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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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4th Dec 2015 13:13:24
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Hi felt which

Am in Hampshire but bit like you had many jobs due to husbands career. So have had to adjust to ten different countries in 40 years! I trained to teach age 40 which was hard but was fortunate to teach then in Copenhagen, Lesotho, botswanaand some time inUk. I realise you probably want people closer to you but am happy to email if you would like
16th Nov 2015 19:25:24 (Last activity: 29th Nov 2015 20:44:42)
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Hi Iv just joined and new to this. 🙂
Response from Gglotusbloom made on 29th Nov 2015 03:59:31
hi littlesnapper. I am also new here. Trying to figure this site out.
Response from littlesnapper made on 29th Nov 2015 20:44:42
welcome Gglotusbloom
29th Nov 2015 03:57:38
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Hi Celtwitch. I don't think they forget us.. I just think they are living their lives and we have to do the same...although it gets a bit harder. I am 61 and I am also alone. At times I like it and at times I hate it. But I am getting ''set in my ways'' so I don't think I could ever live with anyone again.
I will probably never be able to retire. I will have to work till I can no longer work...oh well ..could be worse.
What subject did/do you want to lecture about?
cheeky monkey
27th Nov 2015 22:57:20 (Last activity: 29th Nov 2015 01:05:34)
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trying to comment but keeps cutting me off anyone know why?
Response from Delaroo made on 29th Nov 2015 01:05:34
I got your message OK cheeky.
20th Nov 2015 11:52:24 (Last activity: 27th Nov 2015 22:18:30)
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I have just joined hoping to strike up friends that l can chat to l am currently looking for work again as l was a temp and my assignement came to a close in September and l think as you get older it becomes very difficult to find permenant employment, I am 56 years old and enjoy the usual things like reading, listening to music, card making, and cooking when l get the chance as me and my husband both like to cook meals its a case of who gets into the kitchen first....
I live in a beautiful part of England in Devon. I sometimes feel like l am cut off from having some sort of social life as public transport doesn't run very often.
I am hoping that some people might get in touch to chat ....I have a email address it is [email protected] please feel free to email me.
Response from cheeky monkey made on 27th Nov 2015 22:18:30
Hi Just saying hello to a fellow new member.
I will only answer on here at the moment, as I am not technical and worry who what & where I am Ha on the internet.
Yes I am a prehistoric but a friendly one Ha.
17th Nov 2015 18:18:11
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Hi to one and all,
Have just joined as a member but have followed the site on facebook for a number of months. I am now retired and moved to Co. Antrim 4 years ago and am really happy here with my Rough Collie dog,"Cody". I grew up in Weybridge, Surrey, but over the past 50+ years I have worked all over the UK, and have lived in Cornwall, S. Wales, East Sussex, and Kent and would like to hear from anyone from those areas about their memories. Maybe I will even hear from people who I've met and lost touch with. Fingers crossed.
[email protected]
17th Oct 2015 20:54:50 (Last activity: 5th Nov 2015 22:46:38)
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Hullo everybody, I have just joined this site. I live in South East London, I have 3children, 2girls and one son, 7 grandchildren - 5 girls and 2boys - live alone, aged 89. Sadly most of my friends have died have 3 good friends plus family who visit when they can so am lucky. I don't mind being alone, but do use TV and radio for company. I am not great in using my tablet - what does it mean when it says Flag as inappropriate? Look forward to reading all about you.
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 17th Oct 2015 21:25:18
Hello Mabbs and a very warm welcome to Silversurfers-we are a friendly community and I hope you find many new friends here. has our new Forums which you have just joined with lots of active members. Plus we have thousands of interesting articles and also votes and discussions on our "Speakers Corner" posts. I really hope you enjoy belonging to Silversurfers and please tell all your friends about us!
Response from Lacee2u made on 5th Nov 2015 22:46:38
Aloha to you from the Big Island Hawaii weather has been cooler lately
hope you are doing well May god bless your day I too am a grandma of 7 and I care for troubled kids
31st Oct 2015 16:26:34 (Last activity: 31st Oct 2015 17:25:47)
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Hi, also just joined. 61, living in the 'Big Sky County' - Norfolk, and have done for nearly 8 years and love it. On my own for just over 3 years after the other half decided life would be better with someone half our age! Anyway, love gardening and growing veg, have 2 rescue cats (one, the little black one is out practising on her broomstick!). Have good friends here, but would like to chat to a wider community.
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 31st Oct 2015 17:25:47
Hello Norfolknanny and welcome I hope you enjoy our Forum and our Silversurfers online community. Lots of like-minded, friendly people here with a great sense of humour in common! In addition to the Forum we have hundreds of features, an active Speakers Corner with daily debates and polls, an online Book Club, special offers for our Silvercard+ holders and so much more! If you haven't already done so, do register for our FREE Silvercard+ ... the only online discount card for the over 50s! Best wishes .. Sally
21st Oct 2015 23:07:53
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Dog owner? Frustrated cyclist? Bit isolated and sound like me! I can't do the walking though! For a start, what dog/dogs do you have? Dogs are my main passion these days, and I am a little eccentric. I know that, I have been told!
11th Oct 2015 20:11:26 (Last activity: 14th Oct 2015 20:54:18)
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Hello all I have just joined 11.10.15. hope to make some new friends like myself waiting to become adults. Also would like a friend(s) to travel to a quiet Greek Island or California next year. I live in West London if you ever reach that part of the world drop in for coffee.
Response from Willie made on 14th Oct 2015 18:23:16
I went to Crete around 30 years ago bet its changed a bit now, tell me a bit about yourself, are you a responsible adult, I'm looking for one to accompany to an Island next year.
What are you hoping to find here if its a new friend you have found one.

