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Daily diaries of those who are self-isolating due to Coronavirus


A place where, if you are self-isolating due to worries about Coronavirus, or if indeed you have contracted the virus, you can stay in touch with our community, to tell us how you are coping, share your experience and perhaps lessen your feeling of isolation

Created By on 15/03/2020

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7th Apr 2020 18:11:17
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Hi, I signed up for this brain training + functional fitness class last Saturday and have never had such a fun and unique class before. I found it on and the class was done on ZOOM. The trainer said she'd try to provide them for free during this COVID pandemic and I asked her if I could share the link to the next meeting.
2nd Apr 2020 20:26:05 (Last activity: 7th Apr 2020 15:54:42)
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Response from Carnflower made on 7th Apr 2020 15:54:42
Life in an English village seems to have deteriorated over the years .You got the desired result pity it took intimidation but possibly all your neighbors would respond to Different areas have different problems but we are fortunate to have police locally who.are approachable.
Unfortunately O no longer live in a village but an estate on the outskirts of Dumfries
but there's not many pretty villages nearby but some nice coastal oned
7th Apr 2020 14:15:32
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Totally agree with you JE, I had to go out today for some food supplies, i have a small Tesco express which i have been using as they seem to still be reasonably well stocked. Saw nobody as i walked there and back. It is eerily quiet everywhere.
7th Apr 2020 13:15:14
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Similar feelings here. Varies from resolute. bored, resourceful, trying to stay positive and grateful to have people to chat to over the phone or on line. A smile and cheery hello from the occasional person seen outside lifts spirits. Have bouts of feeling scared and being down but so far have managed to get over them. Getting increasingly fed up of people who have no regards for the lockdown rules and no thought for others.
7th Apr 2020 03:02:02
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Previously escarg now cornflower due to tech problems
7th Apr 2020 02:51:36
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What is your mood two weeks into lockdown? Mine variesl between resigned angry bored and then grstefull Grateful for family nearby thecat what's app friend's pen pals Email contacts plenty of groceries my small garde my daily walk the occasional neighbor that speaks from a distance after clapping for the NHS and carers .
Much to irritate much to be positive about.
6th Apr 2020 18:09:18
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Since this lockdown or self-isolation has started it has made me think a lot about people who were already housebound, as I am, and how they get things done for them. My cleaners stopped working so I was going to have no-one to help in the home. My children live over 600 miles away. However, friends who had been living away from here had arranged to return to this area. They had been away for about 3 and a half years and wanted a new start. In December I said they could stay with me. They returned about a week before all this covid - 19 stuff happened. They are now living with me indefinitely - I have all the help I need and they have somewhere to live. It has worked out so well and I am so grateful for that. I don't know what I would have done without them being here. On saying all of that - I know that there must be people who have no-one at all. I hope everyone who is able and can get about is vigilant in their neighbourhood and notice if someone has not been seen for a while. We all need each other at this time.
16th Mar 2020 13:25:05 (Last activity: 4th Apr 2020 08:50:31)
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We are trying to remain positive and keep a stiff upper lip. The weather is improving so we will be out in the graden, read more books and keep ourselves busy. We have already said to the family best to all stay in touch via the phone and skype and everyone agrees. Wonderful we all have Silversurfers to rely on.
Response from Escarg made on 4th Apr 2020 08:50:31
Well said Wilf SS has truly been a blessing at the moment
2nd Apr 2020 11:13:50 (Last activity: 3rd Apr 2020 20:16:23)
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Just tried the Morrison's website - directed to another website called Queue It and the wait is 24 minutes with 29845 people in front of me! Last time I did get on, weeks ago, I chose my groceries and then there were no delivery slots available so I'm going to the supermarket but only every two weeks.
Response from Escarg made on 3rd Apr 2020 20:03:25
Spare a thought for those who live in areas where therr are no supermarkets nearby,those that rely on buses or lifts and friends who can no longer offer this help.Those people may not be old and qualify for assistance.but are putting themselves at risk to feed their fsmilies as thete are slots.
Response from CaroleAH made on 3rd Apr 2020 20:16:23 > @Escarg
You are right, Escarg. At least I've got a car and my nearest large supermarket is only 8 miles away.
2nd Apr 2020 09:37:36 (Last activity: 3rd Apr 2020 11:48:14)
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Response from CaroleAH made on 2nd Apr 2020 11:07:55
Yay, Lionel. What happened to your neighbours - do tell 🙂
Response from CaroleAH made on 3rd Apr 2020 11:48:14
That's brilliant, Lionel. Wish I could have been a fly on the wall 🙂
2nd Apr 2020 19:39:01
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I understand village life a.nd I wouldn't call Londoners refugees bad meigjbors are yhat no matter where ther'e. from
Policeman and woman may not be rewiited st yhe moment but we nevet know when we might need yhem and deserve our respect.
Surfer Pete
2nd Apr 2020 14:54:24 (Last activity: 2nd Apr 2020 14:58:29)
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Just taken a delivery of fresh vegetables, eggs (and wine!) from our local pub. Great to support a local business that is still trying to trade and is also helping the vulnerable in the community who can't get out to the shops.
Response from Wilf made on 2nd Apr 2020 14:58:29
We are having trouble getting fresh veg at the moment although a neighbour said the local M7S had overripe avocados that they are trying to give away? Go fathom?
2nd Apr 2020 14:43:09
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2nd Apr 2020 11:34:57
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We are isolating and once a week I have to take my 91 year old father to the doctors
2nd Apr 2020 11:12:44
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My sister has shopped around for slots she is a regular Sainsburys (but not classed as vulnerable) on line customer but there were no slots, She was emailed and offered a slot Sainburys slot unexpectedly yesterday, She has gabbed it
2nd Apr 2020 10:48:55
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Tescos slots are a it hit and miss Yodama, my daughter looked last night and found nothing but this morning found they have slots for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I hope you find a slot. I heard Sainsburys are just doing orders for the over 70's
2nd Apr 2020 10:33:55
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These " I'm alright Jack " people, who are blatantly not adhering to what the government request us to do, have got to be clamped down on by the Police. If it's too much for the Police to deal with I can see the Army being brought in. Being ex military that's fine by me. People have got to be made, if necessary, to stick to the governments/medical experts advice. Otherwise they endanger us all.
2nd Apr 2020 04:48:23
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Apologies for errors.Reading through can't believe people are having parties
.i'm with Carole call the police.
1st Apr 2020 18:17:32 (Last activity: 1st Apr 2020 23:34:21)
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I am really getting concerned about the numbers of people still not complying with the countrywide restrictions on movement. I’ve been outside in my garden a lot today and have noticed that the traffic noise has increased considerably from that of a week ago. Also this week I’ve seen three dog walkers gather on the corner of the road, close together, chatting and petting each others dogs. I’ve seen young people outside, not of the same family, openly walking along closely together and larking about. I’ve seen several visitors going into someone else’s home. I’ve seen people in the local shop not keeping to the social distancing rules and staff openly ignoring it. Many never got on board with the government instructions in the first place, but I fear that many of those that did, have just got fed up or are blazé about it now. Why are people not taking this situation seriously. I’m sure there are many people really struggling with the isolation, but they are sticking with it as they appreciate the risks. Sadly, the ‘I’m alright jack’ brigade is growing and putting lives at risks, or to be totally blunt, they are killing people. I started this comment saying ‘ I’m concerned’ but in actual fact, I’m scared.
Response from islandPat made on 1st Apr 2020 20:26:41
Here in Cyprus we have a curfew 9 pm - 6 am except those working and medical emergency. The police have heat seeking cameras and drones to find people.

