Winter fuel allowance
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I have been hit by a double whammy since I had a little more income from a small Insurance pension I saved for while I was working, No employers pension scheme in those days. I had seen my parents struggle on the basic pension.
This takes me just over the border for any Pension credit or Benefits, I have to pay for everything, and the freeze on personal tax allowance has just dragged me into losing least a third of any State Pension "Cost of Living" increase to Income tax in this year .as well, which upsets me as much as anyone else.
But when it comes down to it, I can get by. The money the country borrowed has to be paid back, and none of the Super-Rich Multi-Billionaires or Businesses are going to fork up for us, that is evident .Top-Down does not work, It only goes up!
After World War 2 I had my first job, Yes I am that old. At that time I had to pay a third of my wages to the Government to help rebuild the country.
To those who can get by, like me, Get on with it. To those that really need help, make sure you get that to which you are entitled. Rant Over for now!.
Also there are those that are not mentally capable of filling in the forms and many that are not even aware of the help on offer, some have no relatives that are willing to help or just live many miles away.
Surely a far better way to tackle this would have been to withdraw the WFA to those pensioners that pay a certain level of tax, that would be the wealthier pensioners that this whole fiasco is supposedly aimed at.
Labours own research suggest 4000 pensioners could die as a result of this, surely the job of any civilised government is to protect the people it serves and not to knowingly kill them.
My point is that the government is knowingly sentencing pensioners to death, this is something I would expect from pol pot or Mussolini its called geronticide.