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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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16th Feb 2021 23:56:08 (Last activity: 17th Feb 2021 11:05:31)
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Hello I am new would love to chat learn new things about people and where live.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 17th Feb 2021 08:31:34
Hi GrannyGranny,

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Response from PatriciaB96 made on 17th Feb 2021 11:05:31
Good morning granny granny and welcome to the site , I hope you will make lots of new friends here
13th Feb 2021 05:20:20
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I find in my head if Family and friends do not Respect or think or thought they did not need me anymore I have started to write my Memoires and what We at 60 all feel like my lot are pretty FAB at present. But I am a tough cookie I leave everything in God/Allahs hands bless them my Mother from Pendlebury lancashire. My father from Yemen/Africa..East.

So be strong keep your chin up.

Fatima.....frienship important with good people a good Idea. My close neighbours my friends and my family so far so good I am a good Mother and good with my friends Respectively. So take care of yourself life goes on bless you and you never know whats around the corner their are good people in this world. And be wary stay away from not so good people at all times bless you and Goodbye.

12th Feb 2021 19:36:22 (Last activity: 12th Feb 2021 23:04:17)
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Just joined group looking to meet new friends I am 76 fit healthy love gardening walk dog everyday cooking from West London
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 12th Feb 2021 23:04:17
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9th Feb 2021 16:10:18 (Last activity: 10th Feb 2021 08:03:11)
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I have just become a grandmother and is so excited. My kids are all grown up now and just looking to connect and make new friends
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 9th Feb 2021 16:23:33
Hi Zaya,

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Response from anshaclaw made on 10th Feb 2021 06:45:28
Congraulations on becoming a Grandmother. I have 3 and 1 on the way. I miss them a lot and as soon as I can travel, I'll be with them.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 10th Feb 2021 08:03:11 > @anshaclaw
Hi anshaclaw,

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30th Jan 2021 11:31:41 (Last activity: 8th Feb 2021 13:46:17)
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Hi I am sixty two years young and took early retirement in the summer 2019. Had some plans to restart my life after becoming a widow at the end of 2016 but those plans have now gone astray with Covid19. I have found the lockdowns very difficult on my own but determined to try new activities. Keen new photographer and enjoy making stain glass boxes, sun catchers so trying to keep busy, but missing interaction with people. I live in the Midlands
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 30th Jan 2021 12:31:35
Hi fiona789,

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Response from John7453 made on 30th Jan 2021 13:31:04
Hi Fiona, welcome to the site, I hope that you find lots of people to chat with on here, John
Response from fiona789 made on 30th Jan 2021 13:42:41 > @John7453
Thank you John, fingers crossed
Response from Soartheabyss made on 30th Jan 2021 21:20:08
Hi Fiona,
I am also 62 and taking early retirement this year. Having lost my best friend to cancer and separated from my husband I am determined to make the most of each day despite lockdown.

What type of photography do you do? I would love to do more myself as I have a hidden desire to take beautiful photos and then paint what I see. Have purchased the paints but so far they are still in the box!

It sounds like you like crafts? The stain glass boxes sound interesting.

Hope you get to make some nice connections on here x
Response from fiona789 made on 31st Jan 2021 10:01:40 > @Soartheabyss
Morning Soartheabyss,

I am sorry to hear of the loss of your friend and your separation, it must be a tough time for you but you seem determined to carry on. unfortunately it has taken me a long time to start again but in a very funny way these lockdowns have helped by making me face life alone full on.

I am currently working through an online photography course and really enjoying it but due to the restrictions I am concentrating on still life but still having fun with it.

Good luck with the painting and please keep in touch x
Response from Caroleharper2 made on 7th Feb 2021 11:47:30 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Hi Fiona
I am new too and feeling similar to yourself but since retiring at the end of 2015 I have had a little more practice at adapting to my new sole circumstances.
I love the idea of the stained glass objets d’art, sounds fascinating.
Hope to see you on Not on The High St soon
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 7th Feb 2021 12:14:23 > @Caroleharper2
Hi Caroleharper2,

