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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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10th Jun 2017 23:31:53
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Hello. Just joined. Looking for travel partner for road trip through the Western US national Parks and to go south to Baja. I have the vehicle. Would like a female companion. Hope to leave from my Southern California home late August to mid-September.

You should like camping, road trips, outdoor activities. Be physically healthy in body and soul. Like yoga and eat healthy. If you are interested, email me.
9th Jun 2017 22:52:01 (Last activity: 10th Jun 2017 13:20:05)
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Hi there I'm new to am 65 and retired widower and very much alone
Response from meta made on 10th Jun 2017 13:20:05
Hello Mickeyboy..Welcome to this site..Like you im also widowed so if you feel lonely and want to have a chat just shout..
6th Jun 2017 09:10:45 (Last activity: 9th Jun 2017 15:45:00)
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I'm 73, now in Felixstowe, living alone by the sea. I've been involved in many projects: as a London police sergeant (jumped out after 15 years) an LSE graduate, a publisher and writer, started a radio station, involved with community radio for several years. Had a market garden in Catalonia in 1980s, after working on ecological parks in London. Now teaching myself to sew (with a machine).
Response from Wilf made on 6th Jun 2017 09:44:09
Hello Trevor-being a London Police Sergeant must have been a very busy job and you sound like you have led a full life!
Response from CaroleAH made on 6th Jun 2017 11:26:25
Hi Trevor,
Welcome to Silversurfers! You seem to have had a diverse and interesting career. What kind of things are you sewing? Hope you find lots of topics which interest you and which you can comment on. 🙂
Response from TrevorL9 made on 6th Jun 2017 13:02:11
I was in te Met Police when we had police on the streets and used the Met Police Act 1839 s66 - stop, search and detain. Great piece of legislation that Theresa May believes was wrong. It reinforced the unspoken power of the police - which has now been seriously undermined.
Response from TrevorL9 made on 9th Jun 2017 15:39:44
I don't understand this idea of abuse of stop and search. From 1939 it was used in London. During that time it encountered every possible situation and was surrounded by case law that regulated its use.
I remember the old bobby - and their demise was the reason I left then police, I argued that 'panda cars, had young officers stuck in cars, and their impression of the public was learnt from going from one conflict situation to the next. Slowly that divorced these officers from the public, and so they came to believe that the 'public' were all a bit weird. The old bobby knew a different world, with cups of tea ijn the back of shops and chats to the local people. They were trusted.
It's easy to dismiss those times when I walked the streets with just a truncheon (that I never used) for protection. The key element that's been lost is respect for the job of those police officers. They are now regarded as the 'enemy instead of Trevor or Jim, the blokes you met in the pub.
I had a retirement interview when I left, and my Commander listened tommuy reasons for leaving, ten said, 'I'll mark your papers 'not to be re-employed without a fundamental change of attitude'.
We get the police we deserve - and protective gear and firearms rarely help.
Response from TrevorL9 made on 9th Jun 2017 15:45:00
1839 Met Police Act section 66, not 1939
9th Jun 2017 09:47:57
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Hi I am new and you are right children don't seem to have time but that OK because my language and likes are different than theirs.
6th Jun 2017 17:01:56
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Hi Trevor,
Welcome to the site...sounds as if you've led a very varied and colourful life so far! Hope you enjoy yourself on here as I'm sure you have many entertaining tales to tell!
4th Jun 2017 23:35:25 (Last activity: 5th Jun 2017 14:51:11)
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Hi everyone!

I just joined, and I'm excited to find out what this forum has to offer. It seems like a nice place to interact with others in a friendly manner, and that's exactly what I'm looking for.

I'm a 56 year old lady from Spain, and I've been living in California for the last 34 years, so I guess that makes me more Californian than Spaniard 🙂

I'm friendly and sociable and have a large array of interests and passions that I'd love to share with other fellow surfers.

