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Created By on 24/02/2014

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Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
20th Dec 2018 16:23:47
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Is it your profile photo you are trying to upload? ... you have to be patient as it takes a while to process ... if you are still having trouble, email me your photo - [email protected] and I will upload it for you 🙂 Sally 🙂
1st Aug 2018 23:45:26 (Last activity: 11th Dec 2018 03:20:16)
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Hi Everyone, looking forward to navigating this site....anyone from Virginia USA?
Response from BarbaraP35 made on 11th Dec 2018 03:20:16
I am in the United States in Indiana and I really don't know how to maneuver myself around here at all I just wonder what's going on and how to work this thing I'm 79 and of sound mind I just can't figure this thing out
20th Nov 2018 00:32:13
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Haven't been in a chat room for years, hello to all!
6th Nov 2018 22:33:31 (Last activity: 7th Nov 2018 09:02:34)
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Hi everyone, I've just joined from Scotland. I seem to be the oldest at 70! Not too sure how this works but it will be fun finding out.
Response from CaroleAH made on 7th Nov 2018 09:02:34
Hi, you are definitely not the oldest person on this site 🙂 and, even if you were, age is only a number so just jump in and join in with the banter! Whereabouts in Scotland do you live? Grandparents on both sides of my family came from Scotland, mainly in the Dumfries and Galloway area but I believe that one great-great grandmother came from Barra.
22nd Jul 2018 19:30:16 (Last activity: 12th Oct 2018 21:57:17)
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Hi I'm trying to find my way round suversurfers. I just lost my husband 5 weeks ago .in a you g at heart 62 year old. Never been on this before today
Response from SilverBlue made on 22nd Jul 2018 21:40:16
Hi Edin, sorry to hear of your loss, welcome to Silversurfers, suggest you look at the forums and join in a conversation that interest you
Response from Edin made on 22nd Jul 2018 21:56:43
Thank you for your message I will do that
Response from JJJane made on 7th Aug 2018 10:51:43
I am 61 years old and I lost my husband in 2006 but it feels like yesterday. I am also new and trying to see how this works.
Response from Pat2 made on 12th Oct 2018 21:57:17
Hi, I am new here too. I am 62 years old. I lost my husband in 1990 and have joined to see how things go
Ginnie 123
12th Sep 2018 15:53:02
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I'm new here as well. Hello everyone!
8th Sep 2018 12:33:26
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Hi Live on a Narrowboat and loving it .Own A log cabin in Snowdonia & enjoying it still working part time look forward to chatting
8th Sep 2018 05:47:53
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Newbie from Oregon.....wanting to start a conversation for making friends and possible travel buddies. I am still working full time, hopefully can connect when possible. Thanks for any responses.

Le5lie 🙂
23rd May 2018 19:04:07 (Last activity: 19th Aug 2018 17:19:51)
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Response from SylviaA3 made on 19th Aug 2018 17:19:51
Hi Calli. I am new too, although I have been a member for over a year. I know exactly what you are talking about, I feel the same. You put it so much better than I can. I am still working too, and part caring for my Dad, which I am finding difficult at the moment. Hope you are ok.
19th Aug 2018 17:14:14
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Am new to this.Trying to find my way around, like a lot of people. Am now taking the plunge. I am from Cheshire Uk. I am trying to find my feet at the moment.
18th Jul 2018 18:42:21
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Hello from New Orleans ! Looking for new friends and adventure. Check out my profile for more !
Patti XO
26th Jun 2018 12:27:33 (Last activity: 18th Jul 2018 02:30:38)
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HI Ladyfirst72!

i just join in!

