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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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25th Mar 2018 16:00:28
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Hi everyone! I too am new to this forum. I'm 62 years old and live in the beautiful mountains of New York. I've found myself working to live and (horrors!) living to work. Having spent most of the last 26 years raising my son I now find myself alone during most of my free time. I'm something of an introvert, so usually that doesn't bother me, but there are those times when I would like to have someone to just talk to for a bit... share my day, etc. Tried senior dating sites (another horror) as most are looking for more than I may be willing to offer at this point of my life. So... I'm looking for a few friends I suppose. As I mentioned, I work full-time but have varied interests.... teaching myself to speak Spanish (Hola!), jewelry making (chain maille), avid reader and (after my son) love my little buddy... a shih-tzu-poodle mix who until recently has been my partner in pet therapy visits. So that's me. Hope to hear from some of you!
6th Mar 2018 11:01:59 (Last activity: 23rd Mar 2018 19:20:04)
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Hello to everyone, I've just joined , I'm 70 and live in Cornwall. I few months ago I found myself alone having been with someone for about 38 years. I do get out and about but find the weekends difficult. I like walking and have just joined an aerobics class!! I live in a very friendly little town, but when you've been with someone for a long time you are inclined to do things together and don't necessarily develop close friendships especially later in life. I like travelling and have for the last few years spent two months in the winter either in Tenerife or Thailand, but again that is not easy doing it on your own. I love animals and used to have two dogs and a cat and when they died I didn't replace them because it's not fair to put them in kennels for that length of time. I also like eating out and cooking, in fact I like food! hence the need for the aerobics class I would like to chat to .male or female, if you live in this neck of the woods so much the better, I'm female by the way.
Response from oldosc made on 23rd Mar 2018 19:20:04
Hi oldosc
In the same boat I am 80 just lost (stupid word) my Lady J same time frame, also live in Kernow (Rame)
For 25 years we traveled in our motor home Europe all mostly Museums for the art I can only imagine travel alone as an oldie.has its problems
In 1960 something I hitch hiked back from Australia took me nearly 2 years, but I was
only about 27,learned a lot about life, which helped when Lady j and I bought a Motor home and went to Norway for 5 months. I have a bit of experance of travel, give me a bell if you want to know.
PS i don't yet know how this site works for replies
My email is [email protected]
17th Mar 2018 17:56:07 (Last activity: 23rd Mar 2018 18:54:14)
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hi I have just joined to after a friend recommended this site love to go on holidays been to most of Europe and some places further afield would like to know where best places to vist that are safe
Response from oldosc made on 23rd Mar 2018 18:54:14
HI just joined
Have traveled more than most..took my Lady J to India trolly packing(rather than backpacking )we were 75 , stayed in the cheapest hotels (5 to 7 pounds) were treated by everyone as Elders ,most magic time but I think a partner, as then there is no worry
Indians revere older people, unlike Europe but ladies travelling alone does not fit into their culture.
We went for 3 months BUT if you wish to go far budget for air travel(not too dear) as the trains will be a bit of a shock.
23rd Mar 2018 18:34:37
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Hi oldosc
pretty much concise description
80 end of month, not doing too well at the moment My Lady Jenny died xmas long story but spent last 30 years in Motor home travelling Europe every half year..never more than 3 feet apart, Trouble being old and fit all friends seem to need zimmers, any resonance out there..At least I haven't sold the Hymer yet

18th Mar 2018 20:40:31 (Last activity: 20th Mar 2018 17:40:54)
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I just joined about 2 minutes ago. Not sure how this works. But I started my career at 52 years of age. Moved around the country trying to find my niche. Now in the Bay Area of California 13 years later and still alone. I would love to find a friend or someone to do things with. Why is it so hard to find a friend?
Response from beauret made on 20th Mar 2018 17:40:54
hi annie871 hope you find friends soon It can be difficult sometimes when you are on your own but be assured even though im the other side of the world to you we can always have a chat on line
5th Mar 2018 18:55:24 (Last activity: 18th Mar 2018 16:06:56)
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Hello to all the people out there with whom I have been trying to chat unsuccessfully, since recently joining.. I have obviously not clicked the correct boxes.
I am in my 70's but still think and feel like I'm in my 30's.. I am an engineer still working part time and enjoy most sociable activities (not football). Most of my friends and contemporaries have either died or gone ga ga When I am not busy life can be a bit lonely and would appreciate contact with others in the same boat.
Response from jeanmark made on 5th Mar 2018 19:43:16
Oh dear wishfulthinker, I'm sorry no one appears to have acknowledged you joining the site, but welcome. I'm sure you will make contact with like minded people soon, just keep trying. I'm glad there is someone else out there that doesn't like football!
Response from Angel9uk made on 5th Mar 2018 22:14:54
Hello 🙂
Response from Ariadne made on 18th Mar 2018 10:46:19
Hello ,you sound so like me ,when it comes to "button pressing " I am totally useless, I got so wound up about it .I LEFT THE BUILDING ,for other reasons as well !!! However ,I do write poetry..NOT about football, and I can find my way on to the Literature sight. We can practise on each other, What do say ???? My Xmas list gets shorter ,but do try to extend it ,You can be an addition. At this point in time ,,I am snowed in ,and the car has a massive white duvet keeping it warm,and USELESS..O.K, first test ,,is to see if you get this ,,,

