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Do you think Camilla should be crowned queen?

As the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary today, has Camilla won us all over with her style, substance and support?

Ten years ago 7% of the British public thought Camilla should be queen. In a similar poll 10 years later 50% of those polled said they now think Camilla should be queen when Prince Charles comes to the throne.

The past decade has seen perceptions of the former Camilla Parker Bowles transformed to a valued member of the royal “firm” whom half the nation would accept as queen.

It would appear that Prince Charles would like her to be crowned with him by his side and also that Prince William and Prince Harry have accepted her role.

What are your views? Has Camilla won over your heart?

Created By on 23/06/2015

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19th Dec 2015 17:56:24
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Never,never ,never should she be Queen,I agree with JulieO
When compared with our beloved Queen you could not get a greater difference.She is a ' hanger on' and has no qualities needed to be named Queen.She should be satisfied with the title she has been given
dungarvan lady
16th Dec 2015 05:53:10 (Last activity: 17th Dec 2015 14:42:06)
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Yes she should be Queen when Charles is King. She has put up with the eccentric Charles(who is sometimes tetchy) and when she gets fed up goes back to her house in the countryside. She is a strong pretty well balanced woman and will make a good Queen. I think she has earned the right to be crowned.
Response from JulieO made on 17th Dec 2015 14:42:06
I totally disagree I'm afraid. She is nothing but a common adulterer. Both she and Charles should be ashamed at the way they treated Diana. Our present Queen has the highest standards of morality and dignity. Neither Camilla or Charles can be said to have any at all.
4th Dec 2015 16:19:35 (Last activity: 16th Dec 2015 22:48:44)
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Never in a million years! That woman is a home wrecker and nothing but a cheap adulterer. I couldn't even accept her as Consort. Frankly I don't even think Charles is fit to be King for exactly the same reasons. The pair of them made Diana's life shear hell! Yes, Diana retaliated but Charles spent the night before his wedding in Camila's bed so who could blame her? I don't know anyone who would want her as Queen so where does this 50% in favour come from? It absolute rubbish.
Response from laffy54 made on 16th Dec 2015 22:48:44
Thank goodness for being on the same wave length as me ,I totally agree with all you have said please don't let the public forget all this ,I never want to see that woman as queen ,we will have to have Charles but her never please!!!
5th Dec 2015 17:22:08
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I am aware of the feelings running against her. However she is in the box seat here. If this happens then try to remember Charles will be quite old when he becomes king. So it is unlikely to be a long reign. Also she is required to follow the best loved monarch ever to sit on our throne. This is a difficult act to follow whoever takes on the role.
4th Dec 2015 15:01:04
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Not at all, I personally have no respect for her regardless of how long she has kept her mouth shut. She may make Charles happy but she always did that, even when she should have had the decency to bow out, but the throne was always in her sights and she has shown that she did not care whose neck she stood on to get there. Plus she is a divorcee so he should not be allowed to take the throne either, I know of nobody who wants her anywhere near the throne so am wondering where the 50% in favour came from and how many people were polled.
cheeky monkey
29th Nov 2015 14:34:41
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It doesn't matter what we think.
As the king she will be his queen. that apparently is the law set out.
with regard to her taking Diana's place No.
With regard to keeping Charles Happy. Yes if he wants that.

With regard to losing the most important women in my life for all of my life the Queen, I can't bare to think about it.

