Kazzy57's bio
Friendly, caring compassionate fun loving female with lots of diverse and unusual interests looking to make a major life change in the very near future. Seeking new friends, new place to live, new adventure, but wondering where the best place to be is to get a life! -
Kazzy57's latest comments
19th Oct 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
Newbie from SouthportHi Anne-Marie, I live in a tiny rural farming village a short drive from Banks in Southport. I am alone now and would love to meet new friends, and you are not too far from me. If you would like to meet up for a coffee and a chat please email me: kazzyjstevens@gmail.com. Like you I have a young outlook, and I enjoy travel, and socializing, entertaining, meeting people. I shall be 60 next year so we are also similar in age. All the best, Kazzy XViewDate:
23rd Mar 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
Advice needed please!Hi Lochinvar, Thanks millions for your response to my post. I applied for several posts advertised in "The Lady" magazine but heard absolutely nothing back in either case. At the time of doing this, I asked the estate agent who has had my home up for sale for the past 2 years about renting my home out and he told me that it would cost me a lot of money to set up a rental as there are some jobs which need doing on the house which would need to be done prior to renting it out and he said that he felt that apart from this, the risks of endlessly having changes of tenant and collecting rent, risks of damage to the house and then getting the mortgage company to agree to my renting it out, which would be a real problem given who my mortgage is with, that it is out of the question. So the ideal case scenario is a quick sale I cannot move without making a profit on a sale, I have no savings to afford a move or to put my belongings into storage or even to move them to a new home, unless I can find well paid work and a decent rented home that might allow me to pay my mortgage and the rent on a new home until the house is sold, and at 58 years of age this prospect is slim. I am stuck. Thanks for your help. Kaz XXViewDate:
20th Mar 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
Just joined so I'm introducing myself.Jean I empathize with you, the photos on on line dating sites look like mugshots in the police station, most uninspiring and discouraging, and with the negative publicity these sites have been getting of late, it only serves to put you off even more! I would love to meet a new guy and settle down, but easier said than done, and it isn't as if a woman can go drinking in a pub alone, not a lot of fun anyway, not easy is it? I am based in Lancashire, what about you? Hope you find someone decent soon. KazViewDate:
20th Mar 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
Need new friends and someone to talk toHi Woo, Thanks for your kind reply. No social groups anywhere around where I live, and doing stuff isn't fun alone, it is a dreadful way to have to live, it is more of an existence than a life. Glad to hear you have some company and work too. KazViewDate:
19th Mar 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
Should smoking be brought back into pubs?Definitely not, it isn't fair that those who smoke should damage the health of those around them and passive smokers are worse off than those who smoke apparently, I think smoking should be banned altogether, it kills people and people who smoke also drain the NHS when the smoking causes them ill health. They should charge smokers for any NHS treatment, since their smoking has self inflicted their illness in the first instance. There is nothing more obnoxious to none smokers than the stench of smoke tainting the air they breath and food and drink they consume in public bars and cafe's. Smoking is a disgusting mindless habit that damages the health of everyone from babies, children, toddlers, teenagers right up to seniors and also animals too. I say ban it altogether, never mind just in public places.ViewDate:
19th Mar 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
MOVING HOME ALONE ......AND TO A NEW PART OF THE COUNTRYI wish I was in a better position like you were Goldfynche, but sadly I am not. Thanks for saying my home is stunning, it is a comfortable place, with a beautiful Zen garden in the front of it and the solid granite hand carved Zen ornaments cost £7,500 alone, I have inset mood lighting in the ceilings on the landing, in the hall all 3 bathrooms and the kitchen, so the ambiance is relaxing and calming, but being here alone 24/7 with no company is soul destroying as I am a people person, who thrives on good conversation and good company, it is now a house rather than a home now that I am home alone! Sounds like you are settled and better off and that is wonderful, I am really happy that you are in a better situation than I am. Bless you and best of luck. Kaz XViewDate:
19th Mar 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
Need new friends and someone to talk toHi Lochinvar, Thanks for your kind reply. I would love to chat with you but not sure how that works on here. KazViewDate:
19th Mar 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
I would like to make new friends for general conversation onlyHi Gglotusbloom, I live in the same sort of situation as you, a small rural farming community who are all involved with the local Methodist Church - I live directly opposite this church, and I see them all going in there every Sunday, but like you I do not wish to be involved in the Bible bashing, so I too feel out on the fringes of local life, which is soul destroying. These folks are very insular and clannish, very judgmental and it seems that unless you are part of the clan you are likely to remain an outcast and regarded as off beat and eccentric. Like you I am desperately lonely and would love someone to chat to and share life with, meet for good conversation and good company. I am happy to chat with you and to exchange phone numbers by email. My email address is: kazytc@googlemail.com I totally empathize with you. KazViewDate:
19th Mar 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
I would like to make new friends for general conversation onlyI have just joined this site, so want to introduce myself..... I am Kaz, 58 years old, live alone in a large 4 bed house in rural west Lancashire, close to Southport. I enjoy cooking, driving, travel, swimming, internet, art, electronic art, writing, poetry, home making, astrology, metaphysics, paranormal, web design, painting, good conversation, philosophy, state specific science, social networking, entertaining, acting, country pubs, exploring places, music, singing to name but a few interests. I am easy going, great sense of humour, full of fun, very much a people person. I work from home as a telephone life coach, and I am looking for new friends, and thinking about looking for a better area to live in where there are more things I can get into and get a new life, and some company, there is nothing local to me where someone my age can meet people to share quality time with etc. Anyone out there?! Kaz kazytc@googlemail.comViewDate:
19th Mar 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
Just joined so I'm introducing myself.I have just joined this site, so want to introduce myself..... I am Kaz, 58 years old, live alone in a large 4 bed house in rural west Lancashire, close to Southport. I enjoy cooking, driving, travel, swimming, internet, art, electronic art, writing, poetry, home making, astrology, metaphysics, paranormal, web design, painting, good conversation, philosophy, state specific science, social networking, entertaining, acting, country pubs, exploring places, music, singing to name but a few interests. I am easy going, great sense of humour, full of fun, very much a people person. I work from home as a telephone life coach, and I am looking for new friends, and thinking about looking for a better area to live in where there are more things I can get into and get a new life, and some company, there is nothing local to me where someone my age can meet people to share quality time with etc. Anyone out there?! Kaz kazytc@googlemail.comViewDate:
19th Mar 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
Just joined so I'm introducing myself.Hi Celticwitch, You mirror my situation and I also live in Lancashire, I live in Rufford in West Lancashire. I never see my daughter now, she left home back in 2014 and left a gaping hole in my life. I empathize with you, it is hard coping with 'flown nest syndrome'. I don't like feeling isolated and alone either it is soul destroying and I work from home which makes it worse again. Lost most of my friends to Cancer so down to one now and she is busy with sick family to see to. Whereabouts are you? Want to meet up for a chat or chat on the phone or online? My email address is: kazytc@googlemail.com - perhaps we could exchange phone numbers by email. I am also on Skype as: kazytc I am 58 (59 in September) so like you I am at an age where I don't fit into pensioners groups and I don't fit into family groups or young people's groups either, bit out on a limb and not a lot happening in Lancashire for our age unless you are in a couple or have a family at home. I feel we have a lot in common! Hope you get sorted soon! KazViewDate:
19th Mar 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
