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Created By on 24/02/2014

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11th Jul 2017 21:07:54 (Last activity: 20th Jul 2017 16:54:27)
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Hello! I'm 62yo living in St, Petersburg, Fl. USA.... "And no I didn't vote for HIM" Looking to meet new friends to chat with and realized this is a UK based site. So, I hope y'all don't mind if I hang around.
Response from Linniloo made on 11th Jul 2017 21:57:43
Hello this site is for all to visit and chat . How are you... greetings from Bristol UK
Response from feynman54 made on 11th Jul 2017 22:01:36
Howdy! Linniloo, I'm doing good! How are you ?
Response from CaroleAH made on 12th Jul 2017 00:12:26
Hi feynman54, welcome to Silversurfers. Hope you find lots of interesting topics you can join in with. We are a friendly bunch of people 🙂
Response from feynman54 made on 12th Jul 2017 12:08:56
Thank you, CaroleAH, just looking for good conversation! Still familiarizing myself with site, and adjusting to 5hr time difference.
Response from Linniloo made on 12th Jul 2017 13:09:54
Hi there tell me a little about your life?
Response from Julie101 made on 13th Jul 2017 18:35:00
Hi feynman54 welcome I am new here too, how are things in St, Petersburg, Fl. USA
Response from feynman54 made on 13th Jul 2017 19:04:57
Fine, Julie101! Starting to get hot! And where might you be?
Response from Nula made on 20th Jul 2017 16:54:27
Are you related to Richard Feynman, the famous american physicist ?
I did physics at university many years ago and had one of his textbooks.
I am new to this site also - Live in Bristol, UK
3rd Jul 2017 08:17:31 (Last activity: 15th Jul 2017 16:55:06)
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Hi Everyone, Just joined I am 61 years young 🙂 divorced 10 yrs 2 children grown and not living with me. I find I am at that time when lots of friends have gone / moved for various reason and so thought I would try here. I like to travel when I can but finding travel companions is getting harder so if anyone would like to chat /meet for days out or holidays please say hi and lets see what happens thanks for reading this regards Julie
Response from Linniloo made on 11th Jul 2017 13:48:22
Hi Julie where are you in the uk ?
Response from Julie101 made on 11th Jul 2017 19:17:41
hi Linniloo
thanks for the reply
I am in Oxfordshire where are you ?
Response from Linniloo made on 11th Jul 2017 21:38:54
Wow this site is a little weird to find your way around. Hope this is right to reply. I am in Bristol. I suppose not out of the question and not that far. Was hoping to find someone near Bristol to enable travel together from the start. Just nicer than hauling away on your own.
Response from Linniloo made on 15th Jul 2017 16:55:06
Hey Julie any luck with hooking up with someone near you?
I find this chat forum a bit hard to find my way around.
11th Mar 2017 23:53:39 (Last activity: 30th Jun 2017 18:20:36)
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I quite fancy a Marigold hotel holiday
Anyone interested? Doesn't have to be abroad. Just somewhere near the sea will do
Response from Grandma167 made on 29th Jun 2017 17:03:44
Hi l have never heard of marigolds but willing to give anything a try, I try to fit as many holidays in as possible mainly beach holidays in the sun with a few cultural excursions as well. I am always looking to meet new friends and travelling companions, so fed up of that single supplement.
I am originally from Yorkshire but now live in Bedfordshire if anybody is interested.
Response from ElainePeony made on 30th Jun 2017 18:20:36
Tee Hee jokers...I have my personal carer to do chores ...called me!
I tell you what though, if you have about 3k to spend, get on the new Saga ship waiting list...£90.00 refundable...I will share a cabin with anyone who wants to, wef Summer 2019... Go fo it surfers! Who wants to be the wealthiest corpse in the graveyard?
