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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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30th Dec 2016 07:52:54
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Anyone local to Tamworth-Nuneaton-Atherstone that want to meet socially for coffee etc or just chat on line
29th Dec 2016 22:30:52
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Hi celtwitch

Wrote to you yesterday. We both live in Lancashire, love to know what district.

I live in Tarleton between Southport and Preston.

Are you on facebook. Please contact me for a private chat on [email protected]

Look forward to hearing from you

28th Dec 2016 10:09:45 (Last activity: 29th Dec 2016 05:15:18)
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Hello Superchick and a Happy New Year. I also live in Northern Ireland..
Response from Superchick made on 29th Dec 2016 05:15:18
Thank you and you too.
Had a hip replacement recently and hoping to get life back in 2017.
Onwards and upwards!
28th Dec 2016 22:27:38
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Hi celtwitch

I have just joined today and seeking friends and perhaps a holiday companion.

I live in Lancashire in a little village called Tarleton, between Southport and Preston.

Well I am sure that you love your dog. I have cats and live alone but at least they are company.

I am in your age group, young minded I like to think. Still working part time 3 days a week.

Love to hear from you.

Kind Regards

28th Dec 2016 06:28:20 (Last activity: 28th Dec 2016 14:08:24)
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Response from Superchick made on 28th Dec 2016 07:41:12
Hi Lynda
I joined a couple of months ago but keep forgetting to sign in.
I don't think the site flows very easily.

I've no plans today so probably go for a walk.
Widowed 2 yrs ago. Have a daughter and 2 grandsons.
Son lives with me but needs to move out. Things came to a head recently
I'm 63 going on 20 and live in N Ireland
Response from jeanmark made on 28th Dec 2016 14:08:24
Well, you're earlier than me, up since 0700 but only just come on-line. Very frosty and icy here this morning plus thick fog which has caused havoc to some drivers.

