters in Basingstoke, but stayed in my flat most
of the holiday, we had a get together in our lounge, and we all brought
something for the table, had a bit of a laugh, and some good food, I
don’t drink, but I bought some alcohol free grape juice, quite nice taste.
Well I hope the New Year is good to you, and it would be nice if you could
keep in touch, until then, take care, all best wishes, Terry.
It's a pity there isn't a safe way to send my email address as it would make this much easier! Lol take care Vanessa
for you and give you my email address, then you don’t have to enclose to
the world yours. So email me at, no
capitals, hope this helps, all best wishes, Terry.
I would love to chat if you have time.
I'm not retired yet unfortunately, I've got a long way to go yet. The weather is dull , grey and windy down south. We had a bit of snow.
I stayed home mostly to relax, preparing for my busy week ahead with work. Life is such but keeping positive as always.
kind regards
I can write,chat, whatever, whenever, no probs. I’m guessing there is at least an 8 hour time difference between us. But im sure well manage to get a fe words in.
Have a great day,
Have you got any hobbies and what part of the country are you in?
Would love to chat more and learn all about you.
Best wishes, Raymer
sorry so long in responding. Been a hectic few weeks.
I am 63 and divorced 19 years. Have 2 adult children and 1 grandchild.
Am an animal lover and a keen gardener also DIY, do my own decorating
I am 60, female, live alone (sometimes love it, sometimes hate it). Have two adult children and 1 grandson who's a baby of 1.
If you're still seeking penpals let me know 🙂
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Mike here , looking for a friendly chat
I love talking so if you fancy a chat.
I'm just here to make friends like yourself.
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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.
If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.
I am up for a chat most anytime.
I agree with you. Experience and wisdom comes with age therefore in my opinion age is just a number. Please let me know when you would like to chat.
I live in Arizona. I chose the area because of the weather. I get the rare dusting of snow every couple of years. It seems as though your holiday plans are already in place. Do you wish for a White Christmas? You stay safe and warm as well. Chat with you soon.
I agree with you about a White Christmas. I have never liked cold weather either. I grew up in the Midwest. I enjoyed watching the commercials advertising the palm trees of Florida so at 19 I planned and executed my escape from the cold weather. I joined the military chose Florida and never looked back.
How did your Christmas get together go?
I am trying to drum up some enthusiasm to leave the building .and do a bit of shopping
Watch this space ,,,in case I ever find it again !!!!!!
I am glad to hear you had a good time at your Christmas get together. Maybe you will a raffle prize at your next party.
It has been cool here also. There has been frost the last couple of mornings but it warms up fairly quickly therefore I can not complain.
What warm destination are you expecting to get away to in the New Year?
Take care and keep warm
I can definitely understand where you are coming from on keeping our brain’s occupied. I hope you are able to get out and get some shopping done since there are only nine days left before Christmas.
You can bookmark this place to find it again. There should be an arrow to your right. Click the first icon.
Take care
orchestra . I did not go out ,well, just ,to check how safe the drive was,, still too many crunchy
bits dodgy for a rear wheeled drive car , ,the bookmarks thing does work ,most of the time ,,like today The problem with this site ,there are so many avenues to wander down ,,
Just had a peek out . Exactly like yesterday FREEZING .
I 'm probably the only woman who dislikes shopping unless it's absolutely necessary ,as yesterday was ,I won't starve ,a pantry full of tins ,a freezer ,almost full of interesting items. that I am slowly eating my way through
As Christmas gets nearer so does a dental appointment ,,What is it about dentist's that brings
out the Wuss factor ,,,???? Coffee ????
Of course . , .
Turkey sounds like fun to visit. Have you ever visited Turkey? I do not have any plans to travel next year.
My son will visit for awhile both days since he lives a short distance away. My daughter, son-in-law, and two grandchildren ages 4 years old and 6 months live in Virginia so I will have to settle for talking to them by phone both days. My four year loves to sing so I will enjoy her Christmas Carols and hopefully hear some cooing from the six month old.
Take Care
I am sorry to hear it is not safe to leave your home however at least you have plenty of food. I also do not enjoy shopping especially in store. Do you venture out for gifts or buy them online?
I agree about the dentist. I do not believe anyone enjoys an appointment.
Take Care
I’m glad to hear it has warmed up a bit for you. Rain is always better than snow unless you want to go skiing 🙂 The weather forecast here was in the 50’s and sunny. The forecast for Christmas should be in the 60’s.
That is a bummer to have a strike on Christmas Eve but I suppose the timing was taken into consideration to get the maximum impact and necessary attention it deserves.
I know the next coming days will be busy therefore if I do not hear from you before Christmas, Have a Merry Christmas!
Take care and keep dry.
Although it is windy I’m glad to hear you are still only dealing with rain vs. snow. Hopefully you will have everything you need upon arrival at your sister’s house.
I do miss the days when my children were young and seeing the delight on their faces as they opened their presents. My granddaughter is very excited and counting down the days. I created a Chatroom to communicate in. If you are interested, it is labeled Greetings Across the pond.
Take Care
Just let me know how you want to communicate.
I find it's easier to keep up with the conversation as it's only between the people in the room. I'd be happy to set up a chat for the two of us or can add you to the room I've set up with Eloquent if you prefer? Comment and let me know. I'm F, 58 living in South Yorkshire, England.
Hopefully you will get an invite.
I've added Eloquent1 also but she's either not found it or been online to see my message.
I'm fairly new to Silversurfers. Always happy to have a chat. I've only just discovered how to have private chats with individual or groups of people. I kind of like the chat feature because I know what I write is only being read by the people I'm chatting with.
I am also new. Let me know when you are up for chatting and I will try and figure out how to use the feature.
I've added you to the room.