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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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6th Apr 2017 13:35:10 (Last activity: 7th Apr 2017 12:11:45)
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Just saying hi to everyone
Response from RecLucy made on 7th Apr 2017 12:11:45
Hello Christie
5th Apr 2017 14:38:24 (Last activity: 7th Apr 2017 12:09:22)
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Hi, I am new in here too celtwitch. I live in the East Midlands now but was born and raised in Lancashire and still consider myself to be a lancashire lass. In my mid 60's I retired 2 years ago and now live alone with my little yorkie. Recent health issues have made me isolated and I would love to chat with others. I have grown up children and grandchildren who I see as often as possible but not nearly enough.
I tried some volunteering locally but it didn't work out as I found myself on my own in the office which wasn't helping the isolation.
So difficult to start new things when you have to go on your own, I am rather shy and find it difficult.
Hope th make new friends on here
Response from RecLucy made on 7th Apr 2017 12:09:22
Good morning from The USA Iolanthe1. I too live alone but with a cat. I did have two precious yorkies last century. I got them when I was stationed in England with the USAF and imported them to the states. I am far from shy, but love cyber interaction from the comfort of my living room.
5th Apr 2017 13:50:50 (Last activity: 7th Apr 2017 12:04:57)
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Hi, anyone here from Orlando, Florida, USA? It would be nice to chat with someone close by.
Response from RecLucy made on 7th Apr 2017 12:04:57
Hello RockyMan. I am in St. Petersburg Florida, nice to meet you.
6th Apr 2017 15:58:28 (Last activity: 7th Apr 2017 12:02:04)
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Hi. I'm Diane. Just joined. Haven't a clue what to say as yet. Need to work my way around the site. Recently joined Facebook and haven't quite worked that out yet.
I'm 63 working part time. Children all grown up and not at home. Feels lonely at times even though I see quite a lot of my children and grandchildren.
Look forward to finding my way around this site
Response from RecLucy made on 7th Apr 2017 12:02:04
Hello and good morning Diane. It looks like you and I are in the same boat. Many times people ask me "What do you do with yourself?" my typical response is "Whatever I want". Yes, life can be lonely, but my computer and cat help.
5th Apr 2017 13:31:49
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Hi, I just joined so I'm introducing myself. I'm a 61 year old male who would prefer to chat with females on the site, so if you're out there and lonely like me, please feel to contact me.
2nd Apr 2017 22:06:21
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Hi everyone! I am from The East Midlands. Happily single, but looking forward to making new friends.
1st Apr 2017 13:38:46
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Hi celtwitch
I also live in Lancashire, would love to hear from you.

I am on facebook too.

22nd Feb 2017 21:10:34 (Last activity: 29th Mar 2017 20:17:29)
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Am sure I'll get the hang of this eventually....... 60 plus lady, young at heart, keen to get to know a lot of you and make new friends. I live in beautiful Surrey and there are so many interesting walks in my locality, just need some Spring weather to make the most of them. Widowed several years ago now but like to get out and about and enjoy life with friends, old and new.
Response from Hants56 made on 29th Mar 2017 20:17:29
Hi Lynsey2017, just turned 60 & enjoy country walks too. More fun with company
28th Mar 2017 00:48:10 (Last activity: 28th Mar 2017 23:13:47)
Thanks for voting!
are there people here from the USA?
Response from Syl4019 made on 28th Mar 2017 23:13:47
thanks for your reply. Am just looking to connect with others online pass long evenings alone.
I used to go into a chat room a few years ago, but haven't lately. there was a lot of strange people on the other one... so hoping this is a decent place to carry on conversations.
28th Mar 2017 09:00:59 (Last activity: 28th Mar 2017 14:32:04)
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I wish I'd never written in this thread ... now I get an announcement for every new entry
Response from jeanmark made on 28th Mar 2017 14:32:04
And your point is?
28th Mar 2017 00:51:15
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just joined and not sure how this works....
24th Mar 2017 11:23:49 (Last activity: 24th Mar 2017 12:55:51)
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Hello, each and every one! I have just joined the group.

I have just been made redundant and was hoping to get advice from anyone who has been in a similar position at 50+.
I was 'self employed' but contracted out and the contractor has now terminated my and 14 others contracts, some are 50+, some are younger.
I was thinking about getting out of self employment? Any suggestions out there?
Response from LizziB made on 24th Mar 2017 12:51:10
Hi. I was made redundant at 50 from a pharmaceutical company. I then ran a mobile dog grooming van for three years. Absolutely loved it, completely different to the corporate environment. I had to stop after three years because of back problems. We then sat down and did the maths and decided we could retire and one year on have no regrets.

So what I'm trying to say is don't be scared of the redundancy. Take time to decide what you really want to do and give it a go, whether that be working or retiring.
Response from LizziB made on 24th Mar 2017 12:55:51
I've seen the places where I might put a story or photograph. Will take a closer look.
23rd Mar 2017 22:42:20 (Last activity: 24th Mar 2017 12:54:17)
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Hi, officially I'm Helen but everyone calls me liz. I am 54, married and retired. Joined to make some acquaintances, expand my horizons and help us make the most of retirement.

