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Pen pals

I have been pen palling for a while now does anyone else do this and is there somewhere on the site for this? It would be nice to write to people on here if they were interested.

Created By on 20/02/2014

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17th Jul 2020 23:13:39 (Last activity: 18th Jul 2020 07:24:13)
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I have been Googleing for several months,trying to find a pen pal site,that is free and caterers for people in there 70's
Response from Doreen2 made on 18th Jul 2020 07:24:13
Hi fnsgb.
Join in any of the conversation, you can meet some very nice people, as you can see if you read the different letters I am in contact with cat lady tawny, and answered byculla who joined yesterday I’m in my 80’s and it’s nice to have a chat and see how other people are living there lives
17th Jul 2020 07:07:27 (Last activity: 17th Jul 2020 15:47:05)
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Hi, all.

I've never done this sort of thing before; not since I was a schoolboy!
Seems like a million years ago!

I suppose I must be the oldest fella on this site -- 73; unless you all know better. I'm in Hertfordshire & trying to introduce myself to all who are interested in being my pen pal. I live alone now simply because I recently lost my wife of 52 years just eight months ago. I used to go to Sligo in West of Ireland with her for donkey's years (no pun intended) 'coz she was from there -- a farm lass. All history now.

Well, I won't take up any more of your time. It should be nice to liaise with people in this manner -- pen palling, I mean. And see what happens. It could be fun. And maybe, someone from Sligo will join in, too! That would be wonderful. I'll say 'bye for now; back soon.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 17th Jul 2020 08:11:18
Hi Byculla,

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Response from Wilf made on 17th Jul 2020 08:14:03
Good Morning Byculla and welcome to Silversurfers. I am sure you will find many friendly folk on here. I went to Knock and the surrounding area many years ago and it was stunning plus loved the pubs with Guinness and the local music and jigs
Response from Doreen2 made on 17th Jul 2020 15:20:36 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Hi Byculla
Can give you a few years.. I’m 87. My husband died 6 months ago, we had been married 64 years. It takes some getting used to living alone......never been to Ireland, but love their Guinness, there is a response from Wilf, I too love the music, but got a bit past the jigs
Response from Byculla made on 17th Jul 2020 15:47:05 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Thank you, Sally for your kind welcome upon my debut on this busy chat-stand. Promises to be fun & warm by way of all these nice people chipping in with their own 'contributions' of chatter & experiences; can be therapeutic, too, for people like me who have suddenly found themselves being lonely thru' bereavement. Loneliness is terrible!

See how things span out 'coz I'm not used to being on my own. I dare say that I shall find my way around in time &, hopefully, make some wonderful friends here.

Back later, & thanks again, Hazel.
8th Jun 2020 07:23:48 (Last activity: 3rd Jul 2020 17:39:27)
Thanks for voting!
I just joined Silver Surfers and would love some pen-pals, but I'm not quite sure how this "pen pal thing" works ? ? If someone sees this post and wants to be a pen-pal, will they contact me HERE, on this (pen-pal) page ? And if they do, how do we go about exchanging email addresses OR regular (street + city) addresses ? Anyway, I'm 69, but in my mind (and attitude) I feel decades younger ! I'm an avid animal lover, and I've been a vegetarian for 40 yrs. I know that Silver Surfers is located in England, but I live in the U.S. --- in the state of Georgia. But, my mum was born and raised in Hull, ENGLAND, and came to the U.S. shortly after the War ended. I, myself, visited Hull in 1973 --- just for a week, which was way too short because it's such a lovely area !
Response from Doreen2 made on 27th Jun 2020 15:28:18
I’m also new to this “pen pal thing” and how it works, so thought I would post a reply in the hope that it appears and we can take it from there, I am just below Hull on the east coast
Response from catlady24 made on 28th Jun 2020 00:50:39 > @Doreen2
Hi Doreen, So glad to see your response ! So, you're also new to this "pen pal thing," like myself. Well, you won't believe this unbelievable coincidence = you said that you live just below Hull --- well, even though I live in the US, my mum was born and raised in HULL ! ! ! With that said, I'm hoping that "this" is fate, and that you and I will become (close) pen pals. *anxiously awaiting your response'
catlady24 -- i.e. Vicki Casson

