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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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Lola 555
1st Dec 2016 10:55:12 (Last activity: 1st Dec 2016 18:40:16)
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Hi am new on t day wanna say hi to everyone
Response from Jenninora made on 1st Dec 2016 13:21:31
Welcome Lola 555
Response from jeanmark made on 1st Dec 2016 18:40:16
Hi back Lola 555 and welcome.
29th Nov 2016 13:10:31
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just joined would love to start chatting with someone
26th Nov 2016 08:27:50 (Last activity: 28th Nov 2016 08:08:04)
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Hello everyone, just joined so lots to take in. Im retired, 69 and live in Sussex. Just in case my name confuses you I am female.
Response from Tyjen made on 26th Nov 2016 12:10:42
thankyou Littleminx.
Response from jeanmark made on 26th Nov 2016 13:10:48
Welcome Tyjen.
Response from KEITH_WL made on 26th Nov 2016 14:13:51
Just a guess, TyJen, but to me your SS name suggests Jen's house in Welsh.

Croeso cynnes i di.

Response from Tyjen made on 26th Nov 2016 14:31:19
Thankyou Jean and Keith.
No Keith, its an anagram of my late sisters name.
Response from KEITH_WL made on 27th Nov 2016 20:28:51
No worries Tyjen. You've probably understood the bit in Welsh, either directly or by automatic translation, but in case not - a warm welcome to you.

Response from Tyjen made on 28th Nov 2016 08:08:04
thankyou 🙂
26th Nov 2016 18:18:21
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Thank you for your reply now I just have to find my way around
23rd Nov 2016 00:18:02 (Last activity: 23rd Nov 2016 13:12:16)
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Hi I am 56, work full time, my children are grown up & I am interested in some of the topic covered. Am looking forward to talking to others online
Response from jeanymay made on 23rd Nov 2016 07:44:08
Hi Jazzy and welcome. I hope you enjoy the site.
Response from jeanmark made on 23rd Nov 2016 13:12:16
Welcome Jazzy27, I'm sure you will enjoy the site and there are lots of interesting people.
17th Oct 2016 18:56:05 (Last activity: 14th Nov 2016 03:33:09)
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Just joined.

I am 62,
So still work.

I live in Milnthorpe.

I have recently moved there from Lytham St Annes.

As another winter driving backwards and forwards on the M6/M55 will be the death of me.

So, I do not know anybody local.

I am quite sociable.
If quiet some say.

I like Current affairs, HIstory, and an easy quiet life.

I like to Ski, but beginning to lose confidence.

So Blues and easy Reds only.

Old age, what a curse.

I will probably keep going until I fall over and break my neck.

I like British films, Comedy, and TV programs of the 1950's and 60's
And of course the music.

Pretty average English man really.

English Ale only, no Lager thank you, G & T&s, and a glass of wine please.


Response from Ariadne made on 21st Oct 2016 19:20:41
Hello, do you live ,,,,, Milnthorpe near Holmesfield Derbyshire ????Nice pub there on the corner !!!!
Response from Muserseven made on 24th Oct 2016 16:37:32
Hello Broadsword. Nice to meet you. I like the way you've presented your details. Nice, and to the point, I tend to waffle a bit ... But then, I'm female ...

Lucky you! Lytham St Anne's (used to go there a lot as a child) and now Milnthorpe! Still working? Glad somebody is keeping the wheels of Britain's industry turning. I hope you haven't dropped into the net of having to work too far into retirement age, though. Your mention of the M6 and M55 suggests that your job requires you to travel, does it?

Hope to hear from you.
Response from magdelina made on 14th Nov 2016 03:33:09
Hey there....I just joined myself. I have been on the hunt for a British tv series and no joy. I had the brilliant about a chat site...British...maybe someone there may know. Turned out dumb I was just going to exit but then started reading this page and you had the word -tv- in your

I live in Canada. Last few years I have been watching British tv programs, series, mini series and movies. I adore the British people and the way they speak...and I don't mean the accent. I absolutely lap up the scenery in everything I have watched. The names of towns and villages. The ones you mentioned sound so cool. And probably beautiful and quaint.