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Response from Caroleharper2 made on 7th Feb 2021 15:12:39 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Response from fiona789 made on 7th Feb 2021 23:12:06 > @Caroleharper2
Thank you Carole not sure I’m ready for that yet but it’s keeping me busy and filling these endless days of this lockdown and very much like you looking forward to seeing family and friends. I am finding this lockdown far harder than the other two, roll on better weather and then able to get into the garden.
Response from Caroleharper2 made on 8th Feb 2021 13:46:17
Hi Fiona
Are we really on the 3rd one?
Just seems seemless to me apart from the fact that I had the most fantastic 2 weeks in Cornwall in September.
I too like you just can’t wait to have family time but I’ll just have to make do with .Zoom and Skype til then.
Ok off to paint some more skirting boards, hope to speak soon.
7th Feb 2021 17:49:24
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Hi all the new members. Welcome to each and everyone and hope you find some stimulating conversations on this site.
3rd Feb 2021 14:53:02 (Last activity: 7th Feb 2021 12:18:25)
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Hi I am new to the group,I am 63 yrs old and am hoping to make new friends to chat with about life etc I like reading and listening to music and films, feeling really isolated at the moment as I cant get out much due to the corona virus so would like people to chat with to break the days up
Response from Caroleharper2 made on 7th Feb 2021 12:18:25
Hi There
Well I’m a newbie too so let’s hope we have some interesting conversations and make some new friends very soon.
I’m a Classic FM fan but love The Who and The Moody Blues too.
A very diverse mix
I have been quite lucky as I have managed to go for a walk and go shopping locally and hopefully soon I can get into the garden without sinking into the soggy lawn!
I volunteer for a lovely group called Evergreen who support people over 70 living alone. (I am very nearly one of them )
We can only chat on the phone currently and so I am looking forward to being able to visit my elderly friends again soon.

I live in Lincolnshire and it’s a very rural community and I have good friends here and family in the next village. My family are somewhat spreadout and I can’t wait to be able to visit them again.
It’s blinking cold here, little snow we might miss it?
Hope you won’t feel too cut off now that we have both found the site and let’s look forward to getting to make new friends and finding new interesting things to do
6th Feb 2021 21:08:22 (Last activity: 6th Feb 2021 22:23:16)
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Hello celtwitch,
I have also just joined.
I live in rural Australia, am 60, 2 children, 4 grandchildren. Bushfires then covid have kept us apart for too long.
I'd like to have some people to communicate with.
Thank you.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 6th Feb 2021 22:23:16
Hi Gilliangreenfingers,

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5th Feb 2021 14:06:34
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Hi there welcome to the Siver surfers I live at the other side of the Penines in
Yorkshire .I must admit I have been fortunate in still having Hubs around and family that ring once a week . The lock down has certainly been hard to cope with especially for people on their own . I hope that you find what you want in this community .
8th Jan 2021 17:02:03 (Last activity: 5th Feb 2021 09:58:59)
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Just thought I'd say hello.
I retired, early , from work in the middle of lockdown, i'd just had enough!
Im married, for 46 years , age 65. We have 2 sons , both married and just welcomed our 2nd granddaughter this week, although we cant travel to meet her right now.
I have been passing my time by knitting, reading and a bit of genealogy which I'm finding very interesting.

I have a sister and she has the heavy end of caring for my mother at the moment as she lives near to her and we are not allowed to travel. I'm missing them both but I know its for the best
Response from NCM55 made on 12th Jan 2021 17:35:32

I’m new to conversing in a chat room, but I wanted to give this a try.
I live in Burbank, Los Angeles, California with my daughter who works for DisneyStudios. I moved out to Los Angeles County in 2010 from my home in St. Louis, Missouri (Midwest USA).
Apparently I live in the worst area in the USA for Covid. Our hospitals are overflowing and the virus is spreading like wildfire and deaths are filling up trucks. Needless to say, I’m in lockdown. I walk with my daughter and maltipoo puppy every morning at 4 am to avoid people. Then at night 7pm. I take my puppy out for 5 minute runs outside, 3 times a day. I can’t visit my 2 other adult children that live in Utah with my grandchildren. But we text, FaceTime and talk. My only physical human contact is with my daughter when she comes home from work. She’s one out of four people that work in a plexiglass large office area—everyone else works from home. So they have the whole 6 floor building to themselves!
When she goes to work, my whole world opens up! I am learning to code C++ so one day I can create my own software. I joined a creative writing group so I can finish my poems and my stories I write. I have 4 paying genealogy clients, so I divide my time researching for the documents of their ancestors. I have been an active genealogist since 1965, Now I have 200 5-inch binders full of documents and photographs. I have had a great passion to help others. Crazy as it sounds, I feel so trained to be living in this time in my life. I’ve lived in many places because of work, I’ve lived in California, Washington state (my favorite) ,New Hampshire (my hardest state to live), Florida, Connecticut, Utah and (home) Missouri. When I was in my mid twenties I lived with my husband and son in New Hampshire. It would start snowing in October through April. It was common to have several 3foot snow falls everyday. I remember raking the snow off my roof of my home! We walked into town, trudging through 3 foot snow drifts everyday to keep warm at the town library. There was no internet, Our tv was sold to buy a month of oil to heat our home. I had a typewriter and radio. And a sewing machine and a joy of cooking cookbook. The town was 1 street with shops. So we had to order everything by mail, genealogy by mail and I kept when Covid started and eventually shrouded us into retreating to our homes memories of my past ignited the returning power of survival!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 12th Jan 2021 20:39:00 > @NCM55
Hi NCM55,

