Lytham lucky's latest comments
18th May 2016Lytham lucky commented on:
Anyone interested in paranormal experiences?Being a spiritualist I have been involved in most things nothing surprises me never make a move without I have a word with those on the other side all wonderful stuffViewDate:
14th May 2016Lytham lucky commented on:
What are you reading at the moment?Hi everyone yes I always read them twice I also like Nikki French I like to be sucked in in the first few pagesViewDate:
13th May 2016Lytham lucky commented on:
What are you reading at the moment?At the moment I am reading Peter James You Are Dead I have read them all I think he's greatViewDate:
12th May 2016Lytham lucky commented on:
Should it be legal to require females to wear high heels at work?High heels always look smart... But to work 8hrs maybe going up and down stairs I think its too much I always started in them but swapped to flats half way through a shiftViewDate:
10th May 2016Lytham lucky commented on:
Travel to IranLove anything to do with the middle east been to Egypt wasn't a safe time to go when I went ( twin towers had just come down) but still enjoyed it love Iranian artifacts picturesViewDate:
10th May 2016Lytham lucky commented on:
Bizarre Bathroom BlundersHa ha reminds me of a friend of mine who put fire-jack somewhere he shouldn't he had to drive 50 miles with the window down to cool offViewDate:
9th May 2016Lytham lucky commented on:
What kind of birds have you seen in your garden today?Living on the sea front we only see seagulls and pidgins. We are totally against visitors that bring bags full of crumbs and feed the birds and ducks even standing next to the signs telling you not too.ViewDate:
7th May 2016Lytham lucky commented on:
Winter in the fiftiesYes I remember liberty bodice nice and warm I used to chew the rubber buttons in class I also had a hat that I used to put my donkeys tail throughViewDate:
5th May 2016Lytham lucky commented on:
What’s the best way to complain?Letter and phone to get my point across I always try to be nice find it nearly always worksViewDate:
5th May 2016Lytham lucky commented on:
Do you buy a daily newspaper or do you read the news online?I love to sit down with my paper and coffee in the morningViewDate:
2nd May 2016Lytham lucky commented on:
Do you think Camilla should be crowned queen?I know she makes him very happy but not queenViewDate:
1st May 2016Lytham lucky commented on:
Do you use regular forums or do you prefer facebook?Love silversurfers can't stand facebook all those people you don't know wanting to tell you all about their boring lives I find it very oddViewDate:
1st May 2016Lytham lucky commented on:
Do you feel lonely?I make it my aim to get out and meet people every day it's the night time that is the worst I don't feel right walking around at night on my ownViewDate:
29th Apr 2016ViewDate:
29th Apr 2016Lytham lucky commented on:
Should smoking be brought back into pubs?No definitely not we none smokers can't even sit outside a pub because its where the smokers sit puffing awayViewDate:
29th Apr 2016Lytham lucky commented on:
I have been forgotten, I no longer existNo don't become a hermit even a walk around the block smiling at people may get you a new friend friend's are just people you haven't yet met please don't give up. summer is nearly here ha ha as the snow is fallingViewDate:
29th Apr 2016Lytham lucky commented on:
I have been forgotten, I no longer existI have said many times that when you get to 50ish. You are invisibleViewDate:
29th Apr 2016Lytham lucky commented on:
Do you find supermarket offers misleading?I am finding things are shrinking so you are not getting a bargain at all