[email protected]
Response from Doreen2 made on 28th Jun 2020 12:36:47
Hi, Vicki.
It was no coincidence that I remarked I was just below Hull on the map, you mentioned in your initial letter that your mother was from Hull and that you had visited there for a week..
How are you managing in Georgia with the coronavirus lockdown, we are just starting to try to get back to normal, but I don’t think the new normal will be anything like normal living for a long time , do you?
Response from catlady24 made on 28th Jun 2020 16:34:17
Hello Doreen2 --- You asked how I was "managing in Georgia ?" Well, you must've heard that many areas in the US have had an upsurge in Corona cases, with the west and southern areas being the worst. Well, since my state of Georgia is "southern," I'm being REAL careful ! You said that = "We are just starting to get back to normal, but I don't think that the new normal will be anything like normal living for a long time." You asked what I think ? Yes, I agree with you, that the "new normal" won't be anything like
NORMAL living for a long time --- if ever !
Response from Doreen2 made on 29th Jun 2020 13:18:51
Yes, heard how there is another upsurge in the south of America, must be very worrying for you, it makes me wish we weren't coming out of lockdown so quickly
Did you notice a letter from a lady signed as TAWNY, from her posting,loves animals, wouldn't it be nice to include her in our posting,
Response from catlady24 made on 29th Jun 2020 18:28:24 > @Doreen2
Hello Doreen, So, you heard that America's SOUTH is surging with the virus --- and "yes" (like you stated), it's very worrying for me ! Especially since my husband is a matainance man (caretaker, as you probably say in England) at an apartment complex here in Georgia. So, even though you're suppose to "social distance," he really can't, since he has to go into apartments when something breaks (like a dishwasher, fridge, furnace, etc). *I agree with you --- that it would be nice to include this TAWNY in our posts
Response from Tawny made on 29th Jun 2020 21:11:22 > @catlady24
Hello. I only posted today and Doreen has replied and suggested I joined your posts, so I hope that’s okay. I am in Southern England in the county of West Sussex, although originally born in South London. I am involved in horses in particular New Forest Ponies, but love the countryside, wildlife and photography. Reading your last post I see the virus is surging in your area, it is quite frightening and I hope you and your husband stay safe. Look forward to further posts . Gillian
Response from Michele53 made on 3rd Jul 2020 14:20:30 > @Doreen2
HI Doreen

I am also new to this pen pal thing. My name is Michele and I am 66 years old, living in York. Would love to be your penpal.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 3rd Jul 2020 14:51:39 > @Michele53
Hi Michele53,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

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Response from Doreen2 made on 3rd Jul 2020 16:00:33 > @Michele53
Hi Michele, nice to hear from you, as you can see this is a forum, anyone can join in conversations, this one started with me contacting catlady24 who is Vicki and comes from America, and the other lady Tawny, who is Gillian and comes from West Sussex, I’m sure they will welcome you as I do. And anyone else who is following our conversation, please join in, the more the merrier, that is what it is all about
Response from Michele53 made on 3rd Jul 2020 16:28:39 > @Doreen2
Hi Doreen. Thank you for replying. Hope you are keeping safe and well during these difficult times.
Response from catlady24 made on 3rd Jul 2020 17:07:48 > @Michele53
Hello Michele, I just saw your posting and was surprised to see that you're from NY ! I say this because of the fact that Silver Surfers is in England. Although I "managed" to find this "0ver 50 social network," and I'm from the US too. I live in a small city in southern Georgia called Albany. Anyway --- although I've only "been at" Silver Surfers for a 2 weeks, I've "met" 3 nice English ladies. But, I would also love to have a "USA pen pal." Best Regards, catlady24 (Vicki)
Response from Doreen2 made on 3rd Jul 2020 17:39:27 > @Michele53
Hi Michele,
So pleased to see you have contacted Vicki, I thought I had read you were from York, which I just presumed was England, but Vickie has got you American, will be interested to see where we can pinpoint you on the map
Do contact Tawny (Gillian) or anyone else who will enjoy our chats, they would appreciate you contacting them
1st Jul 2020 17:58:00
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Good Day Doreen, You asked about cats -- I have my 3 indoor kitties and I feed 7 outdoor (homeless) cats. I agree with you about the (very different) temperaments between cats + dogs. Dogs are loving/faithful, but cats (act like they) own you. I didn't know that folks in England ALSO use that phrase "Over the Pond," when they refer to the USA. I just thought it was a phrase that Americans use when talking about England. I agree with you --- that when I hear the word POND, I think of water on a village green. My Best to You, Vicki
29th Jun 2020 11:26:42 (Last activity: 30th Jun 2020 07:50:44)
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Morning. I’m looking for a pen pal with equestrian, wildlife, photography interests. I love to walk when my hips allow and I also draw. I have been involved with New Forest Ponies for 40 years & currently own a 7yr old which, with help I backed at the age of 64, I’m now 66. My body complains bitterly & my confidence is not what it use to be but I am not quite ready to give up yet. I love the countryside & wildlife and have a particular interest in owls & bats. I am in West Sussex and if anyone would like to write and share interests I would love to hear from you, eventually either emailing or messenger. Thank you.
Response from Doreen2 made on 29th Jun 2020 19:22:46
To tawny
Read your posting, if you look at the other postings there is a catlady24 her name is vicki, we started a couple of days ago posting to each other, she is in America, our interests seem similar to yours , I suggested to her we include you in our postings, as you can see from her reply she likes the idea, so if you reply to her she would be pleased
Response from Tawny made on 29th Jun 2020 20:29:23 > @Doreen2
Thank you for responding, will do, sounds good. I am still finding my way round using this page on this site so bear with me!
Response from Doreen2 made on 30th Jun 2020 06:49:36
Just read the postings between yourself and Vicki, lovely, don’t you both think it’s a good idea having a circle of us, lots of new interests to think and talk about
Response from Tawny made on 30th Jun 2020 07:50:44 > @Doreen2
Morning. Yes, it’s a great idea and always good to meet new people and share interests and learn about new ones too
22nd Jun 2020 13:41:03 (Last activity: 26th Jun 2020 12:00:09)
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Hi my name is Paula I am 70 years young and live in Spalding Lincolnshire. I would love to be a pen pal either by messenger or the old fashioned way, letter post. I would be most interested in someone from any European country. I am disabled, live alone, apart from my dog and two cats. I enjoy reading, art, gardening (new thing since COVID struck) countryside, seasides, and my greatest passion is singing. If you are interested get in touch.
Response from AllisonM7 made on 26th Jun 2020 11:14:05
Hi Paula!
My name is Allison. I'm not from Europe but from Tasmania, Australia. I would love to be your pen pal. I love with my fiance and my cat and dog. I love films and arts:)
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 26th Jun 2020 12:00:09 > @AllisonM7
Hi AllisonM7,

