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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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26th Sep 2016 11:55:38 (Last activity: 24th Oct 2016 16:51:12)
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Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone. I joined yesterday and have just found this page which I thought would be a good place to start.

I live near a small town in South Derbyshire called Swadlincote, it is an old Mining community which after a decline when the mines closed has now built itself up again and seems to have become a commuter belt for the larger towns and cities in the Midlands.

I am married with 4 grown up children and 3 grandchildren up to now. I thought it would be nice to be able to chat online with people my own age for a change.
Response from Muserseven made on 24th Oct 2016 16:51:12
Hello Denys

I am happy to chat, though a bit older than you are. I'm a 1943 model, living in Leicestershire, so at least we are both in the East Mids area.
11th Oct 2016 18:43:39 (Last activity: 24th Oct 2016 16:47:40)
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Hello there! i;m 72 a fit and healthy dog walker,been alone now for several years, are there any ladies in the Reepham area of N ORFOLK who I could chat with?
Response from Muserseven made on 24th Oct 2016 16:47:40
Is Leicestershire near enough, loanmoan?
14th Oct 2016 18:05:14 (Last activity: 24th Oct 2016 16:42:30)
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Response from Muserseven made on 24th Oct 2016 16:42:30
Sorry to hear about your disillusionment with your offspring, Richard. It would be easy to think you did something wrong, bringing them up, but you didn't; it's just the way things are now.

Unfortunately, there's no subject more guaranteed than that of money to start things getting nasty! I sympathise.
8th Oct 2016 16:06:48 (Last activity: 24th Oct 2016 00:01:34)
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Response from ian blair made on 24th Oct 2016 00:01:34
G'day LittleMinx
I live in Australia now but used to live in Essex for about 18 years, I was born in Scotland but left at age 17 I have also spent some time in Hampshire, a very beautiful part of our country.
Aus; is a great place to retire , the beaches are magnificent but the rest of the outback is barren desert and ugly. The people are great if a little parochial and they are convinced that Australia is the greatest country on the planet , even if they have never travelled.
I also enjoy visual art , especially the old masters and what I would call conventional art, I find modern stuff to be phoney ,even monkeys can make pictures and we are led to believe it is art, I don't think so!!! Having said that, I do like Picasso and Salvadore Dali.
As for UFO's, I have an open mind, I don't think it possible that we could be the only life in the entire ,unimaginably big universe.
I also live alone but don't have any pets, one day if I can find the time I may adopt a dog, if I can find one that will clean up it's own mess!!!
I hope you are well and happy and if you are inclined to reply ,I will be very happy to hear some news from home.
17th Oct 2016 11:38:29 (Last activity: 22nd Oct 2016 13:14:20)
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Hi Everyone
I would just like to say I turn 60 on the 22nd of Oct and I just wanted to say hello to everyone and hopefully make some friends.
Response from jeanymay made on 17th Oct 2016 20:03:56
I'm 60 in December yikes !
Response from Georgie Girl made on 22nd Oct 2016 13:14:20
Happy birthday Crazyplate, how did you choose this name?

By the way to all of you who are just turning 60, believe me you are still 'spring chickens'
22nd Oct 2016 06:50:04
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Hi. you are my sort of person .love to indulge in repartee, and you are well ,qualified, Shame you
live in Lancs. !!!!!! You sound as though you live near Pendlebury... witches and all that.Life is
strange, but adjustable ... I am, and have been on my own for years,and have to admit ;I do like
it,,, indoors in particular. Outdoors is a different matter. If you can find my profile,,, it took me long
enough to do it , All my friends, sounds like hundreds ,,,,,,, are scattered all over the place, caused
by my job ,,,that was .... So none of them will no longer write proper letters any more ,so I have to
do this, with all the enthusiasm of eating a cold meal. . I do drive, constantly,,, ride, don't cycle
any more .I left my bike in York ,long ago.
However ,i am a qualified Talker,,, and so let's start !!
There may be one problem,, my postings don't always go where they are supposed to, so I won't
hold my breathe ,in case this one goes a ta-ta?????
14th Oct 2016 07:51:10 (Last activity: 22nd Oct 2016 06:30:51)
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Hi, I live over the border .and I used to have friends in Bacup ,who kept horses (the love of my life)
so I was over quite a lot . I have been on my own !!!! for a long time... reason being ..I am really
good at picking bad men ...or really bad at picking good men, .So i stopped the hassle and take
myself off. where when and for just the hell of it... I am quite good at making conversation with
"perfect " strangers ,and I find that I am as alone as I want to be. So. here I am ,but I have just noticed your input was a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOng time ago
Response from jeanymay made on 14th Oct 2016 13:08:08
Hi Ariadne