Done all the necessary chores and now chilling, a daily habit of mine!
28th Dec 2016 10:03:51
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Lyndanorth1. Welcome. A New Year is on the way. Make that another starting point to new and better ways for yourself. Family and people in general are preoccupied, occupied and forget in so many different ways these days. Society in general have evolved into a morass of muchness in every form. Our age group will always remember back to what we think was better days. New Year, new thinking. Bright thoughts and look up. Not every day will you make it but you can. If any of us are down there is only one way to go. Up.
27th Dec 2016 15:17:28 (Last activity: 27th Dec 2016 18:41:41)
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hi, my name is wombatty,i am new to this,and very slow at typingso please be patient, I am 64 yrs old,and find myself bored and rather lonely. I have a husband, been married 40 years but he is not much company.
Response from jeanmark made on 27th Dec 2016 18:12:37
Welcome won batty, I'm sure you will find lots of interesting people on the site.
Response from wombatty made on 27th Dec 2016 18:41:41
I am sure once I get the hang of it I will have a great time,only use internet to play bingo usuallyand though they have chat rooms I don't join in because I forget to buy my tickets lol.
21st Dec 2016 17:02:00 (Last activity: 21st Dec 2016 18:49:07)
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Hi everyone. I am taking the opportunity on this thread, ( as most of you all would have a link to it ) to wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. Enjoy. X
Response from jeanmark made on 21st Dec 2016 18:49:07
The same to you Jenninora, I hope you have a good one.
6th Dec 2016 22:14:59 (Last activity: 21st Dec 2016 13:19:00)
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I am very new (about 5 minutes) an still trying to understand how this all works...hope to meet new people on here very soon x
Response from beneDictus made on 7th Dec 2016 11:06:00
It`s actually mostly a case of trial by error, as it is with a lot of other things. But, that`s all part of the fun, really. My own particular learning still curving...!!
Response from Wilf made on 21st Dec 2016 13:19:00
Hi Fontana-easy site to use once you get the hang of it
11th Dec 2016 15:00:58 (Last activity: 21st Dec 2016 13:17:36)
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I am new to this, looking for friends to chat to and maybe find someone who enjoys going to the cinema. I am happily married but at home during the day as my husband works long hours. I live in Epsom, Surrey
Response from jeanmark made on 12th Dec 2016 12:55:41
Welcome Pinky57.
Response from Wilf made on 21st Dec 2016 13:17:36
Hello Pinky and welcome to the site. Many friendly folk to meet and chat to here
19th Dec 2016 18:26:00 (Last activity: 21st Dec 2016 12:08:59)
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Hi I am new here this is my first post I just turned 70 female and until 4weeks ago was married. I suppose I am still married but not together . I have a son and daughter who are trying to help but do have lives of their own. I have a grandaughter and grandson .I just want some friends as I am lonely.I have 2 Chihuahuas hence my name don't know if I am doing this right hope so.
I live in Scotland.
Response from Georgie Girl made on 19th Dec 2016 19:58:12
Hello Chihuahualady, goodness had to copy and paste your forum name, kept getting it wrong. Sorry to hear your having marriage problems, not something you expect at 70 my heart goes out to you. I am fortunate to be happily married, have one son and one granddaugher but for many other reasons I can feel terribly alone, to the point where it effects me deep deep down in my gut and I feel terrified of it. Do your son and daughter live nearby?
What are your dogs names? are they male/female? related? We had a beautiful Bichon Frise who died last year at 16, such a huge miss.
You can send me a private message if you wish. I live in the North of England, midway between Durham and Newcastle.
Response from Chihuahualady made on 20th Dec 2016 23:01:59
Hi Georgie girl
Suppose name is a mouthful my son and daughter live within walking distance I am lucky that way. My dogs ate female Chihuahuas one tiny white short coat called Trixie who does not know she is little brave as a lion. The other is ginger and white long coat who is the opposite very laid back.My granddaughter has just graduated in zoology did very well my grandson is in second year even though he has just turned 18 reading computer science they are great kids no bother.I am sorry you lost your dog that was a good age.I know it is terrible when you loose them
I find this forum confusing I tried to reply earlier but it went astray. I don't know what I am doing yet sure I will get the hang of it.though. It is good to talk to you I hope I can find you again.
Best wishes
Response from Georgie Girl made on 21st Dec 2016 12:08:59
Hi CL, I have replied to your private chat.
18th Dec 2016 20:28:03 (Last activity: 18th Dec 2016 21:42:35)
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Anybody interested in cycling?
Response from Wilf made on 18th Dec 2016 21:42:35
I like cycling...have been road biking for some years-keeps you fit!
12th Dec 2016 16:25:30 (Last activity: 13th Dec 2016 08:37:11)
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hello celtwitch how are you i emailed before but no reply i live in bristol i was born in a small village called lynmouth inow live in bristol work for the local church also do animal rescu chat to me sybil
Response from Tyjen made on 13th Dec 2016 08:37:11
John, celtwitch was removed from the site some weeks ago.
6th Dec 2016 10:00:00 (Last activity: 7th Dec 2016 11:09:41)
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Also just joined...Im 61..feeling a little overwhelmed by the site right now...feeling my way around...nice to meet you...also keen to make will start as I mean to go on...
Im in Bucks...
Response from jeanmark made on 6th Dec 2016 15:01:00
Hello Linda and welcome, I'm sure you will enjoy the site.
Response from Fruitcake13 made on 6th Dec 2016 21:28:45
Hello Lindajean, and welcome. You will soon get used to using the site, I promise!
Response from Denys1954 made on 6th Dec 2016 21:55:42
Hi Linda from Bucks. I am Denys from Derbyshire. welcome 🙂
Response from beneDictus made on 7th Dec 2016 11:09:41
Hello, Lindajean. Welcome it used to be said around the board table...!! I`m originally from Somerset...But, THAT was a life time ago....
Georgie Girl
6th Dec 2016 10:31:42
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Looking at the posts below regarding celtwitch, would it not be beneficial to all to remove her post dated 9 March 2015.
5th Dec 2016 17:13:48
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hello celtwich it sounds as if you live in a lovely part of the world i was born in north devon but now live in bristol sorry to hear about your hip pain but they say to keep active is important sorry to hear about your daughters but people can change my partner john is from north wales, and we both like the countryside would be glad to hear from you.
5th Dec 2016 14:34:37
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Hello all. I'm fresh out the box brand new! Just putting myself out there ( the court did tell me NEVER to do that again!! ).
If anybody fancies chatting at any point ☝️ I have absolutely no prejudice about age, sex, colour, creed, so feel free.

2nd Dec 2016 14:50:47
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Just joined live in yorkshire lots of country side near by
2nd Dec 2016 13:22:58
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hello my name is sybil i was born in a small village in north devon called lynmouth i now live in bristol i am a country lover i have a jack russell dog called megen my partner is from north wales if you would like to chat to me please do sybil
1st Dec 2016 19:56:34
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Hi Lola

Welcome to the forum

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