29th Jun 2017 17:11:44 (Last activity: 29th Jun 2017 18:42:38)
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Hi everybody, I've just joined, I'm in my late sixties widowed nine years ago. I am well travelled, love beach holidays anywhere hot looking to meet new friends to plan future holidays with. I live in the Bedfordshire area but I am originally from Yorkshire look forward to hearing from you
Response from Silversurfer's Editor made on 29th Jun 2017 18:42:38
Hello Grandma167 and a very warm welcome to Silversurfers. I am sure you will enjoy our entertaining and informative site and many friendly members on here. Regards, Sally
13th Jun 2017 07:52:11
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Hi I'm Angela/Angie I'm new to the site and new to the idea of finding friends to travel with. I live near Sudbury in Suffolk is there anyone out there who lives reasonably near to me? I am a golden oldie but am fit and young at heart! Ive got friends I can have beach holidays with but I want more adventures. I am off on my first holiday on my own next week - a safari in Kruger. I would prefer to travel with someone whether its for city breaks or long haul I hope there is someone out there who's interested in chatting
29th Apr 2017 20:56:27 (Last activity: 23rd May 2017 22:04:29)
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Hi all ,I joined S S last year then Got involved in other activities and completely lost all the details for logging in ,so I went to other sites then realised this was the best so here I am.
Ive lived on the south coast for a long time since I came out of the Navy. Any one want to chat just send me a message .
Response from CarolinaGirl made on 23rd May 2017 22:04:29
Hello Eagle Eye

Welcome back!
18th Apr 2017 03:29:42 (Last activity: 23rd May 2017 22:01:55)
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Hello all, I am new and looking for friends to talk to
Response from CaroleAH made on 18th Apr 2017 10:46:32
Hi Stumpi,
Welcome to Siversurfers! Hope you find some topics of interest to you so that you can join in with the banter - alternatively, you could always start your own topic and someone is bound to make a comment or three! Have a good day 🙂
Response from CarolinaGirl made on 23rd May 2017 22:01:55
Welcome. I'm new here as well! I'm sure you will find some interesting and friendly people to chat up.
Your work sounds like fun. I would love to catch your show sometime.
I am in SC but I work as a Flight Attendant for American Airlines. I layover in Phoenix often and Tucson occasionally. I have never been to Tombstone but it sounds interesting!
Take care. Have Fun!
23rd May 2017 21:46:34
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Hi San
Welcome! I'm new here as well! Lots of interesting and nice peeps! Have fun!
19th May 2017 17:09:23 (Last activity: 19th May 2017 19:22:54)
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Hello----welcome! I am also a newbie.
Response from CarolinaGirl made on 19th May 2017 19:11:20
Thanks so much! I was just reading a beautiful poem you posted when I received the notification of your message!
Response from CarolinaGirl made on 19th May 2017 19:22:54
Sadly I'm not a poet or writer but I appreciate a good read! I have kept journals of my most memorable inflight experiences and I hope to publish a book when I retire. I'm afraid sooner would surely result in an "early" retirement! lOL
18th Mar 2017 12:05:29 (Last activity: 4th May 2017 11:19:49)
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Hi, just joined today and wandering round taking a look, hope to join in with the chat!
Response from Ericfromwigan made on 4th May 2017 11:19:49
I've tried to send you a little message....
I'm new, too....
Eric from Wigan Lancashire
27th Jan 2017 14:05:55 (Last activity: 29th Apr 2017 19:51:17)
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Hi,Val speaking,from Cornwall,67,love pets,how are you?.
Response from Valeryanne made on 29th Apr 2017 19:51:17
Hi,not been active on here for a while as didn,t recieve much response,surely there are some folk local to me out ,feeling lonely,looking for friendship,companionship ??