Response from Willie made on 14th Oct 2015 18:27:42
If anyone wants my e mail its [email protected]

Response from Willie made on 14th Oct 2015 20:35:07
You have my admiration riding a motorbike, not because of your age or sex but I got knocked off mine twice and then almost had a big one so I gave up had to make do with fast cars and fast women but that was a long time ago.
If you want something else for this decade you could always come to a Greek Island as the responsible adult. Now that would be a challenge,
What part of the world do you live in.

My interests are cars just sold my last 1966 Mk1 Lotus Cortina but still have a great love of them have raced cars back in the 70s, been involved in the early days of on board video cameras had quite a reputation, now just about to send my old film collection to the National Motor Museum, got racing footage going back to 1904 (no I didnt shoot it) dont want anyone to have the problem when I go.
Love the Greek Islands and intend to visit a few more and live as long as possible.
Dont be a stranger

P.S. what Bike have you got
Response from Willie made on 14th Oct 2015 20:54:18
You have my admiration for riding a motorbike I got knocked off twice and came too close to carry on riding, so I had to make do with fast cars and fast women, but that was a long time ago, I raced back ion the 70s then pioneered on board video cameras for racing cars.

Later in life got into Classic Cars just sold the last one two weeks ago. Now more of an armchair enthusiast and want to travel a bit more.

If your looking for something else for this decade how about coming to a Greek Island I'm supposed to travel with a responsible adult the Nurse said.

What Bike do you ride and where abouts do you ride it?
14th Oct 2015 01:41:43
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Hi, I am new to online chat. I like to garden and read recipe books/magazine for hobby. I enjoy reading historical romantic novels.
I listen to Indian music all day long. I like out doors, fishing, watching sports. I am good at playing badminton.
I am in late 40's I am looking for friendly chat in the evenings after my work 8pm to 10pm M-Th, Sun and F-S until depends.
I like to spend out doors on Saturday night like fishing in the mornings.
I am excellent listener and I enjoy learning about others.
I am looking for genuine friendly relationship chats.
Looking forward chatting with you:)
21st Sep 2015 14:34:12 (Last activity: 11th Oct 2015 20:19:33)
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I don't think anyone expects the isolation that occurs. I didn't. I'm in the U.S. and can only be an online friend, but am looking for people to talk email is [email protected]. I wish I could walk in Lancashire with you 🙂
Response from Willie made on 11th Oct 2015 20:19:33
Hi SuzeK What part of the US are you in I,m looking for a new friend to visit Disneyland and Knotts Berry with next year.
28th Sep 2015 23:20:07 (Last activity: 4th Oct 2015 11:48:16)
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Hi , did not really think I would actually subscribe to anything like this but, glad I did! I am a bit shy, although some say I am confident and outgoing, well? I wish I was haha!
I do so hope I can make some friends on this forum, my purpose was in fact to find a group to go on holidays with, you know people in my age group, and that's the main reason why I registered, so everything else whilst going through the process is a bonus! So hello from me and I am looking forward to chatting to more 'silver surfer's '
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 29th Sep 2015 08:23:25
Welcome Aqua .. lots of like minded Silversurfers here and you have certainly come to the right place to chat! Hope you get some response on your posts under Solo Travelling 🙂
Response from Aqua made on 29th Sep 2015 17:43:05
Thank you...All rather exciting really.
Response from Ruball made on 3rd Oct 2015 17:40:14
Hi Aqua