Just your day to day stuff you do and take for granted...I would probably find fascinating.
My name is Theresa and I have a furry little friend Maggie. In my 50's.... I would really like to hear all about the area you lived in and your new home.
By the way...I was looking for Crown Court shows....they made 800 of them and I have only found a few.....It was from the 70's. Don't mean to go on and on about it. Probably something you never watched.
Well...nice to meet you. Theresa
13th Nov 2016 10:36:23 (Last activity: 13th Nov 2016 17:03:41)
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Hi I live in Eastbourne am in the process of a divorce which is taking longer than I expected. Am petrified of the future but also a little excited. I am looking forward to being able to do whatever I want whenever I like and to getting another dog - my last one my beautiful girl was our 'last' dog according to my soon to be ex!!!
I am still friendly with my ex we are divorcing because we have absolutely nothing in common anymore and very different values.
I love meeting new people not a great one for pubs but love theatre, great meals and holidays. I would love to hear from anyone local in a similar situation.
I have three children all married and eight grandchildren these little people are my pride and joy to me family is so important and must always come first.
I have a great job working for the local authority in the fostering and adoption team. Until 6 years ago I was a teacher.
I am very lucky to have some great friends and a huge family but as most of them are married so socialising with them makes me feel a bit like a gooseberry.
Would also like to hear from other women who have been where I am now to give encouragement and or words of advice.
Response from jeanymay made on 13th Nov 2016 12:54:43
Hi and welcome Mummylove

It's so sad when any marriage comes to an end, but great that you are still on good terms with your ex. I too am amongst such a lot of other Silversurfers who are divorced so you are not alone.It is difficult to be "single" after such a long time, but as you say exciting also. I also understand what you mean about feeling like a gooseberry, but you will adjust to that in time, and may like myself begin to love it.

Gosh what a lot of grandchildren ! that's fabulous I have 3 grandchildren and 3 children.

All the best, and I hope we can chat again soon.
Response from Jenninora made on 13th Nov 2016 15:03:46
Welcome Mummy love. We are a mixed bunch on Silversurfers as you have probably gathered. I like in N Ireland and not long joined.Half English you might say, as I lived 25 years in England. Keep going. You will get to a place in your life that is where you want to be. It takes time. All the very best.
Response from Mummylove made on 13th Nov 2016 17:03:41
Thanks for the welcome xxx
10th Nov 2016 17:14:56 (Last activity: 11th Nov 2016 09:16:50)
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Hi everyone, joined a year ago, just got round to introducing myself, been busy.....nice to read the posts, live in the north, on my own, well, not really on my own, got cats who keep me company! Relationship just ended, sometimes it's best to be bored on your own than bored and fed up with someone you don't want to be with 🙂 - life goes on, just different. Good to meet you all anyway.
Response from jeanymay made on 10th Nov 2016 18:02:33
Hi there. Been in same position, and I now live alone and love it. I agree it's better sometimes to be alone, and can also be lonely when with the wrong person.
Response from Belladeeta made on 11th Nov 2016 09:13:37
Hello Jeanymay, thank you very much for your kind reply 🙂
Response from jeanymay made on 11th Nov 2016 09:16:50
You're welcome
Sylvia E
25th Oct 2016 14:07:57 (Last activity: 10th Nov 2016 14:26:10)
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Hi everyone.
Looking at you children thinking that you are ancient in your 50s and 60s.
I managed to become 75 last July. Age is a number that's all...well until I look in the mirror and discover all the new laughter lines.
Four weeks ago I missed a bottom step on the stairs, went flying hot chocolate and biscuit flying through the air flat on stone floor and a dreadful crack.. Ceiling, floor, walls dog and me covered in afore mentioned chocolate.
Four weeks later after release from hospital am now very immobile with elevated leg. Loads of bits of metal sticking out at angles.
Another month and hopefully they will be removed and. Cast put sometime in the dim and distant future I might regain my life. Just for good measure I had a big malignant tumour removed from my gut last June. Hopefully all well in that department. So as you can see this has been an eventful year.
So I thought i'd join you lot for exchange of views, comments and if necessary a shoulder to whinge on.
I am an amateur artist and can do small stuff from my now restricted life.
Usually I enjoy standing at an easel and splashing paint around.
I enjoy walking my getting older Jack Russell " Squeak". . I enjoy my environment living just under Offas Dyke in north Wales. The walks are amazing.
I have arty friends and we meet together and draw.
I have a great supportive husband and family seven grand kids...who I love dearly well most of the time.
That's me. Hi every one xxxxx
Response from jeanymay made on 25th Oct 2016 14:56:23
Welcome Sylvia.

