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"really" making new friends!

Is it just me, or am I missing something?? I have tried joining several groups~ (U3A, National Trust, RSPB, walking groups, etc, etc)~ and good though they all are in their own ways, I have made no "real "friends'.

I am fairly sociable and outgoing and reasonable intelligent, so I Can communicate well ~BUT~ ~ The groups all meet at the appropriate times and places, the individual activities are participated in, the session ends, and we all go home! Try as I might, Nobody wants to pursue the "acquaintances"~ (I use that word rather than the word "friend")~ outside of these groups, even though I have suggested to some of the folks I Seem to get on with that we might meet outside the group for a coffee, or anything else. They all scuttle off like frightened rabbits and don't appear to want to take it any further. I have noticed that most of the folks seem to come in twos or threes, so already Know others with whom they have closer/longer friendships.

One lady actually said, "~I don't need to make any more new friends, I have enough already". Think it just about sums it up! So ~ ~ this mythical idea that joining groups allay loneliness to me seems the exact Opposite!

I feel more lonely and isolated at the end of the sessions than before I went in! It's "goodbye, see you next month", and everyone is gone!

Any suggestions? Does anyone have similar experiences??

Created By on 15/02/2020

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2nd Aug 2024 09:58:52
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Whereabouts do you live Lily? I`d happily join you for a coffee and a chat if you`re nearby.
Response from Bassmankyu made on 2nd Aug 2024 22:25:02
Hi Scruffles

How do these old posts keep getting regurgitated, it seems that there are too many sub categories on this site, maybe admin should delete the vast majority of them, we can`t go through all of them to find someone to chat to, What do you think?
Response from Scruffles made on 3rd Aug 2024 09:47:56 > @Bassmankyu
yes, this forum is chaotic to say the least. I did write to the moderators once to suggest improvements, but was completely ignored. Next time I reply to anything tho`, I`ll double check the date, so thanks for that.
Response from Bassmankyu made on 3rd Aug 2024 19:46:38
Hi Scruffles

Nice of you to reply, I`m in complete agreement with you, trying to find latest posts etc are a nightmare, plus my laptop seems to find a different layout on the forum page. I think they lose a lot of users because they can`t navigate round the site. Have you managed to find many people to chat with since you joined, I find I might get a message back then it all goes quiet and that is a pity
because a lot of people come on to this site because they are lonely and need someone to talk to. How does anybody ever get people on to a group chat I can`t imagine,Thanks again for reply hope to chat again with you sometime.
Response from Scruffles made on 4th Aug 2024 11:18:58 > @Bassmankyu
if you "connect" with someone, you can always set up a Chat. Although most people don`t seem to know it`s there and often don`t reply, so don`t hold your breath.
25th Oct 2024 14:38:24
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lily i definitely feel your pain, I am not quite as outgoing as you sound but make attempts at connecting and it doesn't seem to get the results I'd like. I even had tried being of service to one lady who needed a ride whom I thought would be nice to get to know. but as soon as she no longer needed a ride made no attempts to reach out anymore and i just fell back into attending my classes and minding my business `
so lonely in savannah should be my handle
2nd Aug 2024 01:05:23
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I’m now 70 years young and recently been thinking a lot about my
Life and feel there is still so much more to do during my Autumn years . Reflecting on have I done enough is there another episode in life to encounter . Is this normal to think on this at my age. I still work and was actually on a customers roof only last week installing a new solar concept of mine . It’s strange how the mind is willing but the body is not ,mere I’m in an old life crises ( smile ) do others on here feel the same .
23rd Feb 2024 09:06:56 (Last activity: 10th Jun 2024 22:41:34)
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Thanks for your post Lily, it seems that all social activities and social contact have been killed by COVID! People do not speak to each other, even appear to shy away from any contact. We have lived in the same road for the last forty years and boy has it changed! We used to have parties as did other neighbours, had dinner parties but now when I look around no one speak to each other apart from a very brief hello and certainly do not visit each other’s house! Going out in the evening feels as though you are the only human on the planet! I often ponder as to what people do now?
Keep well.
Response from Martyonline made on 22nd May 2024 12:35:59
My social group has collapsed since the pandemic, nobody seems to want to meet up any more, how about a beer, a coffee, a BBQ, dinner ? Nope

It hasn't helped that my best mate died pre pandemic, he didn't even make 60 and his partner died of cancer during the pandemic, Generally they're either in poor health themselves, or have aged parents who have needs.

There was me thinking it would be like and episode of the last of the summer wine, getting out doing things, getting out and about and having a good time, but not any more

But hey ho
Response from boring made on 10th Jun 2024 22:41:34 > @Martyonline
true some people are just happy to plod on and just get by but I want to live what ever time I have left to the max, while I still have some capacity to make my own decisions.My heart goes out to those poor people that are totally reliant on other's
10th Jun 2024 22:25:56
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Mate I know what you mean. I got put in this assisted living place after A head injury that put me in a coma for 9 months I whas kicked out 2 other places for I believe asking 2 many questions about there rules and and staff qualifications.Mate there all so young and very rude, agressive and have no respect.I F₩€¥§ing served this country. 10yrs of my life and for what? to be banged up in here with a bunch of junkies who are all ways on the scrounge for anything they can get.The police are here so often they have there own parking bay,lol
27th May 2024 10:51:54
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I’d never thought about this before, I can’t wait to retire. I think I will volunteer for animal rescue work and also travel a lot.

