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Hi from Scotland

Hello. I’m Mike. Just joined out of curiosity really. I’m 69 (for just a few more weeks) All the boring stuff about me is in my profile. I’ll be happy to just chat. Not looking for partner or anything. Or any arguments. I moved from London to Central Scotland 6 months ago. My hobbies include bird watching, Plane spotting, Photography & video & computers.

Created By on 14/03/2015

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16th Mar 2019 16:02:15 (Last activity: 27th Apr 2019 10:43:45)
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Hello I just joined and not sure what to do I live not far from St Andrews and thought it would be nice to have a chat .
Response from Hannelore made on 27th Apr 2019 10:43:45
hello nellie,
how are you ? did you already find your way around here ? I just registered two days ago, but find it quiet confusing. and I realised that one has to search around in the forum and in the new-member compartment to find somebody nice. not easy as there often is just a name, nothing else ! for a lot of people don't fill in theri profile. perhaps they don't know how...?
well, anyway.. it would be nice to hear/read a few words from you.
have a nice weekend!
best wishes, Hannelore
16th Mar 2019 06:39:58
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Hi, been a silver surfer member for a while but never really used it much, never even realised there was a Forum
Be nice to chat & make new cyber friends. 61 but only for another few weeks, still working but can’t wait till I retire as I would like to travel more -although will need get over my fear of travelling outwith UK on my own!
11th Feb 2019 13:11:16
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I'm french and I spent 5 weeks in Scotland in January!
It was a great experience!
I lived near Elgin in a wonderfull family!
I love Scotland!
26th Jan 2019 08:11:53
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Agree with you Joanna . Would be better if the old postings and inactive threads were removed would undoubtedly help matters . Beware of some subjects such as Brexit and Politics where intemperate short fuses are not in short supply !
21st Jan 2019 12:33:09
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More Capercaille !

I wrote recently about my experiences many moons ago with a male capercaille (aka “horse of the woods” ) here in Highland Perthshire .These beautiful but somewhat aggressive birds have suffered a mammoth decline in numbers from some 20 000 in Scotland in the 1980s to barely a 1000 at present . They are now only found in the north east in Aberdeenshire- a sad but somewhat inevitable decline . Only last week a n incident was reported in a small estate in Aboyne . A love crazed caper caused them to create an exclusion zone around its territory to protect ramblers after it had killed its love rival in a fight . Rangers had warned tourists that they could be mistaken for a potential mate or rival by an aggressive cock . One path has already been closed after a poor cyclist was set upon by one using its razor sharp beak . The caper is the largest of the grouse family reaching up to 90 cm / 3 feet in length
Goldfynche Original Poster
12th Jan 2019 10:06:57 (Last activity: 14th Jan 2019 00:12:38)
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Hello once again from Callander. Seems like a long time ago since I last looked in.
Been up in Scotland for just over 4 years now. Yet it still feels like we only moved in about 3 months ago!. Time seems to fly past so fast these days!
I'll try to look in a little more regularly now that my desktop PC seems to have finally allowed me to enter the forum, instead of restricting me to my ipad!
73 years old now! 74 in a little over 3 months. No major health issues to worry about, thankfully.