Anyone interested in paranormal experiences?I have had a lot of experiences with ghosts and spooky occurrences, I live in a house that appears to be haunted, thankfully not by anything malevolent. I have lived in many homes which have been haunted by something or other, and I believe this may be down to some sort of residual energy field if not for perhaps being psychic and sensitive to those who resided in these places before and picking up on what was. I have read that adolescents are responsible for most poltergeist activities in the developing mind, and also that our minds are somewhat holographic, so we can manifest phenomena by projecting it photographically. The mind is far more powerful than one might think! I used to go to Peckforton Castle to get into Medieval reenactment scenarios it was huge fun and I miss going, I would love to chat with you some time Maria, and I am happy to swap phone numbers via email. My email is: kazytc@googlemail.com Sounds like we have a lot in common. KazViewDate:
19th Mar 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
MOVING HOME ALONE ......AND TO A NEW PART OF THE COUNTRYHi Goldfynche, Thanks for your advice it is appreciated greatly. I have tried to contact these property agencies, yes, but the market value of my 4 bed home is £250,000 and my outstanding mortgage is £232,000 so unless I can get £250,000 I won't have enough money to move, put a payment down on a new rented home, and I won't get another mortgage at my age, I have no savings, limited income, and at 58, it will be hard to cope with the physical aspect of moving and finding new work, which will pay my rent etc, and I have no pension arrangements either, so might have to work until I pop my clogs, health permitting, not that easy really, bit of a trap. My home is beautiful and substantial but it has been on the market since October 2014 and no buyers as yet. This is my home on the estate agents web site: http://www.reganandhallworth.com/property-details/5069901/lancashire/rufford/holmeswood-road-3 Hard to let go of but too big for me alone and hard to maintain the mortgage on alone. I desperately need a new life and some company! Problem is not just selling the house but knowing where a good place to move to is and where I would meet new friends easier and be safe, find work, be able to settle and enjoy living again. Not easy is it?! Thanks millions, KazViewDate:
19th Mar 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
MOVING HOME ALONE ......AND TO A NEW PART OF THE COUNTRYI mirror your exact situation and I find the whole situation somewhat daunting, it is a scary thing to do to up sticks and move to a new place which is an unknown quantity though you know you have to do it somehow, and many places seem nice when you investigate them on line and by visiting but from my past experience of moving a lot from place to place, in my younger years, and because of my work, the reality of what life might be like there, is often a very different thing, to what you imagined it to be. Warwickshire is beautiful but if you are moving, as I am trying to do, it needs to be a place where it is easy to make new friends, lots of things going on where you can go and join in to do this. Recently I tried joined U3A a national organization for older people to meet, but being 58 and everyone in U3A being well 65+ I stuck out like a sore thumb and the day trips where at night when I work on the phone from home, and the activities were for much older people like chair exercises! Most of them were hostile and I left because I felt out out of place. There is nothing else around my area for anyone of my age. I would feel bored and uncomfortable going into a pub on my own, not much fun really, so in a rut. It is also important to consider the crime rate in the area, because you are more vulnerable as you get older, and an easier target for muggers and burglars, so its also a question of the balance between a safer place in the rural outer areas of a major town or city which means travelling into the centre for the bulk of local activities which will get more difficult if your health is impaired, and not having much on your doorstep as with my situation or living in a more central area where the crime rate might be higher and either less affordable in a rough inner city ring or more expensive in a more central affluent area, it is hard really to get all of the facts about an area without living there or knowing someone who already does, and some areas are worse than others, plus with recent flooding in some areas of the UK like Cumbria and Somerset, you need to avoid flood plains and planned fracking sites as well. I am going to really try and do my homework on an area before moving there, and try and connect with people living there already to get their take on it. Ask if anyone on here is from the area you plan to move to. Some parts of Warwickshire are beautiful but there will be rougher areas where you need to avoid moving to, same in every area I guess, but be careful. Had you a place in Wariwickshire in mind and a suburb within that area in mind too? Where is a good part of the UK to live, does anyone have any recommendations? Particularly for someone of our age? I am 58? Best of luck with your move. Kaz XXViewDate:
19th Mar 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
