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What are your views on TV Charity Begging Adverts?

Over a number of years there has and even more lately been endless adverts asking for money, from children through to animals and onto water and so on. Of course there are many reasons to give money but are we the only ones in England constantly being asked to give money even for other countries through out the world , even in disasters, I too willingly send money to the British Red Cross who do a marvellous job, where I know my donation will get to the most needy of people. But my main concern is why doesn't the governments of some of these countries try and help their own people instead of people here in England constantly being bombarded with begging adverts, what are your views regarding TV begging adverts, and at tea time too?

Created By on 20/11/2015

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6th Dec 2021 00:46:35
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I well remember a friend who had given to cancer research by direct debit for quite a few years, out of the blue she received a phone call from cancer research asking if she could put the amount up from £5 per month to £ friend replied sorry I can not afford it you see I have been off work as I have been having treatment as I have breast cancer, to which the women replied well shall I phone in a couple of months you might be back at work . At this my friend was so livid she hung up went on her bank account and cancelled direct debit. Me ? I ignore all the adverts I stick to helping my friends out and the British legion
Response from PurpleHat made on 6th Dec 2021 22:01:43
I totally agree, fund-raising tactics such as this are counter-productive. I have cancelled Direct Debits for the same reason, asking for more and more, or unreasonable amounts beyond ones purse.
31st Dec 2024 08:20:36
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The one thing we can all do is give absolutely nothing to charities that advertise on TV, a lot of them are just a business.
The word non profit making always amuses me, its non profit making because they pay themselves huge amounts of money along with luxury cars.
29th Dec 2024 19:47:44
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An absolutely ridiculous amount of begging adverts, the number should be reduced by a good two thirds if not more. they are an imposition and a total pain in the backside.
If people choose to donate to a charity they are quite capable of making up their own minds without all this rubbish being foisted on them.
10th Dec 2024 10:49:53
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I totally agree. A lot of the money goes to executives of these charities getting huge bonuses
6th Dec 2024 20:49:37
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whilst I appreciate that these charities do great work and I donate sometimes. The one time this
went to far for me was when they called at my door, I offered them some money, they said they could not take my money but were asking me to set up a direct debit.
3rd Sep 2024 23:23:35
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I totally get where you’re coming from. It feels like every time you turn on the TV, there’s another ad asking for donations. It’s frustrating, especially when you think these countries’ governments should be stepping up for their own people instead of relying on folks like us in the to keep sending money.

And those ads always seem to pop up at the worst times, like when you’re just trying to enjoy dinner. It’s normal to feel worn out from it all. Sometimes you just need a break from constantly being asked to give.
5th Aug 2024 14:48:12 (Last activity: 9th Aug 2024 08:34:33)
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I worry that too much money is given to charities chief executive-some of them are on hundreds of thousands of pounds!
Response from cris1117 made on 9th Aug 2024 08:18:20
Children drink dirty water because they have no choice, drinking water polluted by raw sewage because they have no choice.
Because the UK water companies pay the bosses and shareholders big dividends instead of using that money to treat the sewage properly and not dump it into our rivers.
Response from Wilf made on 9th Aug 2024 08:34:33 > @cris1117
I totally agree. It is an outrage that the water companies were privatised. They are monopolies for goodness sake. The only point I would make is anything the government gets involved in or runs is normally a fiasco-HS2 so what to do?
12th Mar 2024 02:05:51
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I have had enough of seeing these ads when there are people in the uk that are also struggling with getting food or paying for gas and electricity. Years have gone by and millions of pounds have been given to charity, but, it has been proven that it is not enough. I am now paying for sky tv that I do not watch as I cannot watch tv as these ads spoil it.
24th Dec 2020 17:16:13 (Last activity: 12th Dec 2023 13:51:35)
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I’m overwhelmed by all the adverts on tv, children, animals old people, water aid, homeless, the snow cat, elephants, rhino. Gorillas,, donkeys, cancer diabetes, Parkinson’s, the list goes on and on. I want to help the world but I am one person, I’m not rich, I can’t deal with this bombardment. I turn the adverts off, but they still get me. I give to the charities I can. Heat foundation, animal charity, Diabetes U.K., poppy appeal, , and give on the day to certain ones but I. Feel awful for not doing more to help. Does anyone’s else feel like this ??
