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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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26th Mar 2016 08:37:15
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just joined too began to realise around Xmas who alone I was becoming wasn't expecting that! I am lucky that I have two very supportive children who live close by but I really don't want to burden them.I don't have a partner either have tried dating sites not really the answer is it? I have various crafty type hobbies again hard to know where to start to find like minded folk
17th Mar 2016 00:03:26 (Last activity: 24th Mar 2016 13:29:19)
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Hello I have just joined this week and am looking forward to getting to know lovely new people. I am 65 married with two daughters and a son also two son-in-laws and a daughter in- law two grandsons and two grandaughters love cats have two. I live in Central Scotland about 1/4 mile from THE KELPIES and 15mins from the FALKIRK WHEEL.
Response from Goldfynche made on 24th Mar 2016 13:29:19
Hi ambergirl. We often drive through your neck of the woods, on our way to the Central retail park in Falkirk. Two of our favourite shops there are Dunhelm and Hobbycraft. We always look forward to seeing the Kelpies en route.
19th Mar 2016 17:15:01 (Last activity: 21st Mar 2016 05:48:40)
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I have just joined this site, so want to introduce myself.....

I am Kaz, 58 years old, live alone in a large 4 bed house in rural west Lancashire, close to Southport.
I enjoy cooking, driving, travel, swimming, internet, art, electronic art, writing, poetry, home making, astrology, metaphysics, paranormal, web design, painting, good conversation, philosophy, state specific science, social networking, entertaining, acting, country pubs, exploring places, music, singing to name but a few interests.
I am easy going, great sense of humour, full of fun, very much a people person.
I work from home as a telephone life coach, and I am looking for new friends, and thinking about looking for a better area to live in where there are more things I can get into and get a new life, and some company, there is nothing local to me where someone my age can meet people to share quality time with etc.
Anyone out there?!
[email protected]
Response from kattie75 made on 21st Mar 2016 05:48:40
Hi there Kaz just woke up and saw your letter I live in Weston Super Mare and I belong to 3 different friendship clubs I enjoy meeting people I go to the local swimming pool and gym I'm hoping to join a walking group when I can find the organisers of the local group I've been looking around for different things to do to occupy my time I'm now looking for a cookery club I know there are a few about but as of yet not found any
I love emailing mostly at night as I don't sleep too well but I am very happy and quite a busy lady I forget how my time is filled until I write them down but that's what's keeping me going I've been on this planet 76 years this year and hope for many more when you have time drop me a line I would enjoy that
mandy gere
29th Dec 2015 07:01:22 (Last activity: 20th Mar 2016 16:34:52)
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Hello I'm a typical empty nest lady along with being an ex wife I am feeling a little lost! I still work but part time- getting a bit fed up with coming home to an empty house!! My trouble is I don't like doing things alone so don't do anything!!
Any suggestions lol- I keep looking at online dating but ....
Response from lonemoan made on 4th Jan 2016 16:59:11
Dear Mandy, my feeling are similar to yours, tried dating but found that most contacts either wanted the moon, or felt a need to revenge themselves on the male sex. I live in the hope that love will be found naturally, in the meantime I live as well as I can and keep optimistic,which is all the advice that I can give you.
Response from cjt123 made on 7th Jan 2016 05:35:42
Hi Mandy,
I've just joined as I find myself in a lonely situation. I moved up to a place near Peterborough in August 15 after having retired at 66 to be near a new lady I had met online. Sadly our partnership ended at Christmas. I have not had a chance to make any new friends since moving here as I was busy with my new property and new relationship. So I now find myself in a difficult position. I'm having to deal with the emotional fallout with the breakup at the moment so I don't feel like moving on and looking to make new friends. Hopefully things will look up in the future. Best of luck to you. Chris
Response from Pussk2 made on 4th Feb 2016 13:34:42
Hi Mandy,

I joined last month. I have been in your situation but I was lucky to have my youngest daughter living at home with me but always missed her so much when she went to stay with her Dad. I immersed myself in work, may be you could do some voluntary work and just kept up with and relied heavily on family and friends. This didn't help with coming home to an empty house. Four years later I unexpectedly found that I had feelings for a co-worker as he did me. He later admitted that he had felt like that since the first time we met. We are still together 9 years later. Try to keep positive. I didn't think anyone would love me or could love me. Over 40, type 2 diabetic, high blood pressure and depression! He took on me, 3 kids and my array of animals and he managed to deal with a stroppy 14 year old even though he doesn't have children of his own and has never wanted them! He is now a granddad! You have taken the first step by joining silver surfers as you now have somewhere to chat. What are your interests? Could you join some local groups?