I'm quite new to this site. Haven't had time to log on for the last week or so, the garden is taking up a lot of time at the moment. Where do you live? It would be lovely to get a group together to go on holiday, depends on where though. And for how long. And people really ought to get to know each other first, it would be awful if they didn't get on! I'm a bit more free now to go away and am planning on seeing more of Ireland - where I have retired to. Have got a cat and hens so I couldn't go anywhere for a long time! Though I do have very good neighbours who will feed them. Anyway, I am rabbiting on. If you want to chat here I am!

Response from Aqua made on 3rd Oct 2015 22:12:34
Hi Ruball
I am from Scotland, you can get in touch with me via email if you like [email protected]
Response from Nora Batty made on 4th Oct 2015 08:41:44
Hi Ruball, just joined the forum today and scrolling through, I saw your comment about holidaying with a group. I have just returned from such a holiday, as I am now a widow. It wasn't a great success, there were many tensions and bickering, I really think you should go with friends you know very well. I found myself thinking on many occasions,' if only I were on my own I could do.....' So I shall try a lone holiday next time and see how that goes.
Hope you don't mind me sharing my thoughts
Response from Aqua made on 4th Oct 2015 11:48:16
Hi Nora.aww! So sorry you did not have a good time on your holiday. Thank you for sharing with the forum. I don't have many friends personally that are in a position to travel so going down that route is not an option for me. However, I think before I went away anywhere with any group I would need to be a bit selective. I am not looking join in with people who, for talking sake...want to do walking, climbing, to state just a couple! I am probably goibg to have to go it alobe if I am goibg to be so "fussy! Lol...I have and still do, numerology charts for people. in retrospect I use numbers as my guide as to whom I may not, or will get on with....looks so far I may need to go "Solo" haha!!
I am on [email protected] if you ever want to chat.
26th Sep 2015 15:43:21 (Last activity: 26th Sep 2015 15:51:55)
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Hi. I have just joined today. Scrolling through I spotted your post. I have friends and aquaintances. But still seem to alone. And my family. Well. They just dont seem have time for me in their busy lives. Its sad. Because I didnt raise them to be the way they are.
So! I know exactly how you feel.
I am semi retired however. But want to give it up. I also do voluntary work.
Anyway! Hope I didnt bore the pants off you.
Am looking forward to lots of bargains.
Take care.
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 26th Sep 2015 15:51:55
Hello goldendelicious and a very warm welcome to Silversurfers-we are a friendly community and I hope you find many new friends here. has our new Forums which you have just joined with lots of active members. We also have the Silvercard+ with over 100 partners like airlines, restaurants, cruise companies and retail shops all offering excellent discounts. Plus we have thousands of interesting articles and also votes and discussions on our "Speakers Corner" posts. I really hope you enjoy belonging to Silversurfers and please tell all your friends about us!
11th Sep 2015 16:49:39 (Last activity: 26th Sep 2015 11:02:51)
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Hi I have just joined as well:-) I am not on my own married for over 50 years,3grown children I love makeing new friends and just chatting and finding out about people's lives in general Why not? life's to short makeing friends whatever ones situation is a joy ,it's always good to share I will pop in whenever I can and look forward to talking with you all
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 11th Sep 2015 16:55:42
Welcome sandyt Hope you find some like-minded friends to chat to here … We also have a very active Facebook community, so if you do decide to join come and visit our page – – I think you’ll get a very pleasant surprise! We have the most active Facebook community for over 50’s and there is always a friendly person to chat to, or something funny to make you smile
Response from sandyt made on 11th Sep 2015 17:12:46
Hi thank you for the link to Facebook silver surfers but that link says it is broken so I can connect
Response from Hildy1 made on 11th Sep 2015 17:29:35
Hi sandyt,
Welcome to the club, lol! I don't do face book so I'll chat to you on here if you want, I'm new on here so I'm building up friends, I'm still finding my way around all of this lol! catch up soon x
Response from sandyt made on 11th Sep 2015 17:56:46
