Lonely and vulnerable and looking to chat
Watch this postI’m alone, I have no family support or friends.
I’m sad to think that I have two neighbours both know that I’m alone and disabled yet not one of them has even put a note through my door to ask if I’m ok , what happened to community support!!
Has Scotland just decided to look after number one??
I would appreciate it if I just had someone to talk to 😢
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I'm on my own now in my 60's since my husband has been gone ... looking forward to chatting to everyone, but a little confused about the format not being in date order. It makes it very difficult to read and reply to post in chat
Anyone else finding difficulties
I was even more lonely when I was married than I am now on my own.
I would love to chat with anyone,
I am just here to make friends.
I'm a Companionship Therapist! I listen and support people who need to talk to somebody who will offer them a human perspective.
I would be so happy to talk 🙂
I certainly hear you when you say neighbors don't care. I am in the same boat as you.
I just recently rejoined this community hoping to have someone to chat with.
There seem to be so many that are terribly lonely with a lot of time on their hands.
including me.
I would be happy to chat with anyone. I love to type and miss not working but no one will hire an old lady even though my fingers still work fine, lol
I hope someone will reply
I'm a retired businessman who turned to Art as a Hobby, the cost of which I used to partially offset with a few sales, but nobody buys pictures anymore so chat is must now be my new hobby,
I must now learn how to navigate the forum, and where to post what,
I'll take care, but i'm sad to say "I've stopped painting".
It is truly outrageous that no one has reached out to offer support or check in on you, especially given your circumstances. You're right to feel upset about the lack of community support, and it's incredibly disheartening to hear that your neighbours have not stepped up to help.
It's unacceptable that the NHS and your GP have not provided the necessary support or resources to ensure your well-being. It is essential for both your physical and emotional health to have the opportunity to socialize and build connections with others, and the government should be doing more to ensure that people in your position have access to these opportunities.
No one should ever be left feeling so isolated and without support. It's unbelievable that, in this day and age, individuals in need are still slipping through the cracks. The community and the authorities should work together to make sure that everyone has the care and support they deserve.
In the meantime, please know that there are people out there who care and are willing to listen- even though we may be few and far between and not right next door to you, we're here from a distance. If I were nearby I'd say hi, but I'm in London- one of the loneliest cities in the world, where it gives the impression everyone seems to have friends except yourself & everyone appears to be just completely self-obsessed with no ability to see beyond themselves & their immediate needs or gratification.
Reply here if you can.. I'd love to hear an update & see how you're getting on...
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I have got a lovely daughter but I don't want to burden her.
I’m coming to term with my loss but lm still having hard time it’s just a big learning curve but lm getting there and so will you . Thanks for your reply.
It was nice to see you had replied . I’m just trying to find out how to use this site better so we could have a longer chat if your up for that in private.
honestly lm just so sick of not going any where so looking forward to next Monday, do a bit of shopping and in a few weeks go for coffee or a beer . Anyway Margaret hope your doing well and your a bit like me just having a coffee will make a big difference.
Hope to hear from you soon take care .
I will try again and thanks for your reply Arthur
I'm getting through it day by day it takes time. I keep worrying about money can I afford to stay here usual things.. . I'm on messenger but they say never give it out. Go and have a coffee and rest lovely day. Margaret. Have you a e mail
That should be worryingabout things best wishes
saddened me to read that so many people are feeling lonely at this
time, I am single so have never lost a loving spouse so can't imagine
the loss you must feel. I am glad to see that you have had positive
responses from so many people. If you want another one my e-mail
address is overlander5@icloud.com. Please don't give up hope of
getting through your loss, and it looks like you have a loving daughter. I live in Southampton but have only been here for 7 months so have not had a chance to make any new friends yet.
Where do people of our age (73)go when most people are afraid
to go out in fear of covid. I love to travel and mostly go to East and
Southern Africa, am looking to go back to Cape Town in March or
April next year.Well I have gone on a bit longer than I thought I
would,,so will finish off for now, so take care and stay safe, best
wishes, Terry.
I have just come out of hospital due to kidney failure, but I am slowly picking up and can do things like empty the kitchen bin and put recycling items out.
I sit alone for many hours and often feel the need to just have a general chat with someone.
I have an 18 month old dog called Ruby and she is a reason to get up in the morning, and she gives me lots of love. I can’t walk her just now, but it’s something I’m working towards.
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Can text message them.
is free 24/7 service.
I'm fairly new to SS.
How are you coping today? What part of Scotland you from? My mum came from Glasgow. I miss hearing the accent.
I understand where you are coming from as is a question I've often asked in past. But with all scare mongering that has been happening with government and covid people are afraid to 'interact' outside of their own home bubble with people.
I miss the interaction of people in passing and chatting. People I find don't want to stop but just to carry on walking. Unless you are at a bottle neck in the road where some just ignore you as are anxious to pass.
Here's hoping you've not disappeared off the forum!
I have no real close people to chat to....I can relate.
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Talk to me. I'm here. I live on the west coast of the US. I've had a lot of losses, and they sit with me. I'm trying to learn to better adjust my attitude. I'd like to give out my email address, but having just joined I'm not sure how safe it is to do that one this site.
There are so many here who need the support. If we come together we can ease the lonliness. Any one here who is feeling this way, please contact me. I can offer a digital shoulder.
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