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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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26th May 2020 04:34:00 (Last activity: 11th Jul 2020 08:29:37)
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Hi I am 61 yrs old my husband's passed away and I just want to make friends I really not got lots to say as was a private person I am a woman and don't mind what sex I talk to just like to start meeting people very nervous as never done this before I can understand if no one replays but though I start to talk to other people I have 4 beautiful grown-up children as all my other family no longer here, so that's all I can say for now
Response from Wilf made on 26th May 2020 08:07:57
Hello Nartane and welcome to Silversurfers. There are lots of friendly people on here. Which part of the UK are you from?
Response from Casualgrey made on 3rd Jun 2020 18:57:40
Hi Nartane just read your introduction. I understand only too well the need for good friends . I am in the west country and if you fancy a querty chat I will look forward to you reply
Response from Bobhonda made on 19th Jun 2020 11:14:51
Fancy a chat with someone outside of my country. I am from Taiwan and have been studying MBA in Sheffield University in year 2000, I miss my time in the UK.

I currently work for a European company that design and manufacture Medical Device.

Everything seems OK so far, but have a bit of mid-age thinking and try to figure out what life can be better in near future.
Response from Scotsman50s made on 11th Jul 2020 08:21:52
Hi Nartane, I'm very new on here, im in Scotland. This place is very confusing so far to me lol.
I'd love to chat with you anytime if you fancy it.
Just hope you get this lol
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 11th Jul 2020 08:29:37 > @Scotsman50s
Hi Scotsman50s,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

17th May 2020 09:28:51 (Last activity: 10th Jul 2020 22:23:15)
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I just joined the site within the last hour. I was taken aback when yours was the first comment I read. Namely because I am the same age, have a similar living situation (albeit mine is in North Yorkshire near Thirsk, I have two daughters who haven't bothered me for years due to blaming me for the marriage breakup and I have had a distant relative of spondylosis since my late 20s (fortunately controlled by 3 to 5 monthly treatments (my MOT/service as I like to call it) by a cranial osteopath wherever I have lived in the country which has let me keep cycling and hill walking - within reason for over 30 years - God bless them!
My partner of 7 years left a few months ago when he and I had to acknowledge it had run out of steam as he wanted to sit on a sofa and I wanted to keep on being out and about in the countryside. Having said that, I am finding the loneliness soul destroying. I could try to blame lock down, which hasn't helped, but the truth is I just don't have friends who stay in touch - except my best friend from school days but she is in Cornwall - mostly due to my changing jobs, countries, homes more times than I don't know what.
I'm trying to move as cannot afford to run this big farmhouse on my own but cannot decide where to, etc. I love the northern hills so reluctant to live anywhere flat. I'm not a city person. I've taken a temp job just helping out in the local Holland and Barrett shop for a few weeks part time to get me out of the house - my two budgies and I have run out of conversation and the fish in the small aquarium aren't much company. I am desperate to get a dog again, mine died 18 months ago and ex would not let me get another one as we both worked full time. Landlady will insist it is kept outside but I will find way around it for a few weeks until I can leave when lock down is lifted as need to have the company of a dog again very quickly before I climb the walls completely. I am a volunteer dog walker with the Cinnamon Trust as just got an assignment to walk a collie each day whilst the owner recovers from an op so at least I have a lead in my hand again each day and she is lovely. Tell me more about your 4 legged friends when you have chance please.
Bye for now
Response from Tricia2756 made on 5th Jul 2020 21:03:38
Hi Yorkshire lass, sounds as though you have had some difficult times. Can’t be easy with current restrictions.. not been easy for any of us, sometimes sites like this can be a godsend 🙂 my pets have helped keep me sane. I am working from home, and in some ways hoping that will become a permanent option, although going to the office did get me out of the house. I’m looking forward to summer making a return appearance. The rain can be so depressing. hope things are going well for you.
Response from Dinabob4 made on 5th Jul 2020 23:32:16
It sounds like many people get so much from their pets. I am an animal lover and hope to get a pet one day in the future.

Hi Yorkshire lass I hope you are still doing your volunteer dog walking and enjoying walking the Collie! I hope things are improving for you.