Hi Hildy,
Thank you for the welcome I have Facebook mainly for my family and a handful of friends but would love to chat to you on here,I guess it takes a while to find yourself around I just came on the general board as I'm lazy lol.
So where do you live Hildy? At the moment I live in Kent UK,we are in the throws of moveing from here to live in Northampton hopefully the last move.
We lived in Spain for 6 years that was enjoyable but came back to be nearer the family and health issues,I have 3children 1 grandchild Ben he's just taken his 11+ even though he is only still 10 poor kid ?
I have a cat called Lilly but love all animals, I won't rattle on to long thanks for wanting to chat:)
Sandy x
Response from Hildy1 made on 26th Sep 2015 11:02:51
Hi Sandy, nice to get chance to chat, I,ve been working and my shifts include sleepovers so i'm bable to chat away today lol!
I've never been to kent, I want to do more travelling in the next few years and meet up with my friends from college days, some of them I haven't seen for over thirty years, they are well spred out,
I'm in Liverpool, just back after 24 years away in the scotish borders, I am a youth worker and whilst up in Northumberland a friend and I opened a gift shop, that was fun, I now work in a childrens residential home, I just love it
I would love a dog but don't have enough time in the house to look after 1 🙁
I am about to seek out the aqua arobics classes, i've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which is soooo! painful, I used to do 2hr of excercise before all of his now i just bout walk somedays, I like to keep fit soi need to find something I can do,
how about u? wat keeps you active?
Do you miss Spain? I would love to live in warmer climate but most of the people I now who did live out in Spain or Cyprus have come back, I worked in American when I was in my 20s and the company I worked for asked me to stay but I wanted to be qualified in youth work so I came home to go to college but its my biggest regret, I loved it out there
Hay ho!
give me a shout back or what ever they say lol!
14th Mar 2015 23:34:38 (Last activity: 26th Sep 2015 07:59:18)
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Hello to Celtwitch and Sandra. Like you, i've only just joined, so thought i'd dive in straight away. I'm Mike. I moved to central Scotland 6 months ago and now my daughter lives with me, with her dog Gus.
It's such a shame Celtwitch that you don't see your family as much as you'd like. I'm lucky. I have a daughter and a son who thankfully think the world of their old dad. But dogs do provide a very welcome presence in a home that could otherwise be very lonely.
Sandra. My daughter has just qualified as a Reiki healer. And is just getting herself known in our village.

Also. Hi to anyone else who tags along. I'm happy to chat with anybody and everybody. 🙂
Response from lillie made on 26th Sep 2015 07:59:18
Hi Goldfynche where in central Scotland are you .I m Dundee and I ve just joined this site today
16th Sep 2015 17:06:35 (Last activity: 17th Sep 2015 10:54:39)
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Hi, Celtwitch, and everyone else. Today is my first day, I'm still trying to figure out how this chat thing works. I to feel lonely, and I believe your right about being forgotten by family and friends when we get older. The world today is much to fast paced, it's all electronics and folks don't take the time to slow down and enjoy each day, for it is truly a gift from God. I loved being with my mother, she was my best friend, but rarely do my kids want to do things with me. I'm wondering is there a way to chat with people that are on their computers right now? Instead of waiting days for a response, like have a back and forth dialog?
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 16th Sep 2015 17:50:50
Hello Saxlover59 and welcome to Silversurfers. I'm not sure about chat rooms, I haven't come across any on here, though I agree that it would be a good idea.
I too have replied to people only for them to disappear off the scene, it's really confusing.
My own mother was the bitch from hell...she was the nastiest, most spiteful and emotionally bereft person I ever met in my entire life. I don't know what I did to make her hate me so much, I did ask her on several occasions, 'why have you always hated me?' She didn't deny it, she just said, 'I couldn't even begin to tell you.' Which didn't answer my question...she took her 'secret' to her grave. I do not miss her.
I think that maybe there is a chat option on Silversurfers Facebook page, though I'm not certain.
If you reply to this, I will reply back to you in the morning.
Bye for now,

