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Memories of the Summer holidays in the 70s

As a child in the 70's, I remember the 6 week summer holidays. Glorious sunshine everyday, playing outside from morning till evening. Those 6 weeks seemed to go on forever!

Created By on 15/02/2016

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19th Mar 2016 09:16:55 (Last activity: 3rd Sep 2024 01:50:33)
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aah, how l long to relive my teens and twenties....boy would l make the most of my healthy body!
Response from Pam1960 made on 19th Mar 2016 22:02:37
I remember recording the top 20 on a Sunday evening trying to cut out the dj chat without much success. I was actually interested in who was number one on those days
Response from Keeperofpeace64 made on 3rd Sep 2024 01:50:33 > @Pam1960
Lol.. yea, those old cassette recorders was the things we used too..
But until the auto industry caught up with cassettes in the console we only had 8 track tapes.

Does anyone remember having to use a rolled up piece of paper to shove under the 8 track to keep it from skipping..??
My older brother even bought himself a three piece suit like John Travolta's Saturday Night Fever..!!
3rd Sep 2024 01:39:54
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Summer vacations were great ... being able to sleep late.. Summers were always very hot here in Houston Texas..
My friends and neighbors kids would go to the neighborhood pool to cool off.. I do miss those days..
25th May 2024 21:30:28
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I was a back to the land “hippy” in the US in the 70s. Grew our own food, goats, chickens. Quaker. 2 kids. Neighbors were tobacco farmers. Music. Husband played guitar. Son banjo.. Both sons professional musicians now.

Anybody identify?
27th Jun 2020 18:21:55
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Yes the 70s a great time to be a teenager. Wasn't a big Osmonds or David Cassidy fan at the time probably listened to them more as an adult. I was more of a Sweet and Roxy Music follower. Was 15 in 1976 and remember the long hot heatwave that year swimming in the water filled local pits at the brickyard to stay cool. Also sitting in the garden with my Brother and freinds drinking my Dad's home brew barley wine.
What a fab era
8th Feb 2020 19:25:12
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Memories of 70s holidays are happy for me as a child. Black gang Chine on the isle of Wight will always be a memory.
We spent most of the 70s at Paignton and Goodrington sands in Torquay. We loved the sea front and watching the steam trains on the Torbay steam railway behind the rows of beach huts going up to Kingswear. We had a visit there a few years back and it had really changed.
It was 74 maybe 75 while we were there 'Seaside Special' was being filmed. I remember Peters and Lee being on and Tony Blackburn being there. We loved a visit to Cockington village. Even at that age we loved exploring the pathways and gardens.
20th Mar 2016 09:17:10 (Last activity: 25th May 2018 12:47:12)
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yes and can you remember how often you said 'lm bored Mum, what can l do?!'
Response from Griggsy made on 25th May 2018 12:47:12
Only did that on rainy days
25th May 2018 12:45:45
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I remember my summer holidays..mum would pack a few sandwiches a drink of squash... we would meet up on the street.. we didn't all have bikes so we would double up on those that did and then cycle to the local river with jam jars trying to catch minows or just having a kick around..then back home for tea with dirty knees the occasional ripped trousers.. a telling off by mum for getting messy but great today miss out on all that fun.. to much tv and games consoles facebook and mobile phones
19th Mar 2016 06:48:00 (Last activity: 19th Mar 2016 09:15:58)
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Yes, the freedom we had, and felt safe, too! Other adults weren't scared to help us, or tell us off if we misbehaved!
Seems like a different world, now.
Response from deefletch made on 19th Mar 2016 09:15:58
yes and we had respect for the law! You wouldn't answer back to a policeman! I think teachers should still be able to clip a kid around the ear!
18th Mar 2016 18:11:45 (Last activity: 19th Mar 2016 09:14:02)
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yeah l remember meeting my friends round the local park and being out for hours! l think it was better before mobile phones too! Except we had to wait outside phone boxes for a call! now theres no switching off! l remember the power cuts and having to light candles in the evening! It was an adventure! The house was only warm in the front room, the rest of the house was freezing! Storage heaters were too expensive to run! We didn't always have a telephone. Space hoppers! Chopper bikes! Bay City Rollers! Rolf Harris was normal! Ha!
Response from Pam1960 made on 18th Mar 2016 21:41:13
I remember the power cuts well we spent most evenings playing cards or board games in the candlelight. We had a gas fire and gas cooker do we could at least be warm in one room and we could have something warm to eat. I remember neighbours coming round to boil water fir a cup of tea. We used to spend quite a bit of time in phone boxes listening to dial a disc, I didn't know many people who had a home phone so there was no one to ring. I had a few pen pals back on the day and used to love receiving letters it isn't quite the dame with email
Response from deefletch made on 19th Mar 2016 09:14:02
Oh my God! l completely forgot dial a disc! i worked in a telephone exchange and you could plug into dial a disc! I also had a pen pals! Writing and receiving letters was so satisfying! The thrill of her fat letters popping through the letterbox! Just don't get the same thrill with email, somehow, although l love the instant-ness of it. Also we used to WALK everywhere...right to the furthest friends house, to town, to school....everywhere! Nowadays my grandkids get lifts for a ten minute walk! Top of the Pops every week! The summer of 76! Best summer ever! And in those days l could eat what l wanted and had no cellulite!
26th Feb 2016 20:05:15
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I remember summer holidays as going out in the morning and being told by my mother not to come back until tea time. Me and the dog had great fun playing in the river, footy on the green and scrumping apples, always got home late for tea, haha.
15th Feb 2016 08:19:14
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Looking back it never seemed to rain in the school holidays. We used to pack some sandwiches and drinks and spend the day in the local woods and be back in time for tea. I think children nowadays miss out on the freedom we used to have. We would always gave chosen to be outside playing rather than be stuck indoors

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