Safariman's latest comments
12th Aug 2022Safariman commented on:
TRAVELING SOLO AND LOOKING FOR A COMPANION?Hi Dee, I think that you are a lady after my own heart, as I love to go on my travels as soon as I can afford it. I am unfortunately a man haha, so probably not what you are looking for as a travel buddy, still I hope that you find a suitable person to travel with. Anyway I am off to Cape Town in October as I love Africa, have never been on a cruise so don't know what they are like, but might try one at some time. Well had better not keep you too long, so hope you have some success with a buddy at some time. All best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
23rd Jul 2022Safariman commented on:
Holiday companionsHi Beauty, yes am of to Cape Town in early October, hope you get away too.ViewDate:
18th Jul 2022Safariman commented on:
I signed on for the first time tonight!Hi KennaLyn, good morning from sunny England, thank you for your message, yes I have had an interesting life so far, and like you, I love to see animals in their natural habitat, the lions that I walked with in the Antilope Park in Zimbabwe, were 9 months old, and were bred in captivity on a breeding programme to release them back into the wild at some time. The cheetahs in Namibia, were orphaned as their mother was shot by farmers, so they were hand reared, and used to humans, they are my favourite animal after Elephants, I have seen orphaned Elephants in the Sheldrick orphanage in Nairobi, Kenya, I even sponsored one little calf for a year as a present for my sister who loves them even more than me. Well once again, I had better not bore you, as I tend to go on a bit, am passionate about the wild and wonderful world we live in, and intend to keep traveling as long as my body allows, so take care and thank you for listening, all best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
17th Jul 2022Safariman commented on:
I signed on for the first time tonight!Hi KennaLyn, not sure if your latest comment was aimed at me, but I think that I am right. So interesting places I have been, where to start, I first got the travel bug when I joined the Army at 17 my first posting was to Swaziland in South East Africa, and that gave me the love of Africa in general. In 2001 I had a heart attack and had to have a triple by-pass. In 2002, I quit my job and booked an overland trip on a truck with 25 other people that I had never met, and traveled from Cairo to Cape Town camping along the way, and we took it in turns to cook for the whole group, we visited all of the major game parks, in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa, have sat in Devils Pool on the top of Victoria Falls, walked with lions in Zimbabwe, and played with cheetahs in Namibia. So just a few of the interesting places, enough for now anyway, will bore you to death if I keep on, so will stop now, enjoy the rest of your day, and stay cool, all best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
17th Jul 2022Safariman commented on:
Hi Looking to exchange chats or emailsHi Hayseed, I see that you have had a couple of responses to your post, so I will add mine to the list, my name is Terry, I am 74 years young and I live in Southampton, so if you want to chat, I will be here, all best wishes Terry.ViewDate:
14th Jul 2022Safariman commented on:
I signed on for the first time tonight!Hi KennaLynn, I see that you have had a couple of replies to your post, so thought that I would add to the list to make you feel even more welcome to this site. My name is Terry and I am 74 years young, I live in Southampton and love to travel, am off to Cape Town on the 2nd of October for a 10 day visit, have been many times before so know my way around. If we are still on the subject of favourite colours mine is Blue. I was born in March and am a Pisces, there everything now tied up haha, hope that you get more people on board, as its nice to have a mixture of interests that people have. So I will add my good luck to you, take care, and am here if you want to chat, all best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
7th Jul 2022Safariman commented on:
Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat withHi Alicemay, thank you for your comment, yes have had an eventful life so far, didn't get married and have kids like you did, was my choice so no regrets, took advantage of the freedom to do a bit of traveling, so can't complain, as I have seen a bit of the world, and visited quite a few interesting places. I live in Southampton, in a retirement block of flats, so have company if I want it and peace and quiet if I don't, so best of both worlds. It's a bit grey and overcast here today, so hope that we get a bit of sunshine later on today. Well have a few things to do, so had better finish off for now, if you would like to chat via e-mail, my address is overlander5@icloud.com, take care, best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
30th Jun 2022Safariman commented on:
Cruise BuddyHi Jasmine, thank you for your message, I am sorry that my comment may not have been that useful to your needs, but just wanted to give you some encouragement in searching for an ideal travel companion. I know that I have seen several people searching for a cruise buddy on this site before, so you never know what may turn up. I do know how you feel about being inpatient,like you I have waited the last 3 years to get away again. I bought a new passport in January 2019 so that I could go off to South Africa again, and we all know what happened next. I must admit that I have never thought about going on a cruise, but my sister enjoys them, and as I said, I am dog sitting for them in Basingstoke whilst they are on their next one. I think that I may enjoy the various countries that the ships go to, as have always been a traveler ( 42 countries and counting ) though I must admit that for the last 20 years my travels mostly consist of East and Southern Africa, and so far have been lucky enough to have visited 17 countries on that continent. Well better not waffle on too much, as I will start to sound boring, so will just wish you luck in your search for a buddy, If you wish to continue chatting to me, I am here, and would be pleased to hear from you, all best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
26th Jun 2022Safariman commented on:
Cruise BuddyGood morning Jasmin50, my name is Terry, a 74 year old man, so not the person that you would be looking for as a buddy on your cruise. I have never been on a cruise and never thought that I would want to, but as I live in Southampton, and see cruise liners nearly every day from Mayflower park, I have often wondered what it would be like on one of these floating blocks of flats with so many other people on there, of course I know many people who have been on one and swear that they have had a great time, one couple I know usually go on two a year. My sister and brother in law are going on a cruise around Canada and Alaska in August this year and I am dog sitting for them whilst they are away. I am more of a land lubber I fear, and am off to sunny Cape Town in October, so would not be able to go on a cruise until next year anyway, still I hope that you are lucky enough to find a suitable travel buddy, I have seen on this site many requests for the same thing you would like, so good luck, best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
15th Jun 2022Safariman commented on:
New Member saying hello - [DELETED_MEMBER]Good afternoon Ella, another lovely warm and sunny day down here, I am off out for the afternoon, a similar thing to what you have done, a walk along the river bank, except for the dog of course. Yes have had a fairly good life, there are things that I would have done differently as a lot of people would have done in hindsight, but on the whole I don't think that the changes would have made a lot of difference. I used to like Kirkham for the short time I was there, a few of us used to venture into Blackpool for the night life, ( those were the days) haha I am a nature lover, always have been, I have been to most of the major game parks in Africa, have walked with lions in Zimbabwe, ridden an African Elephant on a game drive, and have played with Cheetahs in Namibia, things that were wonderful to do, have been to Victoria Falls many times, and have even sat in the Devils pool on the top of the Falls, I am getting a bit to old for overland trucks now, but would not have changed those exciting times for the world. I hope you don't mind me giving you my e-mail address, as then our chats will not be in the public domain. It is overlander5@icloud.com, so if you want you can use this means of chatting. Well had better get of on my walk, or the sun will have gone in by the time I go. So enjoy the rest of your day, best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
14th Jun 2022Safariman commented on:
New Member saying hello - [DELETED_MEMBER]Hi Ella, sorry it's late to be messaging, but only read your message a few minutes ago, it looks as though it has been held up as it says that it was posted 10 hours ago. Anyway thank you for replying again, it's a small world in a way, as where you live can not be too far away from where I was stationed whilst in the Army, a place called Kirkham, I expect that you must have heard of it. It was my last posting as I left the Army after 12 years in 1977. It's been a lovely day down my neck of the woods, I took a bus ride into Winchester, about an hour away from Southampton, I took some sandwiches and a bottle of orange squash and say in a park in the shade at lunch time. I like to get out most days, as I can't stand being stuck in my flat all day in the nice weather. I am sorry to hear of your loss, I have never married, so have no children, a choice I made when I was young, have always traveled since I joined the Army when I was 17, so not conducive to a happy marriage. I'm glad that you have your daughter with you, and of course your dog. Well I had better get of to bed, so sleep well, Take care, TerryViewDate:
13th Jun 2022Safariman commented on:
New Member saying hello - [DELETED_MEMBER]Good evening Ella, thank you for your message, sometimes on this site you reply to someone and never get a reply, so pleased that you made the effort. Have not done much traveling for a few years now, what with the covid restrictions, but most of the world has opened their doors for foreign travelers, I live in a one bedroom flat in a retirement block in Southampton. I do hope that when you get used to not working any more, you get the chance to do a bit of traveling, you don't have to go long haul like me as most of Europe is easy to get to nowadays, so when you are ready, go for it. Enjoy the rest of your evening, best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
13th Jun 2022Safariman commented on:
New Member saying hello - [DELETED_MEMBER]Hi EllaH, hope that you find a few people to chat with on this site, it is sometimes a bit slow for people to respond, Anyway my name is Terry, I am probably a fair bit older than you at 74, but am still fit and active, so if you would like to chat, feel free to contact me. I am a bit of a traveler, and am often in Africa somewhere, Next stop Cape Town in October. So maybe I will hear from you, if not, good luck on the site, best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
3rd Jun 2022Safariman commented on:
Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat withHi Pam, could send a photo if you have an e-mail address. Mine is overlander5@icloud.com, regards, Terry.ViewDate:
3rd Jun 2022Safariman commented on:
Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat withHi again Pam, once again I say thank you for your quick reply, I was a bit sorry to hear that you have been unlucky with your marriages, I chose not to marry, I suppose I am a little bit selfish, and didn't want to be tied down, I have no regrets, but as you get older you sometimes wonder what might have been, but to late to change anything. Forgive my total ignorance, but is your blue healer a dog? I have not heard of the breed, don't have any pets myself, as once again, I love to get away whenever I can, and a pet restricts what you can do, unless you know someone who could look after it while you are away. My sister has two little dogs, they are a cross between a Jack Russel and a Pug, they are 9 years old, and are sisters, I look after them when my sister and her husband go on holiday, I am doing that in August while they are on a cruise around Canada and Alaska, so will have my work cut out, as they are lap dogs and want attention all the time, still it is only once in a while so don't mind. I live in a one bedroom flat ( apartment ) in a retirement building here in Southampton, so have the best of both worlds, as I can mingle with other residents in our lounge, or keep myself to myself if I want a bit of peace and quiet. One thing that we don't have in common is a love of cooking, I am next to useless, so eat a lot of ready meals that I only have to put in the microwave, not that healthy I know, so do on occasion make an effort. I hope that one day you can get to travel a bit, I am lucky at my age that I am still fit and active, so I try to get away as much as I can, providing I can save enough from my pension, and there are no more travel restrictions due to the covid pandemic. Well once again had better finish off, it's 5.45 pm over here, so don't know what the time difference is over there, so cheerio for, stay safe and message again any time you want, will always reply, Terry.ViewDate:
3rd Jun 2022Safariman commented on:
Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat withGood morning from sunny England Pam, thank you for your reply to my message, it has been a busy couple of days over here with the Jubilee celebrations for our Queen, so that's been the main talking point in the newspapers and on the TV, it has been a holiday here, lasting until Monday, so not over just yet, I wonder if there was any coverage of the events on the TV over in the States. I have never married, so have no children, but I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers, so a large family. I am the oldest, and when I was 17 I joined the Army, I think most of the reason I joined up was to get away from all the commotion in the household, as there were 10 of us in a 3 bedroom house. I served for 12 years,and was posted abroad on many occasions, and that put me off getting married, as would have been away for months at a time. Have traveled for most of my life, even after I left the Army, have been lucky to have visited 42 countries so far, my favourite places are nearly all in Africa, and I tend to go back there time after time, have not traveled too much in Europe, but may start to do so, as am getting older, and traveling long haul is a bit of a bind, and my travel insurance premium goes through the roof. I also enjoy reading, my favourite author was Wilbur Smith, he sadly died last year aged 85, so he had a good time on Earth. I also love nature and wildlife, hence my love of Africa, well had better not waffle on too much as will get you bored, so take care of yourself, and all here if you wish to continue chatting, all best wishes, stay safe, Terry.ViewDate:
2nd Jun 2022Safariman commented on:
Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat withHi craxxymom, My name is Terry, I am a lot older than you at 74, but if you would like to chat I am a good listener, and can have a chat about most things. I love to travel to far flung places, and have been to many countries in East and South Africa, and am off to Cape Town on the 2nd of October for a couple of weeks and it will be my 14th visit since 2002. I have only been to the USA on one occasion and that was when I was 17 and in the Army, we went to Fort Carson in Colorado Springs, I really enjoyed the visit, but expect that it was because I was so young. Well I had better not ramble on, so will finish off for now, By the way forgot to mention that I live in Southampton in the South of England, all best of wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
19th May 2022Safariman commented on:
RelationshipsHi,Still Breathing, thank you for your message, was sorry to hear of the bad experience you had with the woman that you were paired up with, I know that it was not funny for you at the time, but I had a little chuckle the way you described your entry into the bedroom, must have been a shock, some people have no sense of decency any more. So I hope that you do manage to get away sometime, as you said yourself, time is ticking by and we all are not getting any younger. Just an update on my travel plans, I am going off to sunny Cape Town in South Africa, leaving on Sunday 2nd of October, for 10nights, so looking forward to that. I have been there many times before and when I am there I stay in the same backpackers hostel that I have stayed in many times, they do single rooms without you having to pay any silly supplements. Then you can come and go as you wish, the beauty of this is that you have the best of both worlds, as you can have your privacy of your own room, but you can also meet other travelers in the lounge or in the courtyard where guests gather for meals and a chat. You get to hear stories of their travels around the world, and also get tips on good places to visit and the Beas deals on excursions as well. So all in all, a win, win, for all of us staying there, Just for your interest the place I stay is called the Zebra Crossing backpackers hostel in New Church Street, Cape Town, you can look them up on Google if you want too have a look. Anyway, it was nice of you to reply to me, and I would be more than happy to chat with you any time you want, in the meantime, take care and stay safe, all best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
16th May 2022Safariman commented on:
RelationshipsHi, StillBreathing, I hope that being on your own does not prevent you from visiting the places that you want to see. I am 74 and single, and like you am fed up with single supplements when I book holidays, I did find a solution when I started to go on overland trips through Africa, We go on a truck and camp most nights, if you are on your own they pair you up with someone of the same sex. This sort of travel is not for everyone I understand that, but if you want to see some magical sights and abundance wildlife this would be right up there.hope that you also find a solution, and get out there while you still have the chance, happy travels, all best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
4th May 2022Safariman commented on:
Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat withGood evening skies, I am 74 and have life insurance with Sun Life, I have also been in touch with London Life, both offer reasonable monthly payments, it depends on how much you want to be insured for, they both accept all people of a certain age without having to have a medical. Check then out, just watch daytime TV and you are bound to come across their adverts. Hope this is of some help, take care and happy hunting, best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
6th Apr 2022Safariman commented on:
PostsEntered two new posts or comments yesterday, was told they were now available to read, but have looked everywhere and I can't find them, think that I will give up. The posts were on the subject of Adventure travel or looking for travel buddy, but have looked under every category going, but my posts must be out in the universe somewhere, if anyone knows where they could be, please reply to Safariman, thank you.ViewDate:
21st Mar 2022Safariman commented on:
Solo travel bluesHi BongiM, have just seen your post and was interested to find out what you had in mind, I am male aged 74 but still fit and active, have been all over East and Southern Africe many times, were you looking at an African destination or somewhere else? Would be grateful if you could let me know, I was planning on going once again to Cape Town later in the year, but am up for most destinations, thank you and good luck, take care, TerryViewDate:
10th Mar 2022Safariman commented on:
Safari holiday to KenyaHi BongiM, just to let you know if you haven't already discovered, but the post you are replying to was posted in 2017 so a bit late now, hope that you do get to go to Kenya a lovely place and great game viewing in the Massai Mara, so good luck on this site, all best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
10th Feb 2022Safariman commented on:
New to the chatting sceneHi Fancy, good evening from a cold and windy Southampton, thank you for your reply. I have only been to the USA once a long time ago whilst I was in the Army, I went for a visit with a company from my Regiment to Fort Carson in Colorado Springs, that was in 1966 so a time when you were still a young girl. Anyway I love to travel and I have been lucky to have visited many countries, but the place that I really love is Africa, and have been to 17 countries there, mostly in East or Southern Africa, If you like culture and wildlife and diverse scenery Africa is the place for you. I am single and have no children so maybe it is easier for me than for someone who has more things to worry about, and now I am retired I am able when things are back to something like normal as regards this covid thing to be able to get away again. I hope that you manage to travel when you get the time,life is too short to hang around wondering what it is like in far away places. I see that you have spent a lot of your working life in hospitals, I once had a job in an X-Ray department developing the films, and really enjoyed it, but in the end I went to London and worked in property management for the last 12 years before I retired. It would be nice to keep in touch with you, and you may find others on this site as well. 10.30 pm over here now, so will have one final cup of tea and then of to bed, so take care and stay safe will look forward to hearing from you again, all best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
10th Feb 2022Safariman commented on:
New to the chatting sceneHi Fancy, hope that you get to chat to lots of people on this site, will sometimes be a bit difficult to navigate, but you will get there in the end. I think that there are quite a few of your fellow Americans that visit this site, but I am not one of them, I live in Southampton in the UK, am a man of 73 , so a lot older than you, but am here if you would like to message. We are slowly getting back to near normal as regards covid, so am hoping to resume traveling later this year, probably will be back to Cape Town. Good luck with your search, take care and stay safe, best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
8th Feb 2022Safariman commented on:
Looking for a like-minded travel companionHi Sharona3, I know exactly how you feel, I have been traveling on my own for the last 10 years since I retired. I have been on 5 overland trips to Africa on a truck with others, but only got to meet them on arrival at our start point. I have also been to Cape Town on many occasions and stopped in hostels where I have shared a dorm room, and am always asked if I would like to join people going up Table Mountain, something I have done on my own many times. I know that they mean well, but I like to do my own thing and not worry if I want to go somewhere others might not want to go to. I know that being a man I don't get it so much as a woman on her own might. I hope that you find a travel companion on here, and if I were 20 years younger I may well have applied for the position haha. Good luck, and keep traveling, it keeps you young ( at heart at least) all best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
4th Feb 2022Safariman commented on:
Looking for pen palsHi again Chrissie, thank you for getting back to me, I am in my sisters house at the moment, she lives in Basingstoke and I am dog sitting for her as she and brother in law have gone away for the week end. Like you they have two small dogs, they are litter sisters and are 9 years old, I don't know if yours are the same as theirs, always wanting attention, they follow me around the house and could eat for England if they could. Enjoy the rest of the week end, and am here if you ever feel like chatting, take care and stay safe. TerryViewDate:
4th Feb 2022Safariman commented on:
Looking for pen palsHi Chrissie23, I hope that you find lots of people to chat to on this site, I live in Southampton now but used to live in Weymouth, so your neck of the woods. I am a bit older than you as I will be 74 in 4 weeks time. I have never been on a cruise so do not know if I would like them as I love my space and prefer to explore countries on foot so to speak, am looking to start going away again later this year, probably to Cape Town, South Africa, my long time favourite city. I have chatted to a few people on here and still do so. It may take a while but usually someone will respond like me, so good luck in your search for a cruise companion, and take care, all best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
