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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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24th Apr 2017 15:49:43
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Best of luck with your search. No need to be lonely these days with the internet. Always someone on line to chat with
24th Apr 2017 12:21:26
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hi, pleased to meet you...
I am from Lancashire
7th Apr 2017 15:32:47 (Last activity: 23rd Apr 2017 18:00:03)
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Recently joined first chance ive had to have a proper look around and say hi.
Response from RecLucy made on 7th Apr 2017 20:36:17
Hi Vali... just checking in to see who says what here.
Response from Kazt made on 8th Apr 2017 20:54:14
Hi Vali welcome !
Response from Vali made on 22nd Apr 2017 09:26:35
Morning everyone,still finding my way around not very good at this.
Response from Macmay made on 22nd Apr 2017 10:44:11
Hi Val, I'm new too this as well. X
Response from meta made on 22nd Apr 2017 12:08:28
Good morning Val .im new to this aswell..have a lovely weekend..
Response from Vali made on 22nd Apr 2017 20:47:54
Hi Macmay and meta,hope you have both had a good day? Any plans for tomorrow,I'm planning a lazy day.x.
Response from meta made on 23rd Apr 2017 18:00:03
Hi Vali...i enjoyed the sunshine while doing the relaxing with a glass of wine..
23rd Apr 2017 10:04:42
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Hi, just found this site, even though I am always surfing the net. I live in Somerset with my husband after living in France for 10 years. Lovely to be back with the family and our lovely grand children. I have joined a local knitting group and will probably take up my sewing again but limited as at the moment have granddaughter for 2 days and the club I want to go to is on one of those days! Husband not very active, just lazy, but we like to visit National Trust properties. I get to go out with a good friend and my lovely daughter. Happy to chat or meet if anyone in area would like to go for a walk etc.
22nd Apr 2017 21:37:34
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I am new here- just checking out the site
21st Apr 2017 16:49:53 (Last activity: 22nd Apr 2017 12:07:23)
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HELLO ..I been living in Doncaster for 22Years...Im 58 years young and still working..looking to make new friends who like to meet up for Coffee and as im widowed maybe going out for meals ..
Response from Silvia Sherriff made on 22nd Apr 2017 08:31:49
Hi, meta 🙂
Response from meta made on 22nd Apr 2017 12:07:23
Good morning Silvia...Hope you have a lovely weekend..
Silvia Sherriff
18th Apr 2017 09:35:40 (Last activity: 22nd Apr 2017 08:30:33)
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Hi, I'm new here today. Been following Silver surfers for a while on FB.
I live in Lincolnshire with my Partner and my Dog. Work part time and have enough hobby's to keep me entertained for the next millennium.
It would be lovely to make new friends.
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 18th Apr 2017 10:02:02
Welcome to Silversurfers Silvia and I hope you enjoy our community and website as much as you do our Facebook! Kind regards, Sally
Response from Vali made on 21st Apr 2017 22:23:10
Hi everyone, fairly new here and still finding my way around..Wishing you all a good weekend.☺
Response from Silvia Sherriff made on 22nd Apr 2017 08:30:33
Have a good weekend as well. I find this site a bit confusing but I'm getting there
18th Apr 2017 08:00:17 (Last activity: 18th Apr 2017 08:08:34)
Thanks for voting!
I just signed up but am a bit concerned that perhaps I should not have? I did post earlier . Somewhere on here. :0 🙂 Wondering if an Australian , in Australian, should have joined ? Please let me know, before too long and I will either stay or go, 🙂 if I am in the wrong site . Sorry, but I couldn't see before joining , if it is only British ? 🙂
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 18th Apr 2017 08:08:34
Hello Nifer ... you are most welcome to join Silversurfers ... we have members from all over the world, so the more the merrier 🙂
7th Apr 2017 19:09:41 (Last activity: 15th Apr 2017 00:27:14)
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Hi. I'm new and having problems finding my way around at the moment
Response from chrissyp made on 15th Apr 2017 00:27:14
Hi Dianelily

I haven't been on here very long and still getting used to the way it works. Hope to enjoy it though.
12th Apr 2017 20:44:52
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Hi, I have just joined the Forum, I live in Cheshire, I am a widow and although I have
my daughter living nearby, I get very lonely and would love to meet friends
who are interested in socialising... I love walking, coffee mornings, days out
and just generally the company of people my own age.