Hi to all who may have responded to previous posts and never got a reply..
Response from CaroleAH made on 12th Jan 2019 17:07:32
Hi Mike,
Glad to see that your PC has allowed you to re-join the forum 🙂 My PC behaves itself but my iPad is useless on this site ........... or perhaps it's me! Re the time flying past - my old Dad always used to say that the older you get the faster time flies by. I think he was right - when I was little (a long,long time ago!) birthdays and Christmas always took ages to come round, now I no sooner put the decorations away that it seems to be time to put them up again!
Are you enjoying living in Scotland? It's one of my favourite places to visit - I've stayed in Kingussie a few time s and am going to Inversnaid in March - fingers crossed for snow on the mountains but roads clear.
Response from Goldfynche Original Poster made on 13th Jan 2019 21:37:22
Hi Carole. Yes I am enjoying living in Scotland. Along with my daughter. We live in a fairly substantial flat along with 2 chihuahuas. My daughter works in a local craft shop just around the corner from where we live and only takes about 2 minutes to ‘commute’ to work.. I can’t see myself ever returning to England but you never know.
Response from CaroleAH made on 14th Jan 2019 00:12:38
Hi Mike,
Glad to hear you are enjoying Bonnie Scotland. It's odd but I always felt an affinity for the coastal area near Dumfries when I visited friends and then many years later, when I was researching my family tree I found that many of my great grandparents were from that area. Some were married in the church in Kirkudbright, which is now a museum and others were from villages near Stranraer where they worked at crofters - unfortunately no castles or mansions in my family! 🙂 A two minute commute to work sounds idyllic - your daughter is so lucky.
21st Dec 2018 08:41:16 (Last activity: 11th Jan 2019 07:04:15)
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Just joined. I am man of 90. I am still fit and healthy. I think my post would be to encourage other elderly folk to do daily exercise at home. —- but make sure to begin slowly and build up. Lots of benefits.
Response from ColinM1 made on 11th Jan 2019 07:04:15
Failte young un !
11th Jan 2019 06:06:45
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Calli Age brings experience and its worth spreading the word . Unfortunately there is on this forum a coterie of somewhat self-opinionated died in the woollers who think that the sun shines out of Mayhem’s back side ! Present circumstances is water of the duck’s back to them alas ! Trust you press the right button !
8th Dec 2018 19:50:22
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Welcome Mike - lot of good stuff and plenty which will be of interest ,. Beware the politics / Brexit aspects more than a few over opinionated contributors !
8th Dec 2018 19:32:17
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Hope you are settling in ok and loving the countryside. Plenty of bird watching ops and photography ops.
6th Dec 2018 18:19:17
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Hi I have also just joined, am 69 and live in Highlands by a bird sanctuary. Also English.
17th Nov 2018 18:24:47 (Last activity: 18th Nov 2018 09:53:52)
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Hello and loving it in Dumfries and Galloway....but Oh so isolated. Anybody there?????
Response from ecarg made on 18th Nov 2018 09:53:52
Hi Crim1
I live in Dumfries please private chat me be nice to have a local contact.
25th Jun 2018 13:27:54 (Last activity: 13th Nov 2018 09:39:52)
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I am new to this only just joined would be delighted to make new friends I am English but have lived in Fife for about years
Response from DoreenM2 made on 13th Nov 2018 09:39:52
I am English/Welsh and moved to Isle of Bute in 2005. It is a beautiful island but at the moment I do not know if I am stopping here after losing my husband last year. I was born in South Shields but left before I could South Wales, so consider myself Welsh. I love walking. I am well into family history and discovering my ancestry. I have an extensive family tree (way over 2000) and have discovered folk who are distantly related to me from Australia, New Zealand etc. I hope to do a bit of travelling while I am still able
2nd Oct 2018 15:48:36
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Have only just signed with Silver Surfers so will just see how it works
22nd Aug 2018 02:59:29
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Hi I am new learning this
11th Mar 2018 14:55:49 (Last activity: 25th Jun 2018 00:55:18)
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Hello Mike, I'm Elizabeth. I've just joined this site today, and also from Scotland. I'm also 60sh, not looking for a partner, just nice people to have wee chats with. I've did a wee bit of bird watching at Lochwinnoch RSPB, lots of lovely, interesting species there. I'd like to get into photography, and lately have been considering joining a camera group - I love my photos : )
Response from Star rider made on 22nd Mar 2018 22:28:53
Hi , I joined today, I'm not very tech so if you reply I hope to find you !
I am 60 yr female, married and a bit lonely. At that point in life reflecting and hoping to stay fit and healthy to enjoy the years left.
I was born in Scotland and my heart is always up there but I am settled in the midlands with hubby and have 2 grown up children that moved away.
I love my garden which is a nature attraction for birds and all sorts .
If you want give me a reply to see if we have a common interest.
Response from Wellies made on 25th Jun 2018 00:55:18
In reply to Litlpetl. I haven't been on this site for ages as I find it a bit confusing. I came across this ' Hi from Scotland ' bit and read your post. I noticed you mentioned Lochwinnoch. I used to go fishing there for pike when I was a young feller in the '50's and early '60's. I moved to Australia in 1964 and now live in Tasmania. If you'ld like to reply it would be nice to hear from you ( that's if you get this and I can find your reply ) Ok I'll hit add your post and see what happens.
28th Apr 2018 21:51:08
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Hi Mike, I just joined today. I am originally from Scotland but have lived in Canada for years. I am not looking for a partner, just feel a bit lonely and like the idea of chatting.
18th Feb 2018 18:33:48
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We sit here in our warm and cosies, yet all we want is to reach out, have some kind of connection
2018 - the year of ?
14th Sep 2017 01:16:59 (Last activity: 12th Oct 2017 10:03:52)
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Hello there, I decided to reach out to people around the same age as me. I am 59, female, divorced a very long time ago - and its just recently that I have actually started feeling my age...... I never thought too much about age before but last year I had a couple of operations and was unable to go back to a job that I absolutely loved.

