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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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4th Mar 2018 15:47:59
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Hi everyone, l am another newbie. I live in the Southwest of England and am 67 years old, l suffer with several medical conditions so don’t get out much, but do enjoy holidays in the sun with my husband. I am really looking forward to chatting with people from all over The country about different topics.
4th Mar 2018 10:08:21
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Hello there Celtwitch. Nice to meet you! Im Linda. I’m in Manchester, in Sale, so not that far from you. Which Lancashire valley?
I’m so sad that you feel isolated. I’m lucky to still have my husband and good friends from work days. Hope you manage to find some friends nearby through this forum.
I wasn’t ready really to retire completely. My husband still works full time. He’s 63 and retired from RBS at 55. After 2 years they rang him and asked him to go back for a few months to help with a project. He’s still there and not ready to finish! I think if he was retired I would have settled and we could have done things together. We like to walk, travel, go to the gym, do Pilates and yoga. Keeps us flexible! No cycling though! You are lucky to be surrounded by hills. Where we are is good though for getting into Derbyshire for walking plus there are some good places to walk around Bolton. We spend a lot of time in the Lake District. I was born in West Cumbria and still have family there- so like to be in that part of the world. Do fell walking when we can. Love to stay in Grasmere or Buttermere.
I’ve got a stepson and two small grandchildren- but also an elderly widowed Mum. My Dad died just before Christmas and she’s bereft. So life is busy- with lots of high and low points at the moment. I think I will retire again when Mike decides to stop.
3rd Mar 2018 06:44:31
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Hello. I am new here too. I retired in March 2017 with a full pension aged 55 from a stressful NHS job. I thought I would never work again and looked forward to “me time” at last. By September I was really fed up. I started volunteering one day a week for the RSPCA as a cat cuddler! Love that so much. But still wasn’t enough. I now work 21.5 hours at MnS. They sent me on a course, and I am now Master Barista in the cafe. Whole new skill set. Very busy now. Very happy and not at all stressed. I strongly feel now that even when retired you still need to have a purpose and a reason to get up in the mornings and out of the house.Looking forward to getting to know people here.
2nd Mar 2018 09:10:04 (Last activity: 2nd Mar 2018 13:55:53)
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Hi everyone I'm a newbie to the site, I'm almost 63 years old, widowed late 2015. I live in Lincolnshire.
Hope you are all well
Response from Angel9uk made on 2nd Mar 2018 13:55:53
Hi. I live in Skegness..
20th Feb 2018 23:12:51 (Last activity: 1st Mar 2018 16:53:59)
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Hi, my name is Mandy, I'm 61 years old. I'm new to this type of site, but would like to make some new friends. I look forward to hearing from anybody who would like to chat.
Response from CaroleAH made on 21st Feb 2018 10:43:45
Hi Mandymiranda,
Welcome to Silversurfers! Plenty of friendly people on this site and lots of topics which you can join in with. Whereabouts do you live and what are your interests?
Response from StephenF9 made on 1st Mar 2018 16:53:59
Good afternoon ladies from the southwest of England
1st Mar 2018 12:54:17 (Last activity: 1st Mar 2018 16:46:14)
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Response from StephenF9 made on 1st Mar 2018 16:46:14
You to hate this cold weather
26th Feb 2018 21:43:26
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Hi From New Zealand. I am 64 this month and I am lookig for online friends either from NZ or anywhere online. I am interested in painting and I am "dabbling "" in watercolour. New to this kind of thing 🙂
14th Feb 2018 19:55:21 (Last activity: 25th Feb 2018 14:56:03)
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Response from AvalonS made on 25th Feb 2018 14:56:03
Hi Radcliffe ,how is it going ?
25th Feb 2018 14:54:20
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Hi everyone ,just joined looking to make friends x
17th Feb 2018 04:55:41 (Last activity: 17th Feb 2018 17:15:57)
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Response from Christiana made on 17th Feb 2018 17:15:57
Has anyone been solo on Saga holiday to Benidorm-if so what did you think of your experience
24th Dec 2017 15:49:27 (Last activity: 14th Feb 2018 22:24:43)
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I'm looking for holiday companions either lady or man. I'm a fit 70 year old. Anybody interested ?
Response from ian blair made on 20th Jan 2018 23:29:15
Hello Christine
I think you must be very brave to consider going on a trip with someone whom you have never met except on the internet.
I understand the need for a travel companion as I too am sick of paying double as a single traveller.
I think you have to know someone really well to be able to enjoy a holiday together.
Best of luck with it and I would love to hear of your success.
Response from Eileen72 made on 14th Feb 2018 22:24:43
Hello Christine
I too am looking for a travelling companion, and in my early 70's, and fit and healthy, however I agree with Ian Blair, I think it would be risky arranging a holiday with someone you hardly know. One answer to this problem could be to try to get a group of people to travel together.
I live in the York area.
It would be good to hear how you get on with your search
11th Feb 2018 08:33:13
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Hello...not too sure what to put here...anyway:

I'm 62, veryhappily married to my second husband of 11 years (I divorced the first one after 32 years), and between us we have 4 adult children, three live near us and one lives in America. They all get along happily. We have 10 grandchildren, mainly teenagers (oh God!), and they keep us young and up to speed with modern life.

We see a lot of them all....and where the teenagers are concerned, my home is often bouncing to modern music!

I'm a born and bred Cockney and happy to be so. I love everything about London, with its diversity, energy and entertainment.

We did try living in. Sussex village for a few years, but boredom drive me nuts, so we moved back to a leafy south London/NW Kent suburb, that's near to central London, but a short drive from countryside, so ideal for us.

Husband and I are both retired, as we retired early on health grounds. Our health issues are a nuisance, but we muddle along with a mixture of black humour (and some swearing.,,)

Politically, I used to get involved, but now think they are all useless so it passes me by. I do still vote though.

I don't do any religion, but if others wish to follow their various Gods, then, as long as they are peaceful, all good.

We have a wide circle of friends, young, old, both sexes, and of various backgrounds, and enjoy eating out, comedy stand up, and going to nice pubs. I like nice white wine, and I smoke (and thoroughly enjoy both!)

I do like reading.

I haven't got anything much to moan about really, am a naturally positive person, but I don't like those who just moan for the sake of it. I'm not keen on anyone judgemental or those who stereotype others. Horses for courses, I say!

I love animals, and have kept many varieties, over the years, but am now animal free, as we go away a lot for weekends etc.

I must admit to in no way being creative - I can't knit, sew, crochet, keep plants alive, or draw.....and I don't bake cakes (that's why God invented M&S food halls, in my view.....)

Anyway, nice to read about you all.
7th Feb 2018 21:40:55
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5th Feb 2018 20:32:54
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Sounds very nice where you live
3rd Feb 2018 17:24:00
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Hi celtwitch, Yes, it is indeed sad that our children often ignore us later in life - just when we really need them. Mine too. And I am also a dog lover. Eccentric? Hmm . . . maybe. We have nine dogs. So I guess you could label me eccentric. lol It's great that you have the energy and desire to walk and hike. That's great.

I live in Brooklin (coastal) Maine with my husband and our meagerie of dogs. What kind of dogs do you have? We just acquired a new dog - a 3-yr old English Mastiff yesterday. She is lovely.

Nice to hear from you.

24th Jan 2018 21:53:39 (Last activity: 3rd Feb 2018 16:06:07)
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Hi. Just joined today. I am 71 and have been retired for 20 years and am bored out of my mind. I am a former journalist and do some occasional freelance writing, but even that is boring me these days. I live in coastal Maine in a lovely, charming fishing village, but it's quite rural with not many social offerings.

I like dogs and all animals and have eight dogs and three cats. I play the piano very occasionally and enjoy reading about reincarnation and karma.