New Silver Surfer!Hi Peter, I live a short distance away from you in Rufford which is 7 miles from Parbold going toward Tarleton. I am into the internet as well, and on social media (Facebook), I like cycling not into Football but DIY I have got into on account of living alone, so I share some of your interests. I love photography too. My email address is: kazytc@googlemail.com Perhaps we could meet for a coffee or chat on Skype? I am on Skype as: kazytc or under my email address (as above). I would be happy to exchange phone numbers by email and chat on the phone too! Best of luck meeting new friends. KazViewDate:
18th Mar 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
MOVING HOME ALONE ......AND TO A NEW PART OF THE COUNTRYThanks Joan and Sue, You are both very kind and I thank you for your well wishes and inspiration, and I am sending you the same back, I am here for you if you want to chat. Take care, Bless you both, Kaz XXViewDate:
18th Mar 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
MOVING HOME ALONE ......AND TO A NEW PART OF THE COUNTRYI am wondering where is a good place to move to? I live in a tiny rural farming community full of young families and very old people, I am 58 and I have no friends or relatives now, most passed over from Cancer. I spend 24/7 alone, no company, no one to talk to and I am dreadfully lonely and isolated. There are no places to socialize anywhere near here, for my age group and I crave company, new friends, a new life and someone to share good times with and have intelligent conversations with. I am not sure where to move to, where I can find a decent rented home, not on a flood plain which gets flooded every year, low crime rate but not highly expensive that I would struggle to pay the rent. I have a house to sell which has been on the market for almost 2 years and no viewings or offers, has 4 bedrooms, and I use one, can't find someone to share it with so may as well move on. I am not having an easy time of things financially I work at home on the phone as a life coach and work has all but dried up so might be forced to move anyway if I can't continue to meet the hefty mortgage payments. Just feel stuck in a terrible rut and I don't know what to do for the best, I would need to sell the house for what it is on the market for just to afford a move and then I need work in a decent area, don't mind what I do. But I need friends and company too. Is anyone in the same boat as me? Any ideas on where a good place to move to us, where it is easy to meet others and fit in as a single person in their late 50's where the crime rate is low and you can get a nice home for rent and a job or is this asking too much in the UK today?! I would love some company too. I am friendly, easy going and a people person and would love to find a nice guy to settle down with and share life with. I love cooking, home making, driving, travel, internet, art, design, music and entertaining. I am compassionate, caring, genuine, good sense of humour and easy going. Anyone out there to connect with? Thanks, KazViewDate:
17th Mar 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
Breaking Up Is Hard To DoHi Mary, I am Kaz. I am on my own, age 58, very lonely and have no one at all now in my life, all of my friend have passed over with Cancer and I am in the same boat as you, I am thinking of moving to start a new life as I am in an area where there is nothing for someone on their own, worth being involved with, everyone is in families or couples and I feel out of it all. I would love to meet new friends and have a new meaningful relationship but don't feel I am in an area where I can meet anyone, so I empathize with you, it is very hard. It isn't the done thing as a woman, to be going in pubs alone in the hope of meeting someone, and it isn't much fun either, so it leaves you at a loss. Online dating seems a joke, most of the profiles appear to be fake and others I have seen give me cause form concern, it is a minefield for someone in their late 50's on their own, how do we break out of the loneliness and isolation? I am here if you want a friend Mary. KazViewDate:
17th Mar 2016Kazzy57 commented on:
Someone to talk toHi Lynn, I am also lonely, so I am happy to chat with you. I am alone 24/7, no company, it is very hard and soul destroying. I am based in Lancashire but wondering where to move to where I can have some good company, find a nice little place to rent and a job to support myself, I have no family and the only friend I have is in her 70's and spends all of her time supporting sick relatives, so my only contact with her is odd occasions by phone. Wondering where the best place in the UK is for someone late 50's with limited income and where people are friendly, and it is easy to meet people and find a decent place to live and a job? Any ideas? Where are you Lynn? Kaz -
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