I'm looking forward to meeting all kinds of wonderful people here.
Response from Wilf made on 5th Jun 2017 09:58:05
Hello PH-welcome to Silversurfers-lots of friendly people here-some very interesting posts. Sounds like you come from a beautiful part of the world!
Response from meta made on 5th Jun 2017 14:51:11
Hello and aGerman Lady and I have been living in the UK for 40 Years..
5th Jun 2017 11:19:46
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Welcome to the site.....we could use some of your Californian sunshine here in wet Wales today!
29th May 2017 20:08:19 (Last activity: 4th Jun 2017 17:05:50)
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Hello my name is Anne and a newby,I am young 75 ,and am keen to make friends,I live in the West Midlands ,and lost my dear husband six months ago
I have a wide range of hobbies and enjoy holidays, days out ,my main passion is history and archaeology.if there are silver surfers in my area of Stourbridge.
Response from CaroleAH made on 29th May 2017 21:54:02
Hi Anne. Welcome to Silversurfers 🙂 I'm sure that you will find lots of interesting topics that you can join in with or you can always start some of your own. Is there any particular period of history which you are interested in? Do you go on archaeological digs or just watch from the sidelines? I have always thought that archaeologists must be incredibly patient people to scratch away with tiny trowels or brushes to unearth hidden treasure.
Response from ThePrimate made on 30th May 2017 16:19:44
Hello & welcome to a friendly place
Response from georgesmum made on 4th Jun 2017 17:05:50
Hi Anne,
Welcome to the site , if you've managed to find you way back to this point!
I'm a Midlander born and bred and I lived in Halesowen for 15 years before retiring to the Welsh Borders three years ago for a little peace and tranquillity.
Hope you enjoy interacting on the site and find plenty of folks to chat to!
2nd Jun 2017 01:35:45
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I see that I am not the only one finding it difficult to work things out on this site. I thought I was just being a bit thick or maybe I am anyway.

Just in case there are people here who are interested in archaeology but don't fancy scraping away for ages on their knees there is an alternative and this is archaeology dowsing. Anyone interested might like to come along this Saturday at 2pm to a meeting of the Middlesex and Surrey Archaeology Dowsers at the Rose of York pub, Petersham Road, Richmond , Surrey. We will be chatting about our last site visit and the forthcoming ones like the finding of a Roman Road going through Green Park, London. It is free unless you want to eat or drink there. We usually meet at the far end of the pub not far from the toilets. There are also other similar groups with a big one in the Hampshire area and others in other areas. A call to the British Society of Dowsers will direct you to your nearest group. Incidentally our archaeology dowsing team are always willing to teach newcomers dowsing but also we need data collectors on our trips and people with computer skills,surveyor skills to put finds on paper. It really is fun without the digging and scraping.
29th May 2017 15:56:16 (Last activity: 1st Jun 2017 22:39:12)
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Just joined so introducing myself I am 62 and Disabled formally worked for the Armed Forces British Steel and the Prison Service. Disabled due to a car accident in 2007 which broke my neck and fractured my spine I am mobile but use a walking aid. Living in Blaenau Gwent S. Wales with my wife who is also disabled.
Response from ThePrimate made on 30th May 2017 16:19:09
Hi Steve and welcome.
Response from SteveP6 made on 1st Jun 2017 22:39:12
Thanks all for the great welcome.
29th May 2017 14:04:24 (Last activity: 31st May 2017 13:55:28)
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Hi Pebbles.....and all other new members!