Hi Tricia 2756 I notice you said you work from home. I also work from home and like you, think I am glad it may now be a permanent option but think it is less social and I am sure it is good for us to pop out to the office and see people more, face to face. Very strange times don't you think? I agree the rain this week is putting the dampers on things and looking forward to the sun coming out again. Today has been a better day!
Response from Tricia2756 made on 9th Jul 2020 00:50:57 > @Dinabob4
Hi Dinabob no sun appeared today it has been dismal. Got a flower delivery from my boss as a thank you for working from home, a lovely gesture I thought. You are right of course a regular catch up in the office will be good when the current situation allows. For now tho I’m happy not to be doing the daily commute !
Response from Dinabob4 made on 10th Jul 2020 22:23:15 > @Tricia2756
Hi Tricia2756, that sounds nice to receive a bunch of flowers from your boss! They must value you. The rain continues but hoping for an improvement from tomorrow at the weekend. You are right that any opportunity to avoid the commute is welcome. If the job can be done at home, why not at least keep it that way to some degree. It is better for the climate! Have a good weekend.
7th Jul 2020 19:10:31 (Last activity: 7th Jul 2020 21:50:21)
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Hi cetwitch I joined this site a while ago but then didnt bother with it .I now find myself in a similar situation to yourself children have there own life and my best friend passed away christmas time .This lockdown has made me realise i need to get a life and make new friends or i will end up being regarded as the crazy dog lady . Maybe you would like to chst sometime . Regards
Response from Dinabob4 made on 7th Jul 2020 21:50:21
Hi Lizann
It looks like the post from Cetwich is from 5 years ago but it appears at the beginning of the thread. I am not sure she is still on the site according to some others. I saw your post and I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I am new to the site too. Lockdown has affected everyone's life in some way and is making us look at our lives. I have been through bereavement a few times and it is difficult. The lockdown and crisis has affected us being able to see people face to face and to go out in the ways we used to. Maybe you would like to chat sometime.
28th May 2020 13:41:50 (Last activity: 7th Jul 2020 19:16:11)
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Hello Celtwitch,
I'm new on here and just finding time to have a look around...
Read your post and can truly sympathise. I have a somewhat different viewpoint
of being 'old' become invisible ! ...and yes, family certainly do seem to forget
us as we age |(or certainly seem to want to).
I would love to chat if you'd care to ...
p.s....Celtwitch ? ...tell me more.
Response from CaroleAH made on 28th May 2020 14:40:48
Hello, Carobyloch,
Celtwitch disappeared from the site quite a while ago but there are plenty more people to chat to. I notice that you are from Scotland - whereabouts? I love coming up to Scotland and have always felt a particular affinity with the Dumfries & Galloway area so it was no surprise, when researching my family tree, to find that many of my ancestors lived there (Kirkinner, Newton Stewart).
Carole 🙂
Response from Carobyloch made on 29th May 2020 15:09:57 > @CaroleAH
Hello again....don't know quite what happened there, was happily typing away and then all disappeared ! Aah well, hopefully you received first part of my post so I'll
sign off now.
Response from CaroleAH made on 29th May 2020 19:13:35
Hi Carobyloch - I've replied in private chat to your post.
Response from CaroleAH made on 9th Jun 2020 00:09:42 > @Carobyloch
Hi Carobyloch! I had a notification from Silversurfers to say that there was a message from you in Chat - when I checked there was nothing there and all your previous chat messages have disappeared as well. I'm wondering if you pressed Leave Chat intentionally of by mistake! Please can you contact me again if you would like to. Thanks, Carole 🙂
Response from Bobhonda made on 19th Jun 2020 11:13:28 > @CaroleAH
Fancy a chat with someone outside of my country. I am from Taiwan and have been studying MBA in Sheffield University in year 2000, I miss my time in the UK.

I currently work for a European company that design and manufacture Medical Device.

