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Do you think Camilla should be crowned queen?

As the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary today, has Camilla won us all over with her style, substance and support?

Ten years ago 7% of the British public thought Camilla should be queen. In a similar poll 10 years later 50% of those polled said they now think Camilla should be queen when Prince Charles comes to the throne.

The past decade has seen perceptions of the former Camilla Parker Bowles transformed to a valued member of the royal “firm” whom half the nation would accept as queen.

It would appear that Prince Charles would like her to be crowned with him by his side and also that Prince William and Prince Harry have accepted her role.

What are your views? Has Camilla won over your heart?

Created By on 23/06/2015

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24th Feb 2017 14:39:35
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I would just like to wish all our silver -surfer's are keeping well during this cold spell and especially through this horrid storm DORIS sincerely hope no one has come to any harm, have a nice day folks.
24th Feb 2017 10:16:49 (Last activity: 24th Feb 2017 12:38:48)
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Camilla is married to our next possible King. Give the woman a title of sorts but I'm not sure she deserves to be called our Queen. (Although I feel she carries out more royal duties than Beatrice and Eugene! )

Diana was undoubtedly used by the Royal family, which lost the Royals a lot of public respect and left a bad taste. But Diana was hardly a saint, she did seem to court controversy. Sad, unnecessary ending to a young woman's life though.

There are always two sides to every story and we can only quote what we have read in the the papers at that time, but that doesn't make it fact.
Response from jeanmark made on 24th Feb 2017 12:38:48
So agree with what you have said Polly-Rae.
26th Jan 2017 20:13:20 (Last activity: 31st Jan 2017 19:30:17)
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No no no no no no off with her head, off with both of their heads....
Both are vile, what they did to Diana was a crime of the people.
Both represent old school, its time to reach out to the new generations of our country
which would be to have Prince William as our king. Modern, right age, right attitude, time to carry on what our queen has done so far.... yet in light of an ever changing world.
Charles and Camilla will just time warp us all backwards.

Sorry but you did ask...
Response from winky made on 27th Jan 2017 16:21:41
Well how do you do ( cloudless13 At last or should i say my another member of our group who utterly despise the idea of HER ever being Queen!! As for old monkey ears he has gone well past his sell by date and should gently fade away into his garden to talk with his plants.
I have been having a discussion with one of our contemporaries and we have come to an end as we cannot agree hey no problems that's democracy right!

As for what they did together behind Diana's back was absolute Treachery. I mean they were seeing each other well before Diana emerged onto the scene. Then on his honeymoon he is at one of the boat YKW was at t he other end. NOT on.
Then after Diana was assassinated by as we all know who they were , bang after that they can come into the daylight , but i will never accept those two being King&Queen as long as i live.
Response from cloudless13 made on 31st Jan 2017 19:30:17
Dear Winky

Blimey you made me laugh... yet you are so right from my point of view. We should not just take what is thrust into our heads for the sake of being English opps sorry British.

Times have changed and we need new blood to stand as heads of our lovely country, young new thinking blood that will be in tune with the modern world. The two misfits monkey ears and his ashtray of a wife need to disappear and let someone else take the challenge..
25th Jan 2017 15:28:18 (Last activity: 26th Jan 2017 15:17:34)
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This is a reply for "jeanmark" Hello Jean how are today thank you for your reply as i did say of which you accepted it is only my view so i think there's a saying ( we will have to agree to disagree)
Now then i have been reading almost all of our silversurfer's comments on this subject and there is one underlining theme i wish to challenge and that is for those who have remarked by saying
"" Do you know Diana was not cleaner than clean""
Well i always speak from the heart and my reply to all who made that comment i put this to you i partially agree with you ( steady on don't get overexcited) What i do disagree with you is the facts yes she did become a bit tasty after everything was exposed ,what and why i was remarking on was that when she was just a slip of of a thing at the nursery this when old stiff ears hand in pocket guy started the courtship whilst doing that he was already knocking the old hag off then!!!!
So as we all know he was doing it (her) before ,during ,and after that is what i cannot ,and will not stand of any future monarch . Though if one cares to read about our royal history you will find that it was rife back then ,nothing has changed today as some one keeps harping on about the 21st Century move on ! Garbage tradition is tradition and it should be upheld otherwise get shut of the whole lot ! So i believe again iv'e answered my critic's ,Have a nice day folks..
Response from jeanmark made on 26th Jan 2017 15:17:34
As your response was to me winky, I thought I would respond. Firstly, I apologise, I hadn't realised you were on intimate terms with the family and thus be aware of all the intricacies within the marriage.