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 24th Dec 2020 20:09:46
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Response from arpinsandie made on 10th Jan 2021 13:44:08
I totally agree with you I now get really annoyed It's so overwhelming you couldn't chose if you wanted to
Some of the children suffering must be by now parents of their own
I have to turn off the sound The middle class women who sit self righteously talking about 'my little girl sleeping with an older man' is offensive beyond belief The girl is not 'your little girl'
Apart from switching off there doesn't seem to be nothing that takes away a feeling of guilt because we can't save the world
Nothing entices me to support any advertised charities in fact they do the opposite now I'm going to find a family who because of this pandemic can no longer buy a warm coat or food I will remain anonymous with my donation
I refuse to be made to feel guilty by these people TV charities anymore which is very hard
Response from BRBob made on 9th Jul 2021 15:19:14
I donate to three British charities monthly and drop a few coins to the tin rattlers, RNLI, RNIB etc.
Charity I am afraid begins at home. We have our share of homeless, deprived and hungry people.
Response from anneridgway made on 27th Sep 2021 12:09:01 > @arpinsandie
I agree with you with regard to all the TV ads. I'm now at the stage of muting them and going to make a cup of tea! I always felt guilty for doing that, but frankly I don't anymore. At this time of the year I do my bit for charity by sitting in a supermarket for a week or two behind a table full of poppies, selling them for Royal British Legion. The rest of the time I am happy to put money in tins and buy odds and ends from the charity shops that are now littering our high streets and town centres. I won't even send money to charities any more. Once you do they've got your details and you find yourself being bombarded by mail and email. As far as I'm concerned, they've all shot themselves in the foot. Instead of making us care and want to help they've just alienated us.
Response from BRBob made on 25th Jan 2022 16:32:45 > @arpinsandie
One thing not mentioned is that for every child saved now, with a donation, will be asking for more donations when they have bred more children.
Education and contraception is a better use of the money.
Response from SueS526 made on 27th Jan 2022 10:49:48 > @arpinsandie
Absolutely agree. We cannot save everything. We need to look after our own issues first. I’m sick of begging guilt tripping adverts.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 27th Jan 2022 14:05:51 > @SueS526
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Response from Billthom53 made on 3rd Jun 2022 14:09:59 > @anneridgway
Correct me if I am wrong, is it not incumbent on the government to support these charities ?
And all public donations are deducted from the government's responsibility, ergo, all our donations are a personal tax hike.
They are usually behind these things... I stopped donating a long time ago...
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 3rd Jun 2022 14:36:04 > @Billthom53
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Response from soapmaker made on 8th Aug 2022 21:59:13 > @arpinsandie
that one is the worst!!! These stupid women look sooo distraught!!
MY little girl ,my foot. The parents are the parents of their little girl. What happens to THEIR children Is their responsibility.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 9th Aug 2022 08:13:00 > @soapmaker
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Response from NewsomeLad made on 9th Dec 2022 13:17:55 > @BRBob
Until recently RNLI was the only charity I gave to, what stopped me was the recent disclosure of them patrolling the English Channel to pick up Assylum Seekers making the illegal crossings. actually on one occasion reported to sail within 4 miles of the French Coast to do this
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 9th Dec 2022 14:17:37 > @NewsomeLad
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Response from shuggy made on 9th Jan 2023 13:46:02 > @NewsomeLad
That's a new one ,I thought the R.N.L.I, was there to save British people in distress or others in distress on our waters! So do the French not have a rescue service,Mind you there have been reports of the french police standing watching people overloading boats to set of for our shores >Wouldn't surprise me if the French Government were supplying inflatables with the money the UK is giving them to get rid of the problem from their side???
Response from NewsomeLad made on 24th Jun 2023 17:12:08 > @anneridgway
The only charity I would give to if I came across a collecting box was the Lifeboats, that was until I heard they were actively seeking out the illegal dinghy travellers and escorting them to British shores, on at least one occasion they were within 4 miles if the French Coast. I was duped into voting Brexit to stop all this
Response from CambridgeAnnie made on 4th Aug 2023 15:03:12 > @arpinsandie
Well said
Response from BRBob made on 12th Dec 2023 13:51:35 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Bloody annoying seeing this all the time filling space where I want to see comments.
8th Dec 2023 12:34:44
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I give them nothing, their shock tactics don't work. All the overkill ads do is turn me off.
