Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat with
Watch this postHey, just new to the group, I’m 50, female, and new to a town where I know no one... just looking for people to chat to
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as a nurse. I am now retired and living with my husband in a beautiful rural area.
Kindly yours,
I'm from Canada
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Just joined and I'm hoping to have some interesting topics to talk about.
Anyone out there?
deepsea fishing but he is 84 now and doesnt get out much due to ill health and the covid as he is vunerable,my mam passed away nearly 2 yrs ago ,they were married for 63 yrs we all miss her very much it was difficult for me yesterday with it been mothers day
Are you a piper? It's a great photo you have there.
I guess many of us have learned how adaptable we are in this past year. Many of us have learned new ways to connect. I have missed gathering with other people to listen to live musicians. Traditional music, rock, ballads, jazz - any kind of music. Hopefully it won't be too many months into the future that we can hear and cheer for singers and musicians and smile with the people around us.
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It is snowy and cold here in the U.S. as I sit here drinking my morning coffee. I will start work in a an hour, working from home due to the pandemic. I am grateful to have a job.
I don't know how to reply to both of you at once.
Would love to connect and here how you are doing these days. I check the site most days lately. Take good care of yourselves.
I am in Essex and would love to chat.
I am new to the site and keen to chat with spontaneity on any topic to meet friends and and engage with the life experiences of others. I have been enjoying the pursuits of the third age and value what life has given so far .
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A quick 101...I live in the Peak District,,,I'm a semi retired psychotherapist...I'm 64...I wish i was better at this!
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I am new here as well but would love to chat.
Does one get an e.mail if one replys.
Take Care.
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Using my immense powers of deduction.... you are from Rhyll?
I'm from The Peak District and would like to chat. Like you I'm new to this site and so far have found it very quiet,,,in fact pretty dead so far!
Anyhoo if you want to chat please message me
I will be so glad when we are virus free, I am struggling with not being able to just nip to a coffee shop or for a browse around the shops. I feel like I am losing my independence, does that sound stupid. How is everyone else coping.
how are you tonight
I read on your first comment you have a kitten and a budgie, that's lovely.
We had a kitten a few weeks ago he's now 15 weeks old and due his second jab tomorrow.
We have 3 cats and 2 strays which I look after.
I also love gardening and visiting garden centres.
I've missed visiting flower shows this year due to Covid.
I live in Wes Midlands not far away from Cannock.
Hope to hear from you , have a good day from Ann
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Next ,,,is one you won't like , don't buy lots of food ,,and don't keep opening the fridge door .
clear out your cupboards of clothes you never wear, bag 'em up for the charity shop. ,all closed here at the moment , the weather is awful ,rain, tomorrow is supposedly going to snow ,,,,not too happy about that .my best pal MY CAR ,has to go for it;s M.O.T don't know if this is an English thing. , do you have to do it ? Fingers XXXX'd I live near to Chatsworth Park
Why don't you Google it ? I love to drive through ,and see the deer.
You could probably even help me on how to use thus lol.
Take care
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