Response from Saxlover59 made on 16th Sep 2015 23:38:17
Hello Laura and thanks for responding. I'm so sorry you had to go through that with your mother. As I said, my mom was my best friend. We did everything together, I took her to see Santana on her 74th birthday, it was great. I can sort of relate as far as my father he was a mean, violent, drunk, he would beat my mom and all of us (sisters and brother) I don't even know where he's buried. When he died I felt nothing. However, my mother was the most loving and nurturing woman, I have ever met. I would be proud if I can be half the woman she was. That's where I get my caring and loving part of me. I have a Facebook page, I know you can chat to your face book friends. It's under Lisa OConnell if you have a FB page we could chat there if your interested. I'm not working right now and I'm always alone, I get so lonely. Sometimes I'll go for a month without talking to another human being, but my cats make me laugh all the time. Thank goodness for them. I also went to a university in my later years, I found it very hard to remember all that I learned. I wanted to sell real estate, but failed the test. I started forgetting small things, like how to spell and stuff so I went to a doctor and was told I have MS. I really couldn't tell, except for the fact that it does a number on my memory. But I am fortunate, I know I have much more than where do you live? I am in the US in a state called NH. It's a very touristy area in the summer, I live in the lakes region. Well, I will check back with you in the morning, hope to hear from you, sincerely,
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 17th Sep 2015 10:54:39
Good morning Lisa, and thank you for replying. I am in the UK, in a small place called Rossendale which is situated in a beautiful Lancashire valley, I have been here for 7 years after moving from a much bigger town .I feel quite privileged to be living somewhere so lovely.
I have been to the USA several times, NY, Boston, New Orleans, Tampa, Detroit and a few smaller places, but not New Hampshire. I was much younger then and I guess that I was well and truly smitten with the'American dream.
You are lucky to have had such a lovely mom (most English people call their mothers 'Mum' but i lived in the Midlands when I was very young and there they say 'Mom') I never once had that 'quality time' with my mom, we never ever shared a bottle of wine, we never went shopping together and never sat down to dinner, just the two of us to enjoy each other's company.
I didn't shed a tear when I heard that she had shuffled off to wherever cruel old women go when they die.
Right, we must put a stop to the 'months without talking to another human being. My email is [email protected] you can use this address to contact me, it's quicker than Silversurfers. I'm happy to chat almost every day.
What did you read at university? I did an Education degree, which has proved to be almost useless, though I can baffle and sometimes impress people with my knowledge of Education theory. I'm sure I also bore a lot of people too!
I'm sorry to hear of your MS diagnosis, I don't know too much about the condition, perhaps you can explain and in the meantime I will Google it?
I have a form of dyslexia, which has impacted on my life in so many negative ways, it was a real struggle at university but I managed to scrape through. But at work it was a different story, you either shape up, or ship out! If you can't keep up with everyone else because of a learning difficulty most employers in the UK will simply terminate contracts for 'operational reasons.'
However, I'm now gloriously retired and' the world is my oyster', whatever does that saying mean?
I hope you have a good day, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards

11th Sep 2015 17:04:37 (Last activity: 14th Sep 2015 15:18:13)
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Hello young lady keep your chin up life is never that bad lol...
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 14th Sep 2015 15:18:13
Hiya Johnboy, how are you, i hope that life is treating you well?
You are right, life is never that's a while lot worse!
10th Sep 2015 19:03:22 (Last activity: 12th Sep 2015 12:06:59)
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Hi Celtwitch. I have just joined too. I have also been on my own for a long time. I retired to Ireland (very beautiful area) nearly 5 years from Sussex and didn't know a soul (it seemed a good idea at the time). All my family is in England and, having just lost a dearly loved pet, I am feeling a bit alone and at a loss. I have a son who doesn't bother much with me now he is married, you know the old saying about sons and wives. I am 66, so your age, and I was a secretary before retirement. Its just nice to have someone else to talk to. Yes, family and friends do seem to forget us if we aren't near them any more. I go walking, not long walks as I have osteoporosis and arthritis in one hip, and have a big garden, so I keep pretty fit. Would be nice to have a chat with you.
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 11th Sep 2015 08:55:28
Hello Ruball, nice to hear from you, which part of Ireland are you in? We used to go over to Clare for the potholing when I was younger, I still remember Gus O’Connors bar at Doolin point and the Honeymoon Bar in Lisdoonvarna. A very beautiful part of the world, to be sure, to be sure!
I didn’t expect to be quite so isolated at this, relatively, late stage of my life, I always thought that as the family grew in numbers, in terms of grandchildren, that I would be surrounded by loving family.
Sadly, it has not happened and I have been thrown away like an unwanted garment. It hurts at times and then there are other times when I accept my fate with grace and equanimity, there is no point in fighting against something you have no control over, is there?
My dog, Poppy, is my life now, I love her with all my heart, I guess that she gets all the love that I would have given to my daughters and their children. There is a cat too, his name is Buster, he is a huge ginger and white Tom who rules the roost around here, he comes on walks with us and other dog walkers can’t believe their eyes when they see a cat out on the hills!
I do a lot of reading and also spend a great deal of time on my computer, perhaps too much, I don’t know, but it keeps me up to date with all the dreadful things that are happening in the world today and allows me to connect with people on Silversurfers. What did we do before computers?
Well, that’s enough prattling from me for now, I hope to hear from you again soon.
Best regards

Response from Ruball made on 11th Sep 2015 09:31:47
Hi Laura

Thanks for responding. I live in Donegal, a very rural area, but the people are so nice. I have just lost the love of my life, my little Bagpuss, who was the sweetest, most loving, funny cat that ever there was. It was very traumatic and she was only 4 and I haven't got over it yet. My son got married last year and they have no children yet, but his wife seems to blow hot and cold with me. I think she has turned him against me, but I don't know why. At the wedding the only member of her family that spoke to me was her father. Maybe friends are more valuable than family when you get older. It is such a shame when you have given so much to bring them up. I agree, it does hurt. I also have 3 hens called Evelyn, Hetty and Rosie after my mum and her sisters. The sisters have passed on now and mum is in a home for people with dementia, she is 96. I don't get to see her very often as my brother has 2 spare rooms full of junk, so no room for me to stay, and a cousin made it plain that she didn't really want me there when I went over for her husband's funeral in July, which I thought was a bit ungrateful as I had made the effort to go, not to mention the expense! I also do a lot of reading, I like a good murder!! I also crochet, make wine, paint and do DIY. I like cooking and trying new things. I love the countryside. I think I probably spend too much time on my computer too, but I do surveys and also a bit of mystery shopping, which gets me out and about and contributes slightly to my pension!! I haven't quite got to grips with this site yet, haven't discovered how to look at profiles or to write my own introductory comment!! Look forward to hearing from you again. Jo
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 12th Sep 2015 11:32:02
Hello Jo, I'm so sorry to hear about your poor cat, it's always so traumatic when we lose a much loved pet, they become part of who we are, and then they are snatched from us. I think that I would be utterly devastated if I were to lose my 'gang of 2' Poppy and Buster, I can't even imagine life without them, they are so faithful and a 'constant' in my life, they would never leave me, unlike my children.
I have a brother, he's 7 years my junior, and for reasons that I could never understand he has always hated me. He would always ignore me at family gatherings, and he would tell the most outrageous lies about me to cousins, Aunts, Uncles etc, and when challenged he would just smirk and walk away. I decided one day back in 1985 to have nothing more to do with him and to waste no more emotional energy in trying to understand his hatred of me; our paths have not crossed since that day and I don't expect, or want, to see him ever again.
My mother died in 2011, she was a little short of her 92nd birthday, however, I didn't know of her death until 2013 because my brother didn't tell me, I found out by doing a bit of detective work. Unfortunately, my mother also hated me, she didn't want me when she saw that I wasn't a boy, she didn't like girls for some strange reason and always treated me like an unwelcome guest in her house. I could never do right by her, she would pick up on the slightest mistake and turn it into a major infraction. She ignored my achievements and magnified my childish failures, how do you cope with a mum like that?
The final indignity was her decision to leave her house and everything else to my brother, I wasn't even mentioned in the will; it was as though I had never existed.
I have been so very unlucky where family is concerned, I wish that I could understand why.
The rain has come down like the proverbial stair-rods this morning, but now the sun is coming out so I will sign off for now and take my little pooch for another walk.
Take care,