I have always worked full time, brought up two lovely children (son and daughter) who live their own lives today. They are two decent human beings and I am extremely proud of them.

My life up to now has been raising them and working. I did take a few years out of work when I was in my late thirties to gain a BA (hons) degree in Business. After that I went straight back to work.........

I was in a long term relationship which ended two and a half years ago. After that ended my health deteriorated for a while, I became unemployed.........however, I am back to normal and I just don't know what to do next.

I just feel so old !!!! HELP......
Response from CaroleAH made on 14th Sep 2017 23:24:01
Hello Keyden,
Welcome to Silversurfers! At 59 you are still a spring chicken - remember, age like size is only a number so stop feeling old and start to enjoy your life. You have achieved so much already - two lovely children and a BA (Hons) degree. Are you looking for work or have you taken early retirement because of your health? If you have retired would you consider doing some voluntary work where you would not only meet other people but could possibly help them as well. I volunteer at a local primary school just for a few hours a week and listen to the children read. It is so rewarding especially when the new children who have just started begin to gain confidence and chat to me about their families and pets etc. I'm also a member of my local U3A and have joined quite a few groups - gardening, singing and antiques to name but a few. Whereabouts in Scotland do you live? It's a beautiful country - I like the coastline between Dumfries and Portpatrick and love Edinburgh. I've also visited Skye and admired the Cuillins - from a distance, I'm not a climber! Always ready for a chat so cheer up and start planning the rest of your life 🙂
Response from fifer90 made on 11th Oct 2017 21:44:52
Hi CaroleAH--noticing your enjoyment with U3A I was amazed to see that mentioned as I myself while living in Adelaide Aust. attended this Teaching Group & loved every minute of being involved. Benefited so much form Company & mental stimulation. Missed this part of my life ever since.
Response from CaroleAH made on 12th Oct 2017 10:03:52
Hi, where do you live now, Fifer90? I'm sure that if you Google the U3A there will be a branch near you that you could join - I've made loads of good friends since I joined six years ago. 🙂
17th Mar 2017 07:26:25 (Last activity: 11th Oct 2017 21:52:54)
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Hi Mike
Joined for same reason. Live in Australia so fairly different from Scotland. I have visited Scotland a couple of times.. I have no hobbies to speak of.
Response from fifer90 made on 11th Oct 2017 21:52:54
I am an Australian on paper so happy to see that you join in here as well.
Those 42% heat days & weeks were really draining. Take Care I might even be back fingers crossed abbe42
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