5th Dec 2021Safariman commented on:
TRAVELING SOLO AND LOOKING FOR A COMPANION?Hi Sally, have Been looking on the Traveling Solo and looking for a companion site, but when it comes up the messages are all from 2015, I know that I posted a message on this site in October and November but can no longer find these, any reason why? Thanks Terry.ViewDate:
4th Dec 2021Safariman commented on:
Holiday CompanionsGood morning Heather, sorry if my last message sounded selfish, I didn't intend it to sound so stiff. It's not often you can say you have been sent to Coventry and enjoyed it. I think you are probably right to skip Tenerife in January what with this new variant running amok. Must say I am with you about Las Vegas, a bit showy and false for my liking, but one week is not too bad, and at least you are helping a friend to tick of one from her bucket list. I have been agonising over what to do for travel next year, Tenerife sounds about right at the time of year that I like to get away so will probably end up going there as its easy to get to from Southampton, where do you stay when you go over, I know you used to live over there, but do you have property there or stay with friends? I will look up places on Google or book flight and hotel with someone like Expedia. You seem to be determined to visit Sri Lanka later in the year, how do you arrange visas? do you have to get one before you travel or can you get one on arrival? Sorry for all the questions but you are a font of all knowledge when it comes to these two places. Hope you can persuade someone to accompany you, if you can't find a willing partner I would love to go, but of course we don't know enough about each other to start planning, it was just a passing thought.well will let you get on with your weekend, I hope that you enjoy it, weather is not too bad here today so may pop into town, trouble is its so busy this time of year, there is a German Christmas market on and it gets a bit crowded. Well once again thank you for your welcome message, would be happy if we could chat again, take care and stay safe, Terry.ViewDate:
3rd Dec 2021Safariman commented on:
Holiday CompanionsHi Heather, hope you are well, sorry I haven't heard back from you, would just like to say thanks for your messages, Ryanair do not fly from Southampton and it was KLM that I saw with flights to Tenerife, hope that you get to travel there again next year if restrictions allow. If I don't hear from you again, have a great Christmas and happy traveling when you can,I am dog sitting for sister from Christmas Eve until 29th December in Basingstoke. Well take care and stay safe, all best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
1st Dec 2021Safariman commented on:
Life in generalHi Karen, thank you for your welcome message, never worry about delay in writing as long as you feel up to sending messages it does not matter how long it takes. Yes am keeping well and not going out much if I can help it, don't like the cold weather. Sorry to hear that you are still not up to full speed, hope that the new medication will get you back to a better place. I am off to Basingstoke for the xmas period my sister has asked me to dog sit for a few days while her and her husband go down to Wales to be with his family for a change, so she is coming to collect me on Christmas Eve and then bringing me back on the 29th.Lets hope that we both enjoy our selves even if we are on our own, and as you say we live in hope that the New Year is good to us, take care and get well soon if you can, all best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
30th Nov 2021Safariman commented on:
Holiday CompanionsGood evening Heather, thank you for your reply, not sure if the airline to Tenerife think it was KLM but will check again tomorrow. You mentioned my love of S Africa, but it is not just the South, I also love Kenya, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Namibia. I had a heart bypass in 2001 and the surgeon told me to go and do something different, so I went on an overland trip from Cairo to Cape Town on a truck with 25 other people who I had never met before, we camped, and did our own cooking, the trip lasted for 18 weeks, I loved it so much that I have done another 4 of them but not for so long, mostly 8 weeks from Nairobi to Cape Town. Cape Town is my favourite city in Africa if not the world, if you ever get the chance to go there, take it you will fall in love with the place.I have thought about Sri Lanka for a while, but as yet have not been, time is running out, and with these restrictions in place, will maybe never get the chance of long haul again. Well had better finish off for now, once I get started I can go on for ages talking about my travels, but would not like to bore you, so goodnight, sleep well,all best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