19th Apr 2017 15:31:23 (Last activity: 19th Apr 2017 23:50:51)
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Hiya, just wandering around looking for a chat forum and Silversurfers was suggested. I have lived in the Scottish Borders for some 17 years after moving from the Manchester area. I am married for 51 years and care for my husband. We live in a very rural area and therefore find it difficult to get about. I love people enjoy socialising and I am afraid quite the 'chatterbox', but unfortunately those days seem to have gone since my husbands accident at work 10 years ago. I am very active but most days now I find it very boring due to lack of communication with people except with my husband and sometimes I can feel quite lonely. I love cooking and baking..hence my weight gain..haha, like to swim every day (quick trip to local pool 20 mile round trip). I am not a TV person but do love a good drama. Love to chat on any subject especially if I get onto my 'soap box' the standard joke about me is that I carry a collapsible one in my handbag...looking forward to chatting!
Response from CaroleAH made on 19th Apr 2017 23:50:51
Hi Pollypa8,
Welcome to Silversurfers. I'm sure that you will find lots of interesting topics which you can comment on. Whereabouts in the borders do you live? I'm interested in genealogy and have found that a lot of my father's side of the family came from the Leswalt/ Penninghame area and my daughter and I spent a very enjoyable few days exploring the area a couple of years ago. My ex-husband's parents lived near Beeswing so I know that part of Scotland reasonably well. If you like getting on your soapbox, have a look at Speakers Corner - loads of differing opinions!
18th Apr 2017 18:09:41
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Hi I want to get in contact with potential companions male or female, who possibly live near me ( Hampshire make initial meeting easier) and want to go on holidays...share a cabin in a cruise ship to make it more economic is my goal, but only on small ships with no children allowed, e,g. Saga trips are the best.
16th Apr 2017 19:41:02 (Last activity: 17th Apr 2017 23:09:36)
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Hi all, I have just joined and hoping to chat to different people just don't know what about! Live in Liverpool and retired 2 years ago and have not found anything to fill my time yet, just been enjoying drifting so far. Does anyone know if you get any notification of any replies or do I need to keep logging on to this forum?
Response from Wilf made on 16th Apr 2017 20:45:55
Hi Barbara-I have been on Silversurfers a couple of years. lots of friendly people and different areas to comment/chat on. You get an email each time a comment or chat is made-hope you enjoy yourself here!
Response from BarbaraT5 made on 16th Apr 2017 20:54:24
Thanks Wilf for the reply, glad I get an email because I didn't keep a note of the website!!
Response from CaroleAH made on 17th Apr 2017 11:07:56
After reading your comments re receiving emails when posts/comments are made I have discovered that I needed to tick some boxes in the Email Preferences section so that I am notified when there is 'mail' 🙂 Happy Days!
Response from Treehugger1 made on 17th Apr 2017 23:09:36
I have just been and double checked that I am registered to received email notification when there is a response to a topic I am interested in and if I receive a pm (chat) but am not receiving these. Can anyone help please?
17th Apr 2017 11:56:37
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Hi another newbie here. Recently retired after life long nursing career. Lives St Helens Merseyside with husband of 40+ years.
Loves fitness classes ( would love a gym buddy)
Can play tennis and badminton but not well!
Likes theatre cinema and socialising generally.
Love to meet likeminded people in my area for coffee chats.
I care for grandchildren a couple of days a week so am kept on my toes.
Am a kind positive person looking to increase my network of friends- for fun and support.
Any takers???
11th Mar 2017 23:48:05
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Wendy here!
Just joined
2nd Mar 2017 19:14:23
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Another new Silversurfer here. A little background info...used to live in Bramley, Hampshire but moved to Romsey, Hampshire after marrying my present husband. I am very happy here but it would be lovely to make new friends who live in the area. Hope to hear from some of you soon.
27th Feb 2017 11:32:16
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Hi to all just finding my way around the site will post more soon x
29th Jan 2017 14:52:36
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Hi everyone,
Hoping to make friends in the Worcestershire area, have been widowed 6 years after 50 years of marriage.
29th Jan 2017 10:08:13
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Hi all newbie (natch) so just wanted to dip my toe in. Doncaster native now living in Cambridgeshire, another house move immenent. Would love to get to know some new people and hopefully become friends. Don't really know what else to put at this point, don't want to sennd you all to sleep on my first visit. Ok I'll stop now.
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