What are your views on TV Charity Begging Adverts?
Watch this postOver a number of years there has and even more lately been endless adverts asking for money, from children through to animals and onto water and so on. Of course there are many reasons to give money but are we the only ones in England constantly being asked to give money even for other countries through out the world , even in disasters, I too willingly send money to the British Red Cross who do a marvellous job, where I know my donation will get to the most needy of people. But my main concern is why doesn't the governments of some of these countries try and help their own people instead of people here in England constantly being bombarded with begging adverts, what are your views regarding TV begging adverts, and at tea time too?
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I have my chosen Charities which I regularly support, but I do not want unsolicited packs of Christmas cards, Fluffy toys, more literature and Photographs I would rather the money this costs is used for the purposes I gave it. This will not make me give more, rather it will stop me from giving as it seems wasteful. A small thankyou letter once a year is plenty.
The word non profit making always amuses me, its non profit making because they pay themselves huge amounts of money along with luxury cars.
If people choose to donate to a charity they are quite capable of making up their own minds without all this rubbish being foisted on them.
went to far for me was when they called at my door, I offered them some money, they said they could not take my money but were asking me to set up a direct debit.
And those ads always seem to pop up at the worst times, like when you’re just trying to enjoy dinner. It’s normal to feel worn out from it all. Sometimes you just need a break from constantly being asked to give.
Because the UK water companies pay the bosses and shareholders big dividends instead of using that money to treat the sewage properly and not dump it into our rivers.
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Some of the children suffering must be by now parents of their own
I have to turn off the sound The middle class women who sit self righteously talking about 'my little girl sleeping with an older man' is offensive beyond belief The girl is not 'your little girl'
Apart from switching off there doesn't seem to be nothing that takes away a feeling of guilt because we can't save the world
Nothing entices me to support any advertised charities in fact they do the opposite now I'm going to find a family who because of this pandemic can no longer buy a warm coat or food I will remain anonymous with my donation
I refuse to be made to feel guilty by these people TV charities anymore which is very hard
Charity I am afraid begins at home. We have our share of homeless, deprived and hungry people.
Education and contraception is a better use of the money.
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And all public donations are deducted from the government's responsibility, ergo, all our donations are a personal tax hike.
They are usually behind these things... I stopped donating a long time ago...
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MY little girl ,my foot. The parents are the parents of their little girl. What happens to THEIR children Is their responsibility.
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from Comic Relief, etc , etc .We give aid to Countries like Pakistan ,India who have Nuclear Weapons and Space Programs,and it would probably be easier to name the rest of the countries we don't give aid of some sort to!!I stopped giving ta well known charities after the scandal of the Top Executives were getting big pay checks and swanning round the World first class and staying in Five Star Hotels We only give to local charities were we know what we give will get to the people who need it!!!
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