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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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5th Jul 2016 19:26:12 (Last activity: 5th Jul 2016 21:18:53)
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I think I have been here before ? ex Saga Zone, and also on Gransnet usually do the "Good Morning ***Day slots on those
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 5th Jul 2016 21:18:53
Hello 12michael and a very warm welcome to Silversurfers! -We are a lot different to sagazone and Gransnet with thousands of friendly members.If you are new to Silversurfers then once you have joined you can enjoy the forums (which you are doing) and chat. When you receive a new reply you will receive an email which takes you back to the Forum or Chat page you were on. You are also able to post up pictures, short stories and poems on the Showcase area of Silversurfers. In addition you have access to over 100 great discounts with leading companies with Silvercard+ I hope you enjoy Silversurfers! Kind regards, Sally
29th May 2016 13:42:14 (Last activity: 5th Jul 2016 03:57:54)
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Hello everyone! Tired of the many hours I spend alone. Just joined today. Would love to chat to others about life, love, gardening, grandchildren, cheating husbands, rediscovering one's self.
Response from supersarah made on 29th May 2016 20:05:00
hello Colleen58
I too have just joined. so come on lets chat.
my passion is gardening; ancestry; musicals; diy; internet.
Response from Phoenix122 made on 29th May 2016 21:25:49
Hi Colleen58, I have just joined but missing out the grandchildren bit (I don't have any) I should have got you to write my introduction for me LOL
Response from ian blair made on 5th Jul 2016 03:57:54
Hi Colleen
Sadly it's not just husbands who cheat and ruin families.
Puddle xx
26th Jun 2016 15:59:31 (Last activity: 26th Jun 2016 19:38:57)
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Hello everyone. Came across this site by accident but decided to join as an experienced Silver Surfer!!!

Am a retired Registered nurse and midwife, and for 17 years (many years ago) lived and worked in Bermuda.
Living alone now in a seaside town in East Anglia with my American Cocker Spaniel . Never married as wanted a career, but have been in a relationship for 14 years.

Main interests are my dog, computer, knitting and music. I play the flute with a folk dance and song group with whom I camp, and am currently learning the ukulele. Can manage 3 chords! Sang with choral societies for over 40 years but gave up a couple of years ago.

Going to church regularly is very important to me, where I take an active part in the services, (Mass) .No choir, otherwise would be in it as an alto.

Bye for now.
Response from Wilf made on 26th Jun 2016 19:38:57
Hi Puddle-bermuda sounds wonderful. I have been to Barbados and Antigua but never Bermuda. Very friendly folk on here-Regards, Wilf
21st Jun 2016 08:04:31
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Forgot to tell you that I horse ride, love dogs. sadly without one at the moment, but would like to be
an aunty to one or two, or more
18th Jun 2016 20:13:30
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Bonjour from France, where I have lived with my husband since 2003. We are both 67 and live in a very rural area where there are 3 cattle to every human. Peaceful.... except for the 'mooing'.

We worked as artisans on the local markets for the first 7 years till my state pension kicked in, but after the financial crashes in 2008, it became a lot harder to make a living as a market trader. I used to teach at weekends for a large UK craft chain, so started up some crafting groups here, that have proved very successful.

I have twin daughters back in southern England and two grandsons, so still make regular visits back over the Channel. The hustle and bustle of life in the UK can sometimes seem overwhelming when you are not used to it anymore, so I am usually very glad to get back to my peaceful little hamlet and the slower pace of life.

I am fortunate to be able to speak both French and German quite fluently, so am often called upon to be an interpreter for other English speaking immigrants. The bureaucracy here can be complicated, but once you get used to it and know which fences to jump, life becomes a lot easier.... plus, it brings me into contact with a lot of people that often become close friends.

Well - I could write a lot more - but don't want to bore you - I'm sure that I will get to know some of you better as time goes by.