I have to say I would not describe Princess Diana as a 'slip of a girl' when she started dating Prince Charles, I believe she was twenty, although she was from a privileged background. I will accept she may have been a little naive, as he first dated her sister in 1977 and didn't really take an interest in her until about 1980. However, he had started to date Camilla in 1970. That romance came to an end when Prince Charles entered the navy in 1971 and she subsequently married Andrew Parker Bowles (who had had a relationship with Princess Anne). It is reported that Prince Charles and Camilla started an affair in 1986 despite both being married. I doubt if he is the first or last man to be unfaithful, the same as Diana was not the first or last woman to also be unfaithful. Is it a chicken and egg thing? What I find difficult to understand is why does this make him unfit to be King?
18th Jan 2017 13:41:28
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First time I,be posted on here. I have NHS hearing aids, also eczema. The flakes get into the hearing aid and stop my hearing constantly. Any ideas anybody.
13th Dec 2016 11:32:20
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No, definitely not, but then I don't like Charles either.
11th Nov 2016 16:09:30
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10th Nov 2016 00:34:20
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13th Oct 2016 22:45:16
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No she shouldn't be queen
She an old bag lady keep
Her in the back ground
30th Sep 2016 17:24:40
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Well i am having to tread very carefully here as not to become censored! My views about a "female of the night" "A marriage wrecker" i could use a word starting with W and ending in E but i will keep it clean. She has never and will never win me over! I ask myself many,many, times just how has this person managed to hoodwink ,cajole,nay even win some people's favour ,especially for what she did in and in the way she did .
That was to have an Adulterous afffair with the future King of England. It was done so in an open manner that was flagrant and outrageous that everyone with a modicum of grey matter knew what was going on except for that poor lass DIANA . There are far to many to list but here are a few Whilst he was on official duty handing back HONGKONG to the CHINESE that excuse for a woman was on the boat as was Charlie & Diana when the party was over he toodled to bed not Diana's , guess?
There are numerous occasions back home when he would slink off , it's a well known fact ,to put it how i describe it is thus ( He was "at it " BEFORE DURING AND AFTER )" that is what drove Diana into the arms of other's because of the typical PHILANDERING that has been the norm since 1066 the royals of this country hold nothing special in life ,and never will ,as for the questioner he/she asked for people's views well these are mine ,Should there be any interest in the future ruling's of this great country i sincerley wish ,pray that the next King should be
WILLIAM not the womaniser charly and his moll i cant bring myself to say her name . Well i will cut this short as my dinner is calling .
23rd Sep 2016 11:13:49
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I don't think she should because she's his second wife and not the mother of his children.
3rd Mar 2016 22:59:39 (Last activity: 31st Aug 2016 16:19:05)
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No, I don't think Camilla should ever be queen. The Duke of Windsor abdicated the throne to marry Mrs Simpson, a divorcee. Why should Charles be any differently? He spent the night before his wedding to Diana with Camilla on the Royal train, which says exactly what kind of man he is. William and Kate would be wonderful as King and Queen.
Response from ThatManViv made on 26th Aug 2016 15:43:53
must have been awful for the pair of them, being in love, and knowing Charles HAD to marry to satisfy protocol ... used to rip me apart when my ex used to go away to spend weekends with her bf ....
Response from jeanmark made on 30th Aug 2016 18:13:48
Lareine you ask "why should Charles be any different", because we live in the 21st century?
Response from KEITH_WL made on 30th Aug 2016 21:55:26
I don't agree, Laraine. The world has moved on, Camilla has moved on and most of us have - and it's not as if royal persons were saints at any time, or most of them at least. I know no reason why Camilla shouldn't make a good queen.
Response from Alan247 made on 31st Aug 2016 09:48:09
I really do hate that expression...We've move on, it's the 21st Century...what does it mean? same as....some people still live in the dark ages. Are people frightened of people who think for themselves and make their own choices. Expressions like that have no meaning, they are used when people don't know what to say, same as if you get into a bit of a heated conversation on forums, if people can't come up with a decent reply, they look to see if you put the comma in the right place or spelt every word correct
Response from jeanmark made on 31st Aug 2016 16:19:05
Oh dear Alan247, I assume you haven't 'moved on' to the '21st century'. It means things change over time. I was a nurse for 47 years, are you suggesting I shouldn't have 'moved on' from the practice used when I started my training?