I am going to NY for a week in August. There is a lot of information in the internet about NY obviously, but that only makes everything more difficult to know what to do in 5 days.
Maybe you have some sugestions!
Response from Ladyfirst72 made on 18th Jul 2018 02:30:38
Hello Gabs,
So you're coming to NY in august for 5 days? well in five days you will only
be able to see/do a very limited amount of things. But make the most of that
time you will have. We have zoos, parks, amusement parks, theaters, and
Broadway shows. That's just to name a very small amount of things that we have.
Actually the list goes on and on. So you will have to make choices that suit you best.
Hope you enjoy your stay. Looking forward to hearing from you again.
11th Jun 2018 22:47:05 (Last activity: 18th Jul 2018 02:18:15)
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My first time ever trying this. I joined yesterday (6/10/18). Hoping to find friends.
I live in NYC. Anyone who wishes to respond, I would really appreciate. Thanks.
Response from Milkmaid71 made on 16th Jun 2018 11:07:24
Hi to you from NYC , I have just joined silvers today so hoping to make friends. I have been to NYC two years ago and found it amazing and not as over powering as they make it seem on television plan to go back sometime. How long have you lived there and where you from originally. perhaps we can chat sometime, if that's ok with you, good to make new friends. bye for now from wales.
Response from Ladyfirst72 made on 18th Jul 2018 02:18:15
Sorry it took so long to respond, but I just logged on for the first time since I made
my original post. So you've visited New York before? Yes it is amazing. I've lived in
New York since the age of seventeen. I love it, don't think that I would be happy any
place else. Nice to visit other places, but not to stay in other places. Sure we can chat
when ever you want to. Hope to hear from you soon.
16th May 2018 03:36:49 (Last activity: 11th Jun 2018 08:19:50)
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New to this site and also new to being on my own after 40 years. I am looking for a site just to air feelings about being newly divorced and seeing how others cope with a variety of "obstacles". I am not looking to date at this time so I am staying away from those sites! One of the problems or something I need to get used to is doing some social stuff on my own. I am very independent but going to weddings or social gatherings has been a bit overwhelming. I think chatting about these topics will give me insight in how others react to certain situations.
Response from SilverBlue made on 16th May 2018 22:41:50
Welcome to the site, I think going to any social event on your own can be quite daunting and I haven’t found it getting any easier over the years. I’m off to a wedding on Saturday and I am not looking forward to it
Response from CaroleAH made on 17th May 2018 14:44:33
Is it THE wedding, SilverBlue? 🙂 I know precisely how you and Malibu23 feel about going to weddings or any social meetings when you are alone. It's very easy to feel lonely in a crowd. I'm an introvert so going to the theatre, cinema or for a walk is no problem but ask me to walk into a crowded room on my own - that's a different matter. There isn't an easy answer - I have tried getting there early so that I can watch who comes in and if they are alone or are a few women in a group, then I will go and say "hello"; it doesn't always work but at least no-one has told me to push off - yet!!! I have joined my local U3A and that is great for meeting other people and joining various interest groups such as languages, wine-tasting, gardening, holidays etc. Some of our groups, especially the book groups and wine-tasting groups meet in each other's houses so, unless some-one has an enormous house with loads of chairs, each group only has 10 to 12 members . I take a lot of photos so when I attended a wedding recently, I wandered round taking photos so that I had something to do and didn't feel like a spare part.
Good luck at the wedding SilverBlue - try and enjoy it and Malibu23 why don't you investigate the U3A. If that doesn't appeal how about volunteering in a local charity shop - you would soon get chatting with other volunteers and customers. Remember, it's baby steps to start with not great leaps 🙂
Response from SilverBlue made on 18th May 2018 20:17:01
Fraud not caroleAH but think it would be even more stressful than the wedding I’m going to
Response from CaroleAH made on 18th May 2018 21:53:32
Ah well, never mind. Hope you enjoy yourself- pin a smile on your face, make eye contact with people and if it's a sit-down meal chat to the people either side of you and those opposite and you will be fine 🙂
Response from Kilmanorth made on 11th Jun 2018 08:19:50
Hi there, I'm also newly separated, my husband left me just leaving a note saying "goodbye"! we'd been married for 35 years. It's not easy because you've been used to having someone to go on holiday with and out for meals. I've joined lots of things and generally I'm out and about but the mornings are difficult and days when I have nothing planned. If you would like to chat I'd be pleased to hear from you.
19th May 2018 01:47:37 (Last activity: 10th Jun 2018 03:04:06)
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Hi, Second time on the site. Still trying to figure everything out. I will get the hang soon...I think!
Response from 9blackbird made on 19th May 2018 06:59:48
Hi Malibu23. This is also my second time on this site and I’m not too sure what I’m doing!
Response from Snow white made on 10th Jun 2018 03:04:06
From uk live here in the USA for many years
8th Jun 2018 15:57:32
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Hi Everyone.
I am so new to this stuff that I still don't know what I am doing.
19th May 2018 04:38:50
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Hello everybody!

I am from Canada, and I am looking for other people who are traveling this Summer. I plan to travel to Dominican Republic, Costa Rica or New Orleans, Louisiana. Is there anyone who plans to do something fun this Summer? I am a down to earth, easy to get along with, great sense of humour female and very flexible.
23rd Mar 2018 22:44:05 (Last activity: 16th May 2018 03:41:19)
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Hi everyone I'm a newbie too, funny how you feel slightly shy doing this although I've posted on different sites over the years.
Response from Malibu23 made on 16th May 2018 03:41:19
Hi Kikidee, I also am new to this site and I feel it is rather strange to talk about my feelings to others on here. It's like you can see me. The hardest thing was coming up with a name to use on the site. Didn't want anyone to know who I was-hahaha!
30th Mar 2018 13:54:43
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Hi I am new to this forum . Am retired and live with my wife Liz and Border Terrier Bo in Comrie in Perthshire Scotland . Have written four books on the local history of Strathearn and " do " a regular Blog on local topics .
26th Mar 2018 02:54:15
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Hi, I am new to this forum, I'm sure there are loads of interesting topics to browse through. Been in NZ for eight years from the UK, enjoy the laid back lifestyle here, worked in education before I retired, live with my husband and a dog (beagle) on Aucklands North Shore.
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