Lucelastic's latest comments
6 days agoLucelastic commented on:
Win a £300 Parkdean Resorts voucher for your 2025 getaway!Why not enter, nothing to lose !ViewDate:
8th Mar 2024ViewDate:
24th Dec 2023Lucelastic commented on:
Members East MidlandsI live in the East midlands, South Derbyshire Jan bearbados@aol.comViewDate:
22nd Dec 2023Lucelastic commented on:
Anybody out there finding themselves on their ownHiya, I too am on my own, not nice this time of year when everyone seems to be celebrating ! I wish people Happy New Year rather than do the Merry Xmas stuff 77 next birthday, very positive attitude, have had a 'lively' life, you name it - been there, am hoping to do more next year. I value friendship, my bestie lives 20 miles away so have not yet visited her in Wales Love the Internet, it has opened up a whole new way on conversing with people If you want to drop me a line Jan bearbados@aol.comViewDate:
21st Dec 2023Lucelastic commented on:
Seeking penpal & ChatHiya, I too live alone, am in South Derbyshire, most neighbours work so impossible to meet new friends since I moved here. Am an animal lover and a keen gardener also DIY, do my own decorating Bearbados@aol.comViewDate:
21st Dec 2023Lucelastic commented on:
Looking for pen palsHi Maureen, Am also retired, lots of time for myself in fact too much ! I have 2 dogs which get me out daily for walkies, very quiet area, people do not seem to want to socialise, any groups are not supported by locals so basically do not exist. I ave family 70 miles away so visits aren't spontaneous and need to be planned usually with a stop over. I adore gardening, in the summer it takes over my life although my garden is small ish ! Would love to hear from you via email, I too have the dreaded Arthritis which stops me writing. Jan