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Daily diaries of those who are self-isolating due to Coronavirus


A place where, if you are self-isolating due to worries about Coronavirus, or if indeed you have contracted the virus, you can stay in touch with our community, to tell us how you are coping, share your experience and perhaps lessen your feeling of isolation

Created By on 15/03/2020

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19th Mar 2020 18:19:40 (Last activity: 19th Mar 2020 19:10:33)
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Response from Kes made on 19th Mar 2020 19:10:33
19th Mar 2020 07:56:06 (Last activity: 19th Mar 2020 13:29:55)
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Good morning everyone, I have just joined you this morning. My husband and myself are both distancing ourselves from the outside world at the moment! The only person we allow in the house is our son who fetches any shopping we may need. He keeps his distance but worries that he shouldn't even be doing that! Today I am going to try and sort out my head a bit by deciding how to go about this next few weeks. I am not ashamed to say I shall be pinching ideas from this forum. Stay safe everyone, I look forward to getting to know some of you (if not all) better? Take care.
Response from Melina - Assistant Editor made on 19th Mar 2020 13:29:55
Hello and welcome to Silversurfers. The best way to get started is to take a look at Current Topics in our Forum and feel free to engage in anything that takes your interest. We also have a very active Speakers Corner section where you may find something that interests you there.

I hope you enjoy being part of our community.

Melina 🙂
19th Mar 2020 09:33:58 (Last activity: 19th Mar 2020 12:50:29)
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Response from SilverBlue made on 19th Mar 2020 12:50:29
You are right Enchanted7Dandelion I read this morning that there were no more reported cases in Wuhan, lets hope thats correct and that life there will slowly get back to some sort of normality
18th Mar 2020 19:44:28 (Last activity: 19th Mar 2020 09:26:15)
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Hello everyone , wow this is soooo surreal isn’t it ? To be honest until today I was just doing the jobs , that take second place when its the garden season , believe me , there are quite a lot , but folks , there is no rush we are here for a while ! Well today I had to take my cat for her booster , all went well cat in basket into car and up to vet ! That’s when I read the note in the window , Do not enter surgery ! Went back to sit in the car to wait to be seen by their staff , a member of staff waved and she would be back . Sure enough out she came , gloves , mask . Once she got to the car I opened the door . ‘Don’t leave the car ‘ , I shut the door , then through the window she asked me all the questions , have you got , have you been with anyone , are you over seventy once satisfied with the answers , out came vet , she took cat , I sat and waited what seemed like age ,. Cat was brought back to car , put in . I then paid by tapping card , not wanting receipt etc . It was all done for protection . On getting home after all usual routine I rang vet , explained I couldn’t go through that again, so second cat will just have to wait , it all had a touch of Orsen Walls about it !! And I dear reader am not a wimp , so that was my day long story eh , sorry , had a glass of something nice , so feeling better
Response from Sue - Silversurfers Assistant Editor made on 19th Mar 2020 09:26:15
Everyone has to protect themselves and they were also protecting you as you can imagine how many people they come in contact with on a daily basis. I am sure your other cat will be you know the procedure at the Vets you are ahead of the game and it won't be so stressful.
18th Mar 2020 23:27:39 (Last activity: 19th Mar 2020 09:10:29)
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We are self isolating as much as possible as in late sixties but mainly because I have my mother living with us and she is 87. This is my big worry it’s a big responsibility. X
Response from Sue - Silversurfers Assistant Editor made on 19th Mar 2020 09:10:29
Yes, Elaine its a huge responsibility but you are doing the right thing!
19th Mar 2020 00:04:18 (Last activity: 19th Mar 2020 09:08:35)
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Sheltering in place at home in north FL. I'm 66 and had cancer last year. I check in with my grown kids every day via Facetime or phone calls. Trying to stay busy doing things around the house. Stay strong!
Response from Sue - Silversurfers Assistant Editor made on 19th Mar 2020 09:08:35
Thank goodness for Facetime I am glad you are managing to keep in touch with your family.
19th Mar 2020 04:48:31 (Last activity: 19th Mar 2020 09:06:41)
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We are self isolating because we are over 70 and have a daughter with a heart condition who is also self isolating and keeping our autistic grandson off school. We are doing this because of advice from our sons because of our age. We are hoping by doing this for a couple of weeks we will be able to have contact with our daughter and grandson who live very close by!
Response from Sue - Silversurfers Assistant Editor made on 19th Mar 2020 09:06:41
Sensible move Frieda you need to keep everyone safe your sons are giving you the best advice.
17th Mar 2020 19:30:53 (Last activity: 19th Mar 2020 05:00:40)
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We have enough food for the next week or so and quite a few tins so should be fine but the local shops are devoid of toilet rolls and pasta. A strange situation. My husband has spent a lot of time in the garden which is good for him and he has cheered up a lot.
Response from ValerieC78 made on 18th Mar 2020 16:17:56
You can always buy seeds for just about any plants on Ebay. I am awaiting delivery of tomato and courgette seeds to start my gardening season.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 18th Mar 2020 17:27:32
We are working closely with Sutton Seeds at the moment who are hoping to help out with home delivery of plants and seeds Happy gardening
Response from Kes made on 18th Mar 2020 18:35:16
Hi MrsPat. Our gardens, those who have them, may help Keep our spirits up. We just need a bit of fine weather to help us along. Take care.
Response from FriedaF made on 19th Mar 2020 05:00:40
I must say our garden is our saviour at the moment! It helps having the spring to look forward to plus there are always jobs that need doing! We are quite happy at home with our hobbies, me crocheting and my husband building his model railway! The worst is not being able to see our daughter and grandson who rely on us for support in many ways! They live so near but so far at the present time! We’re hoping by self isolating and they are too we will be able to get together again in a week or so if we’ve had no other contact with people!
19th Mar 2020 00:21:42
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Living alone with my dogs,take them out at night, love to everyone, keep In touch please,kisses,,,,,
18th Mar 2020 23:37:45
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18th Mar 2020 21:46:30
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I agree you really miss your children and grandchildren but it could be berr
18th Mar 2020 16:44:59 (Last activity: 18th Mar 2020 19:18:34)
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Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 18th Mar 2020 17:24:06
Knitting sounds like a great plan ... we have several features on knitting, and here is a link to just one with links to get free knitting pattens too 🙂
Response from AngelaJ49 made on 18th Mar 2020 19:18:34
I have been indoors with my husband since last Saturday. We chat on FaceTime to our children and grand-children every day and have found lots to keep us occupied. I got out my knitting needles ordered a load of wool and toy stuffing on line, downloaded a lovely happy unicorn pattern and have started making one for each of my grand children. My husband has been learning to fly a plane on his computer which he has found really good fun...don't know how many times he's crashed yet! Keep smiling everyone .
18th Mar 2020 16:09:51 (Last activity: 18th Mar 2020 18:50:37)
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We are self isolating as we are both vulnerable but I’m really struggling with it,thought I would be strong but atm just tearful
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 18th Mar 2020 17:30:35
You are not alone Chirstine ... we are all in this together so keep visiting this Forum thread and there will always be someone here to share your feelings with 🙂
Response from Chrissy703 made on 18th Mar 2020 18:31:44
Ty sally
Response from Chrissy703 made on 18th Mar 2020 18:50:37
16th Mar 2020 20:46:34 (Last activity: 18th Mar 2020 17:31:36)
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Response from Kes made on 17th Mar 2020 12:15:22
Had to read the punch line a couple of times before that sunk in. Thanks for the chuckle Lionel.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 18th Mar 2020 17:31:36
We need some more of you jokes Lionel to keep us entertained ... the more the merrier 😀
18th Mar 2020 16:16:10 (Last activity: 18th Mar 2020 17:29:16)
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I live with a husband in the "magic " age group and a son who, today was sent home from work as he has an underlying condition. So here we are in splendid isolation. As it is only day three, not doing to badly feels a little holiday like. I am sure that this will change. Now trying to work out how to shape our days so as to stay fit, healthy, and not go slowly crackers !!
The usual things spring to mind, reading, gardening, DIY, Keep Fit Boot Camp. I have had an enjoyable couple of days on Facebook, some great funnies and interesting pointers, so far. I just wanted to say hello to all and lets make these postings as upbeat and funny as possible. Looking forward to every bodies inputs. TFF Cathy Chaos.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 18th Mar 2020 17:29:16
In times of challenge I agree with you ... we need to keep our humour 😀
18th Mar 2020 17:23:17
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Hi everyone, I have just joined you all.
I went for my usual free from pasta, nothing and rice cakes all my fav dark choc gone.