I am very similar to yourself in so far as I am a magnet to bad men, and have more or less given up on every having a relationship with a good man. Also having been single for several years I also find that I actually like's just a shame that I didn't realise years ago lol
Response from Ariadne made on 14th Oct 2016 19:25:40
Well J. m it takes some of us a long time to correct our misconceptions.. It's easy doing things
on your own,, you just have to talk to anything that moves . don't disappear !!!!!
Response from jeanymay made on 14th Oct 2016 19:33:45
Nice one Ariadne ha ha
Response from Ariadne made on 15th Oct 2016 08:39:01
Hi J what a relief to find someone with a sense of humour. New to this site,and have been trying to join somethings, !!!! Which bit of Lancs do you live in ???? As I am a driving fiend ,will be no probs to meet you half way for a chat/cof Oh ,,,do you drive ??? Of course you do !!!!
Response from Ariadne made on 22nd Oct 2016 06:30:51
Good morning,,,, Can't understand why I assumed you lived in Lancs,,,,Probably had a
senior moment. All departments of my brain appear to act individually.
Georgie Girl
17th Oct 2016 15:59:54 (Last activity: 17th Oct 2016 19:05:23)
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There appears to be many places on here for introductions but no logic in date order, wouldn't it make sense to have latest showing at the top? Confused!!
Response from lonemoan made on 17th Oct 2016 16:42:41
I could not agree more though 72 I still have all my marbles but do find this confusing.
Response from Georgie Girl made on 17th Oct 2016 19:05:23
Things can only get better lonemoan, that is moan isn't it!!!