Poor you but you seem to have kept your spirit thank goodness. Most of us are friendly on here so I hope you enjoy.
Response from Sylvia E made on 25th Oct 2016 15:44:52
Thank you Jeanymay good to say hello .
Response from worlie26 made on 10th Nov 2016 00:52:33
Response from Sylvia E made on 10th Nov 2016 14:26:10
Yes I am lucky I know.... I wasn't whinging I said it how it is. I am still confined to one place as I still cannot move with my leg injury I shall have to learn to walk about another six months.
I'm sad you are lonely what about friends and interests?
Chat again if you like
Sylvia .
8th Nov 2016 18:20:59
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Hi Everyone i am a new chatter i live in essex not quite silver lets say i am getting there lol
8th Nov 2016 15:17:37
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I just joined yesterday. I live in California. I'm going through a rough period in my life. I'm 51 years old all my children are out of the house now and we no longer speak to each other and I haven't seen been able to see or talk to my grandchildren. It has been so hard not family around and worse part is my marriage is abusive and caused the falling out with my family. I feel alone and have no one to talk too. I hope to make some new friends here I have no friends either which makes life 10 times harder having no one to talk. I battle depression on a daily bases and wish one day the tears will stop. I never imaged my life would be like this.
18th Sep 2016 12:07:19 (Last activity: 6th Nov 2016 03:41:50)
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Hello, everyone...
I have also just joined up, as i thought that it would be nice to talk with other people, about various topics. I live close to Melbourne, Australia, so, anyone who thinks it a novelty to communicate with someone on the other side of the world, feel free to indulge your wildest fantasies....!!
(Anyone else from Downunder who is a Silversurfer, though...?)
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 18th Sep 2016 12:22:34
Hello and welcome 🙂 I hope you enjoy our Forum and our Silversurfers online community from Down Under! Lots of like-minded, friendly people here with a great sense of humour in common! In addition to the Forum we have hundreds of features, an active Speakers Corner with daily debates and polls, an online Book Club,and so much more! Best wishes .. Sally
Response from Ariadne made on 13th Oct 2016 08:33:26
You are not alone,, another Aussie called Cassie is somewhere on here, I've just had a word
with her, but I'm sure she would be delighted to hear from you .. by the way ,,,Hello
Response from Susiq24 made on 6th Nov 2016 03:41:50
Hi, I've just joined and I'm from Albury so not so far from Melbourne. I've joined this site as I lived in the UK for 12 years and thought it would be fun to find new people to talk to over there as I've just retired, and I'd be very happy to talk to someone local too.
22nd Oct 2016 22:00:54 (Last activity: 2nd Nov 2016 09:41:22)
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Response from jeanymay made on 23rd Oct 2016 07:30:28
Welcome to the site I hope you enjoy it. What an awful thing to happen to you !

I do sympathise, and I have been through divorce myself, although for different reasons. Life will be hard for a time, but try to see it as a new beginning for yourself, and like myself you may get to love the single life.

I live in West Yorkshire, so who knows I may be able to offer you that cup of tea to go along with the sympathy.
Response from Muserseven made on 24th Oct 2016 16:26:01
Welcome Birdie. You will see from my posting that I'm new here, too.

I want to offer you the tea and sympathy you mentioned - and the opportunity to get to know me, if you like.

Keep your chin up! I know it must be difficult but we're thinking about you!
Response from Georgie Girl made on 24th Oct 2016 18:30:03
Sent you a private chat Birdie.
Response from Ariadne made on 2nd Nov 2016 09:41:22
Chin up , the newer model ,,will probably ,eventually be looking for a younger model,,, I
firmly believe that what goes around comes around,,,, have I got that in the fight order ??????????
1st Nov 2016 22:07:08 (Last activity: 2nd Nov 2016 07:26:25)
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I live in a small town where everyone is married or dating in my 60's divorced over 20 years single and feel like the odd shoe. Please no sympathy its a fact my work has always been in caring and of course isolating. Friends are few because I could never join in the chat about work as mine was confidential.
I am 2 years to retirement so am reaching out for I hope new friends.
Response from jeanymay made on 2nd Nov 2016 07:26:25
Hi welcome,

Your in the same situation as an awful lot of us, but don't despair you can change things. I have actually arrange to meet a lady I have met on this site for coffee and a chat who lives local to me, so maybe put some posts on asking if any other Silversurfers are in your area, and give a rough idea as to this in your profile.