I have always seen her as a steady and comforting figure I look to her when I want more information or advice on what is the best thing to do in world situations, as I know she is well informed and we are only told what they want us to know etc.,,,,Blimey!
23rd Nov 2015 00:46:29
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12th Nov 2015 15:22:36
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No never!! she should just be a Consort she shouldn't "out rank" other members of the Royal Family
7th Nov 2015 12:23:58
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Can't see why not. Not a
Job many people would want anyway. I think she has shown great dignity in her life as a Royal. After all there were two in that relationship and nobody seems to question Charles's position !
25th Sep 2015 10:56:17 (Last activity: 28th Oct 2015 14:49:45)
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See no problem. Charles should have been allowed to marry Camilla all those years ago and then the problems we had would probably not happened. She has never said a word out of place during the whole Charles/Diana problems. In fact she has never said a word at all about it. He and she seem happy, she does a lot of work for the Queen.
Response from dogsx2 made on 25th Sep 2015 17:12:08
We would not have William & Harry if as you say she Camilla had married Charles in the beginning
Response from Boots made on 26th Sep 2015 15:15:11
So we would have had some other children if Charles had married Camilla to carry on the royal line and eventually become monarch. William and Harry are decent young men, especially seeing their mother had mental problems, but that doesn't mean any other children that Charles would have had married to Camilla would not also have been decent people. William and Harry are not gods or better than anyone else.
Response from Cessie made on 4th Oct 2015 21:45:20
I think your comment about Princess Diana having mental problems was cruel and unfounded it is a known fact the public were fed untruths about her by Charles camp this was admitted by one of the ex staff and a royal reporter on a tv programme. What ever she became she was driven to she could not trust anyone. And as for William & Harry excepting Camilla they are doing what is expected of them . They are aware their mother was wronged and will make sure she is never forgotten. As for Camilla little has been said about the way her ex husband was treated the rumour mill suggested he was looked after whatever that means but he also was made look a fool in the face of the world.
Response from lindamarion made on 6th Oct 2015 16:01:49
so, Charles should have been allowed to marry a divorcee all those years ago - really - what about Princes Margaret who was denied that privilege, and how heavy a price she paid by not being allowed to follow her heart.
Response from Boots made on 7th Oct 2015 16:39:13
When Charles and Camilla were friends all those years ago, they were both single. It was the Duke of Edinburgh who wanted Charles to make up his mind on who to marry and so Charles went abroad for about a year to think about it. In those days, it was difficult for Charles to choose someone who would some day be queen. They had to be from the "right family" preferably with royal connections, and also they were supposed to be a virgin. During the time Charles was "away thinking" Camilla got fed up with being pushed aside and so got married The Duke of Edinburgh, and presumably the Queen also, were somewhat fed up at Charles not choosing a bride so Diana Spencer was brought into the scene. Charles had gone out with her older sister some years before. She was supposedly of the right type of family and presumably a virgin although of course very much younger than Charles with quite a different life style. She felt she was a fairy tale princess. So you see in those early years of Charles and Camilla's relationship they were both single. Put the blame on the Duke of Edinburgh if you wish as to why they did not marry at that time. It would have saved a lot of heart ache and blame that happened because Charles had (and I think it was more or less had) to marry Diana to produce an heir to the throne before he got too old.
Response from Dullahan78 made on 28th Oct 2015 14:49:45
The Problem was when Charles was told as a 'commoner' she was not to be accepted. The Chosen bride was not keen on him. In modern parlance she was a bit of an"airhead"
28th Oct 2015 14:42:27
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I think she should continue to be as 'Consort' to the king as it has already been established that an English King cannot be married to a divorcee( see Edward V111 and Mrs Simpson)
19th Sep 2015 14:23:59 (Last activity: 17th Oct 2015 08:22:54)
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Certainly not. I wish we could skip Charles as King and have William and Kate instead.
Response from dogsx2 made on 25th Sep 2015 17:15:11
My sentiments exactly
Response from Fruitcake13 made on 25th Sep 2015 18:34:10
I also agree with you, and I strongly suspect the Queen does too.
Response from Boots made on 26th Sep 2015 15:18:40
William is nowhere near ready to be king. He is still under the control of his wife's mother. Hasn't learnt to stand on his own two feet. Wants some of the royal trappings, but not yet prepared to take on all the responsibility of being a member of the royal family.
Response from sandybanks made on 17th Oct 2015 08:22:54
As do I
17th Oct 2015 08:21:41
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No No No not ever!!, but have a strong feeling she will be, it's noticeable the Queen has been made ,to appear friendlier with her, for the good of the monarchy ,
14th Aug 2015 10:43:11 (Last activity: 10th Oct 2015 11:10:11)
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Not as Queen but certainly Consort
Response from dogsx2 made on 25th Sep 2015 17:29:34
No nothing, they both should be ashamed, even skip Charles, always been a conversation of ridicule, Prince William as our next KING with Kate as his QUEEN
Response from Mrsmollywobbles made on 10th Oct 2015 11:10:11
That would be the ideal answer but he's determined to be monarch so I can't see it happening
27th Sep 2015 11:19:39
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It was well known in all circles where Charles heart lay and certainly known and understood by the Spencers. Due to that situation an opportunity arose to further their cause and they took it knowing the circumstances and what that would entail.

This kind of thing is happening in everyday life and whilst it is frowned on, the fact a royal did it seems to give carte blanch to slaughter them verbally.

He is human, Diana was human and so is Camilla. Obtaining some happiness in your life can sometimes cause unhappiness in others. That is life.
26th Sep 2015 05:09:12 (Last activity: 26th Sep 2015 22:27:01)
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In what way do you find them a 'disgrace/disgusting' bearing in mind non of us are perfect !!!
Response from ginnel99 made on 26th Sep 2015 22:27:01
I know none of us is perfect and i am certainly not.charles and his family just used diana as a baby making machine.camilla is too old to reproduce an heir to the throne.and they were seeing each other all through their marriage.they and the royal family have no feelings.she was a young girl.they were seeing each other befeore diana got with charles he should have married her then.instead they made a cuccold of her husband and diana.disgusting behaviour from the pair of them.
19th Sep 2015 17:24:41 (Last activity: 26th Sep 2015 04:57:44)
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Certainly way.they are a disgrace.they deserve one another but dont push them on me.
Response from dogsx2 made on 25th Sep 2015 17:14:07
Well said, their behavior for royalist is disgusting
Response from vee made on 26th Sep 2015 04:49:20
In what way do you find them 'disgusting' bearing in mind non of us are perfect !
Response from vee made on 26th Sep 2015 04:57:44
In what way do you find them a 'disgrace/disgusting' bearing in mind non of us are perfect !
7th Aug 2015 13:58:17 (Last activity: 25th Sep 2015 17:35:45)
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I am not that bothered. Charles has been waiting for such as long time that he will be in his seventies by the time he becomes King and then I think William will probably be King anyway a few years later.
Response from dogsx2 made on 25th Sep 2015 17:35:45
No not Charles at all, Prince William for our next KING with Kate as his QUEEN
13th Aug 2015 15:21:30 (Last activity: 25th Sep 2015 17:33:26)
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Yes she seems to do a good job-why not. I think a lot of people still bear a grudge due to the Princess Di days.
Response from dogsx2 made on 25th Sep 2015 17:33:26
She looks
21st Sep 2015 07:09:43 (Last activity: 25th Sep 2015 17:25:15)
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Why not what will it matter to ordinary folk any way it's only really of interest to the little group that they are surrounded by let them go on playing their silly games
Response from Cessie made on 21st Sep 2015 10:40:00
If Charles gets his way & she is queen it will be game ,set & match all his plans have fallen into place. So for once he should not get his own way.
Response from dogsx2 made on 25th Sep 2015 17:24:15
I agree totally, they have behaved like Tudor courtiers, no morals or the ones of allocats, a disgrace to the memory if Princess Diana
Response from dogsx2 made on 25th Sep 2015 17:25:15
Should read Allycats
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