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Winter fuel payments - have you had yours yet?

Last year I received my winter fuel payment Nov 21; has anybody got theirs yet as I haven't? Just wondering. Neil

Created By on 25/11/2015

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10th Dec 2020 11:14:21
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I received my winter fuel payment today. I usually receive it in the last week of November. I can't tell you how relieved I am. Hopefully everyone else will get theirs soon.
10th Dec 2020 06:18:17 (Last activity: 10th Dec 2020 08:40:27)
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My wife received a letter saying she would get £200 as she lives alone ! I phoned DWP who said that as I receive a War Pension the computer is making an error this year and I will not be paid the usual £100 but my wife would get the full £200. They promised to correct the error but still no new letter or payment. I was told that they are slow at sending letters out. Is anyone else having this problem ?
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 10th Dec 2020 08:23:32
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Response from Lumixcam made on 10th Dec 2020 08:40:27 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Thank you Sally.
9th Dec 2020 20:59:48
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9th Dec 2020 18:51:04 (Last activity: 9th Dec 2020 18:59:15)
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I rang the DWP this morning and was asked for the date on my original letter from them saying I was receiving the money and was told that my money would leave the DWP account exactly one month later. I received my letter on 11th November so was told the £200 would leave the DWP account 11th December arriving in my account 2 or 3 day later.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 9th Dec 2020 18:59:15
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9th Dec 2020 12:14:07 (Last activity: 9th Dec 2020 15:29:56)
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Please remind me what the £10 annual payment received is for?
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 9th Dec 2020 15:29:56
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9th Dec 2020 12:08:20
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I've not received payment can I enquire re payment?
9th Dec 2020 09:05:28 (Last activity: 9th Dec 2020 10:07:47)
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I haven't even received the letter yet. I've emailed three times with no reply as yet and tried to phone several times but get as far as the message 'we are experiencing high volumes of call s, you may prefer to call back later' then the call is ended.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 9th Dec 2020 10:07:47
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9th Dec 2020 09:54:00
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Update. Finally, after receiving our letter 7 weeks ago, and making numerous phone calls and emails, Our winter fuel money has at last gone into our bank. I really hope that others on this site finally get theirs too. This money makes a great deal of difference to a lot of us at a very important time of year.
9th Dec 2020 09:00:28
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I contacted my MP. for help, M.P's have a direct helpline with the DWP, that was yesterday, My M.P's office staff spoke to DWP. and passed over my details, my M.P. is still waiting for a reply, incredible. Not even an M.P. can get info. from the DWP.
7th Dec 2020 12:15:45 (Last activity: 9th Dec 2020 05:59:44)
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Hi, Got my letter on the 9th November along with the £10 last week but no Winter Fuel Allowance as yet. Reading these post's it seems that I'm not the only one not received yet. DWP having problems
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 7th Dec 2020 12:45:53
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Response from MICHAELBUT47 made on 7th Dec 2020 14:20:55 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Hi, there really seems to be a problem with the Winter Fuel Payment, I like others received my letter on the 27th November 2020,I normally receive payment in November but not this year.
The letter states if not received by 23rd December ring the helpline. I rang the helpline which was a total waste of time as I was continually referred to the website and eventually received a message that told me that I now had all the information and put the closed the phone call.
So all us oldie seem to be in the position that we have no money and no way in finding out where it is or what is going wrong. The only different info. is that the letter states if you have not had the payment by 23rd December, start ringing, whereas elsewhere the chase up date is 13th January, I am full of foreboding on this one
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 7th Dec 2020 15:22:34 > @MICHAELBUT47

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Response from Georgia70 made on 8th Dec 2020 00:00:57
I spoke to the helpline and was advised that they had a new system in place this year! Hence the problems with wrong account information and very late payments me thinks (having worked there years ago)! I was also told we should have payment by the 23rd December! Fingers crossed the payment roll out doesn’t crash!
Response from Timm53 made on 8th Dec 2020 08:31:21
I thought these were automatic payments, like direct debits where people are not involved and it is all done automatically.

That's what I thought. I'm surprised they are not blaming BREXIT
Response from Pammi made on 9th Dec 2020 05:59:44 > @MICHAELBUT47
Yes I’ve had the same and eventually spoke to someone, who wasn’t particularly helpful
9th Dec 2020 05:58:22
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Winter Fuel is very late and I’ve had many excuses from DWP.
8th Dec 2020 06:22:14
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Hi. It seems to me that a lot of us hve the same problem with none payment of Winter Fuel Payment, but we are the only people who have this knowledge , so cannot get any help. i contacted Paul Lewis of BBC Moneybox and he was kind enough to ask for my details , in order to look into it , perhaps more of us should contact him i order to show the size of the problem.
On twitter Mr . Lewis can be reached on @paullewismoney
and email is: [email protected]., and I have contacted my M.P. the email address of your local M.P. is easy to find.
Martin Lewis of [email protected] seems another potential helper.
7th Dec 2020 13:13:06 (Last activity: 7th Dec 2020 15:22:42)
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I have had the same automated reply. I live in a retirement flat and because off lockdown I am using much more fuel. Have not received letter or payment. Have asked all my neighbours and they have received theirs so feeling concerned and planning on wearing warmer clothes and keeping heating off.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 7th Dec 2020 15:22:42
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7th Dec 2020 11:07:50 (Last activity: 7th Dec 2020 11:19:16)
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I have always received a payment in November but not this year, just a letter stating if I have not received a payment by December 23 to ring this free phone number. I rang it just to see what would happen. Automated message telling me to go to the Gov. web page. Go there and it says ring this number or e mail. It's just a run around. I emailed and got a reple stating if I had not had payment by January 13th to ring the free phone number.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 7th Dec 2020 11:19:16
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Maggie Ann
7th Dec 2020 11:18:41 (Last activity: 7th Dec 2020 11:19:14)
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Not received mine yet but have received £10 whatever that is for. Actually glad it is not only me that has not received the fuel allowance
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 7th Dec 2020 11:19:14
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7th Dec 2020 09:29:55
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I've received letter saying due payment but haven't got it yet.
6th Dec 2020 15:49:00 (Last activity: 6th Dec 2020 18:00:12)
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The £10 bonus has reached me but not the winter fuel allowance that, in the past, reaches me in the last week of November and before the bonus.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 6th Dec 2020 17:06:55
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Response from Rubysavannah made on 6th Dec 2020 17:53:06
I have not received my payment either I was expecting to get it with my monthy pension payment, can you tell me if you usually receive yours with your pension payment. What is the £10 bonus thanks.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 6th Dec 2020 18:00:12 > @Rubysavannah
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6th Dec 2020 12:44:13 (Last activity: 6th Dec 2020 13:34:18)
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last year i had my winter fuel payment, but not had it this year so far
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 6th Dec 2020 13:34:18
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5th Dec 2020 20:13:23 (Last activity: 5th Dec 2020 22:20:36)
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My money hasn't arrived yet
Last year it went into my bank on 19th November!
Now it is 5th December.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 5th Dec 2020 22:20:36
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5th Dec 2020 07:21:33 (Last activity: 5th Dec 2020 08:37:16)
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Still no winter fuel allowance has been paid into my bank which in past years has been 26th Nov.Have sent an email to DWP five days ago and still no reply.Has anyone else got this problem.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 5th Dec 2020 08:37:16
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