Maybe join some local groups of interest also. Good luck, and keep chatting.
1st Nov 2016 18:32:41 (Last activity: 1st Nov 2016 18:42:11)
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Hope your enjoying it
Response from Jenninora made on 1st Nov 2016 18:42:11
I am Jeanmay. Luckily enough I do not have some of the health problems. I work a little still and that takes me a- mixing with people. Useful site if anyone lonesome or housebound. Facebook is another, if used properly. I love interacting with people. That is so important for all of us Keep the chat going. X
1st Nov 2016 18:22:13
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I not long joined Silversurfers. I say Hi to you all. I live in Ireland. Semi- retired and loving it. Enjoying my home country again after many years in England.Loved living there also. Enjoy a bit of banter and a bit of craic.
24th Oct 2016 16:21:43 (Last activity: 24th Oct 2016 18:14:45)
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Hello celtwitch, I too have just joined. I am on holiday at the moment with my husband but I'm feeling very alone. How come?

Our activities are pretty limited now as my husband has Alzheimer's. I will refer to him as "R" then I'm not wearing my fingers out so much! R is very happy to eat, sleep and read, these days. I like to do all that but I like to be amongst people as well. I'm a few years older than you are - a 1943 model in fact. I'm active, though, drive my own car and like to have nice times with nice people. Here on holiday on the island of Rhodes, it seems that everyone is having a lovely time except me. Just bored, I guess, and realising that this is almost definitely the last holiday I shall ever take, unless I can find a travel companion.

Whereabouts in Lancashire are you? I live in Leicestershire now but I was born and bred in Manchester so I'm a north-westerner, too. We moved to Leicestershire 12 years ago from Cheshire. Just on the edge of the lovely, rolling countryside but near enough to the convenience of towns. Our village is classed as part of Market Harborough.

I enjoy good health, though I have an old, troublesome back problem which I suppose is understandable. We do wear out, don't we? Your late entry to university interests me; what was your subject? And what would you have lectured in? What kind of dog do you have?

Our nineteen-and-half year old cat has died recently so now we have a (rapidly-growing) kitten.

I hope you - and others - will respond to my debut post and courage me to get involved.
Response from happystar made on 24th Oct 2016 18:14:45
Hello Muserseven...I believe that Celtwitch has left the Silversurfers? I don't think that she was appreciated by some of the fuddies.
7th Sep 2016 22:23:24 (Last activity: 24th Oct 2016 16:57:56)
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Love your profile, apart from the cycling bit. Enjoy a bit of walking and golf now and then. Lost my partner of 27 years 6 months ago, suddenly. Life seems empty, although I have a large close family. Tried a 3 day break last month in Malaga alone, but didn't enjoy it. No one to talk to . LovE holidays.
Response from SF made on 8th Sep 2016 00:27:14
Think you are trying to get back to normal too soon,,,maybe a bit of coasting/ me time to come to terms with life? Or tell me I know nothing etc...
Response from Muserseven made on 24th Oct 2016 16:57:56
Hello Keith, I can understand that you couldn't enjoy your holiday because there was no one to talk to. I am here on holiday in Rhodes with my husband who has Alzheimer's. I am lonely amongst dozens of people all enjoying themselves.

Happy to chat.
25th Sep 2016 23:35:23 (Last activity: 24th Oct 2016 16:52:42)
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Hello everyone. Have recently joined here & now think it's about time I introduced myself properly.My name is Rodger & I live in a lovely village called Pembury in Kent. I live on my own with my lil Jack Russell named poppy who loves taking me for long walks in the woods & countryside. I have been on my own now for a number of years & feel the time is right to try & get back into some sort of social group so if anybody cares to want a chat please do 🙂
Response from Muserseven made on 24th Oct 2016 16:52:42
I am happy to chat, Rodger; shutting me up a little more difficult!
26th Sep 2016 11:55:38 (Last activity: 24th Oct 2016 16:51:12)
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Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone. I joined yesterday and have just found this page which I thought would be a good place to start.

I live near a small town in South Derbyshire called Swadlincote, it is an old Mining community which after a decline when the mines closed has now built itself up again and seems to have become a commuter belt for the larger towns and cities in the Midlands.

I am married with 4 grown up children and 3 grandchildren up to now. I thought it would be nice to be able to chat online with people my own age for a change.
Response from Muserseven made on 24th Oct 2016 16:51:12
Hello Denys

I am happy to chat, though a bit older than you are. I'm a 1943 model, living in Leicestershire, so at least we are both in the East Mids area.
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