Anyone interested in paranormal experiences?
Watch this postHi Al I have just joined this site-found it by accident but I am glad that I did!!
I am 61 unemployed at present as we have moved from Wales to Wiltshire.Husband is ‘officially’ retired lucky thing-I am one of those who still has to wait for their state pension thanks to the machinations of our Government changing State pension ages!!!!
I digress- I want to know if anyone has had any ‘spooky/paranormal’ type of experiences?I once was part of a Paranormal Research group back in Wales and have had so many of my own experiences which started after my mother’s death.I am not a ‘crank’ but do firmly believe that there are things which we just cannot explain by everyday logic.Whilst a member of the Paranormal group I was a sometime Ghost tour guide at a place called Margam Castle in Nelson (South Wales).
I’d be interested to hear from anyone!
I love Medieval reenactment too-but I also like ordinary things like dancing,cooking and Reading too! 😀
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My daughter played with Tarot for a while and frightened herself with what she experienced and now leaves well alone.
I know from experience, like one of the previous commenters that the recently Departed still stay with us for a while until they have to pass on, but I still feel my late Husband's presence with me from time to time after many years, usually out in the country in the car sometimes in the quiet places I still feel a familiar presence beside me, just for an instant.
But I also know there are Charlatans out there to prey on peoples' beliefs, I had to rescue my mother from a group who entrapped her, and to me were obviously fake with seances etc. So be aware, but also wary. Above all believe in your own instincts.
Aliens.... aliens galore here... Megladon? Swam with this cool dude over two hundred yards off coast of Aracaju, Br... Stories... how about being 'portaled"... yep been there, nothing I"d recommend though kkk
Big foot first encounter, camping at Rabbit Creek, Mason County WA... Big foot, and they are big no doubt about it... at night the thing starts rocking my one ton Chevy van with his shoulder, almost pushed it over, he didn't like me parked in his area, I fired van, hit high beams, threw dust and rocks spinning my tires out of there... ghosts, oh yes.. the shadow dude, had to use a hex slapper to get rid of this annoyance...
Rock on, keep paranormal
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It wasn’t until I was in my 40’s that I decided to pay attention and actually become involved. I can’t say that the majority of my encounters have been pleasant, but I’m in it for the long haul, hoping I can help someone along the way.
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It was honestly terrifying. We had to contact Patti Negri for a house blessing after that. Luckily, it worked. I don’t know what she did but all of the spooky stuff stopped.
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you learn to keep them to yourself so you shut it down but if you will not laugh at me the energy is everywhere
I've had countless conversations about reincarnation for example but logic prevents me believing in that. I know that those who believe in it hold that belief passionately and I respect that, I have had a few experiences that people have told me was 'evidence' of a past life but I lean more toward 'inherited memory' as an explanation. Science has proven that we inherit tangible traits such as eye colour etc and also intangible traits such as the ability to play a musical instrument or whatever. It's no great leap for me to believe that we also inherit memory too. There's lots of research going on regarding this and I think, eventually, science will prove that genetically, we do carry memory of our ancestors experiences. They lie dormant until we find ourselves in a location, for example, where an ancestor lived. This is what happened to me whilst visiting a farm. I knew that there had been buildings (barns etc) on what was now open fields and I felt completely comfortable there. It was much later that I discovered one of my ancestors had lived there.
have you ever visited a thin place
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I knew immediately that the house was on fire. I was able to rouse my parents and my kid brother. We were able to get out with the close on our back.
I still have some 'Spider Sense' tingling's now and then. I was in the process of getting a series of acupuncture treatments last year. Of course, I often struck up a conversation with the employees. I often got such tingling's when talking to one young lady in particular. One day, as the session was ending, I just blurted out, "Are you by any chance a Scorpio". A one in twelve chance won't get you much in a casino but I was absolutely right. She just reminded me of a (Scorpio) girl I had met only twice before and that more than fifty years earlier.
I could give many more examples but that should give you the idea.
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not been on here long so still finding my way around so have only just found your post.
I do hope you are still around would love to chat about paranormal etc.
My gran was a spiritualist as am I and my grandchildren seem to have leanings that way. My two daughters are hedge witches. Any way fingers crossed that you see this
Over the years I have experienced many things and not only myself but my family we seem to be "tuned in ". Also I have had several weird dreams and premonitions when my brother has been travelling abroad its as if he sends messages ... sounds crazy I know but we regard it as something some people experience and does not cause us any concern . My Mum always knew when a surprise visitor was on route or someone had died before we knew, even if they were previously in good health and may not have heard from them in a couple of years . Still waiting for the lottery numbers though ... lol
I have also had premonitions, but I have had no idea, for when it's telling me......if you can understand this......hard to explain.
And it makes me sound a bit loopy.
I hope to hear from you.
I have lived in many homes which have been haunted by something or other, and I believe this may be down to some sort of residual energy field if not for perhaps being psychic and sensitive to those who resided in these places before and picking up on what was.
I have read that adolescents are responsible for most poltergeist activities in the developing mind, and also that our minds are somewhat holographic, so we can manifest phenomena by projecting it photographically. The mind is far more powerful than one might think!
I used to go to Peckforton Castle to get into Medieval reenactment scenarios it was huge fun and I miss going, I would love to chat with you some time Maria, and I am happy to swap phone numbers via email. My email is:
Sounds like we have a lot in common.