ThePrimate's bio
Photography, Music & Walking the dogs are my main activities outside of work. Mostly grumpy with occasional sunny outbreaks. Living by the sea in Yorkshire. Working in IT. -
ThePrimate's latest comments
1st Aug 2017ViewDate:
31st Jul 2017ViewDate:
20th Jul 2017ThePrimate commented on:
ThePrimate showcase imageYes, he's about 7 years old, Bearded Dragon called Spike. Very friendly but looks permanently grumpyViewDate:
19th Jul 2017ViewDate:
17th Jul 2017ThePrimate commented on:
rhonaSmith63 showcase imageGreat photo, loads to look at, would make a great jigsaw puzzle :)ViewDate:
15th Jul 2017ThePrimate commented on:
Deanna showcase imageThat reminds of a few roads I've driven round not far from YeovilViewDate:
9th Jul 2017ThePrimate commented on:
ThePrimate showcase imageIt disappeared into its nest in the bank to feed its young with it, then came back out, had a dip in the stream and flew off to find another fishViewDate:
21st Jun 2017ThePrimate commented on:
Which personal details would you refuse to share?Regarding owldetect.com. Their website states that; "The data monitoring feature is provided by CSIdentity Corporation, a company based in Texas, USA, and its affiliates. CSIdentity Corporation is not a company linked to us and is a separate trading entity but is our subcontractor for the purposes of the data monitoring service feature". I have yet to find a decent online review on this company (I found a few very average ones) which was purchased by Experian last year. My main concern about using any company like this is; If they are based in the USA and provide a data monitoring service then I'm going assume that my personal data would be available to them and being a foreign company how confident can I be that my personal data would be secure. Feel free to correct me but owldetect are using a 3rd party based in the USA and owned by someone else to protect our data? It sounds like owldetect are more of a broker in this arrangement. I think it is worth exploring other companys' products before making a decision.ViewDate:
16th Jun 2017ThePrimate commented on:
Was life in the past preferable to today?Would I want to live back in the 60's? No, because even tho' I can use my selective memory to pretend that life was better then, I have to be honest and admit that many aspects of modern life are better. eg Medical advances, Womens' rights, Equal ops, Trading standards and consumer protection, Technology and Transport to name but a few. There are aspects of modern life that need addressing too but while modern life is not perfect we can embrace the parts of it that we like and actively try and make a difference to those parts that we dislike.ViewDate:
15th Jun 2017ThePrimate commented on:
Should Theresa May Resign or Remain?So today she visits the scene of the fire at Grenfell Tower and talks to the firefighters ( who did an amazing job) and spends no time at all with the families and friends of those who lived in the Tower. Corbyn (& others) made the time to go and talk with and be with the families. That, for me, sums her up. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/grenfell-tower-fire-latest-theresa-may-visit-jeremy-corbyn-resident-london-kensington-a7791726.htmlViewDate:
13th Jun 2017ThePrimate commented on:
Should Theresa May Resign or Remain?You really are patronising and add little to the debate with comments like this Lionel.ViewDate:
12th Jun 2017ViewDate:
11th Jun 2017ThePrimate commented on:
Should Theresa May Resign or Remain?..but Brexit will be decided by the remaining member states of the EU - we'll just get their take it or leave it offer at the end of it all.ViewDate:
11th Jun 2017ThePrimate commented on:
Should Theresa May Resign or Remain?You mean in the way that Mrs May made her attacks on Mr Corbyn personal?ViewDate:
11th Jun 2017ThePrimate commented on:
Should Theresa May Resign or Remain?Didn't Corbyn get enough bashing from the Press & Media?ViewDate:
11th Jun 2017ThePrimate commented on:
Should Theresa May Resign or Remain?Well said :) https://fullfact.org/law/uks-sharia-courts/ViewDate:
11th Jun 2017ThePrimate commented on:
Should Theresa May Resign or Remain?I think if Mrs May adopts your policies she'll be out of the door even faster while we head back to the Dark Ages.ViewDate:
11th Jun 2017ThePrimate commented on:
Should Theresa May Resign or Remain?There are other issues here that are being overlooked by Brexit. eg The Naylor report - have a read of this link; http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/what-naylor-report-everything-explained-10543351 While we think that our Leaders are negotiating with the EU they will continue with their austerity plans that will give us a privatised NHS, a dementia tax which means most of your hard earned cash will be clawed back by the Government after you die should you need social care and anything else they can squeeze through Parliament while no-one is looking. Brexit doesn't mean Brexit - it means being given a take it or leave it deal by the EU on their terms. We should be demanding that our MPs of whatever party protect our interests and those of our Public services.ViewDate:
11th Jun 2017ThePrimate commented on:
Should Theresa May Resign or Remain?This is the leader who refused to join in the televised Leadership debates, refused to give straight answers to pretty much any question (dementia tax cap being a prime example) and refused to allow an independent 3rd part to cost her manifesto. That isn't strong leadership that is arrogance.ViewDate:
11th Jun 2017ThePrimate commented on:
Should Theresa May Resign or Remain?The Tories said that this election was about Brexit and having a strong & stable Government to negotiate with the EU. However, I think a lot of voters had other ideas about what the election was about. University tuition fees, continued privatisation of the NHS, cuts to Education and the dementia tax to name a few. Mrs May repeatedly refused to give a figure on the cap for this proposed tax and whereas Labour got their manifesto independently costed, the Tories refused to with theirs. Brexit terms will be decided by the remaining EU states & will be presented to the UK Government to accept or reject (just my opinion). I don't see us having any real bargaining power - Europe are laughing at us and Mrs May right now. Whether you agree with their policies or not, Labour managed to engage the voters whereas May and her mates just assumed we would vote her back in with an increased majority. Her repeated refusals to answer the important questions and ducking out on the Leadership debates has cost her dearly. Her desperation in attempting to bring the DUP onboard will backfire and she will be gone soon. Better a (semi) dignified resignation than a vote of no confidence?ViewDate:
4th Jun 2017ThePrimate commented on:
Joined today and would like to sat helloHi Cathy, welcome to SS-hope you find some people to chat with/get to know on here :)ViewDate:
31st May 2017ThePrimate commented on:
Just joined so I'm introducing myself.I made some comments about the forum layout and I know at last one other person has but apparently it was designed for this site rather than being an 'off the shelf' product. Looks like it's here to stay for nowViewDate:
30th May 2017ThePrimate commented on:
Just joined so I'm introducing myself.Hi Georgesmum Lovely looking dog :) The forum is a bit 'clunky' and not very user friendly and does take a bit of getting used to. You're not the only one who gets lostViewDate:
30th May 2017ViewDate:
30th May 2017ViewDate:
30th May 2017ThePrimate commented on:
Just joined so I'm introducing myself.Hi & welcome-there are some very nice people on this siteViewDate:
26th May 2017ThePrimate commented on:
Hello from ScarboroughHe was, with John Prescott as the warm up act :) Very well received, both of them -
ThePrimate's latest showcase activity
Approved1 Comments18/08/2017 19:09:05Gallery SubmissionThe loneliness of the long distance fishermanApproved0 Comments05/08/2017 17:19:02Gallery SubmissionBirds of Prey at Scarborough Castle todayApproved0 Comments05/08/2017 17:17:23Gallery SubmissionBirds of Prey at Scarborough Castle todayApproved0 Comments05/08/2017 17:16:42Gallery SubmissionBirds of Prey at Scarborough Castle todayApproved0 Comments05/08/2017 17:15:31Gallery SubmissionBirds of Prey at Scarborough Castle todayApproved0 Comments05/08/2017 17:14:08Gallery SubmissionBirds of Prey at Scarborough Castle todayApproved2 Comments05/08/2017 17:13:00Gallery SubmissionBirds of Prey at Scarborough Castle todayApproved2 Comments23/07/2017 20:17:55Gallery SubmissionA Lancaster bomber flying over the Scarborough Seafest festival today -
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