30th Nov 2021Safariman commented on:
Just getting startedHi ColenA, it's been nearly a year since you posted your message so don't know if you still visit this site anymore. I believe that you live in the USA, I have only been over there once a long time ago, I was in the Army and went on an exchange visit to Fort Carson in Colorado Springs, I am sorry that you have not had any more replys to your post. It amazes me that so many people post messages looking for someone to chat to then never reply to people that reach out in friendship,and the other side of the coin is that lonely people seeking a friend to talk to never get the response that they deserve. I am a man aged 73, so a bit older than you, but if you feel like chatting feel free to contact me, I live in Southampton in the South of England,hope you and your family are well and not troubled by this awful pandemic, best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
30th Nov 2021Safariman commented on:
Holiday CompanionsGood morning Heather, just a quick message to say thank you once again for the information that you kindly sent me re Canary Islands. I live in Southampton and looked up if I could fly there from here, good news is that I can, airport only a mile away from where I live and can catch a local bus there in 15 minutes so would save on a fare to Heathrow. I haven't been up to your neck of the woods for a long time when I was in the Army I was stationed in Kirkham near Blackpool years ago, wonder what that place is like after all these years, well once again thank you, take care and stay safe, Terry.ViewDate:
29th Nov 2021Safariman commented on:
Holiday CompanionsGood evening Heather, thank you so much for your kind message, your knowledge of the area is invaluable and will take your views on board, Africa is no doubt a lot warmer but low 20s is fine for March, hope that travel will be more relaxed by then, You will have to keep me updated to on your travel plans, so I can coordinate my timetable haha. Hope you enjoy the rest of your evening and feel free to keep in touch, all best wishes, and once again a big thank you. Terry.ViewDate:
29th Nov 2021Safariman commented on:
Petra anyone ?Hi jest21, joined this site last month and have been looking through a few old posts on the subject of seeking travel buddies and came across your reply on one of them, in your reply you mentioned that you would like to visit S America and Africa, have only been to North and central America so can't help you much there but have been to 17 countries in Africa so if you need any tips I may be able to help,It one of the most beautiful continents on Earth, and if you like culture and wildlife this is the place to go. Only problem at the moment is that a lot of African countries are now on our red list, but in the future I recommend you think about travel there. Good luck, best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
29th Nov 2021Safariman commented on:
Holiday CompanionsHi Hepavita, hope that you don't mind me messaging you, but have never been to the Canary Islands and as you have lived over there I thought that you could give me a taste of life there. I am male aged 73, I usually travel further afield, East and Southern Africa but with all these restrictions in place at the moment will have to start thinking of alternatives. So Europe looks the most likely option at the moment, I like to go away in the cold winter months here as not keen on cold weather hence the Southern Hemisphere. So what is the weather like in March or April? Any advice would be welcome, best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
29th Nov 2021Safariman commented on:
HostelsHi youngj105, I know that this message will probably not be read by you after such a long gap since you first posted your message, if you still look at the silver surfers site I would be interested to know how you got on sharing a room in a hostel. I have traveled all through East and Southern Africa and stayed in many backpackers hostels along the way, always had good times especially in Cape Town S.Africa, I know that you are now 5 years older but are you still able to travel, I am now 73 and love to get away from the cold weather here in the UK so off I go to the Southern Hemisphere, now of course most African countries have been put back on the red list, so will have to see what next year will be like.I live on n hope, well if you do by some chance read this message, give me a shout out, best wishes, Terry.ViewDate:
28th Nov 2021Safariman commented on:
I'm new here! - [DELETED_MEMBER]Hi phoenix4, glad to see that you have risen from the ashes to join the Silver surfers forum, hope that you are rewarded by getting a lot of replys to your post. Don't know if you are Male or Female from what you have written, does not make a lot of difference to me, but some people would like to know. Anyway as I said, hope you are able to make some new friends here. By the way I am Male, good luck, and am here if you want to chat, best wishes, Terry.