Everything seems OK so far, but have a bit of mid-age thinking and try to figure out what life can be better in near future.
Response from Buffs67 made on 1st Jul 2020 08:00:12 > @Carobyloch
Dear Carobyloch,
If you're still looking for new pen pals, I would be very interested in exchanging emails with you. I'm a man in his mid-seventies living alone here in Colorado, US, and I would enjoy chatting with you about anything that interests you. Having worked very briefly in Surrey several years ago, I became an incurable anglophile in search of anything English or Scottish or Welsh or Irish. (My ancestors on my father's side came here from Scotland a long time ago.) Your thoughts on current situations, travel, politics, history, religion, personal lifestyle, animals, and the like would certainly be enjoyable.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 1st Jul 2020 08:01:55 > @Buffs67
Hi Buffs67,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from Carobyloch made on 3rd Jul 2020 14:26:11 > @Buffs67
Well, hello Joe ...... so nice of you to mail me, and yes, I would love to
exchange views with you on various subjects. Probably best if we don't
comment on current respective leaders though !!
Yes, I do live next to the sea on West Coast of Scotland - both my parents were Scottish, but I was born and brought up in Yorkshire..... (o.k.a. Gods own country). Don't suppose you've heard of that though, being from the states.
So......Colorado ? You'll have to tell me more, never been, although have been to few states over there. Been several times to Chicago to stay with friend I met in Turkey (we were both friends with same Turkish friend). Been to Florida, very briefly, also New York, New Jersey, Iowa, Los Angeles, Michigan, oh, musn't forget Hawaii of course.
Will try to be brief now, as who knows, you may be getting lots of new mails!
Can assure you where I live is NOTHING like Surrey, although suppose they
both bring a lot their individual beauty to the U.K.
Tell me, whereabouts did your ancestors come from in Scotland....what was their name? There are old clan maps available that show which area of
Scotland certain names come from, but suppose you know that anyhow.

Well, would certainly love to exchange views, as you say, but you might have received lots of mail, so won't keep you any longer reading mine.
Would love to hear more from you.......bye for now.....
Response from Buffs67 made on 4th Jul 2020 07:49:33 > @Carobyloch
Thank you for replying! It was a long shot that you might be interested, but learning all about you and your background and travels sounds really exciting. I hope I can offer enough in return to keep you interested because I have thousands of questions about what you think on so many things.

But first, something you said spurred an old memory and I burst out laughing: you mentioned meeting a friend in Turkey, with a Turkish friend in common, and then visiting your friend in Chicago. Do you remember the old James Bond 007 movie, From Russia with Love? In it, Bond's sidekick captures one of the Russian bad guys, ties him up, and then questions him: " So your mother wasn't Turkish. What a coincidence! My mother wasn't Turkish either!" That was funny! Just wanted to share it. : )
So, I worked briefly in Guildford and Redhill, BUT also in Izmir (Smyrna), and my mother isn't Turkish either. : ) Sorry, I'll quit being dumb. My job also took me to Egypt and Norway and Argentina and Dublin and Montreal and lots of US cities. Eritrea was also in the plans, but Ethiopia was bombing the airport at the time, so that got scrubbed. But I was never involved in any projects in Asia.

My gosh, you have traveled a lot in the US! You probably know more about this country than I do. I would really love to know what you think about those places. Most of them are among the 'good' places here, I feel.

Perhaps we could send emails from our own accounts to each other to keep our discussion less public, if that works well for you too. I guess the private chat allows messages so we can send email addresses? Do you know how that works?

I really look forward to talking more about your travels and Scotland and other questions you asked that I didn't answer in this message. This is a lot of fun!
PS. Since you lived in Yorkshire, are you considered a 'Geordie'?
Response from Buffs67 made on 7th Jul 2020 04:23:05 > @Carobyloch
Carol, was my chat message reply sent to you? All have disappeared on my log. Must be doing something wrong. Joe
Response from Lizann made on 7th Jul 2020 19:16:11 > @Buffs67
Hi buffs 67 would you like a pen pal . I also hsve scotish ancestors on my farthers side from Edinburgh . A few years ago i visited the scotish highlands for the first time and fell in love with the vast area am hoping to return when a bit of normality returns . Regards ann
26th Jun 2020 07:12:25 (Last activity: 3rd Jul 2020 14:34:23)
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Hi, I'm new here. I'm 73 years old and live in New Mexico. I live alone with my 14 year old black lab/mix, Gypsy. My husband, who was my heart, passed away a little over a year ago. I have two sons, one in California and my youngest here in town. I also have a step-daughter in town also. My youngest son has a child, a boy, four years old. During the Coronavirus I've been very isolated and lonely. Would love to have just a few people that I could chat with.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 26th Jun 2020 07:47:35
Hi Squirt55,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from alistreigh made on 27th Jun 2020 23:57:44

The coronavirus has been hard on everyone. If you ever want to chat let me know. I am 52 and work in a public library in northern Illinois. I have a maltipom and three grown sons. My husband is an architect.

