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Windows 10 does anybody use it?

I do not know whether to download it or not

Created By on 05/05/2016

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20th Aug 2016 17:40:48
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I have Windows 10 and don't seem to have any trouble with it. I suppose it's what you want to use it for. I got it when it was going free.
helen marie
19th Aug 2016 20:44:51
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I use windows 10 its ok , very much like windows excell , easier than windows 8.1 , but did have trouble login into silver surfers this evening
Anni Tiara
19th Aug 2016 13:05:50 (Last activity: 19th Aug 2016 20:27:34)
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I downloaded it but I really can't see that it is any better than Windows 8.1 that I had before.
Windows XP was the best, don't know why they had to stop supporting that .... except that it was the best.
Response from Fruitcake13 made on 19th Aug 2016 20:27:34
Yes, XP was my favourite too.
19th Aug 2016 20:26:26
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I'm still using Windows 7, and I refuse to change just to suit Microsoft. When I buy a new computer I guess I'll have to put up with Windows 10m but I'm perfectly happy for the moment.
16th Jul 2016 08:13:46 (Last activity: 19th Aug 2016 14:25:19)
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I have 8.1 on my Advent, and will keep to it thank you. I do not need 10, and see no reason to download it just to please Microsoft. When this (desk) computer gives up the ghost I will have to get one with 10 on or get a mac. But at the moment I am quite happy with my solid Windows 8.1.
Response from Anni Tiara made on 19th Aug 2016 14:25:19
Sensible chap. I think I shall have to see about uninstalling it but I don't know what would happen to all my stuff that is not Microsoft.
28th Jul 2016 03:10:07
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Depends on couple of will your pc run it without being bogged down...
and second.. how much you value your privacy.. windows 10 has been undeniably proven to be
nothing but a massive spy machine, it records everything you do...everything, and sends it back to
microsoft... there is zero privacy on windows 10... last count was like 7000 different ways its spying on you and sending that info back to microsoft..and god only knows who else....


14th May 2016 12:36:00
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What was really annoying was that the games which were on Win 8 were not included in Win 10. I think you have to play online and pay. Anyway I finally managed to get all the games back and my husband is now quite playing his favourite games.
13th May 2016 16:27:58
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I have been using Windows ten for nearly half a year now. It is one of the best systems I've used and the stability is like that of Windows NT, a system I liked. All the other variations of windows, 7 Vista, 8 Pro were not as good as NT, at least Windows 10 seems to be back to that robust base.
[email protected]
13th May 2016 08:53:20
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I have windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10 on various PCs/Laptops/phone. I find window 10 is fine, and its fun to use Cortana. The only thing I don't like, is how information get passed around, and back to Microsoft. I take some photos on my phone, and next, without me doing anything, they are on my windows 10 PC! I would never use it for any financial details.

On my main PC, on separate SSDs, I have 7, 10 and Ubuntu. I use Ubuntu for 95% of my computer activities. Its fast - and free. And you don't have to worry about nasties getting into your system.

If you don't upgrade to windows 10 soon, MS might start charging for it.
11th May 2016 14:53:01
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Windows 10 still has a few bugs, but it is being sorted out. I mentioned that my husband's pc was always losing connection overtime he turned on the pc. Well, that has sorted itself out now but he still would prefer Win 8. He is using my old Dell laptop as I have my Apple iMac now. Wouldn't go back to windows if you paid me to.
10th May 2016 17:57:17
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I was happy with WIN7 but wanted to try WIN10. It appeared that my graphics card was not suitable, so I shopped around and {already having an Acer netbook}, bought an Acer Z3 615 all-in-one PC.
I successfully updated from WIN 8.8 to WIN 10....which then wouldn't recognise my excellent Canon Pixma printer/scanner on my LAN.
I went back to WIN 7 on my old HP Pavillion, and put the new Acer back in the box.

Acer sent me a questionaire about the Z3 615 {hoping presumably for praise}, which I completed, telling them that it was.... {and why it was}....gathering dust on the stairs.
There was, of course, no that's one expensive PC. just waiting for a place on Freecycle.
End of my association with WIN 10.....and Acer!
Ian C.
10th May 2016 08:39:51
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My biggest problem on 10 is "windows edge" it is a right pain in the rear end. It also seems to fetch loads of add on with it. Thinking of reverting to a decent search engine. Otherwise win 10 seems ok although like most in the beginning I was having problems.
9th May 2016 11:27:19 (Last activity: 9th May 2016 12:32:18)
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My husband has it on his pc but he hates it. Navigation is awful and window has a mind of it's own, changes things around, loses connection constantly. Not a happy bunny.
Response from Brian i made on 9th May 2016 12:32:18
hi they make changes to try to help but it all depends on what you running it on bye the look of it cant blame hubby for being unhappy
7th May 2016 17:37:15 (Last activity: 8th May 2016 07:42:19)
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I've been using it for six months. My biggest warning is about the navigation. If you are upgrading from Windows 7 then it's quite a change. I have just this morning posted a video about it comments welcome.
Response from Brian i made on 8th May 2016 07:42:19
Good morning Goldmercury thanks for posting video i have 10 but this showed me more about it .
7th May 2016 15:59:07
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I took the plunge and downloaded it about 3 months ago. After some initial teething problems with the keyboard (when I wanted an asterisk - it was typing a percentage sign - or similar). Someone suggested that the US version of the keyboard had been downloaded instead of the UK version - I corrected that and have been using it without any further real problems. I don't find navigation as easy - the first time I wanted to power off - I had a bit of difficulty finding my way to do this - but once found not too much of a problem - lots of little niggly things like this, but nothing major.
7th May 2016 15:39:45
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My old computer crashed, so I bought a new HP Pavillion. It came with Windows 10. I had read up and heard about its "intuitiveness" and after having it a fews days, I scheduled a visit with the "Geek Squad." What I needed to do is to customize the computer. I did not need all the options and had the geek just tailor the options to my uses. Now, I am a happy camper. It works just fine.
6th May 2016 00:55:38
Thanks for voting!
Had it and went back to Windows 7
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