Response from Ruball made on 12th Sep 2015 12:06:59
Oh you poor thing, you have really drawn the short straw with your family. At least my brother is still talking to me, albeit not often! He is 18 months younger than me. We only get on together in short bursts! You would be devastated if you were to lose your pets, they love you unconditionally and you love them unconditionally. I still have Essie, my 10 year old cat, but she isn't as loving and cuddly as Bagpuss was, totally different character. She came here from England with me. I have a couple of friends here who are arranging trips out for me so that I don't get depressed. I was stuck with not being able to go out for days out with Bagpuss as she had asthma and needed an inhaler 3 times a day. Saying that I would still give anything to have her back.

I try and keep busy here with the garden, the odd job, and I am involved with the Donegal Donkey Sanctuary. I man the visitor centre on Sundays. I used to muck out for them, but they have a couple of men to do that now and so I have promotion. I crochet donkey key rings to sell there and I do paintings to sell. You could look them up on their website. Do you have any hobbies?

My mother's house has been sold to keep her in the home, it costs £900 a week!!! But they do look after her well. I don't think we are talking long term as she is 96 now.

You take care. We have a very strong wind today, though it isn't raining at the moment.
2nd Sep 2015 19:29:36 (Last activity: 9th Sep 2015 16:27:38)
Thanks for voting!
Just joined today. At a new stage in my life. Been taking care of parents since 2005 - dad survived to 95 years, and mam to 98 years and 6 months. Taken me 12 months to clear the house. Resigning on 31 August from a part time job teaching for Aberystwyth University. Facing that horrendous watershed of 70 years at the end of the year. Two friends have died so far this year, and another has suffered a minor stroke. What a shock all this has been. Appalling shock. Never, ever considered myself old before. Ugh! Ugh!

So, new stage and new ventures. Anybody else where I am?
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 7th Sep 2015 17:39:58
Hello Glaslyn, I'm sorry that I haven't replied to you sooner, but, well one thing leads to another, as the song goes, and I have neglected to log in here for a while.
You seem to have been through the wringer a bit in recent months , but i'm sure you will come out of it a stronger person than before; the human spirit is so strong in times of crisis.
Old at 70? Never, age is only a number, so they say, although i know people much younger than myself who have simply given up and are, in effect, just waiting to die!
Are you Welsh, I'm part Welsh myself, my Gran was from South Wales and I think that I have always 'felt' Welsh, deep down inside my soul.
When I went to uni I was asked, 'what is your national identity?' Without even having to think about it, I answered, 'Welsh.'
I'm happy to chat at any time, but not at 3am please!
Hwl fawr
Response from Glaslyn made on 7th Sep 2015 20:55:51
Thanks for your message.

I haven't quite come to grips with the layout of this site as yet. However, I have written about myself in a profile, and imagined that this profile would be accessible by simply clicking on my fictional name? Not so?

Yes, I am a Welsh speaking Welshwoman living in a far-flung place called Porthmadog. Are you Welsh on your father or mother's side? Did you know and visit your Gran? Where did she live?
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 9th Sep 2015 16:27:38
I'm Welsh on my father's side, his mam was from Neath, Glamorgan. I have tried to trace Gran's side of the family without success, it just seems to have come to an end when she and her parents moved to England. There must be cousins and it would be great to find them, perhaps i will give it another go.

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