Thanks for the welcome Lochinvar.
7th Oct 2016 11:09:33 (Last activity: 17th Oct 2016 00:33:23)
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Hi I joined today hoping to make some new friends but this chat site does not seem to be live and chat to some one here and now, I am in Australia and would love to chat to uk.
Response from Jonzo made on 11th Oct 2016 09:37:19
Hi Cassie - do you have links to UK. Be happy to chat. I'll also put a cheeky link to my new blog which centres around retirement (sounds boring but hopefully not) . be great to have any feedback.
Response from Ariadne made on 13th Oct 2016 07:55:23
Calm down Cassie ,it takes time to understand the workings of this sight . I joned months ago,
and got lost in the rules and directives ,and left in a huff, back again ,and found you, and some
obviously ,right buttons,,,,, that .however ,,remains to be seen .. Will just do this little one to see
if I am able. Rain here U.K
Response from Sparkle15 made on 17th Oct 2016 00:33:23
Hi Cassie2 , i am newish to this site and finding my way around , i have family living in Australia, would love to chat sometime .
8th Oct 2016 21:14:40 (Last activity: 17th Oct 2016 00:00:04)
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Hello I have just joined. Age 69 interests grand children, old cars, boats, walking, good food, good company. Feeling isolated hence looking for new friends.
Response from Roberto1947 made on 9th Oct 2016 16:33:22
Hi Dollie you're right. I think it's more that you loose the situations / opportunities to meet new people you had when were younger. Have you any suggestions for meeting new people? Kind regards
Response from Beany made on 9th Oct 2016 17:12:15
If you are looking to physically meet new friends it is best to tell everyone here if you are male or female,married or single,your age and area in which you live.I am 78, a widow and live in Walsall so would be wasting my time trying to meet with a much younger ,married man from a distance away don't you think?
Personally I am blessed with a number of longstanding friends but would always be up for someone feeling lonely if we could meet locally using my trusty bus pass.
Response from lonemoan made on 10th Oct 2016 15:07:45
Welll i,m 72 male and active, have been looking for a lady in the Reepham area for 2 years now, to take the dog for walks and generally socialice,consider my self to be sensible and solvent but have never met anyone. Sadly my area seems devoid of ladies , is this the norm ?
Response from lonemoan made on 12th Oct 2016 18:12:54
Reepham is alittle as yet unsoilt village in Norfolk England.Sadly no social clubs where single women with my interests, walking talking quiet pubs romantic music films and books could be contacted. So I live rather hermit like with my dog. Don,t fancy dating sites seem unatural to me. Is there anybody out there? Reepham area I mean.
Response from easygoinglady made on 17th Oct 2016 00:00:04
Same here,,,ROberto...I am the simple things in friends have either passed or are all married and into things with their spouses which I truly understand..
15th Oct 2016 00:58:53
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It will take me a little while to get the hang of the place...... as I am technophobic... and I promise to mostly behave half the time.
14th Oct 2016 14:05:08 (Last activity: 15th Oct 2016 00:53:32)
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HI everyone, I am generally to be found wandering the streets singing to myself, I bid you all hello. And if anyone thinks its me, its not, its someone else! I am a little lamb in every sense and am looking forward to making new friends and visiting mars one day
Response from Mortisha63 made on 14th Oct 2016 16:04:10
Your intro is very funny and resonate with me as people ask if I'm on another planet quite often . Welcome to the site some lovely people on here ,
Response from Ariadne made on 14th Oct 2016 19:20:38
Hello Cheetah,,,, what are you on ????
Response from Hateehc made on 15th Oct 2016 00:53:32
a little wooden chair!
11th Jul 2016 16:53:41 (Last activity: 13th Oct 2016 07:31:30)
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I have been on here nearly a week and trying to find my way around it
Response from Phoenix122 made on 15th Jul 2016 08:26:45
I haven't been here long either and not used to how it all works yet. If you do find your way around, please let me know, I don't find it the easiest site to negotiate LOL
Response from ThatManViv made on 23rd Jul 2016 11:06:43
I been on here a week and Im trying to find my way out of it .... 😉
Response from georgesmum made on 23rd Jul 2016 13:53:48
That bad eh?
Response from Ariadne made on 13th Oct 2016 07:31:30
Hi. you and me both michael,,, trial and error, keep pressing , it took me ages of initial effort, so
much so .i jacked it in ,have just come back after 4 months, so, here we go !!!!
21st Jun 2016 08:01:56 (Last activity: 13th Oct 2016 07:16:49)
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Hello every one. must be thousands of you !!!! I literally fell into this forum ,,me being a laptop virgin,
i just get swept along by pressing wrong tabs. I digress, reading through the "newbies," I suppose
we all have to start somewhere ,before we qualify.My age is of no consequence ,and something I
regard as just a number. I love driving, anywhere and every where, Derbyshire is one of my favourite
drives, as I live on the Derbyshire border, and the deer at Chatsworth estate are a wonderful site.
I do have a sports car, which I love to bits .I love windswept beaches ,and silent forests, to see the
squirrels, I am an avid reader ,usually done in bed. I love to talk to people ,probably because I do
everything on my own .Would like to change that now, SO, if there are any bright sparks amongst
you, who are like minded, and will set off ,for no other reason than a whim,, Talk to me
Response from RubyDoug made on 30th Jun 2016 02:03:20
Hi just live your name Ariadne. Rented a house in Derbyshire for a big family the area and can't wait. Often walk in Derbyshire/Cheshire and unseen Staffordshire...3 counties bridge
Response from swallows made on 24th Jul 2016 20:40:56
