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Do you think Camilla should be crowned queen?

As the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary today, has Camilla won us all over with her style, substance and support?

Ten years ago 7% of the British public thought Camilla should be queen. In a similar poll 10 years later 50% of those polled said they now think Camilla should be queen when Prince Charles comes to the throne.

The past decade has seen perceptions of the former Camilla Parker Bowles transformed to a valued member of the royal “firm” whom half the nation would accept as queen.

It would appear that Prince Charles would like her to be crowned with him by his side and also that Prince William and Prince Harry have accepted her role.

What are your views? Has Camilla won over your heart?

Created By on 23/06/2015

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5th Jul 2016 15:45:41
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I always thought she was far better for Charles than Diana ever was. He will be a better King with her by his side.

Yes, let her be crowned.
1st Jul 2016 17:43:50
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I thought we would have moved on since 1937 and Edward VIII and Mrs Simpson. Good to remember that they were happily married for over 35 years. Princes have had mistresses since time began so that's nothing new. Diana was not snow white herself if truth be told but the marriage seemed wrong from the very first so it's a pity it ever took place. However,it did and time moves on so I think that as Camilla seems to make Charles so happy and fits in so well with the Family, then let it happen. It will be William and Kate's turn soon enough.
5th Jun 2016 09:42:02
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My view is this......50 odd years ago Charles and Camilla fell in love but at that time she was probably not deemed to be suitable for the heir to the throne so he was packed off somewhere for a while and on his return Camilla had made a suitable marriage! If the situation had occurred today Charles would no doubt have been allowed to marry Camilla and she would naturally have become our future queen.......... However, that doesn't mean I think she should eventually become fact I would like the reins handed over to William, thus missing a generation, but of course this will never happen. All I can hope for is that I'm around to see William and Catherine come to the throne, but by then I'll no doubt be "away with the fairies"
28th May 2016 13:19:33
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NOOO!!! That Camilla creature is proven to be a liar, unfaithful, deceitful & manipulative. She would as a divorcee be married to the HEAD OF THE CoE ! ...with those traits...who could say she's fit to be given that role? When she was married she sloped around behind her faithful husbands back to commit adultery with the equally untrustworthy, deceitful and manipulative Charles.
They are together a shame on the house of Windsor, at least Edward chose Mrs Simpson, Charles wants IT ALL, do you really think she is a lovely person? She has been very slowly and carefully brought into public life, she had to be, there would have been an uproar if she'd been brought straight in as Diana's replacement...slowly, slowly,catchy monkey...slowly so she was accepted.
I firmly believe that NEITHER Charles or his present wife are fit to reign, they set VERY LOW moral standards, he should for once in his life do the right thing and let succession go the his eldest son.
28th May 2016 07:30:44
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Yes she should be Queen,she comes across as a loving wife and a good stepmother to the boys .we all loved Diana and they were wrong for their affair but in the real world Charles would have married his first choice.they truly love each other..
Margaret Hart
27th May 2016 22:35:33
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I do not think Camilla should be crowned Queen as she has from the beginning she showed herself to be dishonourable.
8th May 2016 23:42:49
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No and definitely NO. We know that Charles wants her to be his Queen but why should she, the Duke of Windsor had to abdicate to marry Wallace Simpson. Camilla can be his consort but not not crowned. Sorry but she is not one of my favourite people.
3rd May 2016 13:58:51
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I really do like Camilla, but the great British public are unlikely to forgive and forget. Prince Charles is not very popular either, so lets give them a miss, and have William and Kate instead.
17th Apr 2016 18:53:55
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I think she should be his consort and not crowned queen. I think she makes him the perfect wife and they are obviously very happy together, but the way that Diana was treated still. leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth. If not possible to be a consort then Charles should give up the throne for Prince William.
27th Mar 2016 19:47:16
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I dont think she should become Queen, she has acted badly in the past with Prince Charles, behind Dianas back, so think what was brought on edward, having to abdocate, Prince Charles should do the same and let us have a young King and Queen with William and Kate.
7th Mar 2016 09:53:44
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I don't think so as she behaved badly during Charles and Diana marriage. As most people were aware she spent the night with Charles in a railway carriage just before his marriage to Diana.
I personally believe Charles should abdicate and allow William and Kate become king and queen when our present queen passes on which I hope won't be for a few years
27th Feb 2016 08:28:12
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19th Feb 2016 14:22:44
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Charles put his duty first. This is what parted him and Camilla in the first place. Good luck to them.
3rd Jan 2016 10:07:15 (Last activity: 14th Feb 2016 08:55:42)
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No, No, No, NO, NEVER! It is terrible that she had an affair with Charles whilst he was married to Diana. Who knows, if that had not happened, we might still have Diana with us and she would be queen in due course. I think William and Katherine would make better royal leaders when the time comes, and pass over Charles.
Response from Polly-Rae made on 14th Feb 2016 08:55:42
It takes two to tango. Charles had an affair with Camilla too! Diana was undoubtedly used by the Royal family, which lost the Royals a lot of public respect, but Diana was hardly a saint, she did seem to court controversy. There are always two sides to every story. Sad, unnecessary ending though, poor love.
13th Feb 2016 10:17:34
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9th Feb 2016 14:37:06
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I do feel she should be his queen, as a couple they are soooo good for each other, he deserves to be happy and rule with his queen at his side. They were forced to be apart from the very beginning, now they are together, please allow the country to have a very happy King and Queen for however short a period of time.
18th Jan 2016 12:16:54 (Last activity: 1st Feb 2016 14:18:22)
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No definitely NOT they treated Diana appallingly the recent programme about them with Ant and Dec was just PR to help him become King that's all would love William to be King one day ....
Response from Boots made on 29th Jan 2016 15:33:31
Well I hope it is a long time before William becomes King, as at present he is in no way mature enough. He wants to live as middle class with the niceties in life that a member of the royal family has. He does very little work for the Queen, (I know he has a part time job as a pilot for an air ambulance, but I would have thought an ordinary person would have needed the job more than William). It would appear that Carol Middleton has more control over his life than his father or grandmother.

DIana unfortunately was her own worst enemy. She courted the press and then complained when they turned up to where she was. Unfortunately she was also very immature when she married Charles, plus a sick woman with mental problems. She just wanted to be the centre of attraction wherever she went and broke up at least two, if not more, marriages, after she left Charles.
Response from lilian1 made on 1st Feb 2016 14:18:22
What you are saying I totally disagree with Diana was not an angel we know but she had compassion for others if she was mad I am not surprised she was very unhappy at the way she was treated understandable Charles only married her to produce children as Camilla was too old Camilla did break up the marriage no question they should have left her to find another suitor that would have been kinder to Diana but her boys are a credit to her ... I am not anti royal just giving my opinion .....
29th Jan 2016 17:30:51
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Liked her from the start,liked her dignified and unassuming nature.
28th Jan 2016 17:28:49
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I see our future king much happier now than he has ever been which i credit Camilla to be the reason ,there is not much any of us can do about the past but a whole lot we can do about the future,i would love Camilla to become our queen.
19th Dec 2015 17:56:24
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Never,never ,never should she be Queen,I agree with JulieO
When compared with our beloved Queen you could not get a greater difference.She is a ' hanger on' and has no qualities needed to be named Queen.She should be satisfied with the title she has been given
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