Do you think Camilla should be crowned queen?
Watch this postAs the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary today, has Camilla won us all over with her style, substance and support?
Ten years ago 7% of the British public thought Camilla should be queen. In a similar poll 10 years later 50% of those polled said they now think Camilla should be queen when Prince Charles comes to the throne.
The past decade has seen perceptions of the former Camilla Parker Bowles transformed to a valued member of the royal “firm” whom half the nation would accept as queen.
It would appear that Prince Charles would like her to be crowned with him by his side and also that Prince William and Prince Harry have accepted her role.
What are your views? Has Camilla won over your heart?
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I think it will be a great shame when she does become queen
Camilla took Diana's husband her sons and now her title what a tragic turn of events
And as for Charles he never loved Diana she loved him and yes both had affairs
but the big difference was when they made marriage vows he never meant any of them as he was seeing Camilla through out he's marriage to Diana
both Charles and Camilla broke Diana mentally for a long time of her short life and with them having an affair people can make as many excuses as they like for them but the truth is they were married and still cheating on there spouses
And shortly he is to be head of the church with he's Camilla beside him it seems to me that they are going to be rewarded for there sins what a shame
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With Camila THEY will divide a nation and destroy all the Queen has built
He met Diana, a member of the aristocracy, when she was aged 16 and he was dating her older sister. She had some insight into the royal lifestyle as she was born and brought up in Park House, which is situated on the Sandringham estate. As the royal family frequently holidayed at the neighbouring Sandringham House, Diana played with the Queen's younger sons Prince Andrew and Prince Edward.
I met Diana three times and she was charming, but there was the public princess and the private woman. It should not be assumed she was a young innocent used and abuse by her husband. Both Charles and Camilla work hard and have always and continue to support the Queen. Both he and Camilla adore both his sons and grandchildren and would never do anything to harm them.
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He first met Diana in 1977 when she was 16 and he was introduced to her when dating her older sister Sarah. Diana was born into the British aristocracy and grew up close to the royals on their Sandringham Estate
It has been reported that he and Camilla started their affair in 1986 when his marriage to Diana had "irretrievably broken down" five years in. Diana was aware of it and confronted Camilla at a party telling her she was aware of the affair. However, it is important to note that both he and Diana had affairs throughout their marriage from 1981 to 1996
Many adored Princess Diana, I met her three times and she was a gracious and charming lady, but there was the public face of the princess and the private face of the woman.
I am happy that Charles has at last married the woman he always loved and who has given him the love and support he needs. She has taken to the role quietly and with dignity despite what she has had to endure from the public perception of her relationship, painting her as a "scarlet woman".
I believe it was right and proper for the Church of England to allow Charles and Camilla to marry. It also has to move with the times, particularly if it wants to survive and embrace the times we now live in. I would prefer it to move forward rather than try to hold us back.
I for one feel Camilla has taken to her role with quite dignity and fortitude, supporting Charles in all aspects of his life. They have earned their happiness.
I am no ardent Royalist, but looking around the world, it seems to me that the Presidents of various countries have done a pretty poor job, and honestly can you look around and say who you would choose to be President of the UK.???? The royal family pay a lot of their own bills from family wealth, and do not often meddle in politics. How many Presidents can claim true freedom from corruption? I think on the whole we are better off as we are, as we can at least see where our money goes, and often enjoy the shows it pays for!!!.
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For me he is a utterly a bigger hypocrite than his fancy bit.Can you imagine a young bride to be marrying a prince who turns out to be a philandering nincompoop.
ALL i ask people is to put yourself in Dianna's shoes on her honeymoon with you man ,yet at the other end of the ship is a woman waiting for her share, I mean come on get real it just would not happen would it! So ok if people want to bow and scrape,and fawn at their feet then obviously they cannot be saved there is nothing left for them is there?
I know this opinion will not suit a lot of people will it ,but hey we are in a DEMOCRACY aren't WE!
I think Camilla has taken to her role with dignity, no tantrums, no demands and just getting on with the job. I certainly do not think she deserves being called a 'whore'.
As for Prince Charles, unfortunately he is human and thus can not be a perfect being. I like them both and think they will do a good job regardless of title.
A situation for their benefit starve the people they already scrounge on tax payer
Present a distant image The Queen has done a good job but please don't foist Charles and Camilla on us
I don't know why Prince Harry left but that was his choice and let us not forget Charles was a bad husband and a rubbish father if it had not been for Charles and Camillas behaviour
Diana may still be alive today. who is the father of Laura P B
Our amazing Queen is just that She dedicated her life to the job when it was thrust upon her at an early age after her father's death. I am old enough to remember him, and the Royal family's courage during the war years, when the two princesses were children themselves and she has carried out endless duties of all kinds since, as have many others in the family.
They are slowly moving into modern times, and I for one would far rather have a continuation of a Monarchy in this country than any Presidency, by observation of the general run of holders of that office in the last few decades. There are very few examples that I could give credence to. Tradition, Pomp and Ceremony are deeply rooted and valued in this country. I am not an ardent Royalist, but I am proud of our heritage. Don't Knock it!!!!
Its terrible that they can get away with their destructive behaviour towards Diana and Charles' marriage.
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Incidentally, Princess Diana did do charity work for people, her involvement with HIV and The National Aids Trust are well known, plus her work in supporting Centrepoint, The English National Ballet, Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital, The Leprosy Mission and The Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Trust! What makes you think she was instructed to only work for animal charities?
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They both married others, it turned out Camilla married a serial adulterer, Charles and Diana were a disaster from the beginning, he just needed a baby factory who would shut up and live her own life, leaving him to live his life, as so many Princesses and Queens have had to do. Charles' behaviour in expecting a submissive wife and an accommodating mistress is not what people expect in this day and age. Charles and Camilla get on well because she indulges him like a child, she knows well how to keep him happy.
I would say good luck to them if they make each other happy, which they definately seem to, she seems to be a quite nice person, if a bit manipulatve but as to being King and Queen Consort, no I don't think that wil be acceptable. Make them duke and duchess of somewhere and let them enjoy their remaining years but not as reigning monarchs,.
As for Diana I think she was too young, vulnerable and naive and in love with an idea but I think she eventually learned to get what she wanted, even if it wasn't the love and admiration of Charles.