It must be lovely to just eat what you want with not having to think about it.

On a brighter note I am thinking about, just thinking mind you about decorating to pass the time.
18th Mar 2020 17:04:19 (Last activity: 18th Mar 2020 17:21:58)
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9.15am we got to our local garden centre, hardly any one there, bought compost and plants to keep us busy over the next few weeks! Relieved to get a Morrisons slot for a couple of weeks time. Lovely volunteers in our village offering to help!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 18th Mar 2020 17:21:58
Sounds like a great plan Cathy ... we are working closely with Sutton Seeds at the moment who are hoping to help out with home delivery of plants and seeds 🙂 Happy gardening 🙂

We have just posted this special offer from Suttons!
18th Mar 2020 16:18:20 (Last activity: 18th Mar 2020 17:18:04)
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Really lovely to read the letters on hear ,does help to keep the spirit up .it's only day 3 .and if it rains I soon get fed up ..had really lovely day in my garden yesterday .but only a Little while today .Don't get all Lionel s jokes .the one about the potato clock . ? Must be slow senior moment .! Anyway keep up the good work Sally. Xx
Response from JennyC657 made on 18th Mar 2020 16:53:44
I don't get the potato clock joke either
Response from Bluebell2 made on 18th Mar 2020 16:56:57
get a potato clock = get up at 8 o'clock. Keep smiling
Response from Maggie-annV made on 18th Mar 2020 17:01:21
It has rained all day here, so much to do on garden, frustrating x
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 18th Mar 2020 17:18:04
I had to look at the punchline again too Wendy 'potato clock' means 'Eight O'Clock' 😀

I will ask Lionel to share some more jokes later 😀
18th Mar 2020 17:15:51
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Planning to plants seeds up. Painting jobs in the home. Practise beginners yoga to keep fit. Read. Knit and cook.hope to stay well.
18th Mar 2020 17:11:26
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I'm not sure how this 'self isolating' will affect me because I've been in training for it since 2013 and feel there won't be too much change in my daily routine! Started that year as normal, going to work (a job I loved) and by the end of the year diagnosed with 'advanced' rheumatoid arthritis. As it is I only get out once a week anyway and that's to do the shopping. I feel for those who will experience a 'sudden' change in lifestyle as I remember it took me several years to adapt! Asking for help is the thing I find most difficult, having been so independent all my life, but eventually you have to accept it and, of course, realise that those who do help get a lot from doing so x What we're having to do because of this virus is temporary - it may last a long time but it will end and you will be able to resume your lifestyle again. Try to remember that on the days when everything seems to get the better of you xx
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