
Silversurfers Community Showcase

Welcome to the Silversurfers community showcase! A place for you to share your creativity with the rest of the community.

Editors Choice

Each month, we'll choose our favourite literature and photo gallery submission and bestow upon it the prestigious "Editors Choice" award. If your submission is selected, not only will your article, recipe, poem, short story, or photo gain our badge of honour, wherever it appears on Silversurfers, but you will also receive a £25 Amazon e-voucher to spend how you choose! That's a total of £50 worth of Amazon vouchers awarded each month!

See some of the editors choice content from the last couple of months, below:

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Where appropriate, you warrant and undertake that: the contributed material is original; it does not infringe any copyright; is not defamatory or otherwise actionable matter; and all statements in the contributed material purporting to be facts are to the best of your knowledge and belief true.

We take no responsibility for the accuracy of any articles shown on and we do not take responsibility for any article that is protected by copyright. These should not be sent to us. By sending us articles to be submitted on the user agrees that the article is written by themselves, is not subject to copyright and has not been copied from other articles.