Would love to hear from people who can help me find my retirement "niche" because basically, I'm not sure why even bother getting up every morning with nothing to do every day.
Response from wampus made on 3rd Feb 2018 16:06:07
HiRX I just sent you a message i tne private chag ro , Im a retired journo too , so we may have something in common,. I dont understand how you access the message new to this but love to talk again. Regards, WamH
23rd Jan 2018 15:30:38 (Last activity: 30th Jan 2018 12:19:40)
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Hi just want to introduce myself my name is Julie and just wanted to say hello
Response from Maritza made on 30th Jan 2018 12:19:40
Hi everyone, just wanted to say hello to you all. I'm new to the forum. I'm 57 years old, divorced and have lived in France for the last 29 years. I still work as a secretary in logistics. I have a touch of the blues at the moment, i sometimes feel lonely but my friends around me don't réalisé this I guess. The problem is when you are divorçed and single all your friends have their own lives to lead at weekends etc... I try to keep fit, I go to Pilates, yoga, keep fit classes and piloting during the week after work. I do miss the U.K. But I have 2 grown up children over here and although they have their own lives to live I feel that I couldn't leave them to go back to England. They would not mind me doing this I don't think but I'm reluctant to do so. Anyway I would not know where to move to, I have friends in the U.K. But again they all have their own lives to lead. People close to me really don't know how I feel because I disguise it well. I love reading, going to the cinema, scrabble online, the sun, sea..
So would love to chat with anyone.
29th Jan 2018 22:33:39
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Hi. I am new to. This and newly retired 64 yrs old
Amelies gran
27th Jan 2018 14:47:15 (Last activity: 28th Jan 2018 16:04:20)
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Good afternoon!
I am new to the site so would just like to introduce myself. I am 68 and was a primary school teacher in a previous life. In 2000, my partner and I went to live and work in Spain and then retired to France. Unfortunately, he passed away in 2016 so I now live alone, with my wonderful shih tsu dogs, in rural Devon. I like reading, gardening and knitting and try to keep abreast of modern technology and current events......not always too successfully!! I have six wonderful grandchildren who live in London so I do not see them as often as I would like.
I would love to hear from anyone who might be on a similar wavelength!!
Thank you for reading this!
Response from Everyoung made on 28th Jan 2018 16:04:20
Hi Amelies gran. I to o have just joined on here (right above you). I was also in teaching, though secondary. One of the reasons that I joined this is because I am wanting to develop my knowledge of Spanish. I went to Tenerife this Christmas and got into a talk with some Spanish people. It left me wanting to refresh my linguistic knowledge and spend more time in Spanish territories maybe starting with a month or three in the Canaries next winter. I want to do the same with French. Perhaps we could swoop experiences.

If nothing else, it is good to know there are people on the same wave length on here.

Peter ( Everyoung)
28th Jan 2018 15:57:09
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His folks. I am Peter and am recently retired. I spent years in teaching (secondary age, with years as a Head teacher before leaving to work in the "real" world ). I have never accepted being old - hence "Everyoung".

I got into photography in the era of film... hours spent in the loft playing with trays of chemicals and very cold evenings,.so much easy in the digital age. I moved a few years ago to using software (mostly photoshop ) to not only edit my shots,but also to create from scratch what I consider to be art. In doing so I got into modernist art ( from1880s to 1970s ).

I love learning new stuff. Every time I get near to becoming an"expert" I change to learning anew subject. I suppose it is the challenge of learning that drives me rather than the satisfaction of knowing things itself.

I do a lot of charity work now can choose what I do cos nobody is paying me. I am a Trustee of Citizens Advice, having retired as Chair of Trustees last year after almost years. I am also mentor and a trainer for The Princes Trust. That is so satisfying to work with amazing young people and help them get what they deserve from life.

Why am I on here ? Well I am honestly afraid of getting isolated as I get older. Kids have grown up and both getting married within the next 12 months. I need my brain stimulating and challenging. So that is my request to all of you on here. Answer my plea and challenge and stimulate me. I am ready willing and able.

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