Response from lifeinvanilla made on 18th Mar 2018 16:06:56
Hi, I'm so glad to hear of another person who thinks they're still in their 30's! My mirror may not agree but I fully intend to carry on feeling that way for as long as possible.

I've recently joined but haven't got a clue how this site works - I've had a couple of busy weeks since then and haven't been back to work it out .. I'm sure I'll get there though!

I hope you find lots of new friends through this site .. reading through the posts on here, everyone seems really friendly. Good luck!
18th Mar 2018 12:23:42 (Last activity: 18th Mar 2018 12:43:18)
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Hello Silversurfers

Just joined up as it seems a nice friendly informative forum.
A little about me. I’m 62 and soon to semi retire from my admin role and to relocate to the Hamble Valley. Very excited as will be closer to family but hoping to build a new life.
Response from Christiana made on 18th Mar 2018 12:43:18
Yes I'm not very au fait on replying on this site
16th Mar 2018 09:47:59
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Just joined , married with grown up family and grand children . Live in Comrie Perthshire . Written 4 books on local history and am a keen " blogger " on our local heritage . Hon Member Crieff and Strathearn RFC and keen rugby follower .
14th Mar 2018 18:31:24 (Last activity: 15th Mar 2018 17:22:01)
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I’ve just joined, not sure of what I’m doing yet so please bear with me.
Response from Gailyrog made on 15th Mar 2018 17:22:01
Hi Jayne,
Lovely to meet you, might see you on the forums sometime, still finding my way around....
10th Mar 2018 18:30:31 (Last activity: 10th Mar 2018 23:51:28)
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Hello!...@celtwitch looking to make some new friends also!...I am 58 and live in Mesa, AZ...:)
Response from MercedesR made on 10th Mar 2018 23:22:50
What does this -1 mean?
Response from CaroleAH made on 10th Mar 2018 23:47:30
Hi MercedesR,
The "thumbs down" means that someone doesn't like what you have written or doesn't agree with your point of view - I have given you a "thumbs up" to cancel out whoever has been so nasty! 🙂 How could anyone take exception to the two sentences you have posted above? Welcome to the site from me and, I'm sure, lots of other Silversurfers who want to make friends with people from all over the world and have a chat and exchange ideas.
Response from MercedesR made on 10th Mar 2018 23:51:28
Thank you so very much @caroleAH..I am very pleased to meet you as well...I think its wonderful we get to speak with so many people all over the world also!...:)
10th Mar 2018 21:43:24
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Hello witch. I am new here. I am not familiar with your Valley. I live in the Ozarks of USA. I know something of beautiful hills and valleys.
I am 87 years old. I am in excellent health, take no meds. I know about hip problems though. I have had both replaced and it worked out great for me.
Rather than run on to much, I will just say howdy and hope the best for you.
9th Mar 2018 16:05:29 (Last activity: 9th Mar 2018 22:19:03)
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Hello I am new as well! Good morning!
Response from 9blackbird made on 9th Mar 2018 16:12:19
Hi there welcome to the site.
Response from MercedesR made on 9th Mar 2018 22:19:03
Thank you gblackbird!...I also new to chat groups...hoping to make some new friends..I am from Mesa, Arizona...:) 58 years old..oops young..LOL
9th Mar 2018 20:45:15
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Hi I am new here thought I would give it a try. I was widowed 5 years ago and just now trying to get my life back together . I live in a small town in the north east of Scotland and hoping there might be others in the area in on this site . Bored and looking to get a holiday without having to pay huge supplements anybody else having the same problem ?
8th Mar 2018 15:06:51
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Hi there, I also am new to this, thought it was worth having a look! Im Matthew, 48, from Swansea, South Wales. I have been single for 6 months, and am trying to find like minded, maybe local people to possibly share some interesting times and holidays! I really enjoy holidays but not as nice on your own, and certainly don't want to not go on one! lol
21st Feb 2018 13:39:38 (Last activity: 6th Mar 2018 16:25:48)
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Response from 9blackbird made on 27th Feb 2018 07:43:46
Hi Mitzi I’m new here as well and just trying to find my way around. I’ve just turned 66 and I live in the north of England. Nice chatting to you.
Response from 9blackbird made on 6th Mar 2018 16:25:48
Hi Karen, I’m not sure what pmd you means? Explanation please.
6th Mar 2018 13:17:59
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Hello all, I’m new here. I’m 60 and I am a puppy raiser for Guide Dogs
2nd Mar 2018 21:39:56 (Last activity: 4th Mar 2018 19:20:41)
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Hi, I've just joined too. I'm 61 but stopped counting birthdays years ago when the numbers began stacking up. I live in the south of England near the coast and love wandering along the beach when I can.