Take care of yourself,

Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 28th Jun 2020 08:58:40 > @alistreigh
Hi alistreigh,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from Carobyloch made on 3rd Jul 2020 14:34:23 > @alistreigh
Hello Ali,

Saw your mail when browsing through, would love to chat if you're agreeable.
I live on West Coast of Scotland, overlooking the sea - beautiful on good days
but we haven't been getting many of them lately !
Been to Chicago several times over the years to visit friend there...nice city !
I think its best at night, very beautiful with the skyscrapers all lit up. Had some
good times there.
Do feel free to respond, if you care to.........
1st Jul 2020 13:00:46
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Hi Admin
Is it impossible to remove this old post from celt witch....? Retaining it makes the site look SLOPPY.
27th Jun 2020 16:32:48
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Hi rayjGA,
I am also a senior (older young person) and I live in Chatsworth GA. I went to college at Brenau University. Loved the area.
26th Jun 2020 10:43:47
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Hi Squirt55 and welcome.
I had an Auntie who lived in Albuquerque. She moved there as a young woman having married an American Serviceman she met in the UK unfortunately I lost touch with her many years ago after her Brother, my Father, passed away.
I'm a British ex pat living in Spain and I too have an elderly dog Simba, he's a mastiff x labrador and 13 now . Get in touch if you fancy a chat.

Stay safe Simbadog
23rd Jun 2020 15:03:44 (Last activity: 24th Jun 2020 03:12:20)
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Hello there,
I am also new to silversurfers and I joined to meet new people and enjoy the general chit chat friendship. I am 66 and retired from my work some 18 months ago.
I am finding however that retirement is not all what it’s meant to be as the literature says.
After reading some of the comments here regarding family, I can almost resonate with a lot of that.
It would probably help if I mention that I live in Sydney, Australia and I the youngest son of immigrants that travelled here from Europe seeking a better life after world war 2.
I hope to meet some friends through chatting.
I’ve noticed some of these comments date back quite some time anyhow I hope to hear from someone as I will pop in every now and again.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 23rd Jun 2020 15:30:25
Hi silverleaf65,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from sillygirl96 made on 24th Jun 2020 03:12:20
Hi Silverleaf. I love the thought of Australia. I will never see it unless I win the lotto, but I do enjoy the accent, the animals, the reef, there is a new video that I found that brings me so much peace.

I hope this finds you in good health. I know there is a time difference, lol
24th Jun 2020 03:08:42
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First timer. Hello everyone. Hoping to have some fun with new people. Recently moved here.
21st Jun 2020 12:44:35 (Last activity: 21st Jun 2020 13:14:52)
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I am in a similar situation, don't see my kids for the same reason. However I do have 2 great stepdaughters from my second marriage who I treat as my own. I'm widowed now so also looking for some friendship. If you need to, I'll be frequenting here quite regularly, I hope. Living with 2 dogs and a cat - worse than kids! John
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 21st Jun 2020 13:14:52
Hi Jchnanty,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

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20th Jun 2020 10:57:00
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Good morning to all new members, welcome to our site.
20th Jun 2020 04:10:22 (Last activity: 20th Jun 2020 07:28:35)
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Hi there My name is Paul and my wife is Liz. We live in northamptonshire.Retired HGV driver and Liz is retired stable owner. Every morning when we wake up we realise that it's a good start and the day usually gets better. We are Motorhomers and have an old van parked in the driveway and I'mstarting to feel the need to get it ready for our next adventure (when someone opens the gates again).
I'm a night bird after 25 years of working nights can't seem to get my body clock to work properly.
Hopefully we will be accepted on here, we don't have radical views but I am classed as a gruppy old man by our 5 grandchildren and I am British and quite proud of it.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 20th Jun 2020 07:28:35
Hi teknik155,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

19th Jun 2020 16:41:15
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here to chat...if you want
22nd May 2020 21:51:27 (Last activity: 19th Jun 2020 11:20:38)
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I am also new on here and also going to enjoy general chit chat friendship. I am also 60. I agree with your comment about family and some friends forgetting about you once you reach 60. Hope you meet some friends on here even just chatting helps.
Response from Bobhonda made on 19th Jun 2020 11:20:38
Fancy a chat with someone outside of my country. I am from Taiwan and have been studying MBA in Sheffield University in year 2000, I miss my time in the UK.