I look forward to making new friends.....
12th Apr 2017 14:25:57 (Last activity: 12th Apr 2017 18:27:10)
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Hello - I am from North Yorkshire. I am 67 and retired 7 years ago. So far in my retirement my passion has been walking the beautiful countryside around where I live. However my two walking companions have now reached the stage where they are not so active and cannot walk any more.

This now opens up new opportunities for me to try other things but sadly I have no-one to enjoy these thing with. I am not quite Billy -No-Mates and have a few friends but they all have partners and families nearby.

I am interested in pretty much anything, so new ideas would be most welcome. Thank you
Response from robs13 made on 12th Apr 2017 18:27:10
Hi Tullah, like your friends, I am no longer as active as I once was and I'm pretty much housebound these days so they have my sympathy in missing out on what I imagine is the beautiful countryside of North Yorkshire. I liked nothing better than to spend time in the peace and quiet of the British countryside and I miss it greatly. These days I content myself with drawing and painting most days with the internet to provide endless inspiration. But there is no substitute for a good natter as they say which is why i sign up for Silver Surfers, because I was beginning to find myself more and more isolated.
12th Apr 2017 05:31:27 (Last activity: 12th Apr 2017 18:14:46)
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Hello from Swansea, South Wales. Just joined so I'm introducing myself. I;m 66 and originally from Liverpool but have lived in South Wales since 1979. Pretty much house bound these days but I still have varied interests so I'm just looking for like minded folk to chat with. I enjoy computers, drawing and painting, documentaries, good drama and I am passionate about the environment and this beautiful planet that we live on.

I think that will do for starters so I look forward to hopefully making some new friends,
Response from robs13 made on 12th Apr 2017 18:14:46
Hi Yodama, thanks for the welcome. So far I am just treading water but it is early days as they say and I look forward to chatting with maybe yourself and other people.
11th Apr 2017 00:50:49 (Last activity: 11th Apr 2017 14:16:33)
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HI from Iowa what's going on Today? New to the group
Response from CaroleAH made on 11th Apr 2017 14:16:33
Hi Windsong! Welcome to the group and in answer to your question re what's going on, I have to say that in my neck of the woods - not a lot! I have been cleaning the brasses in church this morning and this afternoon I shall be doing some gardening. We don't seem to have had much rain for ages so all my tubs look parched so I shall give them a drink then sort things out for my flower arranging class on Saturday. All quite mundane but now that I'm retired I rather enjoy pottering round and doing my own thing instead of having to meet deadlines. What have you been up to - anything exciting? 🙂
Georgie Girl
9th Apr 2017 14:01:55 (Last activity: 10th Apr 2017 10:37:21)
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Well more confusion for folk, one minute your this person the next your someone else, how does this work?
Response from RecLucy made on 10th Apr 2017 10:31:35
Georgie Girl, what do you mean? I haven't had any problem here, but I have only been on a few days... but so far I am still RecLucy. Here at least (tee hee).
Response from CaroleAH made on 10th Apr 2017 10:37:21
Hi Georgie Girl,
I was confused by your post as well - please can you put RecLucy and me out of our misery and explain? 🙂
8th Apr 2017 08:22:54 (Last activity: 9th Apr 2017 13:29:20)
Thanks for voting!
Hi I'm Karen and i live in Derbyshire, I'm 58 and in the same situation as you , people only seem to get in touch as and when they need something don't they ?
I work as a housekeeper for a nice family and also do the horses there too but spend most weekends alone apart from the odd occasion when my grandchildren come over and stay... Unfortunately i have a wrist injury at the moment hmmm one of the horses fault I'm afraid lol it would be good to chat to others in my situation as i work all week but weekends get lonely and quite boring,
Response from Kazt made on 8th Apr 2017 11:32:52
Thankyou for the advice on profile pics which now done ( hopefully)
Response from RecLucy made on 9th Apr 2017 13:29:20
Hello Katz, I hope your wrist is feeling better. All is well in my world as I hope it is in yours.
6th Apr 2017 09:45:29 (Last activity: 9th Apr 2017 13:18:13)
Thanks for voting!
Hello from Florida, USA. I am a 5th Generation (at least) citizen of the USA with an ethnic Scotts-Irish Ancestry Line. My natural body clock is to be awake during the night and I am bored with facebook, so I decided to find a place to chat and exchange ideas with people of my (born in 1953) age. Good morning all, it is time to refill my coffee and browse a bit more to find people to engage in friendly, respectful, contact.
Response from RecLucy made on 7th Apr 2017 12:03:40
Thank you for the welcome Yodama. I check in during the morning my time... when I am pulled together enough to function.
Response from RecLucy made on 7th Apr 2017 20:38:48
Howdy Lochinvar from the sub-deep-south of the USA
Response from beneDictus made on 8th Apr 2017 11:32:20
G`day, one and all. I`m already back here in the Deep South of Downunder, after three and a half months of living through the latest English winter...Ever had that "feel good" feeling....?!!
Response from RecLucy made on 9th Apr 2017 13:18:13
Wow!!!! nice to see people here. Since I am new to the site, I am just finding my way. Does anyone know if there is a way to do a group chat here? Or are we doing one through this post?? Hope everyone has a great day, no matter which "Deep South" you are in or out of..
Steve The Tyke
27th Feb 2017 11:11:33 (Last activity: 9th Apr 2017 13:11:12)
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Hi all.

