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Kezziedog's latest comments
8th Jul 2020Kezziedog commented on:
Do you feel that freedom of speech is becoming restricted in the UK?Best keep mouth shut for fear of “offending someone “ Sad .ViewDate:
27th Jun 2020Kezziedog commented on:
Would you eat lab-grown meat?No why would you want to do that ! I’d rather be a vegetarian ....ViewDate:
1st Apr 2020Kezziedog commented on:
Should plant nurseries and growers be allowed to sell their plants?As big supermarkets, they could let in a certain amount of people at a time ... with spacing everybody. A crime to let everything die .ViewDate:
28th Apr 2019Kezziedog commented on:
Clever uses for toothpasteA dab of toothpaste in each corner of a paper poster , will dry and hold the picture in place .ViewDate:
15th Mar 2019Kezziedog commented on:
Do you have trouble sleeping?havent slept well .... for as long as I can think probably “years”. Yes do all the right things ...l keep busy , walk ,.... Or do very little all day ... makes no difference . I have blackout curtains .... no mobiles in bedroom ,etc etc .... haven’t had any constructive medical help, although given sleeping tablets , which I manage , occasionally cutting in half , then back on full dose again . ( over counter tablets are no help .) I do feel on holiday in the sun , I do tend to sleep a little better ... something to do with the light getting into the back of your eyes . Some nights I get 5 hours , 3hours 5 hours , sometimes awake all night . So if your are are good sleeper YOU DONT KNOW how lucky you are . Just a tip if you have a partner who is restless and keeping you awake , IF POSSIBLE move into another room , so you are not disturbed .ViewDate:
18th Jan 2019Kezziedog commented on:
Should there be a specified age to retake your practical driving test?Many of the very elderly drivers have never taken a driving test , wonder if Prince Philip had ? It’s my opinion there should be a further driving test at 60 , and folks should be off the road at 75. Reactions slow down as we age .... and without the cost of petrol and maintenance of the car , when absolutely necessary a taxi could be taken .ViewDate:
18th Nov 2018Kezziedog commented on:
An unofficial ranking of all the food and drink in this year’s Christmas advertsWhere is the ICELAND one ? that is the best !ViewDate:
5th Jul 2018ViewDate:
11th Jan 2018ViewDate:
11th Jan 2018ViewDate:
9th Feb 2017Kezziedog commented on:
Do you keep your ketchup in the fridge?Yes I keep it in the fridge ., it recommends that you do !ViewDate:
26th Nov 2016Kezziedog commented on:
Is political correctness in our modern society, being taken too far or have we got the balance right? What are your views?Way too far !!!!ViewDate:
11th Nov 2016Kezziedog commented on:
Do you still use cheques as payment?Yes couldn't do without them , at least you have proof of paying ....as I have found out !ViewDate:
28th Oct 2016Kezziedog commented on:
Does anyone else suffer with Tinnitus?I also get the " pulsing " sound which is always with me and very marked when I am trying to get to sleep !ViewDate:
28th Oct 2016ViewDate:
1st Jul 2016Kezziedog commented on:
Win a 5 day coach holiday for two people with Shearings Holidays!Hers hoping !ViewDate:
26th Feb 2016Kezziedog commented on:
Traveling from Manchester in Aprilgood luck , I did the same thing many years ago and made a good friend ..... actually linked up with another couple , whom I knew , worked out very well . Happy hols !ViewDate:
12th Feb 2016Kezziedog commented on:
Would you be prepared to give up your free TV Licence?No I wouldn't be prepared to give up my free licence .... if I have money to spare I give it to my children , to help them .ViewDate:
12th Feb 2016Kezziedog commented on:
Are you getting enough sleep?would dearly love to be able to "sleep through " the night , I sleep on and off during the night , its quite exhausting . Never ever sleep right through the night . I am on sleeping tablets and have been for years , they at least give me a few hours, here and there , there are some nights its a waste of time getting into bed at all , as I lie awake the full hours of the night. Tried everything , keep cool, keep warm , bedroom "blacked out " no digital lights on .... what more can I do ? I always feel tired in the morning , before the day begins.ViewDate:
4th Jan 2016Kezziedog commented on:
Do you take a daily dose of vitamins and minerals?why would you ?! if you eat a balanced diet , there is NO need , you are just wasting money "down the loo " .ViewDate:
26th Nov 2015Kezziedog commented on:
Which Breakfast TV news programme do you watch?Think we are in the minority "maeve" .... but don't care , he is direct .... and that's how I like it .... he " sends himself up " ... why cant people see that ( just as Simon Cowell does ) !!! fun to watch. Lets have more of him . !ViewDate:
26th Nov 2015Kezziedog commented on:
Which Breakfast TV news programme do you watch?Piers Morgan , you really are a gem , .... I am sooooooo enjoying watching you .... you tell it as it is ..... more please !ViewDate:
26th Nov 2015Kezziedog commented on:
Has the magic of Christmas diminished?Yes you are right it was the "magic of anticipation" that made Christmas .... we had little as we grew up .... so Christmas was very special .... the surprise of toys and food and chocolates . Today kids want vouchers, and "plague" parents for expensive "gimmicks" that most parent just cannot afford, and spend the next part of the year paying off.ViewDate:
26th Nov 2015Kezziedog commented on:
Items to put a smile on your face ? :O)Thanks for a really good laugh !!!!!!!!!! mickViewDate:
20th Nov 2015Kezziedog commented on:
Is the correct use of grammar and spelling important to you?Of course it is important to speak correctly .... I so often hear people say "THEM shoes " NO .... its "THOSE shoes ". Of course kids using " text speak " cant help .....ViewDate:
20th Nov 2015Kezziedog commented on:
Do you use regular forums or do you prefer facebook?Don't do "facebook" but just love this easy new format of chatting ...... so easy to give our views , that's what I like about this site , being able to give MY views, our age group are not often asked "what we think".ViewDate:
20th Nov 2015ViewDate:
20th Nov 2015Kezziedog commented on:
Should drivers over 70 be tested every three years?Those of us who "think" we are fine driving .... are possibly "kidding" ourselves , we should at least have a vision test .ViewDate:
10th Oct 2015Kezziedog commented on:
Do you find terms of endearment such as 'love' and 'darling' patronising?" bet youm be down from Devon ? me lover !!!ViewDate:
28th Aug 2015Kezziedog commented on:
Silversurfers Members - Write to Win!It would be so lovely if you could keep your print BLACK ON WHITE ! ....It is so much easier to read than coloured print ! thank you ...ViewDate:
4th Jul 2015Kezziedog commented on:
Win a weekly Abel & Cole Fruit & Veg Box for 3 months, their Cookbook PLUS a Bottle of Organic Prosecco!BOX CLEVER with fresh veg ....... so healthy !ViewDate:
4th Jul 2015Kezziedog commented on:
Win one of four Gourmet Fish Boxes from Good Taste Foods!"Fish" , the perfect dish !ViewDate:
4th Jul 2015Kezziedog commented on:
Win this elegant Rowlinson Willington Bench from Heritage Gardens!O boy ... just right for my new garden ! looks so stylish !ViewDate:
22nd Feb 2015Kezziedog commented on:
Should smoking be brought back into pubs?Please "countrylass" do look at ALL UKIPs policys ..... before you vote. Yes I am also against smoking in all "public places " also , I am amazed how easy the law was brought in , and adhered to . I am also a retired nurse !ViewDate:
22nd Feb 2015Kezziedog commented on:
Do you trust eating advice shared via the media?One minute we are told "this" is good for you then "a few years down the line " told its bad for you, Just like Statins ... wonder drug , solves all problems , now "they " are not too sure ..... it has caused problems.ViewDate:
22nd Feb 2015Kezziedog commented on:
Is it important to know how to use grammar correctly???? SAINSBURY*S What does this mean SAINSBURYS IS ? No Sainsburys name of a place .... -
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View subject Posts: 9Kezziedog, 28/10/2016 13:33:24 started a new subject:
Do you suffer from Tinnitis?View subject Posts: 9Kezziedog, 26/02/2016 16:58:46 started a new subject:
Calling all other Insomnia sufferers! -
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