Have been retired a year next week and dont know how i ever found the time to work! The other other half is also retired and not in the best of health so I guess unofficially i am a part-time carer. We have a dog and a cat, i have the pleasure of taking the dog for a walk most days. I like to combine that with taking photos, though i am by no means a photographer. Other hobbies include cross-stitch and gardening. I'm hoping to learn how to play the ukelele and do some creative writing.

So these, combined with house-keeping and maintenance, along with my weekly walking football sessions, day trips and holidays, seem to fill my time.

We live in West Yorkshire.

Hope to connect with some of you very soon.

Response from Wilf made on 24th Mar 2017 00:40:55
Hi Liz and welcome. I have been on here a few years and enjoy all the friendly banter and forums especially "Speakers Corners"-regards, Wilf
Response from LizziB made on 24th Mar 2017 07:23:24
HI Will, thanks for posting. Had a quick look on speakers corner yesterday, will certainly take a closer look.
Response from LizziB made on 24th Mar 2017 12:54:17
Hi Yodama. Thanks for replying. I am trying to strike a balance between being active both mentally and physically whilst having time to be spontaneous when opportunity arises but also having recharge time. Not always easy!
21st Mar 2017 12:14:21 (Last activity: 21st Mar 2017 13:55:11)
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What is going on??? Have just been scrolling down through the "posts" from new members and have noticed that some of them have got a 'thumbs down' when all they have done is introduce themselves. Not an encouraging start for them or a nice welcome from us. Shall I give them all a 'thumbs up' to cancel out someone's bad manners? 🙂
Response from jeanmark made on 21st Mar 2017 13:17:44
Good idea, I can't understand why thumbs down are given for people introducing themselves, doesn't make sense.
Response from CaroleAH made on 21st Mar 2017 13:55:11
Have gone back a month and given them a 'thumbs up' apart from one post on 12th Feb which perhaps deserved a 'thumbs down'! 😉
10th Mar 2017 14:06:48 (Last activity: 21st Mar 2017 07:19:47)
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Hi my name is Kundan I am Indian came from Uganda in 1970 living in Leeds, Yorkshire. Been widowed 15 years. Have two sons both married settled and got their own kids. Very little I see them. I like walks holidays cruises, difficult to go on my own as lost confident. Love to hear from anybody living in West Yorkshire to meet up with similar interest. I am over 70 still fit and healthy.
Response from Jenninora made on 10th Mar 2017 14:16:31
Welcome Kundan. Join in. I welcome the views of everyone. Enjoy the site.
Response from ThatManViv made on 21st Mar 2017 07:19:47
Namaste Young Lady ... I have visited Mumbai, Delhi, and Goa, many many times, but I have never been to Leeds ... perhaps I should, and we can rustle up some chana masala and rotis ... Best Wishes xxx
16th Mar 2017 15:12:15
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Good afternoon. I'm PercyVere, Percy to my friends, 67 and married. I have just this minute joined this forum to see what was what as I'm admin for another web-based forum.
PaulineE9 Pauline 123
15th Mar 2017 14:32:59
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I'm a 65 year old female, am single. My interests include current affairs {especially human interest news.} Have got a wide taste in music. I enjoy
watching sport on tv, Tennis, Football, Snooker and Athletics.. I also enjoy
Watching tv and listening to the radio. I also enjoy reading magazines
14th Mar 2017 17:06:23 (Last activity: 15th Mar 2017 09:36:37)
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I'm fairly new too having joined only last week. I am 68, divorced and have two grown up children who are busy with their own lives, and an adorable 16 month old granddaughter so enjoy spending time with her.

For the first time in my life, I feel very isolated and am finding it difficult to 'get going' to change things to meet new people, friends, holiday companions etc. so any suggestions would be most welcome.

Hope to hear from like-minded people.
Response from CaroleAH made on 15th Mar 2017 00:21:48
Hi Dogsbody,
Have you looked at joining your local U3A? There are usually loads of groups so you can find meetings that interest you and chat with like-minded people. My U3A has a Travel Group so it's an easy option to go away with local people and their holidays are cheaper than most of the Singles tours which are on offer. I'm also a member of the Singing for Fun group, Gardening group, a Book Group and an After Hours Group.
Good luck with organising your "new" life - there are lots of opportunities out there and you have made the first step by joining Silversurfers! 🙂
Response from Jenninora made on 15th Mar 2017 09:36:37
Hello Dogsbody. Welcome. It can be difficult and lonely. If you are mobile enough do look into these outside activities. I read, I craft, I walk and I chat both to people I meet and on here. Join in. Get back the connection we had years ago. So many changes like technology has brought about reticence.
All the best. X
11th Mar 2017 17:37:31 (Last activity: 12th Mar 2017 18:33:19)
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Hi im new here and just looking for friendship and chat
Response from Buttercup58 made on 12th Mar 2017 18:33:19
Hi i have joined today and stiil finding my way around but wanted to say hello 🙂
11th Mar 2017 19:41:03 (Last activity: 11th Mar 2017 20:14:02)
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Welcome Allisonangel, I am new too
Response from Wilf made on 11th Mar 2017 20:14:02
Welcome Allisonangel & Missdi76-very friendly site and lots of interesting features and people to chat to on forums etc
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