I actually joined Silversurfers about 3 years ago but haven't been an active participant, but now that things have changed on the domestic and social front hope that the door will open to making new friends through these pages.
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 27th Feb 2017 11:42:09
Hello Steve and a very warm welcome to you .. lots of like minded friends in our community so I am sure you will be made to feel welcome by them too 🙂
Response from Kazzaj made on 27th Feb 2017 18:48:44
Hi plenty of people to chat to Steve and some great sense of humours
Response from Kazt made on 8th Apr 2017 21:15:58
Welcome Steve
Response from RecLucy made on 9th Apr 2017 13:11:12
Hope things are going well for you and you find human connection here... Take Care of YOU 🙂
8th Apr 2017 13:51:52
Thanks for voting!
Hello again all.....need a holiday with a group.
21st Mar 2017 14:33:25 (Last activity: 8th Apr 2017 13:19:14)
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Response from CaroleAH made on 21st Mar 2017 21:06:18
Welcome back, Yodama! You have some great photos - mine is of a fuchsia named after my Mum, which is quite appropriate seeing as it's Mothering Sunday this weekend. We used to call her the Fuchsia Queen!
Response from jeanmark made on 22nd Mar 2017 14:00:15
Thank you for the profile pic Yodama, much appreciated.
Response from CaroleAH made on 22nd Mar 2017 17:27:30
Hi Yodama, yes, I did have a photo of myself on my profile but then decided I would revert to being anonymous ........ although my name is a bit of a give-away to anyone who knows me!
Response from CaroleAH made on 27th Mar 2017 10:41:03
Thanks Yodama. I was 2 years old when that photo was taken - rather too many years have passed under the bridge since then ........... but better than the alternative 😉
Response from CaroleAH made on 27th Mar 2017 23:09:09
Thank you, Yodama. That's very kind.
Response from Aqua made on 8th Apr 2017 13:19:14
Hi all,

First shot at silversurfers didn't work out for me. So here I am again looking to join some of you on a sun holiday. ....maybe stargazing at night anywhere considered. A hee haw at a country western club, ,,if its hot.... will be are there any folks looking for an extra?
6th Apr 2017 13:35:10 (Last activity: 7th Apr 2017 12:11:45)
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Just saying hi to everyone
Response from RecLucy made on 7th Apr 2017 12:11:45
Hello Christie
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