I work full time, like to stay active and am interested in most things except sport. Travel is my first love though and if I could, I'd be off round the world like a shot.

I would also like to make new friends. I figure there must be a lot of people out there, especially other women who also want to live the best life they can and would like more friendships.

I'm really hoping to find some other kindred spirits amongst the silver surfers.
Response from lclark7335 made on 3rd Mar 2018 20:18:39
Hello there fellow Newbie. Still trying to navigate my way around here- but think it will be great when I get the hang of things. Life sounds good for you. Where on the coast are you? You are so lucky. I live in Manchester and would love to be by the sea. Though Manchester is a good place to live. Lots to do. Like you I’m not keen on sport apart from watching tennis! Love to travel too. Been to Goa, Egypt, Israel, Jordon, Thailand among others. But am keen to do lots of city breaks this year. Going to Rome in June as never been yet. Fancy a transatlantic cruise next year. What is your job?
Response from lifeinvanilla made on 4th Mar 2018 18:50:13
Hi, thanks for replying. I too think this will be a great site once I've worked out how to use it.

I live not far from the beaches at Bournemouth. Life might sound good for me but it's really not my partner died very unexpectedly just a few days before Christmas 2017 so I'm trying to make a fresh new start.You asked what my job is? I'm an admin worker in Bournemouth.
I too am keen to do lots of city breaks. Sadly my partner developed mobility problems a few years back so we were not able to roam around and explore places. I have been to Rome though - I really enjoyed it and I'm sure you will too. I hope you have an amazing time!
Response from Abbiegirl made on 4th Mar 2018 19:02:12
Hi, lifeinvanilla, not sure how to chat with you, I did get your post.
Response from lifeinvanilla made on 4th Mar 2018 19:20:41
I haven't got a clue either! I only joined this weekend. I will try and work it out though this week so keep an eye out for another message from me.

Thanks so much replying .. hopefully get to chat soon!
3rd Mar 2018 19:08:24 (Last activity: 4th Mar 2018 19:15:09)
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I have just joined. At 67 I find myself alone, as many of us seem to, partner gone and kids have left home. I keep busy, I still run my own business for a few days a week, volunteer for Macmillan, and dance Ceroc one evening a week. It is difficult when your friends are in pairs, and I do find doing things on my own somewhat isolating. Weekends, a time I used to treasure when younger can be a disappointment. I am hoping to make some friends amongst the silver surfers. I enjoy visiting National Trust houses, taking in a play, going to live music events, travelling anywhere warm and comfortable, in fact I am up for most things except cycling and running marathons ( body just not up to it anymore). I live in South Oxfordshire a beautiful part of the world, and enjoy walking along the Thames.

Hope to have a chat sometime soon
Response from lifeinvanilla made on 4th Mar 2018 19:15:09
Hello and welcome from me .. I'm a newbie who just joined this weekend too. Your thoughts struck a chord as I've recently found myself alone and I've discovered that the weekends I so looked forward to, now seem lonely and hard to fill. Like you, I keep busy during the week as I work full time. It's good that you're volunteering and going dancing. I'm just starting to look at what options might be out there to help me find new friends and rebuild my life and I wish you all the best in finding fulfilling friendships and enjoyment.
4th Mar 2018 19:00:16
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Hi lifeinvanilla, I have found your post but not sure how to get in touch.
4th Mar 2018 15:47:59
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Hi everyone, l am another newbie. I live in the Southwest of England and am 67 years old, l suffer with several medical conditions so don’t get out much, but do enjoy holidays in the sun with my husband. I am really looking forward to chatting with people from all over The country about different topics.
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