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Response from Speccybecky made on 13th Jan 2021 16:49:20 > @NCM55
Hi NCM55

You've certainly lived a lot of places. We have moved around too , due to hubby's job, only in Scotland and England but we have been settled here in West Lothian in the Royal Burgh of Linlithgow for almost 30 years. The town is a 'Royal Burgh as we have a palace where Mary, Queen of Scots was born. Incidentally, according to the original books . Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott, of ('Beam me up Scottie') Startrek will be born here on 28 June 2222!!
I have only researched my own family tree although I have found that a couple of great uncles emigrated to Illinois c 1922. one of them appears to have been quite well known in Michigan and just a bit infamous!? Andrew Strachan McFarlane moved to Detroit in 1937 and went on to be President of The Federation of Labor apparently taking the miners out on strike. I have found photos online of him with President Hoover and James Hoffa! Unfortunately cant find any family although I know he had 2 daughters. I can find no trace of his brother who also emigrated , James Strachan McFarlane was married to Ellen Reid but has seemingly disappeared. If you ever come across any of these two in your genealogy travels I'd be forever grateful.
Things are not too clever here, as in everywhere else at the moment, we are pretty much locked down and the virus is running riot. It changes weekly but at the moment we are allowed out to shop for food and exercise keeping 2 m apart and wearing a mask and hand sanitising everywhere. We are ordering our shopping online and having delivered, I do try to go outside for a walk every day but the weather has been snowy and cold , not as much snow as you dealt with!
Keep safe
Response from Teres made on 5th Feb 2021 08:56:49 > @Speccybecky
Hi SpeccyBecky and to NCM55! Just new here. I'm 67 and still working. Live in California's Central Valley which is COVID heaven apparently. We seem finally to have moved down from "worst ever" to just "worst, ugh."

I have to say I've been very lucky all in all: I am an engineer and had already been telecommuting for some time. Actually, I may have invented telecommuting as I convinced my employers in 1989 to let me buy one of the first ever MACs and work from home 3 days a week so I could be with my 2 year old.

I've lived all over as well. Born in California, but spent my early years in South America then 10 years in Denmark.

I'm extremely lucky to be a woman working in high tech still after all these years. But I can tell you, finding women friends at the workplace is a no go. Anyway, happy to chat. Glad to be here.

Yay to the global community, boo to the global non-immunity! 🙂
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 5th Feb 2021 09:58:59 > @Teres
Hi Teres,

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5th Feb 2021 07:53:46 (Last activity: 5th Feb 2021 08:13:18)
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Hi there, Celtwitch!
I'm Miss Jo - from the United States - Southern part - and I just read your post. Don't be discouraged! How do you KNOW students don't want to listen to you? We get wiser with age - they will be grateful for your words of wisdom!
Your place of abode sounds wonderful. I live in a small town high on a mountaintop - where the good Lord has put me (I am certain) for a time of healing. It is a beautiful place!
Prayers that you will find your place in life - sometimes it comes to us later than we want, but it is all good!
Miss Jo
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 5th Feb 2021 08:13:18
Hi MissJo,

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12th Jan 2021 10:17:29 (Last activity: 4th Feb 2021 08:19:43)
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Welcome to all new members, good morning to you all .
Response from Eliza50 made on 12th Jan 2021 14:04:00
Good afternoon, thanks for the welcome
Response from 1frenchhen made on 19th Jan 2021 11:22:24
Hello, I just joined too. Am going a little bit crazy in lockdown as I quite recently moved back from France after my husband died. I am now back in my native Shropshire ❤️ Was just settling into my flat overlooking the frequently flooded river Severn. Am on the 2nd floor, so quite snug and dry. Others not so fortunate.
Was just starting to enjoy trips out, especially to the Welsh coast, when COVID struck.
I Googled ‘penfriends’ this morning and here I am. Would love some conversation about what may be happening to others during the pandemic.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 19th Jan 2021 11:29:31 > @1frenchhen
Hi 1frenchhen,

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Response from Ria63 made on 20th Jan 2021 19:27:18 > @1frenchhen
Hello, I have just joined too, I live on the welsh coast and it is raining quite heavy here, I feel quite isolated at the moment everyone behind closed doors. I live in my first floor flat with my gorgeous fur baby kitty.
Response from Ria63 made on 20th Jan 2021 19:28:52
Good evening, thank you for the welcome!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 20th Jan 2021 20:37:53 > @Ria63
Hi Ria63,