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12th Jun 2020 11:15:00
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Welcome. Have a look round at the topics and dive in when you find something that interests you. 🙂

Pat 🙂
Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
11th Jun 2020 22:54:04
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Hi BeetleBrian,

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22nd Mar 2020 01:09:58 (Last activity: 22nd May 2020 22:03:58)
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hi there, just joined, single lady aged 55 lived alone for the past 15 years just me my dog and cat and bird, not had the best of health, but have a good sense of humour, would love to chat, come from lancashire.
Response from Melina - Assistant Editor made on 22nd Mar 2020 07:34:19
Hi and welcome to Silversurfers. A good tip on how to get involved on our site is to take a look at Current Topics in our Forum and feel free to engage in anything that takes your interest. We also have a very active Speakers Corner section where you may find something that interests you.

I hope you enjoy being part of our community.

Response from fauna made on 23rd Mar 2020 14:11:11
Hello Chanti,

I have just joined too, and am single 57yr old lady living on my own , that enjoys a laugh at things as much as possible .

I really love and care about animals, wildlife and nature, which is my greatest interest , and miss my dear family and my lovely pusscat companion that have all passed on.

I'm originally from London, but have lived in the Scottish Highlands for sometime now .

Would be lovely to hear from you , if you'd like to be in touch .

All best wishes.
Response from silveroctopus made on 10th May 2020 05:33:33 > @fauna
Hi Fauna
I'm in the West Midlands. I'm a 61 yr old lady - hubbie died 2 yrs ago suddenly - I have 2 furries - guinea pigs- and I love horticulture. If you and Chanti want to be in touch with me I'd like to hear from you both x
Response from Flowerchild made on 20th May 2020 20:47:56 > @fauna
Hi Fauna
I'm a 57 year old lady. I'm also passionate about animals and nature. I live with my partner and 2 dogs in Dorset.

It would be lovely to hear from you.

Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 20th May 2020 20:52:48 > @Flowerchild
Hi Flowerchild,

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Response from Zara2 made on 22nd May 2020 22:03:58 > @fauna
I visited Kirkwall 3 years ago and went to the Italian Chapel. So beautiful.
2nd Sep 2019 21:06:19 (Last activity: 22nd May 2020 22:00:05)
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Hello everyone I am a 57 year old widow looking for friendship. I live in a small community, actually I live in the country. I enjoy reading, rug twinning, movies, hanging with my grandchildren, all types of music except rap, opera, and poka. I enjoy meeting new people from all over the world.
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 2nd Sep 2019 22:00:11
Welcome younggrammy to this site I hope you make lots of new friends with the same interest as you.

Response from Gunilla made on 21st May 2020 15:06:14
My name is Gunilla. I live in Sweden and I am 57 years old.
I hope we can become penfriends.