Fine is 150 euro at present but soon to be 300 euro - last night 212 people fined for being out in the curfew.
Response from JE made on 1st Apr 2020 21:55:22
I know what you mean. I too have seen loads of examples of people not complying. I don’t understand their mentality and why people think that the rules don’t apply to them. Yes it’s tough, yes it’s boring and restrictive but it is for the good of us all. One particular example is that one of my neighbours regularly has different people at her home, some staying over for a night or two. Last weekend she went off in that visitors car and came back with gardening items and they potted up a couple of planters on the pavement with other people passing by. Yesterday she had a different visitor and tonight another has turned up. If I saw a policeman I would actually report it but there has been no evidence of any around this area to date.
Response from Kes made on 1st Apr 2020 23:08:08
Thanks for your responses IslandPat, Lionel and JE. It’s seems non compliance is rife. The Police have had it in the neck this week, wrongly in my view, for being over zealous in trying to get people to comply with the restrictions, but we don’t have time for a softly softly approach towards these selfish morons. If someone in their family lost their life due to C-19 no doubt they would be looking to blame someone else. Yes, this crisis is bring out the very best in people, massively, but oh my Lord, it is also bringing out the worst.
Response from CaroleAH made on 1st Apr 2020 23:34:21
The frightening thing is that we are only 10 days into 12 weeks of this lockdown period so unless the police raise their profile (not by banning Easter eggs as they have done in some places) and prosecute and fine these idiots then the death toll will rise even higher.
Lionel, if the parties continue I would be phoning the police and demanding action - it's anti-social enough being kept awake until 2.00am but to have visitors as well is disgraceful.
1st Apr 2020 19:43:33
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Communication is getting more fustratimg by the day.Laptop scteen tesemble an sbsttact painting mobile phone rewuired surhery of the non health and dsgety variety before it would rrcharge and. crackles on the house phone..Prehaps I should yake the hint and shut up
So goodbye for the time beinh as typing on thr phone is a chalamge.
Take Care
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