I currently work for a European company that design and manufacture Medical Device.

Everything seems OK so far, but have a bit of mid-age thinking and try to figure out what life can be better in near future.
23rd May 2020 13:17:02 (Last activity: 19th Jun 2020 11:20:02)
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Hello! I’ve just joined too. I’m usually wary of chatting online but this felt like a safe place. Looking forward to chatting to like minded people who are not my usual friends and family. Guess I can describe myself as mature most of the time but have a childish streak that surfaces now and then.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 23rd May 2020 15:03:02
Hi Ninz,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from Bobhonda made on 19th Jun 2020 11:20:02
Fancy a chat with someone outside of my country. I am from Taiwan and have been studying MBA in Sheffield University in year 2000, I miss my time in the UK.

I currently work for a European company that design and manufacture Medical Device.

Everything seems OK so far, but have a bit of mid-age thinking and try to figure out what life can be better in near future.
14th Jun 2020 19:43:46 (Last activity: 19th Jun 2020 11:07:48)
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I would like to chat as I am 65, I also was in a variety of jobs as a temporary worker.
I live in Wisconsin, and know what your talking about with hip pain.

I just started silversurfers yesterday, so I really don't know my way around.
Please reply to me if you want.
Response from Bobhonda made on 19th Jun 2020 11:07:48
Fancy a chat with someone outside of my country. I am from Taiwan and have been studying MBA in Sheffield University in year 2000, I miss my time in the UK.

I currently work for a European company that design and manufacture Medical Device.

Everything seems OK so far, but have a bit of mid-age thinking and try to figure out what life can be better in near future.

Recently, the COV-19 does scare people to death.

You do variety of jobs as a temporary worker, is it for living or just to kill time?
22nd May 2020 22:14:44 (Last activity: 19th Jun 2020 11:02:32)
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Good evening! I've just joined as well. I really have no idea what I'm doing but thought it would be lovely to chat with someone who's doing the same as me!
Response from SuzySioux made on 13th Jun 2020 23:56:25
Fancy a chat. I haven't s clue what I'm doing here so please bare with me. Im English live in the north east and I'm lonely and looking for genuine friends to bring some sunshine into life. Hope you receive my message. I'm female retired early from our marvellous NHS being in Caring profession all my life . Hope to hear back.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 14th Jun 2020 00:55:05 > @SuzySioux
Hi SuzySioux,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from Casualgrey made on 15th Jun 2020 19:52:08 > @SuzySioux
Hi, SuzySioux Welcome If you fancy a chat from up there in the northeast send me a few words. I hope to hear .. Bye
Response from Bobhonda made on 19th Jun 2020 11:02:32 > @SuzySioux
Same like you, fancy a chat with someone outside of my country. I am from Taiwan and have been studying MBA in Sheffield University in year 2000, I miss my time in the UK.

I currently work for a European company that design and manufacture Medical Device.

Everything seems OK so far, but have a bit of mid-age thinking and try to figure out what life can be better in near future.

You are retired? So nice. Recently, the COV-19 does scare people to death.
13th Jun 2020 00:26:40 (Last activity: 16th Jun 2020 07:54:09)
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I am new here,, just wanting to say "hi" to everyone...
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 13th Jun 2020 08:31:30
Hi cat95,

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Response from simbadog made on 16th Jun 2020 07:54:09
Hi Cat95

Pretty cat in your photo!

Welcome to the sight. I am relatively new to this. I have 2 cats one 11 months old she followed us home as a stray whilst walking our dog. We have just acquired a new kitten he's about 2 months old and again abandoned.. Luckily our aged dog doesn't mind.

I live in Menorca and love the outdoors
Please get in touch if you fancy a chat
13th Jun 2020 07:39:15 (Last activity: 13th Jun 2020 08:31:24)
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Has everyone gone to bed? It's almost 1 a.m. here in Alberta Canada. I have insomnia so prowl like a night hawk. Thought I'd try a chat room.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 13th Jun 2020 08:31:24
Hi female47,

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