Welcome to the group and hope you have a great experience whilst on here.
I dip in and out, diving in with the odd comments occasionally but must admit that I still haven't got my head around the new format yet (slow on the uptake these days) so haven't been using the site recently, however I'm getting to grips now so you may see me on here more regularly...unless I get completely lost. If so a search party may be needed!
Response from CarolinaGirl made on 29th May 2017 17:02:09
Hi Georgesmum
Thank you! Is that George in your profile pic? He is "georgeous"! I'm
Response from georgesmum made on 29th May 2017 17:28:13
Hi CarolinaGirl,
Yes that is George, although sadly he died a couple of years ago at the grand old age of 14 and I haven't thought about changing my photo!
I'm now owned by a rescue girl called Georgie who already had that name....I should change my photo
Response from CarolinaGirl made on 29th May 2017 17:56:00
He is beautiful! I think the photo is a sweet tribute to George!
We (I) would love to see Georgie too! Love the furbabies! I volunteer for Dachshund Rescue in the USA but never met any breed I didn't love!
Response from ThePrimate made on 30th May 2017 16:21:45
Hi Georgesmum
Lovely looking dog 🙂
The forum is a bit 'clunky' and not very user friendly and does take a bit of getting used to. You're not the only one who gets lost
Response from georgesmum made on 30th May 2017 17:09:07
I think it's less user friendly than when I initially joined in 2014........I've been floating around, lost since then!
Response from ThePrimate made on 31st May 2017 12:24:13
I made some comments about the forum layout and I know at last one other person has but apparently it was designed for this site rather than being an 'off the shelf' product. Looks like it's here to stay for now
Response from georgesmum made on 31st May 2017 13:55:28
Oh well never mind...I'll just continue bouncing around in a complete fog then!
27th May 2017 14:21:25 (Last activity: 30th May 2017 16:18:30)
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I'm new here, 51yo, joined to find a bit of online company. Open to varied conversation and a bit of laughter.
Response from Wilf made on 27th May 2017 15:58:02
Hi Pebbles-been on here a few years-Lots of friendly folk and interesting discussions-think you will enjoy it-Regards, Wilf
Response from CarolinaGirl made on 27th May 2017 17:03:27
Hello Pebbles
Welcome! I'm new as well. I think you will enjoy this site. Everyone has been friendly and welcoming. Enjoy!
Response from ThePrimate made on 30th May 2017 16:18:30
Hi & welcome-there are some very nice people on this site
27th May 2017 00:51:53
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I noticed you said you wanted to lecture so instead of talking to students why don't you give talks to the U3A or the Woman's Institute, Gardening clubs, retired members clubs etc. These sort of clubs need regular speakers and might welcome your subject. It also gets you out and about meeting new people
18th May 2017 22:53:20 (Last activity: 20th May 2017 18:25:14)
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Hi just joined. Raining again Hope everyone is having a lovely evening x
Response from ThePrimate made on 19th May 2017 12:59:36
Welcome to SS Janet
Response from CarolinaGirl made on 20th May 2017 18:25:14
Hi Janet
I'm a newbie as well. Welcome!
20th May 2017 01:46:51 (Last activity: 20th May 2017 18:22:52)
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Hello my name is Keith and I am one of those very late going to bed people as may be seen it is now nearly 1.45 am. My interests beside the family are a bit different as I am a therapist and a dowser specialising in archaeology dowsing. This is archaeology without the digging. That is too much like hardwork but is equally as much fun and requires just as much research and data collection. Hope to have some interesting chats with people here. Have a great day. Keith
Response from ThePrimate made on 20th May 2017 10:54:45
Hi Keith and welcome to SS. I'm sure there are other insomniacs here to keep you company in the wee hours. Dowsing sounds like fun-I'm into photography and keeping out of trouble 🙂
Response from CarolinaGirl made on 20th May 2017 18:22:52
Hi Keith
Welcome! I am also new here and a night owl as well. Your work sounds fascinating. I look forward to learning more about it when you share. I think you will find everyone cordial and friendly here.
19th May 2017 07:02:17 (Last activity: 19th May 2017 12:59:11)
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Hi all!
I'm a newbie popping in to introduce myself. I'm 57 divorced 4 years. I'm a 30 year flight attendant for a major airline. I currently live in Charleston, SC, USA. I'm Still flapping my wings for a few more years. I Moved away from most of my close friends. I love to travel and try new things. I Hope to make some new friends and possible travel buds!
Hope to hear all about you!
Response from ThePrimate made on 19th May 2017 12:59:11
Hello and welcome to the forums
Jane Black
18th May 2017 23:46:39
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What kind of eccentric dog has got you.. With all those hills around you need one they are great for pulling you up them. Stay positive don't believe all they diagnose you with and seek out alternatives.
17th May 2017 21:39:25 (Last activity: 18th May 2017 15:39:47)
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Hi My name is Caroline . I am 52 years old. I move to Suffolk 3 years ago from Scotland. I work as a housekeeper in a school 7 day a week . I found it really hard to make friends as i am a bit quiet. I have moved around the country a bit as my husband was in the forces so it make it have to keep friends. I have 3 children the youngest is nearly 17 so becoming independent .
I like running, mountain biking, touch rugby and walking,but a recent injury as put it all on hold apart from a little bit of walking hopefully temporary .I also love baking so do lots of that for the children i look after. I have never been on a site like this before . hope to get chatting with others on this site+
Response from ThePrimate made on 18th May 2017 07:49:28
Hi Caroline, welcome to SS 🙂
Response from JoyfulNoise made on 18th May 2017 12:54:56
Hello and welcome, Caroline, from one newbie to another! I'm in the U.S., the far southeast part, having moved a year and a half ago from the far northwest part. Life is different here, for sure! Perhaps you find that likewise in Suffolk. Would like to know more about the area where you live, and the reason for your moving from Scotland, as that has always been a dream place to visit for me.
Response from meta made on 18th May 2017 15:39:47
Hi Caroline..Like you i have moved around a bit as my late Husband was in the forces..Im 58 and live in South Yorkshire but Im German and have settled here now..Welcome to this site..
Jane Black
18th May 2017 14:24:46
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HI, folks, my name is Jane,
I Have been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century and I finally took the plunge and purchased a laptop.
I am 56 years old but younger than my daughter. ( I believe age is an attitude)
I am a busy lady I don't have much time to socialise but I am passionate about changing things for the better in society. For me, a computer is a learning tool and the internet an amazing communication device. I am hoping to learn more from anyone out there who has positive suggestions for improving things for self and others.
I am English so I will be spelling words like socialise with an "s" and not a "z" despite my computers insistence that this is wrong.
I am a Course Supervisor ( a Study Technology specialist ) for the Church of Scientology and I am currently writing this post in a quiet moment.