Some comments about being bored, luckily I tend never to feel bored as I have lots of hobbies and interests.

I can’t much comment on why groups don’t take it to a proper friendship, all I can think is people must be a bit clicky perhaps.

Good vibes to all!
27th May 2021 19:47:17 (Last activity: 22nd May 2024 12:31:09)
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I totally agree Lily with what you are saying. The older you get the harder it is to make new friends. People are friendly but all have their own groups already set up and I always feel like a spare part. Luckily I am still working but dread the day I retire and have nothing to do but look at what groups are out there.
Response from Nebka made on 23rd Feb 2024 09:01:56
Don’t dread retirement, just plan for it. I have been retired for 10years now took early retirement after my husband cancer diagnosis and am rarely bored and certainly do not miss working!
Response from Martyonline made on 22nd May 2024 12:31:09
I'm a working pensioner, self employed and not really in a position to retire financially, While I don't dread retirement, I think I'd be climbing up the walls, I have a very low boredom threshold and the grey matter needs stimulation
22nd May 2024 12:27:51
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I've found since the pandemic that my social group has totally collapsed, having said that, I've also done 4 years of WFH (working from home) and very rarely get out, so when my wife and son go off to work I won't see or speak to anyone until the late afternoon early evening.

Probably all my own fault, I used to go to the gym three or four times a week, to get some exercise and a bit of social interaction, but work got really busy and I stopped going

Being a gregarious and outgoing sort of fella, as and when I do speak on the phone, the caller is lucky to get away in less than and hour, even cold callers, well they're paying for the call

At the weekends if we go into town and / or to the local market or even Tescos, I will literally speak to everyone and everyone it drives my family up thew wall

There's probably more people than me affected this way ?
19th Feb 2024 04:40:21
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How do older people, "have enough friends”? There is old as they are and many of them are dying so they're having less and less friends as time goes on. Maybe, it's the fear of mourning another loss by having another friend.
19th Feb 2024 04:38:04
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.Are those people sensing your need? Do they see it as an extra responsibility? Be yourself..what comes comes. Do not value yourself as you think they do. You may be wrong also they may not know you well enough. Nowadays everybody wants a quick fix...they don't want to invest the time necessary to make an appropriate analysis of things. All in all it's probably their loss and probably your gain to not be involved with people that are so shallow. Believe in yourself...keep going on. Good luck!
24th Apr 2021 14:05:58
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Hi Lily49, only just seen your post but you're right aboiut lots of people already having friends in these groups and not being particularly welcoming to new members. I only belong to a photo walk group which is very informal, I don't even take photos, but we would love new members even if they only came for a walk round the local park. Unfortunately it's not your area but now that restrictions are being eased hope you find a group that welcomes you.
I think you're so brave for going to these meetings alone in the first place, I am far too shy to walk into a room or try to meet up with strangers, and as my partner died very suddenly last year I find it is very lonely especially at weekends - I work until 10pm Mon -Fri so that keeps me occupied as I don't drive so don't get home till late with the woeful bus service provided.I'd never have the confidence you obviously have to keep trying new groups.
Anyway, take care and hopefully one of these meetings will have someone who wants to be a proper friend rather than just a member going there to fill an hour or so in,
15th Apr 2021 19:46:45
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Oh God Lily, you could be relating my story. We moved to Swindon from Birmingham over 30 years ago and have tried three or four U3A groups. In the end we were so depressed and disheartened we packed them all in. Nobody made us feel at home or suggested we sit with them or even wanted to chat. Our history group just sat round in a circle while the group leader asked various people to read from dusty travel books, there were no lively discussions about places we'd visited, no humour to speak of, and the few tentative suggestions we made were ignored. One elderly chap next to us did a crossword, another fellow slept through all the meetings - you'd think that would tell the leader something wouldn't you?

When we go back to Brum for a visit, no matter what pub we pop into there's someone to have a laugh and a chat with. God, I miss my home town.
7th Apr 2021 03:35:22
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I have found the same problem that you have… Sometimes these groups are a little clicky... and those clicks are really hard to break or get into… And sometimes people just join them for the day that they all meet and then prefer to go their separate ways after.
23rd Feb 2021 00:16:02
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As my nickname suggests, I do not subscribe to FB, and other sites like it due to this culture of self centered hypocrisy. Lily49, don't feel bad. Too many people these days are superficial and are very selfish. I know of many friends of mine who are very protective of their privacy and family. They also wouldn't want to jump in and become friends with a stranger. Unfortunately, it isn't a safe world out there, and you don't know who you are becoming friends with.
I would suggest you try a church. However don't expect to be greeted warmly right away, as many churches have become more closed off to newcomers. Another unfortunate symptom of our social dilemma today.
Another suggestion is to try volunteer work. It's rewarding and a good icebreaker for meeting others who may be actually looking for friends too.