My aim in these later years of life is to enjoy whatever comes my way, to be content with what I have and to be of assistance whenever possible. It's not that difficult to do, either. My inner child gets a lot of nurturing, so life is constantly full of new experiences and lots of laughter - I hope your's is too.
Lonely B
13th Jun 2016 07:22:35 (Last activity: 15th Jun 2016 01:24:11)
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Hello,. My name is Becky and I'm just looking for friends who are my age. I live in South Georgia and have a 23 yr old son and a husband who works and is trying to start a business. Due to health issues I have had to quit work but I have been a housewife for most of my 30 yr marriage. I really do get lonely right now and I am looking for others who can help me cope.
Response from blader712 made on 15th Jun 2016 01:24:11
Hi, I'm donnie, and I love everyone!
13th Jun 2016 12:30:51
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Hi everyone, am a newbie here, hope to make new friends for chats and maybe meet who knows lol
12th Jun 2016 23:05:25
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Hello everyone. New here and ready to discuss all topics!
2nd Jun 2016 18:44:09 (Last activity: 2nd Jun 2016 23:34:06)
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Hi everyone, just joined today.

Hoping to find friends as spend quite a lot of time alone due hubbys work patterns.

I'm a married lady, early 50's with no children ( gods choice, not mine) but I have 'Fur children' two dogs, living in a semi rural area. It was very rural when I moved here but not so much now.

I like most things, I love all things nature and most music, even some of the stuff on Radio 1, lol. Although I tune in to Radio 2 for Steve Wright.
I do feel quite young at heart and I still work full time, even though I don't want to most days( long story for another time) and I go to college in the evenings to better my chances of a more satisfying job, since I've got to stay in employment until I'm!

I mainly joined for friendship (as I can be quite shy sometimes) and to feel apart of something, if that makes sense.

Hope you are all fine and dandy,
Peace and love, WinnieThe Witch. xxxxx
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 2nd Jun 2016 23:34:06
Hello WinnietheWitch and a very warm welcome to Silversurfers! -If you are new to Silversurfers then once you have joined you can enjoy the forums (which you are doing) and chat. When you receive a new reply you will receive an email which takes you back to the Forum or Chat page you were on. You are also able to post up pictures, short stories and poems on the Showcase area of Silversurfers. In addition you have access to over 100 great discounts with leading companies with Silvercard+ I hope you enjoy Silversurfers! Kind regards, Sally
29th May 2016 08:36:04 (Last activity: 2nd Jun 2016 21:56:38)
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Hi Celtwich, the over 60 is the new 40, I live with the SW of UK and found you have to go out there and get 'em. We bring our children up to be good citizens and be independent and when they are, independent, we feel lost. I have not partner. You like me live in a wonderful part of the country, go girl, girl. Keep in touch, will always be good to hear your news. H
Response from irish eyes made on 2nd Jun 2016 21:56:38
hi celt witch
love the attitude to life,,,still going out there to get them but boy do they run fast,,, would love to chat... Irish eyes
29th May 2016 04:01:33
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I know what you are saying. I am 63 thought I was retired but as life throws us curves I am headed back to work in the fall and guess I will put off retirement for a few years. I am just looking for some interesting friends to talk to
19th May 2016 14:58:49
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Hi everybody! I've recently joined Silversurfers and at first I was just reading some posts. But I've decided to take a jump in to the deep end and introduce myself. I am German born but lived the majority of my life in England. My husband passed away last year and even though I am talking to my children every day and get a visit of my son at least once a week I feel a little bit lost. Working part-time helps and I intend to carry on doing this after I retire. Among other things I like to learn new things, travel, animals (even though I haven't got any pets), reading and surfing the internet (mainly to kill time). Hopefully I will find like minded people to chat to.
16th May 2016 20:59:56 (Last activity: 17th May 2016 19:11:21)
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Hi every on I am new to this type of internet site so feeling a bit nervous on what to say but looking at some of the comments of other members I may not be alone since my passed away a lot of my friends I have known from school days are sadly no longer here its a amazing how isolation soon takes over. I still work full time but its a driving job which is OK but again you are on your own all day. but I do like to drive so that's a kind of bonus. so at the weekends my free time I do try to get out and take photos landscapes seascapes totally armateur but I get to see some good parts of the country. I hope my little comment makes some kind of sense like I said this all new to me.
Response from Wilf made on 16th May 2016 21:06:29
Think you will enjoy it. I have been on here for some months and very friendly site-interesting with lots of articles as well
Response from photo49 made on 17th May 2016 19:11:21
Thanks Wilf I shall give it a go
30th Apr 2016 22:29:38 (Last activity: 16th May 2016 12:08:29)
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Hi I am Sandra1945 no guessing what age is then? I live in Kent with my husband this is our second marriage, and our dog who is called Star, she's a cavapoo. I enjoy watercolour painting, run two patchwork and quilting classes, as well as being the secretary and committee member of an active retirement association. Also I do voluntary work for a children's hospice which is very rewarding. I am an avid Mah Jong player and play on a regular basis. I am busier now than I was working trying to fit all in as well as meeting up with friends. I have joined Silversurfers as I am interested on what the website entails. Hope to hear from anyone who has similar interests as myself.
Response from Lynnek made on 1st May 2016 00:37:34
good to see you are enjoying life and making a difference
Response from Riverman made on 16th May 2016 12:08:29
Sandra, you seam to be well sorted and could bring some interesting views to our pages. Riverman.
Seaside woman
15th May 2016 19:55:45 (Last activity: 16th May 2016 12:01:32)
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Hi all, I've recently joined and am trying to get the hang of the site! Not the most technical of people I'm afraid! I work and have a big family that I do see quite a lot of. However my friends are nearly all couples and I am finding evenings, weekends, bank holidays, etc can be rather lonely. I would love to make new like minded friends to chat with. I love the coast, walking, nature and wildlife. My hobbies are reading, theatre and ballet, gardening and I'm learning Italian - slowly! in hopes of future travel. Looking forward to talking to you all....
Response from Riverman made on 16th May 2016 12:01:32
Seaside Lady, Welcome. I feel that you will soon have a group of people to connect with. Good Luck. Riverman
16th May 2016 10:11:30
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Just joined living in London. Still working part time thought the threat of redundancy is hanging over me. Love photography so may post some photos on the site. I have two cats that keep me amused. Like anything technical especially PC based as I worked in IT for 20 years.