All the best
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 21st May 2020 15:46:51 > @Gunilla
Hi Gunilla,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from Zara2 made on 22nd May 2020 22:00:05 > @Gunilla
Sweden is somewhere I would love to travel to. I love travel and travelled most places but not Sweden.
22nd May 2020 21:14:56 (Last activity: 22nd May 2020 21:57:22)
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Hi everyone I am new here.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 22nd May 2020 21:29:29
Hi Zara2,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from Zara2 made on 22nd May 2020 21:57:22 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Thank you Sally.
18th May 2020 11:09:34 (Last activity: 20th May 2020 07:40:01)
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Good Morning, I am new to pen pal’s I have been married for over 20 years and I am at present living in a Nursing Home in Staffordshire, Then few days ago I received a letter telling me my marriage is over and we are now separated.

Hence I wanted to see if I could find a pen pal.

It would to be able to talk ? I enjoy watching films, reading, I am interested in history mainly in England.

I enjoy listening to country music.
Response from MayaMac made on 20th May 2020 07:40:01
So sorry for your troubles. I enjoy writing to interesting people and would enjoy penpaling with you if you would like. I also enjoy history, animals writing and many other interests. I am in Scotland.
Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
19th May 2020 08:05:33
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Hi Kailen012,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

13th May 2020 12:26:42 (Last activity: 15th May 2020 11:53:34)
Thanks for voting!
Am looking for 'pen to paper' penpals, to exchange 'banter' with...I am currently missing seeing people in social settings, miss the chat & exchange - am a supporter of 'pub culture (even though I am not a great drinker).

I enjoy writing, reading books, music (seeing bands), appreciate art, growing things ( flowers, food), country-life, cats, nature, walking and riding pillion.

I live in Dorset, am 56 and look forward to making 'new friends' to exchange letters with. it gloriously worded long letters, or just any everyday chat and I like laughs too.

In the meantime, to celebrate Stevie's Birthday today......"Signed, Sealed, Delivered.....I' m Yours"
Response from FELINEFRIEND made on 14th May 2020 20:49:51
Hi Halina, thanks for your lovely letter, glad you are getting on well with the site.Will be writing a letter for you this weekend, have a good weekend love Ann X
Response from Pingu55 made on 15th May 2020 10:42:26
I would love to start writing letters I miss doing that. I like all sorts of things. Family time,reading,walking,holidays I like meeting new people.
Response from The_bees_knees made on 15th May 2020 11:53:34 > @Pingu55
Hi Pingu55,
I am going to leave you a message on private chat. Blue arrow at the side of screen! If you'd like to correspond I would be happy to hear from you!

15th May 2020 10:45:11 (Last activity: 15th May 2020 10:46:33)
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I am also old fashioned and would really enjoy writing and receiving letters.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 15th May 2020 10:46:33
Hi Pingu55,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

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13th May 2020 12:56:04 (Last activity: 13th May 2020 15:21:24)
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Not getting any responses now so I won't keep checking this site
Response from MrsPat made on 13th May 2020 15:21:24
It is worth persevering as there are lots of very nice and interesting people on the site. I have been on here a few years and found it very entertaining
13th May 2020 13:48:29 (Last activity: 13th May 2020 15:19:47)
Thanks for voting!
I joined last week, never got any response to my introduction post, so like you I don't think i'll be checking in anymore
Response from MrsPat made on 13th May 2020 15:19:47
There are a lot of nice people on here to converse with. What do you do?
9th May 2020 04:45:42 (Last activity: 10th May 2020 21:22:47)
Thanks for voting!
I would love to have a pen pal. I am new to this site and would enjoy hearing from others. Age just brings wisdom!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 9th May 2020 09:17:03
Hi PattieK,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from ebrown3441 made on 10th May 2020 21:22:47
Hi I am 83 and not sure how wise but if you want a penpal then we can correspond and see how it goes.
6th May 2020 16:02:34 (Last activity: 7th May 2020 15:59:51)
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I am very interested in penpals... now sure if it is a bit old fashioned now but hey I am old fashioned so WTH 🙂
Response from AimeeF made on 6th May 2020 21:34:23
What do you think about having a young person as a pen pal? I have some young teenage grandkids who would love it!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 6th May 2020 22:19:05 > @AimeeF
Hi AimeeF,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from MayaMac made on 6th May 2020 22:21:57 > @AimeeF
Well I have no children so therefore no grandchildren myself so it would be wonderful to connect with young people
Response from MayaMac made on 7th May 2020 15:59:51 > @AimeeF
Hi I thought I had replied to this via my phone but it has gone disappeared so I will try again... hence the reason I like the old pen and paper 🙂 I have no children and therefore no grandchildren so I would love to connect with young people if they would like to write to an old fogey!
7th May 2020 12:51:42 (Last activity: 7th May 2020 12:58:25)
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I have one pen pal in the USA who I met in the early eighty's . Now I have just started writing &emailing 2 in Hertfordshire , as we are due to move to Stevenage and want to make new friend.s
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 7th May 2020 12:58:25
Hi GwynethB4,

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