I encourage you to be kind to someone. If you hear music at the grocery store, dance to it. You would be amazed at the laughs you might get, and that's a good thing to bring smiles wherever you go.

Just some suggestions.
16th Feb 2021 06:52:17 (Last activity: 16th Feb 2021 07:58:47)
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Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 16th Feb 2021 07:58:47
Hi wendyeunice,

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25th Dec 2020 16:03:35 (Last activity: 29th Jan 2021 16:14:24)
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This post and the others associated with it have all struck a chord with me. Perhaps it's something that changes in our brains - as we are so often told happens - that makes us less open to making new friends, so that those of us who are trying to do just this come up against brick walls. The other side of the coin, if I'm honest, is the relinquishing of long-held friendships upon the realisation that really you have nothing to say to one another any more because of - what? - changing personality/interests/circumstances? It's all a mystery to me!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 25th Dec 2020 17:21:02
Hi Pinksky,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

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Response from chari made on 13th Jan 2021 08:00:58
Join something which has weekly meetings. It's hard to get to know anyone enough to pursue a friendship if you only meet once a month. It almost doesnt matter what you join, a knitting club, a community choir, archery club, bridge, chess voluntary public space gardener groups. Seeing people often and regularly is the key.
Response from Lottiebell made on 28th Jan 2021 10:43:06
I couldn't agree more. I don't know how it will pan out but I started an allotment last year - it has been a joy and I have met a couple of people - not friends but like-minded people do make a difference. The other joy has been walking. Again, I haven't made any friends, but it is lovely when people call out hello or some greeting which makes me smile, All helps in times when it seems so difficult to find new friends, Good luck.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 28th Jan 2021 12:47:49 > @Lottiebell
Hi Lottiebell,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from PurpleHat made on 29th Jan 2021 16:14:24 > @Lottiebell
A person after my own heart! I had to give up my allotment, age caught up with me physically, but I still potter at home and have a greenhouse. I'm recognised and greeted much more frequently in the village which is nice and there are always plants exchanged and to give for local events like the village Show. Gardeners are great for that!
Also there is a local branch of the National Pensioners Association (Now called "Active") which meets every week in a nearby hall, I have made friends there and had outings, coach holidays and met with them outside of the"Club" Folk I have been able to phone and chat with in these times. It takes a bit of effort, but pays off in the end!.
27th Jan 2021 11:31:17
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No words of wisdom I'm afraid but do keep trying. The present crisis makes it doubly difficult but it will end eventually. Your choice of groups seems narrow and prone to "cliques". Have you a local seniors fitness or book club? Have you the funds and mobility to try a coach trip or cruise?
Things occur by happenstance, I usually only contribute on speakers corner, I was idly browsing when I saw your comment. Until you team up, chat to Silversurfers, they are a great and varied bunch.
25th Jan 2021 04:42:10 (Last activity: 25th Jan 2021 07:57:56)
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Hey Lily49----I think I know exactly how you feel. I don't know if people are so busy with their own lives. I mean we vist and talk about things and then Adios till next time. It seems like real friends are getting harder and harder to find these days.

I had to stop bowling because of the covid restrictions-2020 was a tough year, wasn't it?
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 25th Jan 2021 07:57:56
Hi penny55,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

13th Jan 2021 07:57:36
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Join something which has weekly activities. I took up crown green bowls( a northern pass time it's lawn bowls in the south). I was persuaded to try it by the constant suggestions from a person in the community choir I joined. I took to it straight away despite my reservations and reluctance. I have already had an invite from another player to show me around her birthplace Isle of Man on a day trip once we are allowed to travel again.
21st Dec 2020 11:33:21
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I know it's probably not an easy line to go down, but I find one can meet people and make friends if you have a dog to take for walks. I lost my husband 6 months ago, since when I have obtained a small dog. Whilst walking him in our village I came into contact with another recently-bereaved lady (we met in the local churchyard !), ,got talking and as she was new to the village I gave her my number and said if she felt down and wanted to talk, she could contact me any time. She rang me a few days later and asked if I would like to meet up for coffee. This was a few weeks ago and we now go out regularly for coffee and/or lunch (covid regs permitting) and both feel our meeting has helped. I have also started talking to two other ladies in the village whom I'd not met before, because they stopped to pat my dog. It is hard to make new friends when you join a club or group sometimes, because as you say many people join with friends. .Keep trying and I'm sure you will be successful. I have also made a friend online via this group, when a lady replied to something I'd put on a Silversurfer forum, and we now write regularly to each other. Good luck and I hope you make new friends soon.
19th Dec 2020 22:09:59
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Making friends, joining clubs, doing activities, yes, you meet people, but from my own experience you only begin to make friends when you put the work in, and get to know the other souls who help to keep these clubs etc open for people to go to. See what you can help with behind the scenes, volunteer to help with the teas and coffees, help put chairs back at the end of the meeting, small things, even maybe offer to go on the Committee, think what you have to offer. When I last moved home I swore I would not get involved again, yet a month later there I was, back on a committee again, but it worked I made real lasting friends to this day, I have the Christmas cards still coming in to prove it!.
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