Ha! interesting intro, I've only been a member for five minutes and already find it quite stimulating, sadly no wind in the hair for Sam (see photo)! Also a newbie, although I am lucky in being able to touch type so at least this aspect of communicating is pretty speedy. I've always wanted to do a long stretch of being on my own, but you are doing the reverse ??????? No clues about your age (irrelevant) but gender, your handle doesnt seem to give it away unless I am being culturally ignorant? Bye! Sam
Response from hils 1234 made on 27th Jul 2016 20:30:31
hello, im in shropshire. it is also lovely countryside. nice to make friends and chat. im female and 61.
Response from Liketochat made on 29th Jul 2016 22:49:01
Hi , I don't live far from Derbyshire and love chats worth house and park. Am also an avid reader, usually in bed as I take ages to nod off. When my husband died, four years ago, I joined a book club and also a weekly writers group. I'm lucky to have family living fairly close by, but I do suffer from loneliness. I enjoy chatting and travel so hope to chat to you again.
Response from Ariadne made on 13th Oct 2016 07:16:49
Hi, to the people that wrote back ( June ) I apologise profusely for my seemingly bad manners,
for my silence, but I did tell you that I was virginal with computers, and had great difficulty in
finding the right bits to respond, NOW,,, after returning to the site, to ""have another go "" I have made progress. I have no problem doing, or being,or going anywhere on my own,,but I do like to talk to people, even in supermarket queues, and waiting rooms are my favourite places to get
the chat going. Really would like a few friends now, to do bits with. ,,who live near---ish, and talk to others who live far --ish the handle came from a professor in a pub,,many years ago, who
said that I looked like Ariadne, of course I felt flattered, I mean,, a Goddess,,, that was until I saw a picture of her ,,,,a nose like a ski slope, I don't think so !!!!!
Just in case this does not get to where you all are ,,I will stop, and hope,,, most sincerely you will come back
9th Oct 2016 22:49:34 (Last activity: 10th Oct 2016 01:18:48)
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Hello just joined this site
Hope to make friends
Has I go along
Response from Baileybird11 made on 10th Oct 2016 01:18:48
9th Oct 2016 22:27:29
Thanks for voting!
I've just joined this site
I'm a east London fella
Just finding my feet
Get to know people
As we go along
12th Sep 2016 17:17:59 (Last activity: 6th Oct 2016 09:41:38)
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Just joined today.
Feel sympathy for all who have lost wife/ husband.
Ive been on my own a long time now but sometimes feel in need of company and a chat .
Im hoping joining here will give me some chat and friends to share things with.
I have children and grandchildren that all lead busy lives but see them as much as poss.
Tv and i pad are my good friends haha also my garden.
Response from MissT made on 6th Oct 2016 09:41:38
I know how you feel, lost my hubby 2yrs ago..I do have family and friends, but they have their own lives...I do not want them to feel responsible for mine...makes me feel a burden. So, I am seeking new friendships, new solutions and avenues of thought. Hoping to have chats, share interests etc.
6th Oct 2016 09:31:01
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Hi I have just joined...I am widowed, lost my hubby 2 yrs ago. I love to socialise, meet new people and have a wide range of interests. I do feel quite isolated at times and would love to make new friendships and share interests of people whom are in my local area of Worcestershire. But, would also enjoy chats in this forum
6th Oct 2016 00:49:50
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Hi all, like a lot of you people am in same position , my partner died last November aged 64yrs after a 5yr battle with Cancer , two of my brothers died young a few years ago too ! i get very lonlely not having my partner around and to talk to and miss our days out togrther ,even up until a month before he died he would take me out on trips in his car when he had good days ! i live in Newcastle upon tyne and we loved visiting our lovely Northumberland , the Castles , Statley homes , lovely gentle walks , i do not drive myself so dont go far now ! am 60yrs old should be enjoying my life but dont have much money to do anything as i dont have the income , i spent last few years as carer and yes i found people stop bothering after a while , am trying to find work as cant get pension until 2022!!! i just feel am not fit enough to work full time but part time jobs dont pay enough ! i would like to make new friends so would love to hear from you .
20th Sep 2016 18:18:20 (Last activity: 29th Sep 2016 11:37:31)
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Hi Everyone, I just joined last night, so hope to make new friends to talk to. I lost my husband 14 months ago, so am still grIrving.I live in a village near York & the support from the cruise bereavement group is wonderful, we meet once a month & get lots of comfort talking.I've also joined the over 55s group, where once a week we play bingo or go on trips out. I've tried to keep busy in the day, it's the nights that are lonely, so thank goodness for TV. I lovery reading so will be lookingiven at book club section. Hoping to chat to other silversurfers
Response from Wilf made on 20th Sep 2016 19:15:42
There are lots of friendly folk here Sonroy so welcome and join in all the forums!
Response from sonroy made on 20th Sep 2016 19:55:02
Thank you, will do
Response from jeanymay made on 21st Sep 2016 10:20:54
Hi Sonroy Sorry for your loss it must be difficult. You seem to be making a social life for yourself, but as you say the nights can be lonely. I'm from Bingley West Yorkshire and although I'm divorced not widowed and like my own company there are times it's a bit lonely. If you fancy a chat by all means message me. Jean
Response from Superchick made on 29th Sep 2016 11:37:31
Hi. I lost my husband 2yrs ago so I know where you're at.
I live in N Ireland and retired when my husband became ill.
Have a few close friends but not really to socialise with.
Happy to have an 'e' penpal as I love writing and chatting.
I find weekends hardest and also not having that one person yu can trust in the whole world.
Very best wishes
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