Response from J440 made on 7th Feb 2016 02:09:41
Hi Mandy......I can relate to yr not liking coming home to a empty house.....I do go out a lot ( on my own ) to the movies, restaurants visiting friends etc, only because the alternative is bring at home on ones own.....Judy new zealand
Response from mandy gere made on 9th Feb 2016 19:33:52
Thanku for the replies- appreciate them- I'm thinking of some hypnotherapy to try and help with my lack of confidence doing things alone- has anyone tried?
Response from Kazzy57 made on 20th Mar 2016 16:34:52
Jean I empathize with you, the photos on on line dating sites look like mugshots in the police station, most uninspiring and discouraging, and with the negative publicity these sites have been getting of late, it only serves to put you off even more!
I would love to meet a new guy and settle down, but easier said than done, and it isn't as if a woman can go drinking in a pub alone, not a lot of fun anyway, not easy is it?
I am based in Lancashire, what about you?
Hope you find someone decent soon.
19th Mar 2016 17:08:32
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Hi Celticwitch,
You mirror my situation and I also live in Lancashire, I live in Rufford in West Lancashire.
I never see my daughter now, she left home back in 2014 and left a gaping hole in my life. I empathize with you, it is hard coping with 'flown nest syndrome'.
I don't like feeling isolated and alone either it is soul destroying and I work from home which makes it worse again.
Lost most of my friends to Cancer so down to one now and she is busy with sick family to see to.
Whereabouts are you?
Want to meet up for a chat or chat on the phone or online?
My email address is: [email protected] - perhaps we could exchange phone numbers by email. I am also on Skype as: kazytc
I am 58 (59 in September) so like you I am at an age where I don't fit into pensioners groups and I don't fit into family groups or young people's groups either, bit out on a limb and not a lot happening in Lancashire for our age unless you are in a couple or have a family at home.
I feel we have a lot in common!
Hope you get sorted soon!
19th Mar 2016 16:27:58
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Hi I've just joined on here so thought I would dip my toe in and introduce myself. I am fast approaching 60 which I find a bit scary! I live in Hertfordshire, not in paid employment now but work voluntary for Age UK and also Herts Hearing, both jobs are very rewarding. I love my pets, one cat and two dogs....the dogs keep me fit as they insist on going out in all weathers! Are there any other members here from Hertfordshire?
Purple mary
19th Mar 2016 09:37:41
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Hello, I'm 62, live in Dorset, still working full time and going through a divorce after a long marriage. Looking forward to hearing other peaples views on lots of subjects
18th Mar 2016 23:35:25
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Hi everyone
I'm in Glasgow , Scotland. Anyone live nearby?
10th Mar 2016 17:33:04
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Hi, Just joined, looking forward to being part of the community. I live on the Cheshire / Derbyshire boarder, walk out of my door fifty yards I have crossed over into Derbyshire. Lovely part of the world to live, Three miles to the Snake Pass, I need to get out with my Camera, I am a member of my local Working mens club, Though to be fair the majority of members have retired, enjoy a few pints with my mates, and a good chat. Will put some of my pics on this site later when I find where to put them. Thats all for now, going to make tea.