P.S. My post means I am able to assist others in their quest for knowledge it does not mean I am a purrfect student and no evryfing.
16th May 2017 14:07:30 (Last activity: 17th May 2017 22:54:10)
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Hello, I've just joined. I'm 60 this year, live alone in South of Essex UK. I have been some what isolated for some years partly due to family ties then house bound due to ill health. Life has moved on I am gaining some independence back and able to get out.

I've found I have become lock into a bit of a rut so I'm looking for an out. I drive and enjoy driving and getting out and about. I use to like walking unfortunately I can't walk very far at all, that may improve with time. I have a creative flare I have a keen interest in anything creative be it photography arts and crafts, old buildings, churches, villages and music.

The few friends I had have moved away, I'm hoping to find and make new friends for my own sanity if nothing else lol. I have looked around other sites for my age group and also for people with a physical disability but most of them either don't fit the bill or they are dating sites which I'm not really looking for at this moment in time.

So here I am ready to take a slice of life and venture out in to the big wide world and see where it takes me.
Response from ThePrimate made on 16th May 2017 17:50:57
Hello, there's a photography showcase where you can share your talents here
There's a lot of people here who probably share a lot of your interests 🙂
Response from CaroleAH made on 17th May 2017 22:54:10
Hi Chrissy400,
I'm sure that you will find lots of topics of interest on this site. I'm interested in photography and churches - the older, the better although I do love Coventry Cathedral, which is relatively new having been opened 55 years ago. I remember going on a school trip to stay in Stratford and see two Shakespeare plays (have to admit I haven't a clue what they were as I dozed through both of them!) but the highlight for me was having a guided tour round the cathedral - think I must have been an odd 15 year old ............ and have I changed much over the years - who knows 🙂 Hope to see some of your photos in the Showcase soon.
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