9th Dec 2022 13:09:54 (Last activity: 24th Jun 2023 10:29:32)
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What puzzles me with this daily trek for water is why dont they just move their huts nearer to the water source and save all that walking
Response from shuggy made on 9th Jan 2023 13:57:02
Where are these Kids Parents ?? why would you have children when you knew full well you could not look after them properly and have to send them trekking for water !! Strange how cameras on hand ,mind you we all know it's all done for the cameras in order to try and bleed more money from the British Public As I commented previously where does The 15 Billion Pounds + we give Annually in Foreign Aid go to, plus, all the Comic Relief , Children in need etc ,I have never seen anything published about how it is distributed !!!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 9th Jan 2023 14:42:34 > @shuggy
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Response from Spurdog58 made on 24th Jun 2023 10:29:32 > @shuggy
100% agree!
3rd Mar 2023 10:24:28 (Last activity: 20th Jun 2023 17:58:02)
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I don’t pay the TV Licence fee to be bombarded by begging charities, especially by the BBC! Times are tough for all of us & the money these charities spend on making the adverts, sending people to far flung places to film costs so much more than necessary which would be better spent on their causes.
Response from BRBob made on 20th Jun 2023 16:55:25
No one seems to,, appreciate the danger of these begging adverts. Feed them you breed them. Every £10 today will need £50 in 20 years time when the uncontrolled birth rate explodes.
Response from BabsW made on 20th Jun 2023 17:58:02 > @BRBob
Totally agree with you!
28th May 2023 10:24:22 (Last activity: 28th May 2023 22:19:37)
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£234,000.00 CEO salary for Children in need. Given that 98% of all moneys raised is collected by volunteers, why is such a CEO even needed? Their entire job could be done by a few volunteers for around £0.00 a year!
Response from Wilf made on 28th May 2023 22:19:37
I totally agree...the CEOs of charities should be paid a maximum of c£75k. Thats more than enough for anyone!
21st Apr 2023 13:40:57
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I rarely watch adverts, we record everything or delay the start.
17th Mar 2023 10:43:24
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Far too many which are distressing and amount to emotional blackmail, but saddest of all is that they are necessary.
12th Mar 2023 13:48:52 (Last activity: 12th Mar 2023 21:46:33)
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Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 12th Mar 2023 19:00:18
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Response from [deleted] made on 12th Mar 2023 21:46:33
12th Mar 2023 13:55:31
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22nd Jan 2023 14:58:04 (Last activity: 23rd Jan 2023 08:22:03)
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I agree with ZAK32 Costantly asking for money drives me mad as a pensioner I give to 6 charity close to my heart enough is enough it's too much !
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 23rd Jan 2023 08:22:03
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11th Dec 2022 16:04:30 (Last activity: 9th Jan 2023 13:34:07)
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I think they should be taken of the tv and the government should step in to stop it I too give to certain charity's including red cross but when your constantly asking for donations what about the poor English family with children don't they count
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 11th Dec 2022 20:45:56
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Response from shuggy made on 9th Jan 2023 13:34:07
I totally agree, this problem must be limited to this country.I know The french Government is actually looking to stop all advertising on French television.I would like to know what is done with the estimated 15 Billion Pounds of UK Foreign Aid we give every year,plus all the money raised
from Comic Relief, etc , etc .We give aid to Countries like Pakistan ,India who have Nuclear Weapons and Space Programs,and it would probably be easier to name the rest of the countries we don't give aid of some sort to!!I stopped giving ta well known charities after the scandal of the Top Executives were getting big pay checks and swanning round the World first class and staying in Five Star Hotels We only give to local charities were we know what we give will get to the people who need it!!!
31st Dec 2022 17:24:50 (Last activity: 1st Jan 2023 08:18:45)
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I find most TV advertising irritating but especially begging ads. That sad, caring voice over really gets on my nerves. As soon as the commercial break banner comes up I reach for remote and mute the TV.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 1st Jan 2023 08:18:45
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19th Dec 2022 10:59:41 (Last activity: 19th Dec 2022 11:46:42)
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I think the adverts should be taken of because people can’t afford to donate with prices going up on things like food and heating and living so it is hard to think about helping charity’s if you wanted to but they put them on too much especially around Christmas
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 19th Dec 2022 11:46:42
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