I enjoy listening to music and watching films. I hope I can find some friends on the site to keep in contact with.
13th May 2016 15:17:40
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hi celtwitch,im a newbie just joined today,l live at the coast in north east england,beautiful place to live,l have been a widow for 3 years now and have 2 daughters and two grandchildren,l do see quite a lot of them but they both have to work.
l do get quite lonely at times for some reason l find saturdays nights the worst ,but l have quite a few friends and we go out and about lunches etc
love gardening and have 2 cats who own me,l buy and sell on ebay and love a game of bingo on line
joined on here in hope of making a few more friends
13th May 2016 10:24:18
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Hi all,
I joined in January and haven't got the hang of the site yet.
I am aged 59 and married to my husband for almost 30 years.
I live in Middlesex near West London and do not drive.
My friends have either moved away or are busy with work or child care so I spend a lot of time alone and get incredibly lonely.
I have been unemployed for some time and have had some degrading interviews.
I would be happy with a part-time job. No one wants to employ a 59 year old.
And I definitely have empty nest syndrome.
I would love to make some new loyal friends.
8th May 2016 16:20:23
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Hi everyone. Just joined and am looking forward to making friends. Don't get out much so am looking forward to chatting to you all.
Am easygoing and will chat about most things.
Take care......Alan
4th May 2016 14:20:42
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Hi everyone in Silversurfer Land. Just joined so a quick intro from this recycled teenager (if only :-)).

I class myself as a Cockney-Yorky since I was born in "The Town" & now live in "Yorkshire". was raised in Suffolk and had a few years in the Army but left early as most of the time in NI during the troubles which was not good on the family.

Enjoy traveling which is probably why I'm a HGV 1 driver and love to visit and explore different places here and abroad unfortunately wife only likes hot places with a beach 🙁 so don't explore as much as I'd like.

Families everything to me (good and bad) for without I'll have no purpose. Love entertaining and nothing gives me more pleasure than cooking and presenting a good meal to guests that they enjoy. Also like gardening but mine needs a good sort out since not been fit enough for nearly a year due to ill health (all should be sorted within the next month cross fingers) then back to long walks with me dog Diesel and getting fit and of course back to work.

Anyway thats a very brief intro and since my interests are varied and diverse anyone want to stop by and say Hi your welcome.

There are no strangers on this site just friends I've not met yet:-) So until we chat so long 😀
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