Take care
john stewart
25th Jan 2016 23:21:06 (Last activity: 8th Mar 2016 22:37:56)
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loneliness can be tough to deal with.that song people who need people are the luckiest people in the world. Had some has young man. at least you have dog. wife has dog which behaves like arsehole. which is how wife i candescribes me.happly married we dont speak. I can empassive with the late passion for learning, it is never wasted
Response from mandy gere made on 9th Feb 2016 19:56:48
I'm 55 and never thought I won't b married bout been divorced a few years now- I'm fine most of the time but holidays and birthdays hard alone! I work every day but going home to an empty house is hard x
Response from lucie made on 9th Feb 2016 22:30:58
I agree being alone is hard I would love to go on holiday but not sure I would like to go alone
Response from kattie75 made on 8th Mar 2016 22:37:56
I've always thought loneliness only happens to other people until last year lost my partner last Feb it's not so bad when you are out and about its coming home to emptiness no one to say hi I'm home too no one to say you want a cup of tea I don't think anyone can really get used to it that's why I came on here to find some chat friends
8th Mar 2016 22:23:38
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Tell me about it birthday mine Christmas that's the only time I hear from mine
7th Mar 2016 14:35:07
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Hi! I just found out about this site and as I am home in recovery at the moment I thought I would give it a whirl!
I live in Brum and apart from enjoying my extensive family (that.s 9 grandchildren, 4 kids, 4 partners, husband and so it goes on. ) I love all things creative. Love poetry,writing and reading it. Love making stuff too.
Looking forward to reading poems soon!
Hope to log in often to catch up with some of you.
7th Mar 2016 08:56:23
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Aloha! I'm Lesa and new to the sight. I have recently moved back to the mainland US from HI. I love to travel, enjoy culture, food,.....and plenty of sunshine! I usually travel alone but, am thinking it would be nice to have a companion to share the experiences with! Not sure of destination at this point.
3rd Mar 2016 17:12:36 (Last activity: 4th Mar 2016 03:34:34)
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Response from kattie75 made on 4th Mar 2016 03:34:34
Hello I am also new here and am looking for new friends. Don't want partner or romance just someone to chat to
I live in Somerset and I live with my little cat I have plenty of time on my hands so am emailing and I find I like it so if you have some spare minutes drop me a line I like chatting about almost anything. I have very odd sleep patterns at the moment and have found a few nice people to chat to when I wake at night. I've always got room for a true friend so if your interested drop me a line say silversurfers and I won't delete you as I said before just email friendship
email [email protected]
so hope to hear from you
26th Feb 2016 18:14:26
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Hi everyone I am new to this site and on paper I should be 100% happy but in reality who is? Too many things are thrown at us over the years, and even if we cannot change things it still hurts. I am up to meeting/making new friends and loneliness hits us all sometimes even in a crowd.
19th Feb 2016 09:44:04
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Hi, i have just joined i am 54, australian and looking for friends to chat with.
17th Feb 2016 17:37:00
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Know how you feel. My only son who now has his own family forgot about me at 53!
tessa rose
20th Jan 2016 15:28:27 (Last activity: 15th Feb 2016 22:58:55)
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Does anyone on here live in Shropshire?
Response from 0aktree made on 29th Jan 2016 19:45:25
Hi,im new to this site,I do live in Shropshire.
Response from tessa rose made on 30th Jan 2016 10:27:41
Hi there, nice to know someone else is on this site, where in Shropshire are you,? I am in Bridgnorth.
Response from Poppy48 made on 6th Feb 2016 23:14:50
Hi Tessa. I live in Cheshire have been to Market Drayton. It's a nice part of the world.
Response from 0aktree made on 15th Feb 2016 22:58:55
Hi tessa rose, I live in Shropshire.
6th Feb 2016 23:55:07 (Last activity: 13th Feb 2016 17:31:33)
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Hi all its my first visit to this site. Have replied to a few people. Seems like a very friendly site so will visit again. Speak soon.
Response from Wilf made on 13th Feb 2016 17:31:33
Hi Poppy-welcome and its a very friendly site. Lots of people chatting
13th Feb 2016 15:36:52
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Celtwitch, I recently bought a Semi Recumbent trike from Mission bikes because I cant use a conventional cycle any more. I didn't want a fully recumbent because they are too low, but the Mission semi bent puts me at the height of a car driver and is far more visible. I sit in a comfortable chair with backrest (not a conventional bike seat) it give me a lot of support while allowing me to pedal. I was amazed at how fast it is, although going up hills takes some getting used to. If the slope is too steep I stop for a minute and remain in my seat while I rest, then go on again. It is certainly worth a look.
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