I can assure you I am quite capable of thinking for myself and making my own choices, which is why I chose to 'move on' and live in the '21st century'.
30th Aug 2016 23:11:27
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This would easier to read if you used mixed case, not all upper case. It's as if you're shouting, for one thing.
4th Jun 2016 22:42:38 (Last activity: 30th Aug 2016 13:48:37)
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Deffinately no It would decimate the meaning of being Royal for ever.
Response from celtwitch made on 30th Aug 2016 10:48:42
What is 'Royal?'
Response from jeanmark made on 30th Aug 2016 13:48:37
Not sure what you mean Rytona. I understood 'Royal' to mean "belonging or connected to a king or queen or a member of their family" in which case Camilla fits that description and I believe deserves the title.
30th Jun 2016 10:48:15 (Last activity: 26th Aug 2016 15:39:53)
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diana was not the saint you are all making out,she had not one but several affairs from very early in her marriage,and according to her most ardent admirer was in the habit of travelling around London in the middle of the night wearing only her fur coat and a big smile,then let it be known she was " visiting the dying"if anyone was a disgrace it was her as for Edward V11 and princess Margaret divorce was looked on totaltheyly differently in those days i had relations who wouldn't speak to an uncle of mine because he was divorced and as thereare more people in this country and the commonwealth who have no ties with the church of England than do that is nothing to do with it.and according to diana no one in the whole royal family had any affection for her so why anyone should think the Qeen is being forced to show it for Camilla I don't know.they are human and have the same right to be happy as every one else and Camilla will make a dignified and graceful queen she has never poked anyone up the backside with an umbrella,or hit prince Charles over the head with a dummy champagne bottle having said that I hope it will be many many years before the queation ever arises becauseif it does it means we will have lost ourbeloved queenand that is a thoubht almost to painful to even think about
Response from ThatManViv made on 26th Aug 2016 15:39:53
I gave up ...every heard of punctuation .... 😉
30th Jun 2016 11:19:03 (Last activity: 26th Aug 2016 15:36:24)
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Response from BungalowBel made on 5th Jul 2016 15:46:22
She is a Duchess (of Cornwall) already 🙂
Response from ThatManViv made on 26th Aug 2016 15:36:24
that good eh ..... 😉
5th Jul 2016 17:14:34 (Last activity: 26th Aug 2016 15:35:37)
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She's rather non-descript isn't she, with the dress sense of a Roma gypsy and the voice of a 1920's radio presenter. I find it remarkable that he cheated on Diana with Mrs Parker Beige!
Response from ThatManViv made on 26th Aug 2016 15:35:37
no accounting for taste eh . . . and poor Diana, never stood a chance.
26th Aug 2016 15:34:05
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Why would she NEED to be declared Queen, we have a Duke of Edinburgh as the Queens husband now, give her a title, and let her be King Clarles' wife.
26th Aug 2016 09:40:58 (Last activity: 26th Aug 2016 10:27:53)
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A better question would be should be should Prince Charles make a good King?
Response from art1935 made on 26th Aug 2016 10:27:53
he has not had a chance to show he could be King and after all,what sort of participation does Royalty have in running of this country
5th Jul 2016 15:45:41
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I always thought she was far better for Charles than Diana ever was. He will be a better King with her by his side.

Yes, let her be crowned.
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