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Response from PurpleHat made on 1st Feb 2021 11:55:45 > @Ria63
Hi Ria63, I am adopted Welsh as I have a Welsh son-in-law. Probably older, but in happier days we walked the lovely Welsh coast when ever we could. I can see Pen-y-Fan from my bedroom window. Just interested in people, general chit chat, nothing serious. Looking forward to better times!
Response from fudgeed13 made on 1st Feb 2021 13:12:37 > @1frenchhen
hi my name is angie lock down driving us all mad i keep busy with my grand children they keep me active one is 5 one 7 months do some silver surfers games quite relaxing chat with friends family over phone hope you r alright sorry to hear of your husband passing did you enjoy live in france
chat any time
Response from Gianna made on 1st Feb 2021 18:35:22 > @1frenchhen
I just joined this forum from Annapolis MD. My heart, tho, is in both France and England! At 75, I may not get back, but happy to have this forum
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 1st Feb 2021 19:22:14 > @Gianna
Hi Gianna,

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Response from Pipes50 made on 2nd Feb 2021 17:48:07 > @1frenchhen
Hello, I too surfed the web outta pure boredom and have wound up here. Pandemic does strange things to you over time. That being said, I am happy to have stumbled across this site.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 2nd Feb 2021 18:09:52 > @Pipes50
Hi Pipes50,

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Response from Hope123 made on 4th Feb 2021 00:10:10 > @1frenchhen
Hi, I'm Helen, have just joined too. Sorry to hear about your husband. Yes it is difficult with COVID and lockdown. If you would like to chat please reply
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 4th Feb 2021 08:19:43 > @Hope123
Hi Hope123,

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2nd Feb 2021 11:05:14 (Last activity: 2nd Feb 2021 13:27:18)
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well since your article 2015, are you still out there? i just turned 67 last month dec 2020. i choose to move awa in 1977, due to dysfunctional family, drove to oregon with my terrier in a volkswagon from california and live the northern two states above cal, portland, or, and now vancouver, wa.

i have a dog, always had dogs after my terrier died, 3 others, and most recent is a small terrier, i rescued 8 years ago.

i am trying to locate a chat room to hook up my new webcam for some survey researchers interviews, and i just don't know where to go to get it up and running.

we could chat some, nice reading your little story,

Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 2nd Feb 2021 13:27:18
Hi Sophia53,

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31st Jan 2021 13:34:18
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hello I'm new. just read your text. covid 19 has made it difficult for everyone. we are not forgotten just friends family cant visit as they would like. keep on site sure you will make many friends. a verse to cheer you tis folks who are friendly and folks who are kind that make life worth living and bring peace of mind. tis hands that are helpful and ready to bless that make all the difference to joy and success. be positive these difficult times will soon be over. 🙂
30th Jan 2021 21:15:34
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Hi Celtwitch,
I like your name - is there a story behind that?

It sounds great that you went to University recently. I am still studying myself at 62. Who says we are too old to stop learning?

Geography is not my best but I assume that the Southern Lake District is not too far from Lancashire. I love to walk and cycle aswell - probably could do more if I was a bit fitter!

I hope you can reach out to new friends on here and not feel so lonely.
Lots of us in the same boat! X
30th Jan 2021 18:05:04
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I am 65 living in Menorca looking for friendship with like minded people.
I’m fun loving, youthful in my outlook and still physically fit.
29th Jan 2021 18:09:15
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Hi I’m Mick a newbie from Dublin 60yrs old nice to talk to new people
28th Jan 2021 13:32:15 (Last activity: 28th Jan 2021 13:39:43)
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Hi,I am new to the group and I am wanting to make new friends as well,your message resonated with me so I understand as I am in a similar situation,if you want to have a chat let me know.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 28th Jan 2021 13:39:43
Hi LesleyJ57,

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25th Jan 2021 03:22:15
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I'm a newbie. Married with two grown up children. Found this site and thought it sounded interesting.

I'm English and used to live in Kent but my Husband and I are now living in Australia and have done so for 26 yrs!

Just wondering if anybody lives in Melbourne.

Enjoying watching all the old YouTube clips!
22nd Jan 2021 16:10:02 (Last activity: 22nd Jan 2021 16:11:16)
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Hello..I’ve just joined too. I am 69 I’m very lucky as I m in contact either by phone or FaceTime with all of my family who live not far from me. I look after two of my granddaughters as their mam and dad have to work..They are my bubble as I was widowed 9 years ago and live on my own except for my two rather big cats and my 5 month fox faced beagle. I live in South Wales and have the hillsides literally on my doorstep so I can be outside walking every day. I feel for those who do not have this freedom ...albeit restricted. I don’t think I would cope very well if I wasn’t able to go out and walk the fields. I m trying to learn Welsh, my youngest son and his oldest daughter aged 6 are bilingual and it was my maternal grandmother s first language, I think it’s beautiful but I’m not finding it easy, it’s a long long time since my O level and I don’t really practice enough.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 22nd Jan 2021 16:11:16
Hi GCuskern,

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